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Sailing: The Kingdom of God I created has been exposed! — Chapter 064

[Zefa: It’s incredible, we couldn’t treat this kind of crazy person at all! ] 】

[Karp: To be precise, we don’t know that this is a disease, there is no concept of treatment! 】

[Yellow Ape: Sakaski, at the suggestion of a friend, do you want to go to the Dragon Kingdom at your leisure? ] 】

[Whitebeard: Shhh!! 】

[Redhead: Shhh 】

[Karp: Shhh! 】……

As soon as the yellow ape’s words came out, the exclamations of countless strong people immediately sounded!

Isn’t this a clear statement that the red dog is sick!

[Red Dog: Borusalino, what do you mean?] 】

[Yellow Ape: I have known each other for so many years, just give you a suggestion! ] 】

The yellow ape knows the childhood of the red dog!

That left a very serious shadow on the red dog!

I couldn’t tell exactly what was wrong before.

But now there is a word in the Dragon Kingdom video that describes it very aptly – mental illness!

Maybe let the psychologist of the Dragon Kingdom enlighten the red dog!

Maybe it will make him feel better!

It won’t exude amazing anger at all times

The yellow ape is not ridiculing, but really suggesting!

[Akainu: I’m fine! ] 】

[Yellow Ape: The doctor just said that feeling good about yourself is the most wrong signal! ] 】

[Akainu: Have you been very idle lately?] 】

So idle, when you become a marshal of the navy one day, when you are busy.

[Yellow Ape: Don’t be so excited, I’m just giving a suggestion. 】

[Boni: The Dragon Kingdom is really good, but it’s a pity that those greedy guys won’t let the Dragon Country go! ] 】

[Luo: The better it is, the more they want to take it for themselves! ] 】

[Neptune : Although the Dragon Kingdom is not the first this time, it is only lost in quantity, and the most important thing is recognition! ] I will vote for the Dragon Kingdom! 】

[King Riku: Although Alabastan has also done well, the Dragon Kingdom is undoubtedly more perfect! ] 】

If there were no Dragon Kingdom, he would have voted for Alabastan!

But as the saying goes, there is no harm without contrast!

Don’t talk about faith and morality!

But just take the welfare benefits of the military!

Dragon Kingdom hangs eighteen streets of Alabastan!

A lot of aftercare work in Alabastan can even be described as a chicken feather!

[Kobra: Don’t talk about you, even I will vote for the Dragon Kingdom. 】

Kobra has no illusions about being recognized first!

This first is just eating the demographic dividend!

There is nothing comparable to the Dragon Kingdom.

And the King of the Dragon Kingdom has helped them solve the biggest trouble in the country!

He had no more luxury.

He hopes that the Dragon Kingdom can get through this difficulty!

Those crazy jackals, tigers and leopards, will not regress because you are good and you are strong!

Gao Yang’s own value is too high.

[Aunt: Hey, don’t you mention my nations? What do you mean? 】

[Redhead: Haven’t you counted in your heart yet? Your kingdom is a hellish kingdom of dictatorial tyrants, and besides you, the old woman, who thinks so? 】

The redhead thought of the soldiers of all nations, and they couldn’t help but burst into roughness!

[Auntie: What did you say?! ] Do you know how hard it is to bring so many races together in one country? It took me decades! 】

[Kaido: Lingling, they just can’t see the essence of the world, don’t think about fools. 】

[Whitebeard: Don’t talk about the better treatment, even you didn’t treat them as adults from beginning to end. 】

[Pheasant: Except for perverts, who would think that your kingdom has merit! ] 】

[Kaido: Who are you connotating?! ] 】


“Zayang, it seems that we are number one again!” Megumi looked at the sky screen and said happily!

The country created by Zaiyang can be recognized by the world, of course she is happy!

“That’s how it should be.” Artoria was not surprised.

This was created by all of them together.

It took a lot of time and sometimes got together to discuss!

The discussion was normal for the last three days and three nights.

Because some things can’t be copied!

After practice, see the actual effect, and then improve!

