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Sailing: The Kingdom of God I created has been exposed! — Chapter 057

[Rox: Karp, what do you mean? What horrible thing?! 】

[Aunt: So many resources are indeed heartwarming, and even many forces will be greedy! ] But to you old fellow, it’s not too terrifying, as for such a gaffe? 】

[Whitebeard: It seems that there is nothing wrong with this video, and now it is playing to deliver resources to various places! ] 】

[The loan shark: Mader! Scared Lao Tzu!! 】

[Sengoku: Karp, what’s wrong?! ] 】

[Karp: Didn’t you really find out? You guys look so good! Can’t tell? I’m afraid I’m looking at the flowers! 】

[Pheasant: How nervous, Lieutenant General Karp, are you okay? 】

The green pheasant couldn’t help but worry about Karp’s psychological condition.

But listen to Karp’s words and watch the video carefully.

Includes main video and split screen!

As a result, nothing horrible was found.

Only to see that a great empire is rising in an unstoppable trend!!

At present, it seems that the Dragon Kingdom is really just a few monster-level powerhouses behind!

It can form a storm that sweeps the world!

Because of the whole world, there are many people who support the Dragon Kingdom at this moment!

“That is?!” The five old stars couldn’t see anything at first!

But Venus mobilizes the eyes of God who can collect data!

A look of horror suddenly appeared!

Immediately a look of realization: “So it is!!” I see!! ”

“This is the most precious resource of the Dragon Kingdom! No, the most precious resource in the world!! ”

“Nasjuro Saint, what are you doing?!” The other five old stars hurriedly asked!

[Sengoku: Nothing is wrong! ] Karp, don’t say it again, don’t think about having a holiday this year! 】

Seeing this, Karp couldn’t care if he was blinded!

Hurriedly put out all his discoveries.

[Karp: It’s the territory, the territory of the Dragon Kingdom, you compare the split-screen of other different periods, those with a top-down perspective, you see, the territory of the Dragon Kingdom in that period is only the size of a few towns! ]

But in another video, the territory of the Dragon Kingdom is already the size of a small country!

Until now, there are already medium-sized countries! 】

Looking at the Karp barrage, countless people instantly felt numb!

Take a closer look, and it is really as Karp said!

[Quinn: Groove! What kind of situation, this is too weird, the territory of the Dragon Kingdom is increasing every year, and the area increased is not small! 】

[Auntie: I’ve never heard of anyone with the ability to do this!!] 】

[Whitebeard: It’s really scary!!] 】

[Roger: Ralph Drew wasn’t so evil in the first place!] 】

[Sengoku: How so!!] Did you say…】

[Green Pheasant: It’s the king of the Dragon Kingdom!!] 】

[Akainu: That’s right!!] 】

[Usury King: No, even if this is really amazing, it won’t react so much, this ability, can’t the heavenly things also … Groove !! 】

[Karp: yes, even a stupid person like you reacts!] In fact, if you think about it, every time the resources of the Dragon Country are basically what the King of the Dragon Country tells others!

Whether it’s the Devil Fruit Forest, or the mining areas that haven’t been explored in various places!

Even the sea lou stone mine before was tricky!

I will say how the resources of nature can grow so similarly.

It’s as if it was created by some human force!

It’s just that at that time, I thought such an idea was too ridiculous!

But now that the facts are in front of us, we can’t believe it! 】

Sengoku also fully reacted!

Take Karp’s words and tell the public the conclusion.

[Sengoku: The King of the Dragon Kingdom has the ability to craft islands and create various resources!! 】


This sentence exploded in the minds of the world like thunder!

Set off an unprecedented super spiritual storm!!

It was so deeply shocked that the top powerhouses couldn’t come back to their senses for a while!

It is far more amazing than the previous angel potions, sea lou stone mines, and the leapfrog growth of civilization!

Because all of this is closely related to Gao Yang, the king of the Dragon Kingdom!!

Even the original common sense cannot be explained!

