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Sailing: The Kingdom of God I created has been exposed! — Chapter 061

[Beckman: Isn’t that good enough? 】

[Redhead: Beckman, have you forgotten? The Dragon Kingdom has money, and it is estimated that the military salary for the soldiers will be very good. 】

[Beckman: Yes. 】

Boss Bai opened his mouth and wanted to say something more.

There may be too many things to say, and I don’t know where to start for a while!

Forget it, keep watching!

Alabastan was treated well!

King Kobra often freaked around the kingdom to observe the people’s feelings.

This kind of move is still relatively rare among the royal family.

This move brought them closer and moved the people very much.

And King Kobra did real things.

Will try to solve some problems for everyone.

Many were impressed by Kobra’s kindness, kindness.

So there are very many people who answered the call for conscription!

It has always maintained the total daily strength of Alabastan at about 600,000!

Even when there were many pirates, the number of soldiers could reach 800,000 in a few years.

You know, there were no rebels at that time.

Because Alabastan has a vast territory.

Pirates can easily enter the country!

So a large number of soldiers are needed to maintain order in cities and coastal crossings!

And of these soldiers, only civilians.

There are also nobles, rich merchants, etc. who send in gilded children!

These children are easy to occupy high positions and there are quite a few of them!

This makes the path to promotion for many ordinary soldiers quite difficult!

But this scene, no one felt that there was anything wrong!

No one even sent a barrage related to this!

They are also one of the sources of forces …

[Pheasant: The king of Alabastan is a praiseworthy king! Be considerate of the people, be merciful and skillful! 】

[Squirrel: Of the kings I’ve seen, the king of Alabastan can be in the top three. 】

[Dauberman: If it weren’t for the drought in the kingdom in the past few years, there should not have been a war! ] 】

[Ghost Spider: I heard that the reason for the drought was caused by King Kobra’s unauthorized use of dancing powder! ] 】

[Redhead: Dancing powder? The kind of thing that can plunder rain from somewhere else? 】

[Beckman: Well, I’ve seen some before. 】

[Redhead: King Kobra doesn’t look like this kind of person in 18, I’m afraid there is some misunderstanding! ] 】

They are all experienced powerhouses, through multiple video screens!

It is enough to judge the character of a person!

So the redhead said it with conviction!

In the video, because of the drought, the dancing powder incident, civil unrest broke out!

The video does not have a detailed description of the war.

Because this video mainly shows how the soldiers came!

And now there are more than a hundred and twenty thousand soldiers of the rebel army!

Most evolved from farmers!

“We’re going to drink water!”

“Why can it rain in the capital! We don’t have a drop of water here! ”

“King Kobra still hasn’t proven his innocence!”

“They are royal families, how can they care about our life and death!”

“Reverse him!!” ……

[Warring States: There are a few people here who are deliberately instigating the general public, and there is really some conspiracy! ] 】

The population turned into soldiers, and the war continues!

Many died in the war.

Kobra heard of rebellions in various places, killing and wounding many soldiers.

So he personally went to the home of a nearby soldier to express condolences to his family!

At the beginning, I will bring some compensation and ask for warmth to the military family!

This move won the favor of many people!

Many people still believe in King Kobra.

This has allowed more young people to fill the gap in the number of troops.

The soldiers threw themselves into the war again,

But as the number of casualties increases, the affairs increase!

Kobra couldn’t be busy.

This is rarely done again.

And there are not so many funds in the country that can be used to compensate so many people!

That kind of thing can only be done occasionally.

It’s not that you don’t want to do it, but you have a weak heart!

And the disappearance of this behavior was taken advantage of by certain forces.

Some petty officers lurking in the royal army!

Sell for the already small pension!

As a result, many family members do not say pensions, and they do not even have a word of comfort!

By being instigated! As a result, the soldiers who originally belonged to the royal family began to turn against the rebel army!

[Whitebeard: It is undeniable that Kobra is indeed an excellent king, but unfortunately the loyalty of the soldiers is still not enough! ] 】

[Roger: It’s no wonder King Kobra, Alabastan has a harsh environment, although it has a long history, it has never had many resources and is not rich! ] Moreover, there is also the sabotage of a certain organization in the secret, and it is not easy to maintain peace with the rebel army for a short time now! 】

[Kousha (leader of the rebel army): Is the royal family really framed? 】

[King Riku: This method is very similar to that of a pirate! ] 】

[Kobra: Who is attacking our country? 】

[Weiwei: The people are innocent! Whoever you are, please stop hurting! 】

[Gao Yang: I think you don’t have to worry about this. 】

[Kobra: Your Excellency Gao Yang?! What does this mean? 】

[Gao Yang: The leader of the organization that instigated the war between the two sides behind his back has already mined in our Dragon Kingdom! 】

[Kobra: What?! Are you sure?! 】

[Vivi: Who is it?] 】

[Gao Yang: His Majesty the Seven Warriors Sea Klockdar! ] 】

[Kobra: It turned out to be him!? No wonder we couldn’t find any useful information! 】

[Wei Wei: Your Excellency Gao Gaoyang! Is what you said true? 】

[Gao Yang: Do you think I have a reason to lie to you? 】

[Weiwei: Of course we believe in His Excellency Gao Yang’s character, but it’s too hard to believe! And why did His Majesty the Seven Wuhai set his sights on our country? 】

After all, she and her father, many heads go hand in hand, after checking for so long, they have not found anything!