“If I get another first, I will be able to upgrade to a level ten country!” I don’t know what kind of changes will happen then! But before that, you have to solve the upcoming trouble! ”

Gao Yang thought in his heart.

Then looked at Artoria, Boss Bai, Megumi, Yixiao and others.

“Are you ready?”

“Everything is ready!”

“What about Xiao Wu?”

“Grimmjow always looks for prisoners to play, and Ulquiorra is afraid that the prisoners will be played to death by him, and it has just passed.”

“Well, I don’t know how many people will come, if you come one by one, it will be easy to deal with, but come together, it’s just some trouble, everyone don’t be too stressed these days, you should eat, drink, play… The sky can’t fall! ”

Gao Yang smiled slightly!

“Of course!” Hui Hui jumped directly onto Gao Yang’s back and said happily.

There were more people on his back, and Gao Yang was stunned and didn’t feel anything.

“Megumi, you are really rich.” Gao Yang sighed with emotion.

“Huh?” Megumi looked confused, she was not as rich as Nami.

Nami is the chief of finance!

“I already have my own airport at a young age!”

“Go and die, you!” Megumi struggled down and gave Gao Yang a hard kick!

Don’t look at her young age, but on the culture.

Far above Artoria and Boss Bai.

[Now entering the question session, which of the three kingdoms has the strongest soldiers?] 】

[Lokes: It’s coming! The exciting question-and-answer session is finally here! It’s just that this question is a bit abstract, and the intuitive combat power of the three parties is not directly given in the video! 】

Rocks has been waiting for a long time!

Having been resurrected, he desperately needs stronger strength.

Otherwise, if you are killed again!

You won’t necessarily be able to resurrect next time!

So he wants to get every reward he can!

Which country has the strongest soldiers?

Everyone is spinning their brains crazy!

Try to recall every detail of the video just played!

But I still didn’t find any manifestations of intuitive combat power!

Alabastan is a big country, and there are no overly powerful world-class powerhouses in the country!

But for so many years, it has been able to protect the safety of Alabastan!

The strength of the soldier is definitely there!

Aunt Wanguo’s forces are also very strong!

There are strong people of all races, and there are soldiers created by her own soul!

The soldiers of the Dragon Kingdom are extremely disciplined and faithful!

It has an extremely terrifying cohesion!

Such an army must also have good combat effectiveness!

It seems that anyone can …

This question is a bit of a test!

But fortunately, this is a multiple-choice question!

Multiple choice questions, always can be relied on!

Whitebeard reacted the fastest.

[Whitebeard: Marko, Joz, one of you chooses the nations of Wanguo, one of Alabastan, and I choose the country of dragons! ] 】

[Marko: Good! I choose all nations! 】

[Joz: Good! I choose Alabastan! 】

[Warring States: Oops, we have entered the inertia of thinking, this is a multiple-choice question, a sub-question! ] Pheasants, yellow apes…]

Sengoku sees Whitebeard’s operation!

Suddenly wanted to imitate, but it was already late!

Others also woke up instantly!

Previous question: The essence of the resource is too broad!

They subconsciously thought that this time the answer was also wide!

I don’t know if this time is a multiple-choice question!

[Aunt: Shut up, Warring States, the old lady hates hearing the three words of the sub-question! ] I will choose all nations! How can the strength of the soldiers of the other two countries be compared with ours! 】

[Lokes: Wow! Lao Tzu is alone! This is not fair, how can I give three answers alone, this is heaven-shattering, look down on the lonely, right! 】

[Karp: I choose the Dragon Kingdom! ] 】

[Zefa: I choose the Dragon Kingdom! ] 】

[Yellow Ape: I choose all nations! ] 】

[Red Dog: All Nations! ] 】……

Under normal circumstances, it is natural that the soldiers of all nations will be the strongest!

After all, the Four Emperors Pirate Regiment, many soldiers are elite!

There are countless more that will be domineering!

Just refer to the Hundred Beast Pirate Group! …… (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Soon many people gave their own answers!

It’s just that the answer is not yet out.

Sengoku already had a look of frustration on his face!