Everything that goes against common sense!!

Why are there so many Devil Fruits!

Why do the sea lou stone mines all look similar!

Why do areas where coal and natural gas should not exist appear in pieces!

Why does the King of the Dragon Kingdom know exactly where he is every time!

Because all this is most likely created by him!!

Such a peculiar ability, sneaky, unheard of!

But this can only shock them!!

What really horrified and terrified them was!

This ability that the King of the Dragon Kingdom embodies at this moment!

How similar is the heavenly curtain divine power hanging in the sky at this moment!

The same is able to increase the territorial area within a kingdom, all kinds of natural resources!!

The same can create devil fruits out of nothing!!

And what is the canopy ?!

It is at this moment that envelops the whole world and allows all forces.

Including the world government, there is no helpless terrorist existence!

The existence of the canopy, even if it is just to play a video!

Ask questions, give rewards!!

Don’t even give a reward!

Video content alone affects the whole world!

For example, the darkness of Elbaf was exposed!

Let the national situation of Elbaf change dramatically in an instant!

For example, what Brother Ming did was known to the world! Deprived of His Majesty the Seven Martial Seas!

Something like that… Impacting the world!

And the similarity between the two is so high.

Let them all think!

Could this so-called heavenly curtain be controlled by the king of the Dragon Kingdom behind his back!!

The King of the Dragon Kingdom is behind the scenes!!

Just thinking of such a possibility!

Who can not be creepy!!

At this moment, the barrage completely exploded!

[Lokes: Yes! Could it be that the whole world is being played and applauded by the King of the Dragon Kingdom at this moment?! 】

[Morgauns: Are we really just pets being fooled?] Made! It’s also too scary! My feathers are all off!! 】

[Aunt: There should be no such possibility! ] 】

[Wang Zhi: Then who did you say made this thing in the sky?! ] 】

“Although the things in the sky do have something to do with me, they seem to want to be biased…”

Gao Yang was slightly speechless, although the reasoning process and logic were fine!

But the result is different!

If you are really behind the scenes and directly push the world sideways, isn’t it better and easier?

But this invisible deterrent!

It’s not bad, maybe it can save a lot of unnecessary trouble!

But sometimes, something doesn’t go your way…

Soon some people also discovered that the results of such reasoning were not perfect!

[Beckman: It seems that something is wrong, it is undeniable, according to what we see now, the king of the Dragon Kingdom must be an ability, very similar to the ability of the sky screen! ]

But if the sky curtain is made by him, there is no need to make any rankings, recognition to get what you want! Because it was originally his thing! Is it necessary to turn left hand to right hand? And previously rewarded to the Sengoku! 】

Watch Beckman’s barrage!

The strong ones are also gradually forcing themselves to calm down!

What Beckman said makes sense!

[Kaido: Indeed, from the video, although the King of the Dragon Kingdom has similar abilities to Tianmu, he has also grown step by step! ] If he is the controller of the sky curtain, wouldn’t he just reward himself with the world’s largest territory and resources?! 】

[Wang Zhi: Mad! So the king of the Dragon Kingdom may only be the original beneficiary of the sky curtain, not the mastermind behind the scenes!? 】

[Silver Axe: Even so, this is amazing! ] 】

[Venus: That makes sense! ] The Dragon Kingdom really wants to be so powerful, there is no need to hide its existence before! (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Novel Network!) )

[Auntie: Although we seem to have misunderstood something just now, some facts are correct!!] The King of the Dragon Kingdom is a special ability, maybe not much combat power! But he can create land and create resources! He is the greatest resource of the Dragon Kingdom!! 】

[Silver Axe: Since he is not behind the scenes, he is a unique treasure in the world, get him! ] More valuable than getting the big secret treasure!! 】

When Aunt Silver Axe said these words!

The eyes of the world’s powerhouses became crazy and greedy in an instant!!

This is God-like power!!

As long as you can get Gaoyang!!

What resources will not have?

