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Sailing: The Kingdom of God I created has been exposed! — Chapter 054

“Made! It’s about me! Brother Ming’s face showed anger!

But don’t dare to scare Kaido, this monster!

Go back and give Caesar a good tuss!

All scientists! So many years of research!

It’s not as good as the results of others in such a few days, shame!

[Venus; Unexpectedly, let them really study successfully, superhuman line, nature department, phantom beast species, will not also be conquered! ! ! 】

[Wang Zhi: If the Dragon Kingdom really created a natural system, a phantom beast species, then it would be worth it?! ] 】

As if in response to their words.

Fast forward the video a few days later.

“The Superhuman Fruit has been conquered!”

“The fruit of nature has been conquered!”

“The phantom beast species has been conquered!!”

At this moment, the whole world ~ people were collectively dumbfounded!

Actually, from the artificial animal line!

Many people are prepared.

But mental preparation is just preparation.

When I really saw the results, I realized that my heart was still terrified.

[Caesar: Oh, I’m a trash! I’m – a super trash! 】

Compare? than a hammer.

There is no comparison between the two anymore!

Small gaps breed jealousy, disobedience and other emotions.

But the huge gap will only make people ashamed of themselves!

This white-haired girl has only looked up to herself in this life!

[Karp: If the Dragon Kingdom openly sells Devil Fruits! ] The entire world of Devil Fruit will be affected! 】

[Roger: unimaginable!!] 】

[Aunt: Those who are capable can be directly used as military resources!!] This is different from the Angel Potion! 】

[Wang Zhi: One Lord heals, one Lord strengths. 】

Having a large number of abilities means that you can plunder angel potions!

In this regard, the importance of large-scale abilities is only higher than that of angel potions!

After all, stockpile grain does not stock up on guns! Your home is a granary!

[Sengoku: All members of the Dragon Kingdom Guard? ] Dragon Kingdom, you have created so many demon fruits, do you want to start some kind of war? 】

The Warring States are a little scared at this moment!!

The Dragon Kingdom has no monster-level combat power!

But the escort team really has to be all capable!

There are even many natural systems, phantom beast species!

If there is too much strength in the middle layer, there can also be a situation where ants bite dead elephants!

[Silver Axe: Hey, there’s no need to be so scared! ] Newgate’s son of an immortal bird is not also a phantom beast species! It’s not that strong! 】

[Marko: Are you polite? 】

[Kaido: Does the Dragon Kingdom have an endless natural system and phantom beast ability? 】

It’s scary to think about.

[Vegapunk: This is impossible to do, even if the Dragon Kingdom conquers the artificial fruit, it also requires a lot of resources to create the precious devil fruit! ] Energy doesn’t come out of nowhere! 】

Vegapunk is sure of this!

In fact, at the time of the Punk Hassad laboratory.

He has also created the Hundred Beast Kaido’s phantom beast species artificial devil fruit!

It’s just not perfect!

And it consumes too many resources and is not cost-effective.

Just stranded by him!

From this point of view.

He cracked the secret of the phantom beast species earlier than Boss Bai!

Of course, judging from the video, Boss Bai is undoubtedly better than himself!

Consume a lot less resources than you do yourself!

What makes Vegapunk feel even worse is that he is inferior!

She didn’t just conquer all the Devil Fruits.

Also eliminated all weaknesses!

This is a landmark achievement of the artificial devil fruit.

Of course, this is also thanks to the fact that she has a king with amazing wealth and willing to invest!

Nature can study slice by slice one by one!

But in the end she proved it was all worth it.

Even if you can’t produce infinite devil fruits!

But it’s perfectly fine to multiply the original number several times!

[Yellow Ape: Although the Dragon Kingdom conquered the Devil Fruit early, it seems that it did not allow this technology to spread in the world! ] What have you done with this technology? 】

[Loan shark: Do you still need to think about it? It must have secretly armed several legions of capable people! 】

[Stussy: Even if it is really as Dr. Vegapunk said, with the financial resources and resources of the Dragon Kingdom, the artificial devil fruits produced over the years must be dozens of natural alone! ] 】

[Green Pheasant: Several flashing abilities attack at the same time, it’s really a bit of a headache to think about! ] 】

[Karp: In fact, don’t worry too much, if you want to become the world’s top powerhouse, it is not enough to have a good fruit. 】

[Sengoku: I can’t say that, how many monster-level combat power worlds are there? In most cases, a natural disaster ability can bring disaster to a kingdom! 】

[Gao Yang: Mr. Warring States, we are peace-loving, and my people said before, who stipulated that the devil fruit must be used in war? 】

[Quinn: I believe you’re a ghost! 】

[Loan shark: You dare to say that you have not built an army of capable people behind your back?! ] 】

[Sengoku: What do you mean? 】

Gao Yang didn’t answer again.

