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Sailing: The Kingdom of God I created has been exposed! — Chapter 045

Kingdom Resource Ranking NO.1!

The title is just an ordinary day in the Dragon Kingdom.

But it grabbed everyone’s attention.

Just because this is the number one resource list.

Whether curious or questioning….

Or maybe you have other thoughts.

I want to see it with my own eyes at the moment.

Longguo mining area, looking at this bare, no vegetation, but thousands of busy peaks.

The world according to the color of the ore in the mountain.

At a glance, I recognized what kind of resource this is – sea lou stone!

[Yellow Ape: This is a sea floor stone resource that is also available in the country of Wano, but the color of this sea lou stone looks much better than those in the country of Wano! ] 】

[Green Pheasant: All the sea lou stone mines in the Dragon Country grow in the mountains above the ground, and the difficulty of mining and transportation is lower than that of the country of Wa, and the sea lou stone mines in the country of Wano only part are protruding on the ground, and the rest are underground! ] 】

[Squirrel: Look at the vicinity, there are twenty or thirty such sea lou stone mines, and the distance is not far, they are all concentrated in this area, and this number is too amazing! ] 】

[Redhead: I knew before that the stock of sea lou stones in the Dragon Country is likely to be more than that of the Country of He, but at the moment this is not ordinary! ]

If this were the case for every mountain, the Dragon Kingdom’s sea tower stone stock would be more than twenty times that of the Land of Wano! 】

【Kaido:!!! 】

[Sengoku: Twenty times more!!] 】

Sengoku was also shocked!

That’s definitely a lot more than the amount they sold!

Sengoku suddenly thought of a possibility!

The sea lou stones sold by the Dragon Kingdom only account for a small part!

Because there are too many, if you sell it in bulk, even if the price is cheap!

But it’s not a big force, and it really can’t eat too much sea lou stone!

If they are willing to sell this sea lou stone to some big forces!

The wealth of the Dragon Kingdom before was definitely much more!

But Sengoku also knows!

Once sold in large quantities to the big forces.

I am afraid that it has already been targeted by the world government and the four emperors!

If the Dragon Kingdom wants to develop steadily, I’m afraid it will be difficult!

The sea floor stone resources in the country of Wano can attract Kaido!

This dragon country has dozens of times the stock, I am afraid that many major forces in the world will be attracted!

It can be seen from this that perhaps the king of the Dragon Kingdom is not only talented in business!

Probably still a rather cautious person!


Five Old Star was breathing a little short!

They really didn’t expect that the stock of sea tower stones in the Dragon Kingdom was so amazing!

Kaido controls the Kaido Kaiko Kailou Stone Mine!

Compared to this, it looks extremely shabby.

And at this time, Karp was even more amazing!

[Karp: In other words, do you think that the height and size of these mines are very similar, as if carved out of a mold, usually only artificial can have such regularity! ] 】

[Whitebeard: It’s true, but the Hailou Stone Mine has always been naturally formed, and your idea is too jumpy! ] 】

[Pheasant: It should be just a coincidence, maybe it just looks similar! ] 】

[Zhan Taomaru: What kind of tool did the miners on the mountain use? 】

As the video field of view gets closer.

Just now, I could only see the people with small black dots.

I can see it clearly at the moment.

They saw how these miners were mining and how they were mining in the country of Wano.

There is a big difference!

Miners in Wano Country usually have only one pickaxe.

Let them knock down the sea tower stone little by little!

The method is very primitive, which is why there are often exhausted prisoners.

But this one sea lou stone mine, in addition to busy workers.

There is also a strange machine with a robotic arm attached to a base control panel!

The miner’s work is very easy, and the large sea floor stone is directly controlled by the excavator to shovel down!

The absentee next to him carries a cylinder that shoots lasers.

The sea floor stones shoveled down from the bucket are cut and carefully selected.

Cut off excess impurities with a real laser cutting pen effortlessly!

When everyone is working, they still have time to chat.

It is a stark contrast to the miners of Elbaf and the country of Wano!

[Yellow Ape: The laser light technology of the Dragon Kingdom is so mature and popular? Those fishing boats had similar laser weapons before!

After all, it is a ship sailing on the sea, and it needs a little self-preservation force! Now mine a sea lou stone, and such an exquisite laser tool?! 】

[Sengoku: Their achievements in this road are probably very high! ] 】

Their Naval Science Department applied laser technology to pacifists!

It’s only now in beta!

It’s hard to say whether it’s stable or unstable.

Longguo’s laser technology seems to have entered every household.

[Moria: The division of work is clear, one person is responsible for a part, the efficiency is also surprisingly high, and this work model is still somewhat novel! ] 】

Suddenly, the mining work encountered some problems.

A novice excavator worker, due to an operating error, slammed a good sea tower stone into the mountain.