Damn it! Whitebeard this guy is old like that!

The reaction speed is still so fast!

All three answers have been answered by them for the first time!

Whichever is the correct answer, it is destined to fall into the Whitebeard Pirates!

Everyone else thought about it.

And so it is.

[The correct answer is the Dragon Kingdom! ] The correct answer to this round of questions is Edward. Newgate! 】

[Wang Zhi: Mad! Whitebeard, you old immortal, luck is really good! 】

[Silver Axe: Why didn’t I react just now! ] 】

[Sengoku: I hope there will be no too good rewards! ] 】

Sengoku is praying.

Whitebeard is known as the strongest in the world.

Claim to have the power to destroy the world!

The earthquake has been developed to an unprecedented level!

The five old stars can’t take advantage of the frontal shot!

And the price of forcibly killing Whitebeard is too great!

I haven’t found a good opportunity for decades!

Plus the Whitebeard Pirates are willing to live in a corner!

Didn’t do much!

It is still dashing by the white-bearded pirates for decades!

Now it’s hard to burn this old guy to death!

Don’t be surprised…

But sometimes, the more afraid of something, the more something!

[Random rewards are now given to those who answer correctly… Random rewards for fish and fruits. Phantom beast species. Blue Dragon Form! 】

【Kaido:???? 】

[Silver Axe: Lying groove!!] 】

[Wang Zhi: Lying groove!!] 】

[Karp: Give Whitebeard a phantom beast species, is there any mistake!!] The animal line originally has super vitality, and the vitality of the phantom beast species is even more amazing! This white-bearded man is afraid that he will die of old age and illness, and kill indiscriminately again?! 】

[Sengoku: Damn, this devil fruit is no less than an angel potion to Whitebeard! ] It is possible to bring the body back to the peak again! 】

Damn it! Even Whitebeard got the Magic Beast Species Green Dragon Form Fruit that was more precious than the natural line!!

Magma fruit! Really dogs don’t eat it!

If only the magma fruit could be pulled out!

He took it out directly and snapped it up with a flick of his hand!

“Now we have some trouble!” The five old stars had solemn faces!

The total strength of the previous kingdoms.

The five old stars can’t look at it at all!

In terms of military strength, who in this world has more troops than their world government!

They really want to convene all departments of the world, the headquarters of the Navy!

If you choose not only elite, you can pull up millions, or even tens of millions of troops!

It’s just that the leaderboard ranks the kingdom!

Not the whole force!

But the old and sickly Whitebeard got the Phantom Beast Species Devil Fruit!

Plus a whole group of white-bearded pirates behind him!

This is no small matter!

The destructive power of the Shock Fruit was too terrifying in the hands of Whitebeard!

Not to be underestimated!!

Let him become a phantom beast species, a dual power of shock fruit!

That’s still worth it?!

“It’s really troublesome, but it’s not terrible, Whitebeard is out there after all, let him live for a few more years, and he hasn’t made any big moves over the years!”

“I’m afraid that he has also set his sights on Gao Yang of the Dragon Kingdom!”

“Send a surveillance ship and keep an eye on the movements of the Whitebeard Pirates!”

“Hmm!” ……

“Daddy!! That’s great!! ”

Marko jumped up directly with joy!

Thanks Sky Screen!!

Thank you to all the kingdoms on this leaderboard!

Without these, Daddy wouldn’t be able to get the Phantom Beast Seed Devil Fruit!

“Hahaha!! Our Whitebeard Pirates will become even stronger! ”

“Dad, try it quickly to see if you really get the phantom beast species! Although I heard what the Warring States said before was true, I still felt too incredible if I didn’t see it with my own eyes! ”

The Moby Dick instantly became lively!

Whitebeard was stunned except for the initial stunned.

Soon regain calm and composure.

Carefully perceived.

“It seems to be true…” Whitebeard felt old injuries on his body, and even a little itchy.

That’s a powerful life force that moisturizes the body.

Whitebeard then raised his hand and his mind moved.

The entire arm turned into a green dragon arm covered with scales, and the fierce reckless aura rushed towards him!