The video is still playing, and the answer is given.

After Boss Bai conquered all the secrets of the Devil Fruit.

The first thing Gao Yang did stunned everyone’s jaws.

“Go all out to build a power plant?”

“Yes, electricity is an extremely important part of civilization, and it is also an important energy source for improving many infrastructures in the Dragon Kingdom!”

“Previously, it was because there was not enough technology to bring electricity to the whole country! Everyone knows the principle of power generation, but to build a power station that can be used by everyone in the country, there are too many problems to overcome! ”

Gao Yang found out after he was in charge!

Something that used to be used a lot!

How difficult it is to fully develop from scratch in this world!

“Now we have various types of abilities, and Boss Bai has also developed the characteristics of eating Devil Fruit!”

“Many problems that existed before can be solved!”

“To put it simply, there was not enough knowledge and materials before, but now all the devil fruits come together, don’t underestimate electricity!” This is the basis for a civilization that moves towards a new era. ”

“Although I don’t understand it very well, if Zayang says that it is a good thing, it must be a good thing.”

Soon, the Dragon Kingdom adhered to Gao Yang’s will.

Put this first project in place.

A large number of excellent workers were called.

Many people have taken the Devil Fruit.

Superman line, mostly animal line.

The lethality of the natural system and phantom beast species is indeed amazing.

It is basically taken by people from the Kingdom Guard.

Boss Bai is the chief engineer of this project.

[Klockdar: Actually gave the precious devil fruit to the workers to eat! How many superhuman and animal devil fruits have you created?! 】

[Lokes: Electricity? What is it? What’s he doing? 】

Karp: You don’t know electricity? Oh, I forgot, you died early! 】

[Lokes: I’m Nima!!] 】

[Golden Lion: Electricity is an energy source developed by Vegapunk more than twenty years ago, but even now, there are not many small generators on the market, this thing can be used for lighting, and when sailing, there is a small power refrigerator that keeps food from rotting for a long time! ]

Of course, I heard that some medical devices are also powered by electricity, but that kind of thing is rare. 】

This is the knowledge of this era that initially involves electricity.

Yes, but it’s not widespread yet!

The usage is also relatively simple.

[Lokes: Save food? It sounds good, but is it overkill to use so many capable people to make this thing? 】

[War Peach Pill: Now the royal families of many kingdoms still do not use convenient electricity, if there is really a new breakthrough, maybe they can also make money! ] 】

[Loan shark king: In my impression, the biggest use of this thing is to keep fresh and illuminate, so as not to make the Dragon Kingdom so moved! ] 】

[Moriah: It’s really a bit of a fuss, I think they seem to have invested at least ten nature abilities, thousands of abilities of various types! ] If I also had a natural line…”

Moriah was envious! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

How many people can compete for the fruits of nature!

In the project of the Dragon Kingdom, he is only a more advanced worker.

It’s so shocking!

[Quinn: Train these capable people to do the work that ordinary workers can do! The Devil Fruit technique fell into their hands! What a waste! 】

[Whitebeard: Why do I have a feeling that things are not so simple? 】

Limited to the vision of this era!

Even if it’s a strong man like Whitebeard!

I can’t imagine how important electricity is to a modern civilization!

After all, sailing ships are still used in this era!

Only a very few people can understand how big the potential of this thing is!

Like Vegapunk!

Many parts of Eghed Island have long been using electricity!

Electricity is very helpful to many scientific studies!

However, it is limited to the laboratory.

And he feels that he has not fully utilized electricity.

The main thing is that large power stations are not easy to build!

And the world government does not give money!

They just want weapons, weapons, or weapons!

“Hey, it’s good that the Dragon Kingdom appeared decades ago, I also want to experience the feeling of taking the fruits of nature to cut and study, and I also want to build a large-scale power station!!”

Vegapunk remembered the short-sighted five old stars who only cared about military force.

I couldn’t help but sigh.

He has a lot of ideas out and only funds projects that they find useful!

Many that can benefit the people are often lost in the sea!

[Bucky: Stop!!] Don’t! That’s a thunder fruit! You can’t give it to me! There’s no need to feed a machine! 】

[Green Pheasant: I don’t know what changes this power station can bring, but the scene of thousands of capable people working together is really spectacular! ] 】

[Yellow Ape: The speed of construction is amazing! ] Such a huge building, in just a few days, using the sand ability, the swamp ability, the stone ability… Pull up several at once! 】

[Marko: The animal department ability lifts bricks, one can withstand many people! ] 】

[Warring States: Is the Devil Fruit ability the first laborer? ] If this project is done for ordinary people, any building is afraid that it will take several months to complete! 】

[Karp: It’s the first time I’ve seen so many capable people at the same time! ] 】

[Vegapunk: They seem to have produced a lot of strange machines!] 】

[Roger: The forgotten era had a similar pomp and circumstance! ] 】

Roger felt deeply in his heart.