The king of the Dragon Kingdom is far away in the East China Sea, how did he learn about the situation in Alabastan?

[Gao Yang: You are now undercover in the Baroque work club, do you need me to say your code name? 】

[Vivi; No, no thanks! 】

Vivi no longer had the slightest doubt!

Even this is known, there is no need to prove that he does not understand the situation in Alabastan.

[Gao Yang: As for why you are targeting your country, maybe your father knows some reasons, I don’t know! (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Novel Network!) )

When Kobra heard this, his expression was shocked, and he looked at the barrage, his face full of disbelief!

Could it be that the king of the Dragon Kingdom already knows about the ancient weapons of Hades that have been passed down from generation to generation within his royal family?!

Should know, just pretend not to know!

Otherwise, how can you say that you know the reason!

Is the Dragon King’s intelligence system so powerful!

I didn’t realize that there would be no Dragon Country people around me!

[Kobra: No matter what, thank you to Your Excellency Gao Yang! Now as long as the misunderstanding is resolved, the chaos in our country will definitely be able to calm down! 】

King Kobra was sincerely grateful!

In this way, it is no longer necessary to be recognized first to save Alabastan!

[Vivi; Thank you very much, Your Excellency Gao Yang! If I have the opportunity, I would like to thank you in person! 】

[Gao Yang: Don’t be so polite, I didn’t do anything, he came to the Dragon Kingdom to send people’s heads! ] 】

“Poof…” Klockdar looked at this barrage, and a mouthful of blood directly spurted out!

After being ravaged by sparring for a long time, there was already a depression in my heart!

Stimulated by Gao Yang’s heart-piercing words again!

This mouthful of depressed blood can no longer be tightened!

Myself…… It turned out to be to give away people’s heads!

Maybe he didn’t even look at himself from beginning to end!

As if he were an ant on the ground, so insignificant!

[Weiwei: Thank you very much Your Excellency Gao Yang! 】

[Moria: Gee, although I don’t know what Klockdar is planning, I should have been planning for several years, and I ended up being caught by the Dragon Kingdom, which is really miserable, what a bad luck! ] 】

[Klockdar: You…”

Poof!! Klockdar is spraying blood again!

[Sengoku: A conspiracy that shrouded a superpower was solved just like that?! ] The intelligence of the Dragon Kingdom has already extended to a big country like Alabastan? 】

[The loan shark: Mader! How do you feel that the intelligence system of the Dragon Kingdom is a bit powerful! Shouldn’t we also have spies from the Dragon Kingdom around us! 】

[Morguns: It’s not impossible, there are direct shipping lines from Sea King to all over the world, and it’s really easy to install some spies! ] 】

[Whitebeard: Dragon Kingdom is not simple! ] Maybe it’s already in the next big chess game! 】

From this incident, everyone speculated that they were a little surprised and panicked!

[Kaido: There is no need to worry about this, as long as you take down the king of the Dragon Kingdom, the dragons are leaderless, and everything will collapse! ] 】

[Aunt: Good! ] 】

[Marko: Right now, it seems that King Kobra has done a good job! Now the domestic problems are estimated to be solved soon, maybe the country with the highest recognition this time may be the Kingdom of Alabastan! 】

[Squirrel: It’s done very well, hundreds of thousands of troops are well managed, although there are many flaws, but compared with the previous Wano Country, Elbaf, Entertainment Empire, etc.! ] Alabastan is undoubtedly excellent! 】

[Tina: Tina just thought that this kingdom had some dark or ulterior conspiracy, an incompetent king who really used dancing powder for his own selfish interests, but he didn’t expect it to be! ] 】

[Karp: This seems to be the first kingdom full of light in all previous comparisons, except for the dragon abroad! ] Military salaries were paid on time, and the king was on standby and merciful, and always cared for the soldiers! He has a high moral character and can be called a real nobleman! 】

“Where the hell is this done? Many things were done too crudely, and even King Kobra didn’t know if he really cared about the lives and lives of his soldiers! Boss Bai shook his head as he saw it.

If that’s good!

