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Sailing: The Kingdom of God I created has been exposed! — Chapter 062

The video shown is from the early days of the Dragon Kingdom.

At that time, the development was not as modern as it is today.

But everyone’s life is still relatively happy and fulfilling.

The same is the conscription of the Dragon Kingdom.

But just from the perspective of welfare benefits, it suddenly stunned everyone in front of the video.

Become a soldier of the Dragon Kingdom and be exempt from all taxes!

The first family to come to the Dragon Kingdom, if there are young adults in the family joining the army, whether male or female!

You can all get a field in the land of the Dragon Kingdom.

And a room that, although not particularly nice, provides shelter from the wind and rain.

Just this point at the beginning of this video caused quite a stir!

[Redhead: Hey, just kidding, for those who have just arrived in the Dragon Kingdom, as long as someone in the family joins the army, they can get a share of fertile land, even if they don’t join the army, they can also get ordinary fields! ]

This fundamentally solved the problem of people’s living security, as long as there is land, it is difficult to starve to death in any case! 】

[Whitebeard: Land has always been the property of the nobility, and he actually gave the land to ordinary people! ] This!! 】

[Roger: The eyes of those people looking at the King of the Dragon Kingdom are full of gratitude, unbelievable! 】

[Beckman: I can’t believe it if I change me! This is equivalent to dividing the interests of the nobility among the commoners, and no one has ever seen such a thing! 】

[Warring States: But in this way, aren’t the interests of the nobles of the Dragon Kingdom damaged? That’s a bit of a big deal! 】

In this hierarchical world!

Such an operation is no less than a bombshell!

Exploded in everyone’s hearts!

[Karp: Maybe the Dragon Kingdom cares more about the people at the grassroots level!!] 】

[Kaido: How is this possible?! Do not squeeze benefits from these people at the bottom, and give them such good treatment! 】

[Brother Ming: I don’t believe it, wait… You see, after those people became soldiers, it seems that someone is telling them what military insurance! Is it to make the soldiers pay for it? 】

“Everyone who serves in the military has your own military insurance!”

An officer said to the recruits.

The recruit didn’t understand much, just slightly commotion.

I wanted to ask, but I was a little afraid to ask.

After all, their treatment is already very good.

[Morgauns: Military insurance?! ] What is that thing? 】

[Loan shark: What else could it be?] It must be some kind of disguised means of suppressing treatment, it seems that the country has money, it does not mean that the soldiers have money, and the dragon country in this period does not necessarily have much money, first improve the treatment, and then find various excuses to suppress it, well, very conventional operation! 】

[Boni: So what, many of those people are fleeing people, they have food, a place to live, and pay, which is already very good, maybe the Dragon Kingdom also has difficult times, so they suppress the military salary, but even so, it is still higher than other kingdoms! ] 】

[Pheasant: Indeed, so although those people are a little commotion, they can actually accept it! ] 】

Until a recruit curiously asked what military insurance is.

Everyone followed suit.

“Military insurance includes casualty, medical insurance, and pension insurance!”

“That is to say, if you accidentally get injured in your daily training, with this insurance, all medical expenses do not need to be paid by yourself, even if it is several special drugs on the market!”

“If you die in the mission, the state will compensate your family with a generous sum! Probably 20 million to 500 million Baileys per household! In the future, your family will also have a monthly compensation to support the family expenses! ”

“Pension insurance, that is, after you retire, the pension issued to you by the state every month, which can allow you to spend your years in peace!”

“Of course, there are some incidental military benefits, such as you are honorable, the state will give your children some preferential treatment, better study, better education… I won’t list them all, there are relevant manuals, you can go and see. ”


[Sengoku: Groove!! 】

[Karp: Groove!! 】

[Green Pheasant: I want to go to the Dragon Kingdom to become a soldier! ] 】

[Zefa: General casualty insurance is understandable, we also have it here, and all countries also have it, but most of them are one-time compensation, and the compensation will not be much, not even half of the Dragon Country! ]

Not to mention that the family will receive a subsidy every month thereafter! 】

[Smogg: There is even a pension insurance, when you are old, after you retire, you will not do any work every month, and you can also receive the salary issued by the state! ] This…]

[Squirrel: From the battlefield to the family, to their own old age, they are all included, and even other welfare benefits, but we haven’t seen the manual! ] 】

[Peach Rabbit: This is not only to divide the field, but also to divide the money!!] 】

You must know that just now King Kobra just paid the soldiers normally!

Bring a small compensation, and it is already gratitude!

