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Sailing: The Kingdom of God I created has been exposed! — Chapter 047

[Rebecca: They look like they’re living in a fairy tale! 】

[Denjiro: Could it be that miners are a very noble profession in the Dragon Kingdom? 】

Such treatment, if it is commonly possessed by the Dragon Kingdom.

That’s incredible, too.

Don’t dare to think, dare not believe!

Even when General Sukiyaki was there.

The standard of living of the people of Wano Country is not so high!

[Ota: Even if only some of them can live this life, it will be very remarkable! 】

[Roger: Days without war are good days! 】

[Kidd: Hmph, this word came out of One Piece’s mouth, and it was really full of discord! ] 】

[Kobra: It’s heaven there! 】

Don’t say that ordinary people envy, that is, as the king of Alabastan.

At this moment, I also envy the life of this miner’s family.

Life is rich, work is not busy, there are not many worries!

The slow life made him, the exhausted king, yearn for it!

When will he be able to let the people of Alabastan live like this!

Then he is a qualified king.

I don’t know when I can do it!

Maybe you can’t do it in a lifetime….

At this moment, King Kobra admires the king of the Dragon Kingdom very much!

Despite his young age, he took care of the whole country in good order.

[Brother Min: This is impossible! ] People are greedy, in the face of those who have a lot of wealth, have they not been greedy? There should be a dark side in any country! 】

[Quinn: The Joker is right, now it’s just playing their good side! ] I don’t believe they are so good to all their people, and what kind of free education, no matter how you think about it, is too untrue! 】

[Perospero: So good to the people, there must be something to ask for! ] 】

[Loan shark: There must be some ulterior motive! ] 】

Few people refute their words!

For everyone who has achieved something!

We all know that the nature of this world is cruel and dark!

Far from it, just look at the experience of Wano Country and Elbaf!

[Yellow Ape: Although the old man also hopes that this is a truly peaceful and prosperous kingdom, but he didn’t see the end, it’s hard to make a conclusion, but some of Umit’s previous words are true, with the sea tower stone mining technology of the Dragon Kingdom, he is indeed qualified to mock Kaido! ] 】

[Kaido: Shut up!!] Yellow Ape !! 】

Kaido didn’t have a good airway, hurry up and pass the resource video of Hailou Stone!

So as not to think that your mine is garbage when you mention it!

They don’t want to, no matter how garbage, they own it, and you don’t have it!

[Karp: I’m curious about what schools in the Dragon Kingdom generally teach? 】

No one can answer this question.

But there are quite a few people who are curious!

The video continues to play.

It is still around the resource of sea lou stone.

Boss Bai walked several Hailou stone mining areas at that time.

After selecting many high-quality sea lou stones, I returned to the laboratory.

“Captain, you have been connected to the Abyss System, do you want to replenish your energy now?”

“Wait, I’ll see… The activity is not enough, the oxygen concentration is reduced somewhat, and the angel 1 aerosol is injected…”

Boss Bai commanded the team.

Let them adjust some of the data of the abyss accordingly.

Debug an environment that stimulates the New Polar Beast!

It’s time to collect the latest angel substances! See how it goes….

“You guys stay here, I’ll come in person!” These subjects have not been very stable and may be somewhat risky! Did Mr. Yixiao have a presence around today? Boss Bai asked out of vigilance.

“Yes, said hello.”

It was not other scientist colleagues who answered Boss Bai.

It was Gao Yang, who came to walk leisurely.

“Why are you here?” Boss Bai was a little surprised!

The indifferent expression softened inadvertently.

“I heard that your experiment has reached a new stage, so come and take a look… Ignore me, do whatever you have to do. ”

Gao Yang said lightly.

“Not necessarily successful.”

“It’s okay, if you can’t do it once, you will do it twice, if you can’t do it twice, you will have three times, and the money in the treasury and the resources in the country will be too much to use up…”

[King Riku: ……].

[Kobra: …].

[King of the Giants: ……].

This is human words!?

Any kingdom in this world.

Even if it is the previous Golden Emperor, the Kingdom of Saint Vnas, they are certainly rich!

But there are also many places to spend money!

Even the world government is afraid and does not have the confidence to say such a thing!

There is too much money and resources to use!

