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Sailing: The Kingdom of God I created has been exposed! — Chapter 046

Boss Bai is still a knife that does not leave his body, but he is dressed the same as usual.

Usually it is a short and vigorous outfit and a coat, which can perfectly outline the curves of the body line.

It is also an extremely convenient costume for fighting!

And at the moment in a loose white coat!

Thick documents in his hands.

There is a sense of attraction and beauty in the sacred, intellectual, knowledgeable.

This attraction is no weaker than her heroic and sassy!

It also gives people a different sense of amazement!

Suddenly made many male compatriots intoxicated!

The embodiment of wisdom and beauty!

Such a beauty is even more heart-pounding than a single powerful world’s first beauty, Han Cook!

[Yamaji: Abominable! Such an excellent young lady, how can she fancy a man! There is no man in this world who is worthy of her! 】

[Absalom: Agreed! 】

[Moriah: Don’t be sour, don’t be sour, the villains are also kings! ] What king have you ever seen that lacks women? 】

[Han Cook: It’s all a bunch of stinky men with no eyes! ] 】

Boss Bai came to the construction site and asked people to transport the sea lou stone prepared earlier to the designated location!

She personally checked the quality of all the sea lou stones.

It’s not that you can’t trust the miners!

It’s that her experiments have high requirements for Hailou Stone!

Soon, a cartload of sea lou stones was sent along the road to a laboratory with a large area in the forest.

There’s a whole scientific team here….

“By the way, you guys will leave work when you are time, Lord Gao Yang does not encourage everyone to work overtime!” Say what does not allow everyone to roll in, six hours a day, who dares to work overtime privately, will receive the internal friction king trophy, will be canceled month-end reward! ”

“Of course, during the usual working hours, touching fish is not allowed…”

Boss Bai reminds the miners!

“Boss Bai, it’s only six hours a day, there is too much time left, I don’t know what to do at all, the dragon kingdom gave me a chance, gave me food, I want to do more work!”

Some newcomer miners are very uncomfortable!

Wherever in their former hometown.

Or on the way to escape!

Any work done, all in more than ten hours.

Even 14,16 hours is the norm!

What a day to work six hours!

And the pay is very good.

Several times more than before!

“Spend time with your family, drink some wine, eat some barbecue, and stay cool!” Anyway, no involution allowed! ”

Boss Bai said expressionlessly.


[Loan shark: impossible, absolutely impossible!!] Only six hours a day! You put this sci-fi script on hold! Where in the world is there a miner with such a short working time! 】

[Morguns: It’s a bit unreasonable! Just now, seeing that their work was still very easy, could it be that the Dragon Kingdom didn’t want to pay too much? 】

[Phaesta: That makes sense! If you work shorter hours, you can naturally pay a lot less! Dragon Kingdom is really stingy! Obviously made so much money! 】

[Quinn: Humph! It’s definitely just superficial! When the leader says so, but in fact, whether it is really done is unknown! 】

[Moria: According to what you say, the Dragon Kingdom treats miners quite darkly! 】

[Karp: What is black, and then black can there be Elbaf black? ] If there is a country of peace, even if this working time is fake, no one will use them as a tool to throw away when they run out! 】

Even Karp doesn’t believe in working six hours a day!

The main thing is that it is really unimaginable! Never heard of it!

Talk about sunlight with people who haven’t seen it! It’s hard to understand!

However, the next video made them have to believe it!

In the video, time passes.

Soon the miners left work at four!

The video stays on one of the miners.

After work, the miner came to the parking lot, took out the key and inserted, lit up and drove….

On this concrete road!

Vehicles like this are common.

[Morguns: It’s really time to leave work! This…].

[Loan shark: grass! ] With such short working hours, what does Dragon Kingdom make money on? Why can you become the number one in the wealth list before! It must be that the salary is frighteningly low, maybe even there is no money at all, only basic food and lodging! 】

[Stussy: What kind of immortal working hours is this? 】

[Qing Pheasant: Such a convenient means of transportation, I thought it was owned by those who did the sea lou stone business, but I didn’t expect it to be so popular, there was even a miner! ] 】

[Yellow Ape: The speed of this thing is very good, and it is very convenient to use on the island! ] 】

[Bergapons: They use the power of technology in the right place! 】

The miner did not go home immediately, but came to the school gate.

