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Sailing: The Kingdom of God I created has been exposed! — Chapter 039

Be targeted, be talked about!

For Kaido, it doesn’t hurt.

There are more people in this world who want to kill him.

But who has succeeded so far?

But now the other two countries have not yet broadcast.

There are so many people who openly declare that they will never recognize the country of peace!

This will harm the substantial interests of Kaido!

After all, the rewards of the sky screen are really tempting.

I finally got on the list, and I have this opportunity!

but lost.

But Kaido didn’t want to sit still.

[Kaido: All people of the country of Wa, after the video, anyone who votes for the country of Wano can get enough food, clothing, shelter, money…].

[Kaido: Overseas is willing to vote for the forces and individuals of the country of Wano, and the Hundred Beast Pirates are willing to give away a large number of guns and swords, even sea lou stones! ] 】

[Kaido: Not only that, this time vote for the people of Wano Country, if your country is on the list next time, our Hundred Beast Pirates will also vote for you! ] 】……

Kaido’s words came out.

It immediately caused quite a stir!

There are indeed many forces that are moved!

There are also many people in Kazuki who have been shaken by this kind of resource that can keep them alive!

[Aunt: Now there are no nations on the list, I helped you this time, will you help me next time, can you increase the probability of getting rewards! ] Sounds ok! 】

[Black Carbon Great Snake: Don’t worry, Mr. Kaido, I will immediately convey this order to all parts of Wano Country, and whoever dares not vote for us Wano Country will kill them all! ] 】

[Ota: Big snake, you crazy fellow! 】

[Great snake: closed… Mouth, Mitsuki Ota, you are already an undead, what can you do?! Don’t think it can scare me! 】

[Usury King: It’s not enough to have weapons, I can think about it if I add money! ] 】

[Kaido: Everything is negotiable. 】

[Lokes: I really didn’t expect that your kid could think of this way to break the game in this situation! ] 】


The five old stars are also discussing countermeasures!

“Without our country this time, Elbaf is not something we can completely control, although the Dragon Kingdom does not know what resources it has, it does not have any interests with us at present!”

“Kaido’s weapons and sea lou stones are still very good to use, and if the country of Wano is rewarded and the resources and territory are expanded, it will also be good for us!”

“Then let those kingdoms that we contacted earlier vote for the country of Wano?”

“Yes, but let Kai get more blood this time! Anyway, in order to get that all-round reward, I believe he is willing to pay any price! ”

“Not bad, but in this way, the Hundred Beast Pirate Group really wants to get rewarded and become stronger, will it be tricky?”

“Don’t worry, Whitebeard Redhead Rayleigh, they won’t make Kaido comfortable, just watch them eat dog when the time comes.”

“Then that’s it, I’ll contact Kaido!”

“Hmm!” ……

Kaido soon received a call from the five old stars!

Although it cost a lot!

But once you really get rewarded,

The physical fitness of the whole people has increased by 20%!

At that time, the certainty of defeating the old man with Whitebeard will be greater!

Everything is worth it!

He also understood that the five old stars helped him for the resources of him and the country!

But it doesn’t matter, it’s a win-win thing!

Kaido thought about it and couldn’t help but smile!

With the help of the world government and the support of so many member countries!

Even if most people don’t want to, they have to be under the influence of this power!

Vote for yourself….

But Gao Yang’s next barrage.

Directly destroyed his dreams!

[Gao Yang: How can such a powerful sky curtain give people the opportunity to cheat? ] Don’t you find that what each of you sees in your eyes, others can’t see? That is, who you voted for, you have the final say, no one can prove whether what you say is true or false! 】

[Gao Yang: So, if you are short of money and food, you can find Kaido, just say that you have voted for him, there is no need to follow him! ] 】

[Gao Yang: I really didn’t expect that there was such a great injustice in this world! ] 】……

Look at Gao Yang’s barrage!

The world was silent for a while!

Then it boiled instantly!

[Boni: Groove! Really, I didn’t notice this before! 】

[Karp: You can still do this! ] 】

[Yellow Ape: So Kaido, is what you just said true? The old man has been a little tight recently, don’t worry, I will definitely vote for you later! 】

[Battle Peach Maru: Old man, although it is a joke, you are a naval admiral, pay a little attention to the image! ] 】

[Whitebeard: I also vote for you, send me ten eight battleships! ] 】

[Auntie: Give it to you, and then you use these battleships to fight them? Whitebeard, you can do it! 】

[Wang Zhi: No, Kaido, I mean really! I will really vote for you! 】

[Redhead: We don’t really say the same! ] 】

[Lokes: You’re pretty popular!] 】

Rocks couldn’t help but ridicule!

[Kaido: Oh!! 】


Kaido only felt that he really had three words on his head!

Damn it!!! It’s all to blame for that Gao Yang!

Even if he finds out, he doesn’t say!

Who knows?

Bastard!! A chance to improve the strength of the Hundred Beast Pirate Group yourself!

Probably just flying!

“Zayang, you are so bad, that Kaido is going to be angry with you alive!”

Hui Hui looked at Gao Yang with clear and stupid eyes, and said with a big grin.

Only she didn’t care what identity Gao Yang was.

In her heart, this man will always be the same.

She also doesn’t understand what fear is!

When it’s time to scare the five old stars, take care of it.

“After all, there have been some conflicts, and there is still some hostility, so it is right not to let them get their way.”

Boss Bai nodded approvingly.

She grew up in the end of the world.

Nature knows that mercy to the enemy is cruelty to oneself!

“In fact, there is no need to be so careful, any incoming enemy, just knock them down!”

Artoria is not afraid of enemies to become stronger!

After all, she wasn’t having enough fun last night!

“I know you are all strong, and we are not afraid of anyone! But I don’t want to see the smug faces of somebody! ”

Gao Yang smiled.

“Do you need me to bring Kaido’s head?” Ulquiorra asked softly.

“It doesn’t have to be.”

[Akainu: The video of Wano Country has been played, and next is Elbaf, who is ranked second! ] 】

[Warring States: Elbaf, this does not need to be broadcast, in fact, everyone should know it! ] 】

[Wang Zhi: Indeed, in addition to Lingling, you guys have many offices in Elbaf both openly and secretly! ] 】

[Whitebeard: The country with the strongest national strength in the world overall! ] Home of giants!! 】

[Bebo: We don’t know! 】

[Redhead: We have seen the country of Wano, Elbaf estimates that everyone has a number in their hearts, and I am more curious about what resources the Dragon Kingdom has above these two countries! ] 】

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: June 22 to June 24)


Sailing: The Kingdom of God I created has been exposed!

Sailing: The Kingdom of God I created has been exposed!



One Piece World, the kingdom rankings are out!

Which kingdom is the richest in the world?

Answer: Dragon Kingdom of the East China Sea!

Which country in the world has the most resources?

Answer: Dragon Kingdom of the East China Sea!

May I ask which country’s king is the most beloved in the world?

Answer: Gao Yang, King of the Dragon Kingdom…

“We, Dragon Country, are not the only ones. We are also the country with the most scientists. Education, productivity, salary… are all number one in the world!”

With the exposure of the kingdom leaderboard! !

The eyes of the powerhouses all over the world are on the Dragon Kingdom of the East China Sea!

Wu Laoxing: There are such perfect countries in the world, they need the protection of the Holy Land!

Four Emperors: The perfect man-made devil fruit? I need a permanent pointer!

Aokiji Kapzefa: There is the justice we yearn for! !

Gao Yang stood up and said: “Everyone, don’t forget that we are also the country with the strongest military power in the world, please think twice before acting, don’t say it is unexpected!!”


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