A simple word!

But it made many people pierced their hearts!!

The enviable eyes are red!

Everyone is a king!

Why is the gap so big?

“Don’t say such unlucky words, every experiment is too expensive, and it is of course best to succeed in one success!”

Boss Bai glanced at Gao Yang lightly.

This look is full of style, so that many viewers call mom, I’m in love again!

In such an indifferent and cold woman.

It’s rare to see this look!

So it’s more impactful too!

“Got it, let’s get started.”

Listening to Gao Yang’s words, Boss Bai didn’t say much.

Once again, he returned to a serious and solemn look.

[Cappenbeki: What is this doing?] They seem to be doing something dangerous, listening to them, it seems that they also called the most powerful blind man nearby? 】

“Open the abyss!” Boss Bai said to the other scientists.

This is the project she is responsible for, and of course she directs it.

Get the command, a scientist presses the red button!

A steel wall directly in front of it buzzed and pushed to both sides!

As soon as I pushed some of it away, I heard a series of crazy, hysterical roars and collisions in the room flashing red in the darkness!

Just listening to the sound, everyone felt uneasy!

Guards dressed in black armor all around instantly poured into this room!

Then occupy the vantage point of each room in each room.

Boss Bai and Gao Yang then walked into the room.

Say it’s the room, one of which is a hall!

In the center of the hall there is a huge abyss with a diameter of more than five hundred meters and a depth of invisible bottom!!

There are many imitation ecological terrains on both sides of the abyss.

Earthen walls, rockeries, strangely dark man-made forests, etc….

The abyss was pitch black with dim lighting.

Too bright a light can irritate some creatures!

That terrifying low roar came from inside!

On top of the abyss are many layers of protective nets!


Suddenly, a hideous monster with a hunting dog body and a poisonous snake’s long head suddenly pounced!

Sharp claws slapped on the protective net at once.


The high-voltage electricity was triggered instantly, and the monster wailed and fell into the abyss again!

But soon other equally terrifying monsters rushed up and slapped the protective net!

In succession!

The appearance of that monster choosing people to devour made the hearts of those watching the video tremble!

[Vegapunk: What monster are you studying?! 】

[Brother Ming: I just said, any kingdom has a dark side!!] These monsters are so tenacious and terrifying, they can’t do it for peace! 】

[Moria: Such a beautiful woman is doing such a dangerous experiment? That’s too big a contrast! 】

[Sengoku: Boss Bai, he looks like an extremely dangerous person! ] 】

And at this time, a patient in a wheelchair was pushed in by two black-armored guards!

This scene made many people who were optimistic about the Dragon Kingdom just now a little shocked.

Could it be that the Dragon Kingdom is also secretly doing human experiments?

[Quinn: Live Experiment? It seems that the Dragon Kingdom is not a good stubble either! 】

“Smash all the Sea Lou stones and start pouring in new energy!” Boss Bai continued to direct the next step.

[Vegapunk: Smash the Sea Lou Stone? What do you mean? Could it be that the sea lou stone still contains any energy?! 】

[Boss Bai: Of course! ] 】

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immediately preemptive(Event Period: June 22 to June 24)


Sailing: The Kingdom of God I created has been exposed!

Sailing: The Kingdom of God I created has been exposed!



One Piece World, the kingdom rankings are out!

Which kingdom is the richest in the world?

Answer: Dragon Kingdom of the East China Sea!

Which country in the world has the most resources?

Answer: Dragon Kingdom of the East China Sea!

May I ask which country’s king is the most beloved in the world?

Answer: Gao Yang, King of the Dragon Kingdom…

“We, Dragon Country, are not the only ones. We are also the country with the most scientists. Education, productivity, salary… are all number one in the world!”

With the exposure of the kingdom leaderboard! !

The eyes of the powerhouses all over the world are on the Dragon Kingdom of the East China Sea!

Wu Laoxing: There are such perfect countries in the world, they need the protection of the Holy Land!

Four Emperors: The perfect man-made devil fruit? I need a permanent pointer!

Aokiji Kapzefa: There is the justice we yearn for! !

Gao Yang stood up and said: “Everyone, don’t forget that we are also the country with the strongest military power in the world, please think twice before acting, don’t say it is unexpected!!”


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