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Sailing: The Kingdom of God I created has been exposed! — Chapter 040

Kingdom Resource List No.2 – Elbaf!

The time is unknown.

On the boundless land.

A towering giant tree soars into the sky.

Scattered foliage covers an extremely vast land!

A giant living on the island came here by chance.

After the news got out, a group of people quickly gathered.

They live under giant trees and hide from other giant empty birds and wild beasts on the island.

The island has a primitive appearance, iron and other objects, relatively rare.

But the branches of the giant tree drop and create wooden weapons!

It has the hardness of steel and the flexibility of trees.

With weapons, the living space of giants has been greatly improved.

Giant trees obscure most of the threats from the sky!

They can cultivate fertile land in the shade of trees, keep livestock in captivity….

There is a relatively stable security environment.

Time passes, and there are more and more giants under the giant tree!

From a few people at the beginning, to a tribe of dozens of people, to villages of hundreds of people, towns of thousands of people….

And then to countries of scale!

In the end, the kingdom is so big that it radiates to many places beyond the giant tree!

And giants who grew up in a cruel natural environment!

Most are warlike by nature!

And each of them has a very strong fighting talent!

Wars break out, states are created, destroyed, and built …

So repeatedly, I don’t know how many times the reincarnation has been staged!

But no matter how fierce the war is fought, how many people are lost!

How many times the country has been in ruins!

This treasure tree is still standing!

As long as the treasure tree does not fall, the country is destroyed!

Scattered giants.

Soon it will reconverge under this treasure tree

The creation of a new nation, a new civilization ….

In less than a minute of video.

The world has seen the ups and downs of the giant civilization!

[Kidd: Is this the history of Elbaf? 】

[Apu: It’s unimaginable that a big tree has given birth to a civilization! 】

[Frenchy: I’ve heard the legend of this big tree, Adam! The world’s first tree! A branch that occasionally appears on the black market can be fried to a sky-high price of hundreds of millions of Baileys! 】

[Roger: The Oljackson was also built with treasure trees. 】

[Loan shark: This is just one of the values of the treasure tree, the sap that naturally flows from the treasure tree is the best cosmetics in the world! ] The paper made by its bark is not bad for thousands of years, and the leaves are also useful for health care and healing…].

[Warring States: Countless forces around the world have industries around the treasure tree! ] 】

[Cappenbeki: No matter how resistant the tree is, if it is really developed like this, it should have withered a long time ago, right? 】

[Stussy: Ignorant little ghost, if it is the same as ordinary trees, can the treasure tree still be called the treasure tree? Baoshu’s self-recovery ability is far beyond ordinary people’s imagination!

And if you want to get a place under the treasure tree, you must first see if your fist is hard enough! Can you beat the giants! 】

[Wang Zhi: Hurting the foundation of the treasure tree is to start a war with the entire giant clan! ] But there are always greedy and short-sighted people! In fact, cutting off the treasure tree branches is a very dangerous behavior, and many people die every year because of this, so the treasure tree branches in the black market will be so expensive! 】

[Green Pheasant: For hundreds of years, the war around the treasure tree has never stopped! ] Elbaf is known as the strongest fighting people, not only because they are giants, not only because of the cruelty of the natural environment, but also because of the outsiders! 】

[Karp: Generous resources are always accompanied by chaos! Elbaf is no exception! 】

[Venus: This is also a matter of no way, even if it is a treasure tree, the resources are limited, and only those who have the ability deserve to have it! ] 】

[Hellding (giant): Hmph, we never invited any of you to our country! 】

[Long: The resources on the sea are enough, but most of them have been occupied by a very small number of people, and what our revolutionary army has to do is to redistribute these resources reasonably! 】

[Karp: Shut up!!] Don’t talk nonsense! 】

[Venus: The Four Emperors and other sea thieves are making trouble in Elbaf, and our world government has the obligation to maintain justice! ] 】

[Golden Lion: Zheng! Double standard dog! Before, Wazhiguo said that non-affiliated countries are not good to interfere, and Elbaf is also a non-allied country, why do you need to maintain justice now? 】

[Lockes: The world government really understands shamelessness! 】

[Ro: But can Elbaf rank second in the world with the treasure tree alone? 】

Luo felt that the importance of the treasure tree was enough.

