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Sailing: The Kingdom of God I created has been exposed! — Chapter 052

When so many people put up question marks, it’s not that we have a problem, but that you Dragon Kingdom have a problem!

And the problem is still big!

[Karp: Warring States, I heard it correctly just now, he just said the Devil Fruit Forest, but what kind of apple forest or something? 】

[Sengoku; That’s right. 】

Sengoku is also unsure, or rather unbelievable.

[Whitebeard: I guess I’m wrong, as we all know, so far, there is no evidence that the devil fruit is produced from the tree. 】

[Redhead: The discovery of the devil fruit is all due to luck, someone caught it in the sea, someone picked it up on the island, there is no regularity to follow! ] Even when they were discovered, no two Devil Fruits had ever existed in the same place. 】

[Kaido: Listening to them, it doesn’t seem like it’s artificial, and the words are about research, not research results. 】

[Vegapunk: Devil fruit is an unnatural thing born on the sea due to the strong desire of people.

That’s why it is spurned by the sea, which represents the natural order! Not naturally grown! How could it be a forest? 】

In this regard, Vegapunk is a professional.

He said so, and everyone was more willing to believe that the king of the Dragon Kingdom might be a slip of the tongue!

Because everything he said goes against existing common sense.

[Lokes: Maybe it just happened to happen that two or three devil fruits appeared in a concentrated manner, which is relatively rare, and the king of the dragon kingdom said so. 】

[Roger: It’s possible. 】


The video continues to play.

Although Boss Bai promised Gao Yang to go to the Northern Land of the Dragon Kingdom

But it’s already protected.

It’s not in a hurry.

There are also important things to do right now.

She put the life source of the angel potion after rare.

Distributed to hospitals in Longkoku!

The first batch trial, Boss Bai also personally attended.

Prevent certain unexpected situations, after all, people’s physiques are different!

Even some races in this world are different!

Theoretically, no problem.

But whether anyone is allergic to certain ingredients in the potion is unknown!

So caution is necessary and responsible.

Longguo First People’s Hospital.

In the corridor, there was a middle-aged man with a haggard face and a very numb face.

Oliver is forty-five years old.

The family fled from other countries to this dragon country.

Got a job as a courier!

The working hours are not long, and the salary is much more than expected.

The consumption of the Dragon Kingdom is also not high, and the family has a good life.

But his wife suddenly had a serious illness!

Let the life that just got better be shattered!

And this is not a disease that can be cured with money.

This is cancer, this is a terminal illness!

Even if you get up early and get dark every day, work a few more jobs.

Adherence to treatment can only relieve the wife’s pain.

Inability to get effective treatment.

But even so, he didn’t plan to give up.

Can’t give up, flee all the way, his wife never leaves!

The relationship between the two has long been deep.

“Dad, I got a job.”

A young girl about fifteen years old came over.

“Isn’t it for you to study well, you don’t have to worry about things at home.” Oliver’s face sank!

When the girl heard this, she just pursed her lips and looked at her father without saying a word!

There is stubbornness and perseverance in the eyes.

She knew that this serious illness would cost a lot of money.

And in her impression, just spend more money.

The more hope people have of salvation.

At least before that, that was the case in their kingdom.

“Go see your mother…”

Seeing her like this, Oliver could only sigh helplessly!

This is very much like his mother.

The girl did as she heard this, but she was firm and quickly ran out crying!

This scene made the people in front of the video look at their hearts.

Especially those at the bottom, they feel the same way!

Disease is enough to make people desperate.

“What’s wrong? What happened? Oliver quickly asked worriedly.

“Mom, she wants to give up treatment…”

When Oliver heard this, the whole person was stunned in place, and his brain was blank!

He is not afraid of hard work and tiredness, he is afraid that one day she will do this!

“Nope! There may be miracles in the cure, but if it is not cured, there will be nothing…”

Oliver hurriedly went in to persuade her.

“We have money, the treatment of the Dragon Kingdom is very good, and it can be cured! I didn’t give up, and I won’t allow you to give up… Don’t worry about the money’. ”

“I can’t bear you, I’m not afraid of pain, and I want to accompany you more, but we are ordinary people, and getting this disease is equivalent to being sentenced to death!” Stop wasting money for me! ”

Oliver was comforting, but did not see much effect!

The worried girl called the doctor.

When the doctor heard this, he also quickened his pace and walked in.

“You don’t have to worry about medical expenses, you may not know much about it shortly after you came to the Dragon Kingdom, but as long as you obtain the nationality of the Dragon Kingdom, all routine medical treatment is free, and only a very small number of special drugs need to be paid.

But even special drugs can be reimbursed more than ninety percent, generally have a serious job, there is no situation where the disease cannot be cured.

Didn’t you submit an application for Dragon Kingdom nationality before? As long as you are not sent by other enemy countries to cause sabotage, under normal circumstances, you will pass…”

“And just now, the above Academy of Sciences has made a new breakthrough in medicine and invented a new special drug, and there may be hope for your disease!”