How does the world treat ordinary soldiers in peacetime?

So satisfied?

Soon it will be the turn of NO.2 million countries!

Because it is only ranked in total strength, not strength!

So the video about the Kingdom of Alabastan is not long!

But for King Kobra, he has already earned a lot!

[Auntie: Have you arrived in my country? MAMA~~All Nations is my life’s work! Most of the races in the whole sea are here, but unfortunately there are no giants, and many of my soldiers are very powerful! 】

Auntie said confidently!

Her biggest dream is to build a multiracial and equal country!

One Piece is the basis for realizing this dream!

The video is rotated to the borders of all nations.

In Roger’s time, Aunt founded this country!

The country is big, but not a continent!

It is an archipelago made up of 34 confectionery-like islands and the main island, Cake Island!

As the residence of the veteran Four Emperors, it is still much safer than other places!

And the source of Auntie’s forces is simple!

The first is the trade, Auntie provides some shelter to all the inhabitants living on the island!

But the condition is that every family must have young adults join the convoy!

Do your part to protect all nations!

If you don’t usually contribute much and make mistakes!

The heavy 953 was dead, and the light was taken away by the aunt for part of the life.

In addition to this, every six months a month’s life is paid as “rent!” ”

“Mom!! Let me go! I don’t have a few months left to live, if I hand over my life this month, I will die soon, I don’t want to live here, I want to get out of here…”

“That’s not okay, aren’t we happy to live together?”

“No, Mom, I’m happy, just!”

“Okay then, as long as you can torture through my soul.”

“No, don’t!”

“1ifeorleave? (Live or leave)”

Inquiries sounded, fear was born, and those who tried to leave were deprived of their lives!

Auntie is a dictatorial monarch in all nations!

See Auntie treat her soldiers like this!

Many people suddenly understood why King Kobra was so praised!

And the soldiers, on the other hand, come from chess soldiers who are given souls!

There is nothing to say about this category, it was born from the unique ability of Aunt!

It is also mixed with cookie soldiers, pastry soldiers, plant soldiers, and so on, who are also given souls

Many soldiers who have been given life by their souls account for almost a third of the total strength!

[Dusty: Just now, I even thought that everyone’s praise of King Kobra was a little exaggerated, but after seeing the second most powerful country, I found that King Kobra is simply a saint!!] 】

[Colonel T-bone: The four emperors are dictatorial tyrants, what equal countries, all are deceptives, they all do things according to their own preferences! ] These soldiers were all out of fear to obey her! 】

[Green Pheasant: All nations are originally the country established by pirates, the country established by pirates, violence, terror dominates these phenomena are normal! ] 】

[Hui Hui: In the words of Zaiyang, if you treat your soldiers like this, the capitalists have to cry when they see it, they have to hand over their lives every six months, and they have to fight for you, and if they don’t have much money to take, they will die at every turn! ] It’s already a miracle that they didn’t turn against you! 】

Megumi can’t stand it, vampires aren’t as good at sucking as you are!

[Smogg: The Four Emperors have overwhelming power, otherwise how could they act so recklessly! ] 】

[Auntie: What’s wrong with this?] Soldiers are originally consumables, and when they run out, they will recruit! And you see how good it is, people of so many races all over the world live together! 】

[Redhead: Your guy’s thoughts are really similar to Kaido’s! ] 】

[Beckman: Just a self-absorbed crazy woman! 】

[Karp: Let’s look at the Dragon Kingdom, they are so rich, at least the military salary should be quite high, why is the proportion of this force so high? ] After thinking about it for a long time, I still can’t figure it out. 】

Soon the third-ranked Dragon Kingdom video will start playing!


(Subscription please!!) )。


Sailing: The Kingdom of God I created has been exposed!

Sailing: The Kingdom of God I created has been exposed!



One Piece World, the kingdom rankings are out!

Which kingdom is the richest in the world?

Answer: Dragon Kingdom of the East China Sea!

Which country in the world has the most resources?

Answer: Dragon Kingdom of the East China Sea!

May I ask which country’s king is the most beloved in the world?

Answer: Gao Yang, King of the Dragon Kingdom…

“We, Dragon Country, are not the only ones. We are also the country with the most scientists. Education, productivity, salary… are all number one in the world!”

With the exposure of the kingdom leaderboard! !

The eyes of the powerhouses all over the world are on the Dragon Kingdom of the East China Sea!

Wu Laoxing: There are such perfect countries in the world, they need the protection of the Holy Land!

Four Emperors: The perfect man-made devil fruit? I need a permanent pointer!

Aokiji Kapzefa: There is the justice we yearn for! !

Gao Yang stood up and said: “Everyone, don’t forget that we are also the country with the strongest military power in the world, please think twice before acting, don’t say it is unexpected!!”


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