What the Dragon Kingdom has now, Gao Yang can make it!

Even the angel potion, a derivative that he did not directly create!

The formula is definitely known to him, the king of the Dragon Kingdom!

Get Gaoyang and get everything!!

Even higher than the value of the Great Secret Treasure!!

The first wealth in the Dragon King Ranking!

Kingdom Leaderboard No. 1 Resource!!

Now there are more abilities such as the ability to create land islands!

This is also a unique treasure in a world dominated by the sea!

Four Emperors and other top forces!

Once you get Gaoyang! With the uniqueness of his abilities!

Give this force a certain amount of time to develop!

They even have a chance to conquer the whole world!!

Yes!! Gao Yang’s value at this moment is so high!!

Gao Yang also sensed the change in the situation.

[Gao Yang: Everyone, please stay sane, I still have a little strength, if you do something to me, the consequences may be serious. 】

It’s just that at this time, how can people still listen to Gao Yang’s advice!

You are not a canopy!! You are just a king with some strength in the East China Sea!!

But he sits on the huge wealth and huge resources that everyone in the world dreams of…

and magical abilities such as creating land!

You have God’s omnipotence!

But there is no strength of God!

Who will be afraid of you!!

Even if you really have strength! So what? Can two fists fight a hundred hands?

[Wang Zhi: Getting Gao Yang is equivalent to getting the whole world!!] 】

[Loan shark: Not only all the resources of the resource list! ] And the first wealth of the kingdom!! 】

[Brother Ming: If the Dragon Kingdom does not block other resources! ] The annual income is at least trillion yuan!! 】

[Kaido: Ember! I may not necessarily be able to save you! 】

[Ember: It’s okay, as long as Big Brother Kaido can conquer the world! ] Everything is worth it! 】

[Silver Axe: Dragon Kingdom! The old man is coming!! 】

[Aunt: Zhanlong Country!] Grab Gaoyang!! 】

[Staley: The Kingdom of Goya immediately sent troops to attack the Dragon Kingdom! ] We’re going to take down the Dragon Kingdom first! I want to borrow him as a person and make me a world nobleman!! 】


Pirates, underground power giants, and royal families are all under unprecedented huge interests!

Collective madness!!

Even the five old stars trembled!!

“Anyway! Gaoyang must be taken!! Such a huge treasure can only fall into our hands, not in the hands of others!! ”

The first death order in hundreds of years came from Im among the flowers!

“Obey King Wu’s order!!” The five old stars knelt down excitedly! The mood still can’t calm down!

“Give me the ships I am preparing to sail, I will personally go to the Dragon Kingdom!!”

The excitement in the eyes of the Marshal of the Warring States could not be concealed!!

The air of fanaticism is thick!

It made Karp look a little strange: “Warring States, you…”

“Karp!! I know what you’re trying to say? But you know what? The value of the king of the Dragon Kingdom is really greater than the value of the big secret treasure that cannot be seen and touched! ”

“As long as our navy gets Gao Yang, there is his wealth, his resources, and his almost omnipotent creativity!” We can carry through the justice to the end, so that our dreams for many years can be realized! ”

“No more being held back by the world government, no need to compromise justice! We can calm all the pirates in this sea!! ”

“On the contrary, if we don’t make a move, once Gao Yang falls into the hands of the pirates! The world will be completely turned upside down!! ”

“At least in our hands, we will give him the best!!”

“All for justice!!”

Sengoku grabbed Karp’s shoulder!! Both hands are shaking!

Karp wanted to refute something!

But under this righteousness that may calm the chaos of the sea!

But he couldn’t say a word!

Despite knowing that this is somewhat inhumane!

But for the stability and peace of the sea!!

They don’t seem to have any other choice either!!

“Dragon Leader, we…”

“We need Gao Yang too!! It’s better to get a cooperation! He’s a nice guy, we should have helped him! But the people of the world have suffered too much! We need hope so much! ……”

“I understand, everything is at the command of the chief!” Saab nodded!

