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Sailing: The Kingdom of God I created has been exposed! — Chapter 051

The importance of angel potions is beyond everyone’s imagination!

In the eyes of these top powerhouses, the five old stars have never compromised with anyone.

They are the rulers of the world, and generally only others compromise with them.

But now they are really a little afraid of this young and vigorous looking king of the Dragon Kingdom.

Take out the angel potion and reward them with five old stars.

And that’s not the most troublesome!

The most troublesome thing is that if the fish really dies and the net is broken, such a magical angel potion may disappear forever!

Therefore, the five old stars are extremely unhappy in their hearts.

But reason still let them back down for the time being!

It’s just that I really didn’t expect that the allied countries had no temptation to the Dragon Country at all!!

The five old stars all compromised for the time being and retreated.

The other forces immediately knew that it was impossible for the white!

So they quickly expressed their position.

[Loan shark: I’m on my way. 】

[Auntie: We are also about to set sail! ] The king of the Dragon Kingdom, if you have any resources you need, you can put it forward first, and I will bring it with you!” 】

Auntie is very impressed!

There is no woman who does not love beauty!

The thought of being able to regain your youth again!

She immediately felt a lot better.

[Hawkeye: Redhead, didn’t you also break an arm? I’m near the East China Sea, if I need to, I’ll buy a bottle for you first, and you with one hand, you can’t play the perfect sword art you used to! 】

[Redhead: ……].

This arm grows back, and it doesn’t feel good.

[Sengoku: The warships at our naval headquarters have already set off earlier. 】

Then called the yellow ape: “Yellow ape, this matter is very important, the five old stars named you to lead the team, and converge with CP0 halfway!” ”

“Any special instructions?”

“Get the angel potion, allow all means!”


“The Dragon Kingdom, it’s really a country full of mysteries, it’s incredible.”

The yellow ape said slowly, looking in the direction of the East China Sea with great anticipation!

At this moment, all the forces of the world were shaken by the angelic potion and acted.

“It seems that our Dragon Kingdom is going to be lively for a while.” Boss Bai said lightly.

“It’s all Sister Bai who is too powerful!” Megumi said with great admiration.

“Be prepared, we secretly have passed the development period, and it is only a matter of time before we connect with the world.”

Gao Yang was already mentally prepared.

“But just the angel potion caused such a big sensation! Some overestimate their affordability, so the latter things, I am afraid that it will make them more crazy! Being too good is also a nuisance…”

Everyone: “…”

“Fortunately, it was right not to let the angel potion flow out of the Dragon Kingdom in the first place, otherwise we would not have been at peace before!”

“Don’t worry, although there are many forces, they are not monolithic, and they must be able to handle it.” Yi smiled and smiled.

“Quite so.” ……

And the video about the resource leaderboard is not over.

It can even be said that it is just beginning.

In addition to the Sea Lou Stone, the exclusive resources currently embodied in the Dragon Kingdom are only angel potions!

But the Dragon Kingdom is more than just angel potions!

The video is still playing.

Looking at the people who were carrying the loaded angel potions.

Gao Yang suddenly turned his head to look at Boss Bai and said.

“Although our country has money, it is difficult to achieve one person, and this kind of thing is a high-level strategic resource, and the soldiers who are injured in the future can come in handy, and the number is not too much!”

“But in this way, most citizens will not be able to enjoy the dividends brought by the angel potion, do you say that you can retain the healing function by reducing costs?” Even if you can’t regain your youth, you can accept it. ”

“After all, for ordinary people, aging is a common human condition, and illness is the enemy of life!”

“As for the complete angel potion, it can be used to reward those ordinary people who have made outstanding contributions to the country and encourage their self-motivation, after all, the Dragon Kingdom still needs to develop.”


Boss Bai was stunned for a moment and took a deep look at Gao Yang; “It can be done, you only need to dilute the life source essence.”

“When I first developed the Angel Elixir, I also hoped to solve the suffering of human diseases!”

“I was so excited just now that I overlooked this! Or are you thoughtful. ”

“Nothing, I don’t mention it, you’ll remember it too.”

“That’s different.”