It’s just time for students to leave school!

In an endless stream, children carrying school bags poured out.

Neat and clean street, spacious and bright teaching building.

Brightly dressed, with laughter, carefree students….

This is just an extremely ordinary scene for the people of the Dragon Kingdom!

But it shocked too many people in the world!

[Sengoku: Dragon Kingdom actually has a school!!] And it’s such a big school! There are so many people who can afford to go to school! 】

Sengoku is a little unbelievable!

In these chaotic times with the world.

Only in a few large countries and large islands can there be real schools!

And even if there is, it is usually affordable for aristocrats and rich people!

Many times, most people rely on their ancestors to pass on their knowledge!

Even many people on the sea are illiterate.

This is one of the reasons why many people are often easily incited to become pirates!

They don’t have enough discernment!

Only understand the most basic law of survival of the jungle

So the people of this world generally worship those who are strong in force!

Because this is the most intuitive difference between strength and weakness!

They certainly also know the importance of wisdom.

It’s just that their knowledge is limited, and they can’t tell what a really smart, intelligent person is!

But strength is easy, see if you can fight or not.

[Karp: There is a place in the East China Sea where education is so popular! ] It’s unimaginable! 】

[Marko: In the Dragon Kingdom, the children of miners can afford to go to school! ] 】

[Megumi: Is this strange?] Our school is free! 】

[Squirrel: What?! ] Gratuitous?! 】

[Tina: Really fake!? Even in the Navy, some courses are charged! Not to train us for free! 】

[Morguns: It’s really possible to do whatever you want with money! 】

[Whitebeard: From childhood to adulthood, it would be good to survive, go to school… What a luxurious and distant word! 】

[Hawkeye: It turns out that you are also illiterate. 】

[Redhead: Why do you say also…].

[Hawkeye: You know! 】

[Redhead: I went to school!] Although it is only an elementary school for a few people on board! 】

[Aunt: Mama ~ Looking at the carefree appearance of these children, I remembered when I gave birth to my first child, children, how cute…].

Auntie has intermittent motherhood flood disorder!

The miner picked up the child and returned home.

It is a single-family three-story small building with a yard, and the houses here are all like this, arranged in a community!

Beautiful location and equally clean and tidy streets.

The wife had already prepared dinner.

The family of three enjoyed themselves after dinner.

Come for a walk in the park, walk back home, and have time for a late-night snack!

In the courtyard, under the stars, leisurely drinking small wine.

Chatting about things in the mine, talking about children’s schooling, playing small games with children during the period…

Warm and nice!

[Squirrel: Human life can be so comfortable and comfortable! ] He…… Still just a miner!! 】

He, a vice admiral, actually envied the life of a miner!

Who believes this in exchange for the usually!!

(Almost my handsome handsome!) Ask for two monthly passes and break through to 100! )

Dragon Boat reading discount! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: June 22 to June 24)


Sailing: The Kingdom of God I created has been exposed!

Sailing: The Kingdom of God I created has been exposed!



One Piece World, the kingdom rankings are out!

Which kingdom is the richest in the world?

Answer: Dragon Kingdom of the East China Sea!

Which country in the world has the most resources?

Answer: Dragon Kingdom of the East China Sea!

May I ask which country’s king is the most beloved in the world?

Answer: Gao Yang, King of the Dragon Kingdom…

“We, Dragon Country, are not the only ones. We are also the country with the most scientists. Education, productivity, salary… are all number one in the world!”

With the exposure of the kingdom leaderboard! !

The eyes of the powerhouses all over the world are on the Dragon Kingdom of the East China Sea!

Wu Laoxing: There are such perfect countries in the world, they need the protection of the Holy Land!

Four Emperors: The perfect man-made devil fruit? I need a permanent pointer!

Aokiji Kapzefa: There is the justice we yearn for! !

Gao Yang stood up and said: “Everyone, don’t forget that we are also the country with the strongest military power in the world, please think twice before acting, don’t say it is unexpected!!”


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