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Sailing: The Kingdom of God I created has been exposed! — Chapter 031

[Aunt: Kaido, the person sent by this guy of yours has actually reached the East China Sea! ] 】

[Wang Zhi: It seems that the country of the East China Sea is going to be taken by Kaido first! ] 】

[Golden Lion: Such a rich country, I’m afraid Kaido can’t gnaw it alone! ] 】

[Civilian A: The Dragon Kingdom didn’t do anything, and was targeted by pirates! ] These cancers on the sea! 】

[Loan shark king: Having wealth beyond their own strength will naturally be coveted by jackals, tigers and leopards! ] Umit, you can’t keep this! 】

[Green Pheasant: Sengoku-san, are we just watching? 】

[Warring States: Kuzan, the Dragon Kingdom is not an allied country, we have no reason to shoot! ] 】

Sengoku gave a more official answer!

Of course, this also has another meaning!

Not being a member country means that all the laws of this country are null and void against any power in this sea!

There are no human rights, anyone can invade!

And whether they are protection or possession, these depend on the meaning of the above!

[Brother Ming: Although Jack only brought a dozen warships, the power of any one ship can sweep the entire fleet of the previous leader Klick! ] 】

[Moria: This country is really unlucky, originally developed low-key, no one knows, but now it is pushed to the forefront by what ranking! ] 】

Although the Dragon Kingdom should have good warship artillery!

But to the elite pirates, to the three plagues!

Just be approached by them! Everything will be destroyed!

The name of disaster is not just talk!

So far, the Hundred Beast Pirates have destroyed many kingdoms!

No one thought that a remote kingdom in the East China Sea could block the attack of the senior cadres of the Four Emperors!

“I don’t know what Smog and Burning Mountain are busy with…” Sengoku couldn’t help but think.

But really order them to block Jack!

I can’t stop it!

Jack stood on the deck of the main ship, in high spirits.

But not carelessly!

Two machetes in both hands.

It has become the strongest combat stance of the mammoth orcs!

After all, the firepower of those fishing boats before!

He still needs to use some strength to dodge or resist!

But as long as you enter the range of his sword qi slash!

Those warships do not pose a threat!

“Strange, there are no fishing boats today, and there are no warships! What do you mean? Could it be that this country has already been taken by Big Brother Ember? So not going to attack us, but to put us in? ”

“So what Umet just said is just a play for others to see?”

Jack couldn’t help but think.

But this thought quickly disappeared!

Because the other party actually sent people to fight!

But looking at the people coming, Jack’s face was extremely gloomy!!

Wow!! Who to look down on?!


“Solve the battle in a minute!”

Gao Yang said to the three.

Since you decided to show your fangs!

Then come a little harder!

Let some people retreat!

Otherwise, I really want any cats and dogs to come to Dragon Country!

The Dragon Kingdom didn’t prepare so many prisons!

Three flat boats leave the coast!

The ones on the ship are Boss Bai, Artoria, smile!

[Marko: The Dragon Kingdom did not use any advanced warships and sent three people. 】

[Quinn: Is this looking down on our group of Hundred Beasts Pirates? There was even a blind man among the three! 】

[Loan shark: If that guy from Umit doesn’t make a move, I’m afraid he won’t even be able to hold on for a while! ] 】

[Stussey: After all, it’s just the East Sea Kingdom, and it’s understandable that you don’t know anything about the strength of the world’s top pirate group! ] After all, it is not Umit who is in charge! 】

Everyone watched with interest!

“How dare you insult Uncle Ben like this!!” Jack felt humiliated!

Those two female swordsmen are just that, you can see that they have some strength!

But what’s going on with this blind man? Came to send to death?

“Wait until I want that blind man to chop into eighteen segments, as for these two women, I will laugh!!”

Jack does not hide his desires in the slightest!

When Gao Yang heard this, his eyes condensed slightly!

And at this moment, he was escorted, and the embers who were walking through the dense forest looked at Jack who was shouting in the sky!