“It’s true, it’s real?!” The Moby Dick suddenly fell into a sea of revelry!

“It’s time for a banquet!!”

Whitebeard will smile too!

Over the years, because I was too nonsense when I was young.

The body has fallen a lot of roots! Strength, physique are declining!

So when learning about the changes in the country of Wano from Ace’s mouth.

He is not absolutely sure of taking Kaido!

It is feared that the war will kill Ace, Marko and others.

So he swallowed his anger!

Because Blackbeard is too sinister and cunning, he is targeted by the world government to die in the new world!

Don’t want Ace to go after Blackbeard!

Blackbeard’s behavior is already crossing his bottom line!

But Whitebeard had to be so …

Because he is no longer young, he is afraid that when he moves, he will not be able to shelter everyone!

And now… It’s time to tremble the whole world!

The old immortals of the five old stars really want to burn themselves to death!

Patience is really good!!

Now I have enough strength to do everything!!

“Let’s clean up Blackbeard, this traitor, go to the Dragon Country by the way, Kaido will definitely go, it’s time to collect debts, if you can cooperate with the Dragon Country, maybe those guys in the World Government will be big…”

Whitebeard immediately ordered to set sail!

I didn’t want to get involved too early!

After all, black eats black, pay attention to timing!

But now… It’s time for someone else to avoid!

“Made!! Unexpectedly, let the old guy with the white beard get the Illusionary Beast Seed Devil Fruit, once his body recovers, he will definitely come to me personally, and the World Government does not dare to directly capture his headquarters after he leaves the base camp now…”

At this moment, the position of the mountain is reversed, on a raft, Blackbeard and his partner are rushing towards the East China Sea!

Looking at the reward of the sky screen, I couldn’t help but feel a slump!

“But… It’s not without a chance, if there is a Shock Fruit in the artificial fruit of the Dragon Kingdom, I will also be invincible to the world!” Little ones! When we get to the East China Sea, let’s keep a low profile, don’t conflict with the Dragon Kingdom, let’s sneak into the country to observe the situation, and then start after making sure that there is something I want! Blackbeard instructed.

It’s not that I’m afraid of the Dragon Kingdom, but I’m afraid that things will make a big deal!

Get the attention of Whitebeard!

“Understood, Captain!!”

[The kingdom troop ranking is over, please vote for the most recognized kingdom! ] 】

[Bonnie: Do you still need to think about this? It must be voted for the Dragon Kingdom! 】

[Kobra: That’s right, I also vote for the Dragon Kingdom!!] 】

[King Riku: Dragon Kingdom! ] 】

[Karp: Dragon Country, must give Dragon Country! ] 】


The barrage is almost the Dragon Kingdom!!

Everyone is voting!

But when the recognition really comes out!

Everyone was stunned and shocked!!

Because the result exceeded everyone’s expectations!!

The Dragon Kingdom is not the most recognized country!!

(Subscription please!!) with).


Sailing: The Kingdom of God I created has been exposed!

Sailing: The Kingdom of God I created has been exposed!



One Piece World, the kingdom rankings are out!

Which kingdom is the richest in the world?

Answer: Dragon Kingdom of the East China Sea!

Which country in the world has the most resources?

Answer: Dragon Kingdom of the East China Sea!

May I ask which country’s king is the most beloved in the world?

Answer: Gao Yang, King of the Dragon Kingdom…

“We, Dragon Country, are not the only ones. We are also the country with the most scientists. Education, productivity, salary… are all number one in the world!”

With the exposure of the kingdom leaderboard! !

The eyes of the powerhouses all over the world are on the Dragon Kingdom of the East China Sea!

Wu Laoxing: There are such perfect countries in the world, they need the protection of the Holy Land!

Four Emperors: The perfect man-made devil fruit? I need a permanent pointer!

Aokiji Kapzefa: There is the justice we yearn for! !

Gao Yang stood up and said: “Everyone, don’t forget that we are also the country with the strongest military power in the world, please think twice before acting, don’t say it is unexpected!!”


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