For the big picture! There will always be sacrifices!

Revolutions are never easy!!

He believed that the leader’s personal will was unwilling to use coercion!

But the value of Gaoyang is really too big!!

If you really owe him in the future, use your own life and that of the leader to pay it back!

The most important thing at the moment is that the revolutionary cause succeeds!


At this moment, the powerhouses of the big forces could not keep calm!

On the contrary, people who are not so high in relative position, many can still remain sane!

Although they know that the value of Gaoyang is as high as racing heaven!

But these are far from them!

It won’t be so crazy!!

There will also be soon someone speaking for Gao Yang!!

[Bonnie: You fucking bastards, how can you do that?! The same country on the rankings, what will you be in the country of peace, Elbaf have become a scourge, don’t you have a point in your heart (Qian Wang Hao)?! Now I’m going to scourge the Dragon Kingdom again!! 】

[Luo: That’s right! Look at what you have done, and then look at what the Dragon Kingdom has done, what a good life they have made for those who have suffered! Build a happy country! Say he’s a good guy, a hero! A good king! I believe that those of you who have eyes to see the video should not object!

Do you ignore all this and have no conscience in your heart?! 】

[Luffy: Well said!!] Feel relieved! I’m going to sea this year, and I’ll definitely help the Dragon Kingdom!” Knock down all those bad guys!! 】

[Karp: Luffy!! Don’t mess around!! 】

[Kaido: Good guy?! ] Hmm The king of the Dragon Kingdom can indeed be called a good man! But good people have no good end in such a world!! In this world, strength is king!! 】

[Loan shark: That’s right!!] Can good people be spent as money? Can a good guy shoot out as a shell?! Naive little ghost!! 】

[Aunt: Whose fist is big! ] Whoever can become the king of the sea!! Wait until I get him! Of course I will offer him as a good person! After all, this is my lucky star! MAMA~】

[Silver Axe: Who robs me!!] I’ll hack whoever I want!! Gaoyang is mine!! 】

Many monsters are emitting a rain of oozing laughter at this moment!

It gives the feeling that hell demons are dancing!


Megumi looked at the barrage and frowned slightly!

“Zayang, what’s wrong with these people?”

(Late Night Chapter!) Subscribe please! To summarize simply, this one is the high/climax point of the resource chapter, and it is also the wealth list, and after the summary of the resource list, it is the turning chapter of the first big high/climax that this book is about to make! Now the results of this book are okay, but I often have to look at the background, the rhythm I have taken notes, the current rhythm is probably a small excessive chapter after entering the military list, but also the dragon country chapter! It’s that sometimes I don’t see enough follow-ups, and I’m always afraid that the writing will collapse, and I’m a little worried! In short, it is to ask for subscription, subscribe steadily, and I will follow the rhythm set at the beginning step by step! You can also write a better story! Thank you! )。


Sailing: The Kingdom of God I created has been exposed!

Sailing: The Kingdom of God I created has been exposed!



One Piece World, the kingdom rankings are out!

Which kingdom is the richest in the world?

Answer: Dragon Kingdom of the East China Sea!

Which country in the world has the most resources?

Answer: Dragon Kingdom of the East China Sea!

May I ask which country’s king is the most beloved in the world?

Answer: Gao Yang, King of the Dragon Kingdom…

“We, Dragon Country, are not the only ones. We are also the country with the most scientists. Education, productivity, salary… are all number one in the world!”

With the exposure of the kingdom leaderboard! !

The eyes of the powerhouses all over the world are on the Dragon Kingdom of the East China Sea!

Wu Laoxing: There are such perfect countries in the world, they need the protection of the Holy Land!

Four Emperors: The perfect man-made devil fruit? I need a permanent pointer!

Aokiji Kapzefa: There is the justice we yearn for! !

Gao Yang stood up and said: “Everyone, don’t forget that we are also the country with the strongest military power in the world, please think twice before acting, don’t say it is unexpected!!”


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