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Sailing: The Kingdom of God I created has been exposed! — Chapter 036

When they saw this problem, everyone was short of breath.

Although not to answer now.

But if the problem comes out first, it will undoubtedly increase the chances for most people!

Gave them time to think fully!

After all, not everyone is as agile as the Warring States!

And when this question came out, Gao Yang probably had an answer in his heart!

Perhaps the essence of resources is plunder.

Kaido does not usurp the country, does not plunder!

And what does the resources of the country of Wano have to do with him?

Even such a picture of his past life appeared in Gao Yang’s mind!

In some backward place, as soon as valuable gas or oil appears.

There will always be a country that jumps out and says: where?

But even if that’s the answer.

Gao Yang and the people of the Dragon Kingdom did not need to answer.

That way you can only get direct rewards!

But if someone else gets it, the extra reward you generate is doubled!

Everyone was thinking, but did not make their own conjectures.

No one wants the answers they think of to be known to others.

However, strictly speaking, Kaido has not completely occupied the country of Wano at the moment.

Unless get rid of Mitsuki Ota!

They can be regarded as the true masters of the country of Wano!

Otherwise, there will be constant riots in the country of Wano!

As well as too many people who support the Mitsuki family.

Secretly engage in sabotage and disobey the black charcoal snake!

If you want to develop steadily, it is simply impossible!

At present, many resources are exploited with their own people.

The benefits generated by these resources

It hasn’t caused a chain reaction yet, bringing more resources!

The Sky Screen video continues to play.

In 1497, the year Roger became One Piece.

Roger’s Pirates secretly disbanded, and Roger turned himself in.

He was to be executed the following year.

Mitsuki Ota returns to Wano Country.

After three years of development, Kaido harvested a large amount of sea lou stone and hematite.

Many ships were loaded, and some of them were shipped out in recent years.

Return to Ota in Wano Country and learn about the changes in Wano Country

Immediately kill the Black Carbon Snake and Kaido!

Kaido, who has tasted the sweetness, in order to continue to dominate the country of Wa.

Flowing with the serpent, he used a despicable scheme that he had never advocated much.

They captured a large number of Wano people and held them hostage, which they used to threaten Ota.

Tell him that as long as he dances naked once a week downstairs in the Great Snake City, he will release 100 people.

And when they build their ships, they will leave the country with the Hundred Beast Pirates in five years!

And in the face of such outrageous demands.

Mitsuki Ota actually agreed!

Look at Mitsuki Ota who dances naked every week!

The black charcoal snake laughs very happily every time!

The people of Kazukoku, who didn’t know it, only thought that Mitsuki Ota was crazy!

Many people of Wano Country have been waiting for their hopeful star to return all these years!

I never thought that what awaited was disappointment and despair!

[Golden Lion: Ota, have you been kicked by the sea king class? You even believe in the promises of a pirate and traitor?! 】

[Aunt: Should I say that he is naïve and good, or an idiot, Kaido that guy has obviously been completely fascinated by the rich resources of Wano Country, how can he give up Wano Country because he wants to see you ugly! ] 】

[Wang Zhi: This is obviously to weaken the influence of Mitsuki Ota in the country of Wa! ] 】

[Rocks: Kaido, I didn’t expect you, a guy with thick eyebrows, to use this method, this is not very much like your character, it seems that life has changed you a lot! ] 】

[Kaido: Humph! With the country of Wano, we can grow in a short time! Some of the methods I don’t like very much, but they are effective. 】

[Kidd: It’s stupid, idiots should know that this is Kaido’s expediency! 】

[Denjiro: Shut up, how can you understand the greatness of Ota-sama, and if Ota-sama doesn’t do this, what will happen to those hostages?] 】

[Kidd: Things have come to this point, of course, the fish dead net is broken! ] 】

[Denjiro: Mangfu!! How many people will die like this? 】

[Kidd: It’s like that’s not dead! Fight directly, win, the sacrifice is worth it, like the video, only sacrifice in vain! Stupid is stupid! 】

[Luo: Although I don’t know how strong that Ota is, I can see that Kaido is very jealous of him, that is to say, there is the power of a battle, at this time, it is more desperate than whom, I believe that if Ota had a tougher attitude, judging from the character of that big snake, he would never dare to force Ota to a corner. ]

At that time, the big snake may have to use these people to protect his life, and he will not really kill all the hostages! The result is probably to have the serpent hand over the hostages and allow them to leave Wano Country! 】

[Black Carbon Big Snake: That’s right!!] Huh At the beginning, Kaido and I both planned to take a step back and leave Wano Country if Ota summoned the power of the whole country to break the net with us, anyway, we have already plundered enough resources!