You must know that the compensation can at most alleviate the temporary difficulties of military families!

Families who sacrifice their children behind still have to earn money on their own!

But in fact, this is not easy, young adults are labor!

It’s okay if you have multiple siblings in the family!

If it is an only child, the death in war is equivalent to the pillar of the family being removed!

But in the Dragon Kingdom, there is no worry about this at all!

Family, the state takes good care of you.

Even future generations can enjoy some preferential policies!

Even if you are old, retired and do not work!

As long as it has been paid, there will be someone to raise!

This can make the soldiers feel more at ease to go to war!

This is not Alabastan at all!

Even any kingdom and organization in this world can compare!

In this era when human life is cheaper than grass!

Who would think so much about the lowest soldiers!

Even like the Four Emperors Aunt!

Not only among pirates, but also in many kingdoms!

“The soldiers of the Dragon Kingdom should not be underestimated!”

Sengoku can even imagine it!

Such a soldier, if he really fights, may be extremely ferocious!!

An army without worries!

It is definitely not to be underestimated!

[T-bone: This is simply a soldier’s paradise! ] How many people join the army is not necessarily for the so-called dream, but more forced by life, and become a soldier of the Dragon Country, all problems can be solved! 】

[Yellow Ape: The welfare benefits are really good, ordinary soldiers are more comprehensive than our admirals! ] Once it can really be put in place, even if you are really deducted a lot of military salaries every month, what military insurance you use to buy is completely acceptable! 】

[Karp: Good!!] Ay…… Only a very small number of people who have made great contributions to the Navy in the Navy have a certain pension security! Ordinary soldiers have no chance at all! 】

[Sengoku: Karp! ] 】

There are some things that can’t be said!

Otherwise, why did he just send a groove just now!

And the officer’s subsequent words surprised them even more!

“Of course, during the service, all insurance is borne by the state, it is completely free, if you retire early, the subsequent insurance needs to be purchased by yourself, of course, the price is not high, but you can enjoy these benefits for enough years!”

[Karp: What?!! Completely free during service!! 】

[Sengoku: Karp, don’t yell so loudly, your ears will be deaf!] 】

【Red Dog:!! 】

Even the little red dog was shocked by such a good welfare treatment!

[Kobra: We are better than Alabastan!!] Far inferior!! 】

[The loan shark: Mader! Dragon Kingdom neuropathy!! What is so good for these cannon fodder? Too much money to spend?! 】

[Karp: You’re a neurotic, how do you guys understand how important these are to soldiers!] 】

[Kaido: Hehe, what’s the use of those ants? The treatment is too good, maybe these soldiers will be raised into waste! 】

And at this moment, the video picture of the Dragon Kingdom turned!

Frozen in a bustling town.

Heavy rain poured down and it fell for a long, long time.

The climate of this world, sometimes even if not on the Great Route! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

It’s also weird! And such heavy rain usually brings disaster!

The river burst its banks, and the flood flooded into the town!

Many houses are crumbling, and homes are full of oceans!!

Rumble!! Suddenly, the embankment broke and many people and houses were washed away.

After the flood, there was a mess!

People are displaced, wailing all over the field…

[Karp: At this time, it seems that there are not a large number of capable people in the Dragon Kingdom! ] 】

[Sengoku: Even if there is, it may not be useful, who can predict a natural disaster that has not yet occurred! ] 】

[Whitebeard: Sometimes it is predicted, but it is not necessarily useful! ] The power of natural disasters is not something that ordinary people with abilities can fight! 】

[Redhead: It’s easier to destroy than to guard! ] 】

And in less than half an hour after the catastrophe!!

Trucks full of military personnel quickly arrived!

Rescue and evacuate the victims as soon as possible!

“Get everyone out of here first to avoid a secondary disaster! Hurry up! Hurry up! The situation elsewhere is not optimistic! A young officer roared!

All the soldiers moved quickly!

[Yellow Ape: The soldiers of the Dragon Kingdom are actually responsible for disaster relief? 】

“Colonel Ron, it’s not good, the embankment has become bigger! If this continues, even bigger floods will completely drown the place! ”

“What about the capable people sent from above!”

“Still in the south! And the situation in the south is also bad, abominable!! If only there were a few more capable people!! ”

“Less nonsense!! Do everything you can to plug the gap for me! ”

“Fill sandbags! Hurry up and plug the gap! “Colonel Ron spearheaded the flood fight!

The soldiers were divided into two parts, one of which accelerated the evacuation of the population.