Listening to the doctor’s words, the family of three froze.

“Dragon Country medical treatment is free?! Even a special drug can be reimbursed?! ”

“There is hope for a cure?!”

This sudden surprise rekindled the light of hope in the eyes of the family of three!

It also surprised the people in front of the video.

[Stussy: Really fake?! Dragon Kingdom medical benefits are so good?! 】

[Morguns: Ordinary treatment fee is free! ] Special drugs can also be reimbursed more than ninety percent! I have basically been to all the countries on this sea, and I have never seen any country with such good treatment! 】

[Choba: Great, great, so that the patient can be saved and the family can get back on track. 】

Qioba was deeply touched, and even cried with excitement at this moment.

As a doctor.

Since childhood, she followed Dr. Shiruluk, and Aunt Doryl treated the people of the kingdom.

I’ve seen too many poor families broken by illness!

So for the poor, they charge freely.

Don’t force them to give much!

But the people who can be saved are still a minority!

Most of the people were reluctant to see a doctor, and finally carried it hard and resisted death.

Or missed the best time for treatment!

The most fundamental reason for this is money!

Moreover, their magnetic drum kingdom is still a country that is very famous in the world for medical technology!

This is still the case in their country!

Other kingdoms are even more medically unbearable!

Unlike the Dragon Kingdom, which has such a big hospital!

Even the medical treatment is good, as if only in the kingdom of God!

[Luo: The Dragon Kingdom is a great country, I don’t know how to become a Dragon Country? 】

Luo is also a doctor, and this is also serious!

If they were in their town, there would have been such a hospital!

Maybe everyone won’t be completely helpless!

If there is salvation, maybe it will not be slandered as an infectious disease!

Since the homeland was destroyed!

He had never had such a strong sense of recognition of any kingdom!

[Peacock: The king of the Dragon Kingdom planned to do this just now, but it is still very touching to really see a living example! ] 】

[Uta: It’s not easy for ordinary people to live, but fortunately they are from the Dragon Country. 】

[Sengoku: The Dragon Kingdom is still rich!] You have money to do that! 】

[Vegapunk: If all kingdoms in the world were like the Dragon Kingdom, it would be a boon for all people! 】

[Whitebeard: I hope the Dragon Kingdom can always exist! ] 】


With just one medical policy, at this moment, the Dragon Kingdom has become a sacred place in the minds of countless people!!

Countless people yearn for it!!

And such a policy is indeed put in place in the video.

Boss Bai also came to this hospital with an angel potion!

The cancer is cured!! Extremely low cost!

They can afford it! That’s just a month’s salary!

If it weren’t for the fact that the cost of the angel potion was too high!

It is a special drug! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

It doesn’t even cost a penny.

A family of three hugging and crying together!

And after crying, the child can still go back to school.

My father is still able to work with great energy.

The wife is still in charge of the housework…

Life is sweet and happy.

[Roger: I never noticed that there is such a country in the East China Sea before, otherwise I would definitely visit my door! ] Really want to live in this kingdom for a while! 】

Even One Piece Roger couldn’t help but sigh!

“Great!” At this moment, as a prisoner, the more emotional Dusty couldn’t help but say it when he saw this!

“Well, you are prisoners, and before anyone brings you back, you all have to go mining to earn your own living expenses!” Megumi looked at this glasses lady angrily!

“Okay!” Dusty subconsciously agreed!

The life of those miners before was not very good, quite easy!

Smogg, and even the captives such as Klockdar and Ember next to him looked at Dusty with a strange look!

There’s something wrong with this woman!

How to be a prisoner is quite happy!

“That… No, I mean…”

Daschi also reacted, but couldn’t explain it at all!

“Don’t be happy too early, although we also eat and cover the prisoners, we can rest three days a week, but the working hours can reach a terrifying nine hours a day!”

Megumi struggled to put on an evil expression while wiggling her index finger proudly.

I want to see the fear that a captive should have from Dusty’s face!

Smogg: …

Klockdahl: …


Would she want to hear what she was saying?

Does this little red-eyed girl who doesn’t look very smart have some wrong understanding of horror?

Smogda Siqi said that the work of the Navy is online 24 hours a day, and there are almost no holidays, and it is still dangerous…

No, you can’t compare anymore!

Otherwise, Smog would think that mining is a happy life!

I’m even looking forward to it…

Dusty froze too!

This is really “horror” (happiness) ah!

Please make sure I mine!!

“Hahaha! Be afraid! Megumi was very satisfied with her frozen expression!

“Hey, it seems that it is a fish that has slipped through the net of compulsory school education.”

Gao Yang touched Huihui’s head and said slightly speechlessly.

But this also means that Megumi has completely accustomed to the life of the Dragon Kingdom.

The perception has also changed!

[Venus: If there are no pirates, and everyone pays more gold in the sky, it is not impossible for the future world to become like this! ] 】

[Golden Lion: I really put gold on my face! ] It’s shameless! 】

[Whitebeard: It’s really shameless! ] 】

[Lox: It’s shameless! 】

[Auntie: Look, that woman has gone to the Northland! ] 】


In the video, Boss Bai went to several hospitals in a row.