It’s just that I didn’t expect that idiot in Ota to agree so cheerfully! 】

[Moriah: Those who believe in the words of pirates are also helpless! ] 】

[Hawkeye: Under normal circumstances, some pirates are still very trustworthy, but Wano Country is so rich in resources, whose credit can withstand such a test? ] 】

[Barrett: It is estimated that the pirates that Ota met after going to sea were quite trustworthy, so it gave him this illusion! ] 】

After all, Ota has been on two very trustworthy pirate groups!

The Whitebeard Pirates and the Roger Pirates he is in!

[Apu: It’s hard to believe that this guy is also the crew of One Piece! ] 】

The Mitsuki Ota of the Pure Land of Bliss, looking at the sky!

I never expected that I would die.

You have to be scolded like this!

In fact, he later understood these things!

But it was too late, and he wanted to resist again, and the people who followed him around him.

Only the Red Sheath Nine Heroes remained!

Before he died, he did reflect!

But maybe it’s not enough!

So after death, you can still learn the information of the world of the living!

So much so that now he has to reflect on himself again!

How did I believe their words in the first place!

And everything that happens next in the video.

It is also enough to prove Ota wrong!

He was so naïve and fooled!

Ota danced naked for five years.

Later, he learned that he was deceived, and Ota took the Red Sheath Nine Heroes to kill Kaido!

A heads-up situation was formed and Kaido was hit hard.

But in the crucial moment of the final fight!

The black charcoal twilight cicada turned into Momonosuke and issued a cry for help.

It affected Ota’s mentality and made him lose his mind.

This led to his defeat at the hands of Kaido.

In the end, Ota was arrested and sentenced to cooking!

Although at this time the truth was known!

But it doesn’t change the big picture.

After surviving the punishment of cooking for an hour, Ota also threw the Red Sheath Nine Heroes out at the last moment!

Only one of him died!

[Hawkins: I didn’t expect Mitsuki Ota to be so powerful, and Roger’s crew to be so powerful and terrifying? ] If you start a war with them at the beginning! The Hundred Beast Pirate Group really can’t win! 】

[Pheasant: In addition to the stupid things he did, his own quality and will are very good, it’s a pity! ] 】

[Whitebeard: Ota…].

[Roger: Kai, when he was in the Valley of Gods, he should have been beaten to death!] 】

[Rayleigh: I didn’t expect you to die like this, Kaido!] I remember you!! 】

As soon as Ota died, the country of Wano could be considered to have truly fallen into Kaido’s hands!

The era of desperate and crazy resource explosion has begun!

(A monthly pass did not rise, did it collapse, so afraid, woo-woo…) )

Dragon Boat reading discount! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: June 22 to June 24)


Sailing: The Kingdom of God I created has been exposed!

Sailing: The Kingdom of God I created has been exposed!



One Piece World, the kingdom rankings are out!

Which kingdom is the richest in the world?

Answer: Dragon Kingdom of the East China Sea!

Which country in the world has the most resources?

Answer: Dragon Kingdom of the East China Sea!

May I ask which country’s king is the most beloved in the world?

Answer: Gao Yang, King of the Dragon Kingdom…

“We, Dragon Country, are not the only ones. We are also the country with the most scientists. Education, productivity, salary… are all number one in the world!”

With the exposure of the kingdom leaderboard! !

The eyes of the powerhouses all over the world are on the Dragon Kingdom of the East China Sea!

Wu Laoxing: There are such perfect countries in the world, they need the protection of the Holy Land!

Four Emperors: The perfect man-made devil fruit? I need a permanent pointer!

Aokiji Kapzefa: There is the justice we yearn for! !

Gao Yang stood up and said: “Everyone, don’t forget that we are also the country with the strongest military power in the world, please think twice before acting, don’t say it is unexpected!!”


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