But I feel that there is only one resource.

Is there something monolithic? Can it surpass the country of Wano?


[Warring States: Elbaf has three major resources, one is the treasure tree, the second is the race itself, and the third is the white lead product! ] 】

This is evident in the Baoshu video.

It can shelter a civilization to continue to be passed on!

It can also feed many collateral forces!

Whitebeard, Kaido, Redhead, Wang Zhi, Navy….

These forces have their own treasure-tree-related industries in Elbaf.

The other two resources, the major forces are also involved.

[RB: White lead? 】

Luo’s face was not good-looking.

It reminded him of some bad past!

Although the name is different, but from the word lead!

Resource types are very similar!

No one answered Luo’s little question!

The video continues to play.

The giants themselves were aggressive, and this year the war broke out!

But outsiders intervened.

It was the then Marshal of the Navy Steel Bone Empty.

“We can help you win the tribe on the other side! But in the future, your tribe needs to send people to join the navy every year, and everyone will fight for justice together! ”

The Air Marshal made this suggestion because he valued the natural combat talent of the giant clan.

“We giants don’t need the help of outsiders!”

The tribe’s giant leader initially refused.

Steel Bone Void is trying to convince the leader of this giant race.

But it still failed!

However, Steel Bone Kong did not leave, but planned to continue to talk to the giant.

And things have indeed turned around!

In a battle of giants!

Another giant race actually cooperated with a powerful pirate group!

Let this giant tribe that Marshal Kong tried to convince was hit hard!

Although the pirate group is powerful, its overall strength is still a little short of the giant family.

But the pirates did whatever it took to gain the advantage of the war!

In the end, this giant tribe had no choice, and chose to agree to the request of the naval marshal Kong!

Navy Marshal Kong also took the then Warring States, Karp, Zefa and other strong people to repel strong enemies for Elbaf!

And spread their righteous ideas in the land of the giants!

So there is almost no shortage of giant generals in the rear naval headquarters!

And the giants sent to the navy by the giant family are also in good strength!

I can basically serve as a lieutenant general!!

[Hawkins: The giants are really powerful! ] Let many sea pirates and naval headquarters compete with each other! 】

[Moriah: How did I smell the conspiracy?] 】

[Loan shark: Elbaf is the world’s number one power!!] The force value is excellent, and rightfully so! 】

[Artoria: The world’s number one power? 】

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: June 22 to June 24)


Sailing: The Kingdom of God I created has been exposed!

Sailing: The Kingdom of God I created has been exposed!



One Piece World, the kingdom rankings are out!

Which kingdom is the richest in the world?

Answer: Dragon Kingdom of the East China Sea!

Which country in the world has the most resources?

Answer: Dragon Kingdom of the East China Sea!

May I ask which country’s king is the most beloved in the world?

Answer: Gao Yang, King of the Dragon Kingdom…

“We, Dragon Country, are not the only ones. We are also the country with the most scientists. Education, productivity, salary… are all number one in the world!”

With the exposure of the kingdom leaderboard! !

The eyes of the powerhouses all over the world are on the Dragon Kingdom of the East China Sea!

Wu Laoxing: There are such perfect countries in the world, they need the protection of the Holy Land!

Four Emperors: The perfect man-made devil fruit? I need a permanent pointer!

Aokiji Kapzefa: There is the justice we yearn for! !

Gao Yang stood up and said: “Everyone, don’t forget that we are also the country with the strongest military power in the world, please think twice before acting, don’t say it is unexpected!!”


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