Send batches of angel potions that have diluted the essence of life!

It went smoothly and the user did not experience any adverse reactions.

Then Boss Bai took that kind of transportation called a car to the Northland!

This area of Northland has already raised a cordon!

Many black-armored guards guard this place!

It seems quite grand.

Even saw batches of mechs!

[Lokes: Sure enough, those things can be used by miners, of course, they can also be used as military use, but I don’t know how the combat power is! ] 】

[Quinn: That blonde female swordsman also personally led people to guard! ] The battle is not small! 】

[Peggy Wan: Maybe there is a special circumstance that has not yet received the Devil Fruit? But it’s really chilly, our Hundred Beast Pirates’ artificial devil fruit is hundreds! 】

[Black Maria: Only our energy produces devil fruit in the world, although it is only an animal, but for ordinary people, any devil fruit is precious! ]

They really wanted to find a few devil fruits, and it was not surprising that they had this reaction. 】

Kaido, who had already stepped on the ship, frowned slightly!

With the previous experience of Hailou Shi, he was much more vigilant!

We have sea lou stones, and you also have sea lou stones!

Now they may still have Devil Fruit?

What do you mean?! It has to be the same, right?!


The Devil Fruit that Brother Ming traded for himself should be unique in the world!

Even if he really got a few devil fruits, he couldn’t compare with his own group of Hundred Beasts and Pirates!

After all, their Hundred Beast Pirate Group has about 500 people with animal line abilities alone!

Of course, a small part was missing because of Jack and Ember.

But the impact is not much, the overall is still very considerable!

Just when Boss Bai walked into this area!

A scene in front of everyone’s eyes!

But let everyone in the world go down in their heads!

I saw that under the leadership of Artoria, a swordsman.

Boss Bai crossed a dense forest path.

A colorful fruit forest appeared in front of everyone!

The forest is indeed not large, only about fifty trees.

There are two or three devil fruits hanging from each tree!

But this formation is a fruitful harvest!

If this is (good plum good) ordinary fruit forest, then it’s really nothing!

But that weird pattern, bright color…

All of them reveal their identity – Devil Fruit!!

[Lox: Groove!! What a devil fruit!! So much! Lao Tzu had never seen so many devil fruits in his life! 】

[Sengoku: Deceptive!! 】

[Kaido: What a joke!!] 】

[Venus: What the hell is this place in the Dragon Kingdom? Why is it so weird!? 】

[Quinn: I’m Nima!!] 】

[Morguns: Who will tell me if these are real devil fruits or fakes!] 】

[Stussy: What happened today is so incredible, maybe I’m dreaming! 】


Everyone was like a ghost!

Including the five old stars!!

This completely goes against all existing common sense!

How to push and grow the devil fruit!!

Just like ordinary fruit trees, the fruit hangs on the branches!

This scene gave everyone an unimaginably strong impact!

Marko: I think that’s true! 】

[Redhead: Why do you say that.] 】

[Marko: I saw the devil fruit that I once ate, my devil fruit does not exist in the book, except me, no one in this era should have seen it before it was eaten! ]

But among the group of devil fruits just now, there was the one I had eaten! 】

[Beckman: But that’s too hard to imagine! 】

Beckman of the wise doubts life!

After all, the angel potion is scientifically researched!

It’s a miracle, but it’s still within normal psychological tolerance!

But this Devil Fruit Forest in front of you is really abstract!

It’s incredible!

[Sengoku: Judging from what they said to study before, this is not man-made either! ] 】

This Kaido also said earlier to boast!

But if you exclude artificial ones!

If this is all-natural, then…

If you want to break your head, the Warring States can’t think of a reason!

And the words of the next two women are even more jaw-dropping!

(Kneel for the first order!!) )。


Sailing: The Kingdom of God I created has been exposed!

Sailing: The Kingdom of God I created has been exposed!



One Piece World, the kingdom rankings are out!

Which kingdom is the richest in the world?

Answer: Dragon Kingdom of the East China Sea!

Which country in the world has the most resources?

Answer: Dragon Kingdom of the East China Sea!

May I ask which country’s king is the most beloved in the world?

Answer: Gao Yang, King of the Dragon Kingdom…

“We, Dragon Country, are not the only ones. We are also the country with the most scientists. Education, productivity, salary… are all number one in the world!”

With the exposure of the kingdom leaderboard! !

The eyes of the powerhouses all over the world are on the Dragon Kingdom of the East China Sea!

Wu Laoxing: There are such perfect countries in the world, they need the protection of the Holy Land!

Four Emperors: The perfect man-made devil fruit? I need a permanent pointer!

Aokiji Kapzefa: There is the justice we yearn for! !

Gao Yang stood up and said: “Everyone, don’t forget that we are also the country with the strongest military power in the world, please think twice before acting, don’t say it is unexpected!!”


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