He is the one who knows the blank history!

[Brother Ming: Boring! ] They have already conquered the devil fruit, but they use it to do this boring thing! 】

[Morguns: I can’t see how much benefit this thing can bring to the Dragon Kingdom, but it is still invested so much, and I can’t bear to build it like this if I have money! ] 】

[Kaido: The devil fruit will not be used, you can use it for us! ] 】

The video starts fast-forwarding.

Many people feel that although the Dragon Kingdom has conquered the Devil Fruit Technology!

But it didn’t really take advantage of that!

It can even be said that it is completely off-track!

Soon a huge complex of buildings was completed!

It only takes a month!

On the day the power station was completed, the official start of electricity was set for 9 o’clock in the evening.

At first, everyone didn’t know the reason, but they were all amazed quickly!

At nine o’clock in the Dragon Kingdom, there were only sporadic lights left in each town.

It was the oil lamp in the tavern.

The rest of the room was already dark.

Overlooking the entire Dragon Kingdom, a little higher, almost no light can be seen!

At the gate of the power station, the citizens have long heard about the events of this evening.

Gather here!

Gao Yang, as the king, made a speech!

End of speech!

With a “power-up” sound!!

The main gate of the power station has been opened!!

Boom!! The whole kingdom, the whole island!

This moment was lit up!

On the dark and boundless sea, there is suddenly a brilliant pearl!

At the moment of power-on, it was like printing the brilliance and light of the entire starry sky on the land of the Dragon Kingdom!

“What a bright light!!”

“It’s so beautiful!”

Brilliant lights, spread out like brilliant colorful scrolls!

It gives a strong visual impact!

Everyone in front of the video could see God for a while!

If there was no light, they would have seen the dark sea and kingdom!

Nor will it feel anything! After all, it’s nightfall!

Which island is not so!

When the whole country is powered on, it can be turned on in an instant!

They thought of the kingdom of “the sun never sets” that only exists in the story of the script!

It seems to really exist!!

Today’s Dragon Kingdom, even in the dark, is as bright as day!!

It’s a stunning sight!

It also indicates that the night is no longer a dark age!

It’s a whole new era!!

[Bonnie: According to legend, the kingdom where the sun never sets where the gods live really exists in reality!] 】

[Yellow Ape: I thought it was ordinary lighting, but I didn’t expect that a kingdom was powered on at the same time, and there would be such a beauty! ] 】

The yellow ape itself is capable of shining fruits!

A moment may light up an entire kingdom!

But it can’t grow bright!

“The time when I read at night is afraid that it will no longer exist in the Dragon Kingdom…”

The yellow ape smiled slightly, when he was a child, if he wanted to read, he had to light an oil lamp!

But oil lamps are also expensive…

[Kobra: Even as a king, I have never seen such a beautiful night! 】

[King Riku: Light can expel beasts, can facilitate night travel, and can make the dead night full of vitality!] 】

This scene is for those who live in only dark nights!

Very impactful!

Time passes, spring and winter come.

Accompanied by nationwide electrification.

Many power-related products have also been developed under various human resource research.

At this time, the civilization brought by electricity really covers the entire Dragon Kingdom!

The world will also see the real Dragon Kingdom!!

(Kneel for the first order!!) vi).


Sailing: The Kingdom of God I created has been exposed!

Sailing: The Kingdom of God I created has been exposed!



One Piece World, the kingdom rankings are out!

Which kingdom is the richest in the world?

Answer: Dragon Kingdom of the East China Sea!

Which country in the world has the most resources?

Answer: Dragon Kingdom of the East China Sea!

May I ask which country’s king is the most beloved in the world?

Answer: Gao Yang, King of the Dragon Kingdom…

“We, Dragon Country, are not the only ones. We are also the country with the most scientists. Education, productivity, salary… are all number one in the world!”

With the exposure of the kingdom leaderboard! !

The eyes of the powerhouses all over the world are on the Dragon Kingdom of the East China Sea!

Wu Laoxing: There are such perfect countries in the world, they need the protection of the Holy Land!

Four Emperors: The perfect man-made devil fruit? I need a permanent pointer!

Aokiji Kapzefa: There is the justice we yearn for! !

Gao Yang stood up and said: “Everyone, don’t forget that we are also the country with the strongest military power in the world, please think twice before acting, don’t say it is unexpected!!”


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