A sense of despair welled up in my heart!

What an idiot! Even if he only sent a word warning!

I guess I noticed something was wrong!!

Klockdar, Smogg and the others also looked up at the sky!

Looking at Jack is like seeing myself last night!

At that time, they were also confused and confident.

So there were no words of mockery! All silent!

“Thirty seconds.” Gao Yang shortened the time!

The sudden report of the time made the people watching the sky screen stunned for a moment!

I didn’t understand what it meant for a while!

“Obey!!” Smile but know, Jack who talks a lot.

This caused the displeasure of Lord Gao Yang.

“Fire! Kill them!! Jack ordered immediately.

Artillery fire roar!!

The other side does not use battleships, that’s their stupidity!

You have powerful artillery yourself, why not use it!

The sky is dark, and the cannonballs are coming!

Laughing and manipulating gravity, the boat rose into the air!

Then he flew towards Jack with a whoosh!

Boss Bai and Artoria saw this.

There was a slight dissatisfaction, they all wanted to solve the leader!

Especially that person just said something wild!

He should be taught a profound lesson!

But with a smile, Uncle chose the target first!

They are also not easy to rob.

“Guardian of the lake elves.”

Artoria jumped up and landed on the surface of the sea, as if walking on the ground!

Drawing the sword of oath victory in his hand, the battle skirt appeared.

The whole person is like a violent wind!

Boss Bai jumped, and a black shadow flew from afar!

It was a black and white giant eagle that landed on the giant eagle and dived towards the pirate fleet!

[Bucky: Groove! The blind man flew! Where else did the giant eagle come from? The most outrageous thing is… How can she run on the sea?! 】

If you are capable, you should not be able to touch the sea.

If not capable, how did you do it?

Treat the sea as if it were flat!!

The three figures are extremely flexible!

Smile first, run to Jack first!

“What a speed! Capable people! Jack’s face sank!

As soon as this thought came up, he had already drawn his staff and knife to kill in front of him with a smile!

Jack didn’t have time to think about it, and quickly set up two machetes to cover the armed color domineering block!

Even if you have some strength, what about even if you are an able person?

The last thing their Hundred Beast Pirate Group lacks is the ability!!

Go to hell!!

Jack blatantly struck!!

Boom!! But when the blind man’s knife touches his own double knife!

Jack felt a terrifying force under = attack!!

Can’t resist!!


The moment Jack touched, the whole person was swept out!!

The whole person smashed three warships in succession before stopping!

This scene made the world stunned!!

What the hell is this blind man?!

Jack who slashed three plagues with one knife!!

And the other two peerless beauties!

At this moment, turn into a killing god and enter the flock like a tiger!

They saw the crushing and slaughter one side by one!!

(Kneel for flowers, evaluation tickets, monthly passes!) )

Dragon Boat reading discount! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: June 22 to June 24)


Sailing: The Kingdom of God I created has been exposed!

Sailing: The Kingdom of God I created has been exposed!



One Piece World, the kingdom rankings are out!

Which kingdom is the richest in the world?

Answer: Dragon Kingdom of the East China Sea!

Which country in the world has the most resources?

Answer: Dragon Kingdom of the East China Sea!

May I ask which country’s king is the most beloved in the world?

Answer: Gao Yang, King of the Dragon Kingdom…

“We, Dragon Country, are not the only ones. We are also the country with the most scientists. Education, productivity, salary… are all number one in the world!”

With the exposure of the kingdom leaderboard! !

The eyes of the powerhouses all over the world are on the Dragon Kingdom of the East China Sea!

Wu Laoxing: There are such perfect countries in the world, they need the protection of the Holy Land!

Four Emperors: The perfect man-made devil fruit? I need a permanent pointer!

Aokiji Kapzefa: There is the justice we yearn for! !

Gao Yang stood up and said: “Everyone, don’t forget that we are also the country with the strongest military power in the world, please think twice before acting, don’t say it is unexpected!!”


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