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Sailing: The Kingdom of God I created has been exposed! — Chapter 032

Boss Bai jumped down from the giant eagle!

In mid-air, many endowers have turned into various birds and soared into the air!

The number of artificial animal fruit abilities of the Hundred Beasts Pirate Group is amazing!

Boss Bai’s expression was still indifferent!

The moment he swung the knife, the figure quickly dodged!

Then he jumped from the giant eagle.

I saw a flash of sword light, and the ability in the air was instantly cut down!

Then it slashed downward, and the huge warship was split in two!

The sky saber light flooded the entire ship!

Footsteps on the wreckage, with the power to bounce, rush to another ship!

Swift as electricity, with a snort, another warship was split!

Many powerful people rushed towards her!

Her figure is as flexible as a ghost!

Hands up and down, animal line ability with amazing defense!

The face was cut over!

One by one!!

And Artoria is even more brutal!

Boss Bai’s fighting style is efficient and accurate!

And Artoria’s fighting style, there is only one!

Frontal chop, frontal hard shake!

This is the knight’s method of fighting!

So she wielded the holy sword filled with starlight!

Sweep many bounties on the core combat power of hundreds of beasts of tens of millions, hundreds of millions of Baileys, or even hundreds of millions of Baileys!

Two Valkyries, ruling the battlefield in an instant!

In less than ten seconds, the entire fleet was cut back and forth by their tacit understanding!

A large number of pirates died instantly!!

[Bucky: Groove Groove! Pirates with a bounty of more than 100 million are as easy as chopping melons and cutting vegetables! 】

Bucky suddenly felt.

I’ve always felt safe in the East China Sea!

It doesn’t seem to be very safe either!

It’s not easy to stay alive!

Thanks to Captain Roger for his blessing in the Spirit of Heaven!

I didn’t let myself encounter these monsters!

[Moria: This is the Hundred Beast Pirates!? Wow!! When you beat Lao Tzu before, it was not like this! 】

At that time, the group of hundred beasts and pirates made people feel fear from the soul!

But now these so-called elites!

Killed by someone!!

Is it really the same group of people?

No! Maybe not, to be precise, there are not so many capable people of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group before!

The current strength of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group should be stronger.

But now it’s completely invisible!

[Warring States: Boss Bai’s strength has long been seen to be good, but I didn’t expect it to be so strong, I’m afraid that even the vice admiral is not necessarily her opponent! ] 】

[Yellow Ape: Warring States San, this is only judged based on the current performance, if their enemies are stronger, but they are still crushing, then the strength will probably be stronger…].

[Qing Pheasant: This is unlikely, having this kind of combat power at such a young age is already very remarkable, no matter how strong it is, then you have to catch up with the monster that has been strong since childhood! ] 】

[Karp: Look at it now, the strongest should be the blind man! Jack’s guy is now being beaten in an all-round way, even if the skin is rough and thick, he can’t bear it! 】

Seeing this situation, Kaido suddenly got up!

Staring at the sky!!

How so?!

Such a strong person, judging from the current combat strength!

Even the Four Emperors Pirates were very eager to get it!

One appeared, to be honest, he was still somewhat mentally prepared!

But three appear at once!?

How can it be?! It’s so unreasonable!

The East China Sea, known as the weakest sea!

A remote and nameless kingdom in the East China Sea!

At once, three powerhouses no less than Volley Six appeared!

One of them, and even the combat power may be close to their top combat power!

If not, how could Jack be helpless!

This is outrageous!!

Oh yes….

A smiling sword move is like a fierce tiger!

Hit after hit, swift, overweight!

However, the people who were close to him did not need to use the large-scale attack method of meteorites!

Jack is tired of blocking, defending!

The look on his face went from rampant at the beginning, to heavy, to shocked, to frightened….

In less than twenty seconds!

The face changed and changed!

And you can’t prevent all moves!

Many sword wounds have appeared on his body!

Blood flowed everywhere, and many wounds were visible deep into the bone!

If it weren’t for the fact that he is an ancient animal species!

I’m afraid I was hacked to death earlier!

“Hahaha!! Jack Kid!! Lao Tzu is waiting for this moment!! Let you Mad pretend to be forced in front of Lao Tzu!! Now I know I regret it!! ”

Umit on the shore was in a good mood, and even danced a taunting dance directly on the shore!

Like a pat on the ass!

“Calm down…” Gao Yang was slightly speechless!

I always feel that there are few normal people around me.

As far as he knew, Umit rushed back this time!

Just to see Jack eat up.

This was originally a mutual spray on the Internet.

But it became a real shake of the covenant!