But it was not easy, many people were injured, and there were some old people and children!

Some of them keep filling the gap with sandbags, hoping to plug this growing gap!

But always washed away as soon as it was put down! Pulling the wall has little effect!

The capable ones have not yet come, and the Dragon Kingdom has not yet developed scientific and technological products at this time!

Only with such a primitive method!

“Boom!! This can’t be blocked!! Without a good foothold, it cannot be effectively blocked! Made! ”

“If this continues, an even greater flood will come, and many people will die!” Too late to wait for them! Day your mother, Lao Tzu fought with you! ”

“Fill me with heavy loads!!”

“Colonel, you!!”

“Stop talking nonsense!! Lao Tzu is very strong, he can’t die!!

Rumble!!! After a while, accompanied by the violent roar of the car!

A truck full of heavy loads slammed into the gap!!

But the flood force is great and the trucks are being pushed away!!

“Made! Go on!! “The eyes of the soldiers left behind were red!

They all drove trucks, one after another to fill the gap!!

[Loan shark: Lean!!] Are they all crazy?! Fill it with human lives?! Just to save the people of this town? Is it worth it? 】

It’s just that at the moment everyone else is watching quietly!


Silence, but deafening heart!!

Boom!! One after another!!

Multiple superimposed cars, indeed temporarily plugged the gap!!

At this time, these sandbags are piled in, and a strong line of defense can be formed!

“Plug it with sandbags!!”

“Pull people out!!”

The embankment is blocked!!

“Lord Ron, Lord Ron!!”

“Lord Ron is at the bottom!! I, we…”

“Wow!! Hurry up and get me out!! Come on!! ”

“We’re here to help too!!” The inhabitants of the town also rushed over!

“You guys go first, it’s not stable yet! I don’t know what the hell weather is like! ”

“We’re not leaving!! Big deal (too good to die) together! ”

“That’s right!!”

“This time is gone, are we still human!”

“Then trouble you fathers and fellow countrymen”


The military and the people are united at this moment, only hoping to save all the fearless warriors!

But be careful not to destroy the newly built defenses!

But in the end, many of them were corpses!!

Soon scattered black-armored soldiers arrived!!

They bring those who can do it and divert the river to flood it!

Also search for Colonel Ron!

Colonel Ron, who just rushed to the front and greeted the most fierce flood behemoth, was already out of breath!!

“Ron!! You bastard, didn’t you say you won’t die!! You liar!! ”

“His sacrifice was not in vain, his soul will enter Valhalla!!”

“Salute!!” The black-armored soldiers who arrived gave these most basic conscripts the supreme etiquette!!

The saved people also tearfully salute and bid farewell to the hero who saved them!!

From adults to brats to old people…

Their eyes were full of tears! But there is an unshakable firmness and faith!!

Many people in this town are in the aftermath of the disaster! also became an honorable military torturer!

[Kobra: We don’t deserve to be first! I don’t deserve it!! The military talents of the Dragon Kingdom deserve to get this first!! What a great and noble will and virtue this is!! 】

“Karp!! I have seen too many soldiers who are not afraid of life and death on the battlefield, desperately killing people, but I have never seen such an army!! Never seen before!! ”

“This is the soldier who truly serves the people!! Our justice, in comparison, is like a cheap product!! ”

With tears in the corners of his eyes, Sengoku said with an excited expression towards Karp beside him!!

“Their soldiers, with souls!!”

(Subscription please!!) )。


Sailing: The Kingdom of God I created has been exposed!

Sailing: The Kingdom of God I created has been exposed!



One Piece World, the kingdom rankings are out!

Which kingdom is the richest in the world?

Answer: Dragon Kingdom of the East China Sea!

Which country in the world has the most resources?

Answer: Dragon Kingdom of the East China Sea!

May I ask which country’s king is the most beloved in the world?

Answer: Gao Yang, King of the Dragon Kingdom…

“We, Dragon Country, are not the only ones. We are also the country with the most scientists. Education, productivity, salary… are all number one in the world!”

With the exposure of the kingdom leaderboard! !

The eyes of the powerhouses all over the world are on the Dragon Kingdom of the East China Sea!

Wu Laoxing: There are such perfect countries in the world, they need the protection of the Holy Land!

Four Emperors: The perfect man-made devil fruit? I need a permanent pointer!

Aokiji Kapzefa: There is the justice we yearn for! !

Gao Yang stood up and said: “Everyone, don’t forget that we are also the country with the strongest military power in the world, please think twice before acting, don’t say it is unexpected!!”


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