It is compacted and there is no space around for the robotic arm to move.

“Really careless, see the blue button next to it? There is a personal form control function, you press, I also press mine, if the two are combined, it can become a personal driving mode! ”

An old miner reprimanded him rather harshly.

“Is this it?”

“That’s right.”

Both pressed the blue button on the excavator!

The metal parts of the two excavators were then revealed and reassembled!

And there is a magnetic attraction between the two!

All at once!

In a few seconds, a mecha with a more elaborate mechanical structure and a cockpit appeared in front of everyone!

[Frenchy: Whoosh, isn’t this a mecha?! ] That’s pretty cool!! 】

The old miner skillfully climbed into the cockpit!

The mech levitates directly! Come to the mountain above!

Control this mech to stretch out a pair of robotic arms, and the metal fingers of the machine become sharp!

There is a strong thrust behind the arms and roars!

With a snort, put your hands into the mountain, as easy as inserting tofu cubes!

With a gentle swipe of your hands, tearing open the mountain is as easy as tearing open paper!

I easily took out the big stone with sea lou stones!

Then his eyes shot out two rays of laser light, and he accurately drew an irregular circular outline on the stone!

With a bang, the sea lou stone and the stone were perfectly separated!

“Old Joel’s peeling technique is still so powerful, there is no damage to the sea floor stone, it is powerful!!”

The miners next to them gave a thumbs up.

【Sengoku: !!! 】

[Yellow Ape:!!! 】

The people of the Dragon Kingdom use this kind of “robot” with high-tech content at first glance to mine?!

Are you kidding!?

So convenient! The force is so powerful!

The metal arm is so fine and sharp!!

It can also emit laser lasers!

Can’t get this thing right, it’s even stronger than the current pacifists!

And it can be controlled by humans, and the intelligence is higher!

This can be directly regarded as an important core weapon!!

Used for mining, it is inevitably too tyrannical!

[Orochimaru: That bulky machine just now can be turned into a robot!!] 】

[Franky: Stupid, that’s called mecha!!] 】

[Luffy: Shhhh 】

[Choba: Too cool!! 】

[Brooke: Robots, men’s dreams! 】

[Marko: If this thing can be mass-produced, once it is put into the battlefield, it should be a very powerful killing weapon! ] 】

[Quinn: Although it is not as good as my modified body, the problem is that this thing seems to be easy for ordinary people to control! ] 】

[Squirrel: It will definitely be a very practical weapon! ] 】

[Vegapunk: You guys, don’t think about using it to kill, for people’s livelihood, and convenient for the people as soon as you see something good, this is the real meaning and use of these machines! ] 】

[Karp: Using this thing, the work efficiency is high and easy! ] Compared with this, the miners of the country of Wano are too backward, too tired, too miserable!

Even if Kaido’s own subordinates in the previous video mined sea lou stones, in order to produce as much as possible, many people were tired or even tired to death! 】

Kaido: … Made! This bastard Karp, the country of the dragon is the country of the dragon!

What do you do with yourself?

The same resources can’t compare, and now people can’t compare!

Doesn’t he Kaido want face?

If not the same resource!

He won’t be so embarrassed yet!

[Beckman: A little wrong, if the amount sold, only the amount in the previous wealth list, should not need so many people to mine wildly, after all, the mined sea lou stone still needs to be stored, and it needs to be cleaned and maintained regularly, it is better not to mine first! ] Where did the rest of the sea lou stone go? 】

[Redhead: Maybe it’s something else?] Is there just something or person that needs so many sea lou stones? 】

And with the appearance of Boss Bai in the video.

They all understood it very quickly!

(This one is a little longer, ask for some flower monthly pass evaluation tickets!) )

Dragon Boat reading discount! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: June 22 to June 24)


Sailing: The Kingdom of God I created has been exposed!

Sailing: The Kingdom of God I created has been exposed!



One Piece World, the kingdom rankings are out!

Which kingdom is the richest in the world?

Answer: Dragon Kingdom of the East China Sea!

Which country in the world has the most resources?

Answer: Dragon Kingdom of the East China Sea!

May I ask which country’s king is the most beloved in the world?

Answer: Gao Yang, King of the Dragon Kingdom…

“We, Dragon Country, are not the only ones. We are also the country with the most scientists. Education, productivity, salary… are all number one in the world!”

With the exposure of the kingdom leaderboard! !

The eyes of the powerhouses all over the world are on the Dragon Kingdom of the East China Sea!

Wu Laoxing: There are such perfect countries in the world, they need the protection of the Holy Land!

Four Emperors: The perfect man-made devil fruit? I need a permanent pointer!

Aokiji Kapzefa: There is the justice we yearn for! !

Gao Yang stood up and said: “Everyone, don’t forget that we are also the country with the strongest military power in the world, please think twice before acting, don’t say it is unexpected!!”


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