Of course, it’s not appropriate to say that the covenant battle is not appropriate!

It can only be said that unilateral ravage!

Twenty-five seconds away!

Two Valkyries have completely destroyed the enemy fleet!

This caused another commotion in the barrage!

Beautiful and powerful two women, countless fans in an instant!

At the same time, laugh at the fierce gravity tide surge!

Fixed Jack instantly!

A knife cut off his arm!

Then pinched his neck with one hand!!

Carried him back to Gao Yang!

The two women also retreated lightly!

Of course, there are still many pirates who have fallen into the water in the sea that have not been solved!

But that’s no longer necessary!

The fleet is destroyed, they have nowhere to go!

If you go ashore, you will be arrested!!

[Jinping: I see, the thirty seconds just now is the time to solve the intruder! ] 】

[Squirrel: It’s hard to imagine, it seems that in less than thirty seconds, the three plagues of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group and the entire fleet were completely destroyed! ] 】

[Red Dog: The Dragon Kingdom has such strength, but well done, it should be like this to treat pirates! ] 】

[Whitebeard: Goo la … Sure enough, people who can make money will not have bad minds, in this chaotic world, who will really ignore the importance of force, but I didn’t expect that several strong people appeared in a kingdom at the same time! 】

[Hawkeye: All three are very powerful swordsmen, but I hope to fight them one day! ] 】

[Cappenbeki: I originally wanted to go to the East Sea Dragon Country to see it, but now forget it! ] 】

[Luo: Of course, it’s good to have money, but you also have to have life to spend! ] 】……

Dragon Kingdom dewed this hand!

Especially catch the Three Calamities Jack alive in thirty seconds!

Destroy a powerful fleet!

This kind of strength is enough to deter most outlaws!

The Dragon Kingdom is indeed a piece of fat meat!

But this fat piece can be wrapped in steel!

The teeth are not good, and it is easy to break your own blood!

“I didn’t expect that this dragon country has some strength, plus Umet and the Golden Emperor who may defect, if you use tough means, you may need a naval admiral!” The five old stars also became slightly serious!

The need to send out admirals is usually a matter for a great power.

I didn’t expect that a small country in the East China Sea now also has this qualification!

“It shouldn’t be necessary to use a general, and the alternate general should bring the right number of warships, it should be almost enough!” Umet is not good at fighting! ”

“There’s always room for surprises!”

“I really didn’t expect that under our noses, there is such a country hidden so deeply!”


And at this time, someone asked a very pointed question.

[Apu: Although the Dragon Kingdom does have good strength, but in this way, it completely offended the Hundred Beast Pirate Group to death! ] I’m afraid Kaido won’t give up! The Dragon Kingdom is going to suffer! 】

[Redhead: That’s not necessarily, the Golden Emperor really wants to rush to the East China Sea to join the Dragon Kingdom, plus Umit and the Three Musketeers, even if he faces Kaido, there is not necessarily no chance of victory! ] 】

Beckman: “This is just the strength that the Dragon Kingdom is showing now, and seriously, do you really think that these three people are doing their best?” ”

The redhead looked at Beckman next to him: “What do you see?” ”

Beckman: “No, just an intuition. ”

[Gao Yang: Guys, in fact, our Dragon Kingdom is a very peace-loving country! You see, there were some uninvited guests visiting last night, and we still have them alive! 】

Gao Yang said, let people bring the prisoners to the shore!

When Klockdar, Three Plagues, Burning Mountain Lieutenant General and others appear on the shore!

The whole world was stunned!!

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: June 22 to June 24)


Sailing: The Kingdom of God I created has been exposed!

Sailing: The Kingdom of God I created has been exposed!



One Piece World, the kingdom rankings are out!

Which kingdom is the richest in the world?

Answer: Dragon Kingdom of the East China Sea!

Which country in the world has the most resources?

Answer: Dragon Kingdom of the East China Sea!

May I ask which country’s king is the most beloved in the world?

Answer: Gao Yang, King of the Dragon Kingdom…

“We, Dragon Country, are not the only ones. We are also the country with the most scientists. Education, productivity, salary… are all number one in the world!”

With the exposure of the kingdom leaderboard! !

The eyes of the powerhouses all over the world are on the Dragon Kingdom of the East China Sea!

Wu Laoxing: There are such perfect countries in the world, they need the protection of the Holy Land!

Four Emperors: The perfect man-made devil fruit? I need a permanent pointer!

Aokiji Kapzefa: There is the justice we yearn for! !

Gao Yang stood up and said: “Everyone, don’t forget that we are also the country with the strongest military power in the world, please think twice before acting, don’t say it is unexpected!!”


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