“What’s different.”

“It’s just different anyway.” Boss Bai rarely has some little women who don’t want to explain.

Then pretending to be indifferent, he moved closer to Gao Yang’s side.

Smelling the faint fragrance, Gao Yang subconsciously looked at it.

The two looked at each other.

“I’ll go first…” Boss Bai was a little flustered.

[Colonel T-bone: What kind of immortal king is this!!] At such an exciting moment, the first thing he thought of was his own people, how lucky the people of the Dragon Kingdom were to have such a king!! 】

[Tina: He is also too warm, too gentle, Tina directly cried to death! ] 】

[Green Pheasant: The people of the Dragon Kingdom can actually enjoy this dividend for the first time! ] 】

[Whitebeard: What an amazing king! 】

[Choba: With this thing, most terminal illnesses in the world can be treated! It’s great! 】

[Smogg: I seem to understand why the people here feel so much about this country! 】

Smog remembered those who had invaded the Dragon Kingdom!

It was reported by various enthusiastic citizens overnight!

Some even directly carry their own guns into battle.

I didn’t understand why they felt so strong about belonging to this country.

But now the answer is already obvious.

The people will always remember those who were genuinely good to them!

[Squirrel: It’s too happy to be a Dragon Country!!] Who says that resources must bring darkness?! 】

[Karp: That’s just a high-sounding excuse for people who are dirty themselves! ] 】

[Brother Ming: Hmph, it’s just a small favor! ] 】

[Staley: Stupid, such a good thing should only be used by the royal family, and it is a waste to give it to these pariahs! 】

[Bista: But why would that white boss say differently? What’s different? 】

[Marko: Bista, don’t be so humble, one is a proposal that instinctively reacts, and one may have been thought of as an afterthought, indicating that the king of the Dragon Kingdom instinctively cares about the people! ] 】

[Boni: From today onwards, I am a loyal supporter of the Dragon Kingdom, who denigrates the Dragon Kingdom, see if I don’t spray him to death! ] 】

The barrage is lively.

“This harvest totals 588 angel potions.” Boss Bai counted it out.

Everyone’s eyes were fiery.

Even if there is no further production in the future, these are enough people to fight for the head.

“It’s not bad, but I’m afraid the hospital won’t have much business in the future…” joked Gao Yang.

“It’s a good thing.”

“By the way, you wait to take people to the north, there is a forest of devil fruits, I have already found someone to protect it, the devil fruit essentially changes the genetic structure of the human body, and there are similarities with angel potions and polar eaters, you study more.”

“Okay.” Boss Bai was calm, without the slightest surprise, and seemed to be used to it!

But the world listened to Gao Yang’s words, but it was not!

【Sengoku:?!!! 】

【Kaido:?!!! 】

【Venus:?!!! 】


(Available at twelve o’clock tonight!) Whining…… I hope you don’t get killed, there are still many good stories to write later! )

Dragon Boat reading discount! Charge 100 and get 500 VIP bonds!

immediately preemptive(Event Period: June 22 to June 24)


Sailing: The Kingdom of God I created has been exposed!

Sailing: The Kingdom of God I created has been exposed!



One Piece World, the kingdom rankings are out!

Which kingdom is the richest in the world?

Answer: Dragon Kingdom of the East China Sea!

Which country in the world has the most resources?

Answer: Dragon Kingdom of the East China Sea!

May I ask which country’s king is the most beloved in the world?

Answer: Gao Yang, King of the Dragon Kingdom…

“We, Dragon Country, are not the only ones. We are also the country with the most scientists. Education, productivity, salary… are all number one in the world!”

With the exposure of the kingdom leaderboard! !

The eyes of the powerhouses all over the world are on the Dragon Kingdom of the East China Sea!

Wu Laoxing: There are such perfect countries in the world, they need the protection of the Holy Land!

Four Emperors: The perfect man-made devil fruit? I need a permanent pointer!

Aokiji Kapzefa: There is the justice we yearn for! !

Gao Yang stood up and said: “Everyone, don’t forget that we are also the country with the strongest military power in the world, please think twice before acting, don’t say it is unexpected!!”


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