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Sailing: The Kingdom of God I created has been exposed! — Chapter 068

What about your arrogance just now?

That kind of self-respecting spirit in heaven and under the world!

What about the villain temperament that seems to be only naturally bad people have?

Where did it all go?!

Now the world can be completely sure!

This blue-haired young man is a monster-level powerhouse!

In their opinion, no matter how arrogant he is, he is normal!

But after Gao Yang came, he became a demon king and became a “lamb”!

That’s a bit of a contrast!

[Warring States: How did this king of the Dragon Kingdom do it, the art of the Imperial Kingdom is so good! ] 】

The Warring States are all admired! Such a strong man as the admiral.

One by one, independent specialists, don’t look at him as a marshal of the navy!

But many times it is not necessary to command them.

It is more difficult to think that they are obedient than to ascend to the sky.

But the king of the Dragon Kingdom did what he couldn’t do.

I really want to ask him privately how he did it.

Hope the yellow ape can succeed, that’s the best!

[Kaido: What a useless guy, with such strong strength, but obedient to a little king! ] 】

[Aunt: Even if there is any kindness, a world-class powerhouse will not be so humble and respectful! ] 】

[Sea King: You know a fart!!] You are not even qualified to carry shoes for my king! 】

[Kaido: After I settle in the Dragon Kingdom, I hope you can still be so crazy! ] 】

[Whitebeard: The king of the Dragon Kingdom is really not simple! ] But I have to thank the Dragon Kingdom for solving this traitor for me! 】

[Wang Zhi: I heard the battle between the redhead and Kaido in the East China Sea before, how? Are you guys done? 】

[Silver Axe: I happened to pass by, and I was going to join forces with Kaido to kill the redhead! ] But this guy has a teleportation ability on board! Count him lucky! 】

[Aunt: Locks, didn’t you say that you can go to the East China Sea in one day? Why hasn’t it arrived yet? 】

[Lokes: I saw some interesting things on the road, delayed some time, why, Lingling, are you in a hurry to return to the arms of Captain Ben? 】

[Auntie: That’s not it! ] 】

[Lokes: It’s not me saying you, you really can’t do it, after so many years of messing around, you still can’t achieve anything! ] 】

[Whitebeard: Okay, your brain pulp was beaten out at that time! ] 】

[Lokes: …”

Time passes in a barrage!

Soon it was the next day!

Waters and islands near the Dragon Kingdom.

It was lively for a while.

In multiple directions of the Dragon Country, on different islands. 643 Many forces have arrived.

Hundred Beast Pirates, Admirals, Aunt Pirates, Red-Haired Pirates… Some lone strong!

Because almost all of them arrive on the front foot, and other forces arrive on the back foot!

So now no party dares to take the lead!

Afraid that I will rush to the front!

Picked up peaches by someone else!

“Oh my God! The small East Sea Dragon Country has become the center of the world’s vortex at this moment, and the pirate groups and monsters that are usually difficult to see have arrived near the Dragon Country one after another! ”

“Just by looking at it, it makes people feel their souls tremble!”

“If so many of them monsters fight, I don’t know how many islands in the East China Sea will be destroyed!”

“Even if there is a top powerhouse in the Dragon Kingdom, the situation is not easy to be optimistic!”

“Two fists are difficult to defeat with four hands, once the battlefield unfolds in the territory of the Dragon Kingdom! So beautiful, blissful kingdom can be beaten into ruins!! ”

“They don’t care about that!”

“I don’t know who will strike first!”

“Whoever arrived first before must have started first, but almost all arrived at the same time, or other forces were nearby, so they had to be carefully considered!”

“I hope the Dragon Kingdom can get through this difficulty! I’m still planning to immigrate to the Dragon Kingdom!” ”

“Me too!! There are no pirates in the territory of the Dragon Country, and the standard of living is high! It’s my dream country! “……

The world is talking about it!

“Let’s try to talk about it first, after all, the Dragon Kingdom seems to be fighting for the just cause, hoping to convince Gao Yang, and save us from doing it, even if we catch Gao Yang in the future, it will be a problem to get along.” Yellow Ape said.

“Yes.” CP0 also nodded, and also felt that this method had a good success rate.

As long as the Dragon Kingdom is not stupid, it should be able to understand how dangerous their situation is!

At present, who in the world is more capable of guarding Gao Yang’s great secret treasure than their world government!

Soon the yellow ape sent people to the island to deliver letters to the king of the dragon kingdom.

“I still have to start as soon as possible, there are more and more people, Lingling, you help me drag that blue-haired little ghost, how about I take Gao Yang and this kingdom first!”

In a small town, residents have closed their doors and no one is on the streets.

Just because of this area came two terrifying monsters.

“I flew here, Perospero’s fleet will take a day or so to arrive!” If you take the Dragon Kingdom, you may not be able to hold it! ”

“That’s not necessarily, there are a lot of good treasures in the Dragon Kingdom, they are all used for construction, it is too violent to destroy the heavens, if it is used to arm my subordinates!” Coupled with the power of you and me, the world government may not be able to shake us! ”

“I want the exclusive sales channel of the angel potion in the future, as well as half of the wealth of the Dragon Kingdom!” Gao Yang will also have to come to my kingdom in the future to improve my land resources…”

“You have a big appetite.” Kaido couldn’t help but frown.

“As far as I know, Sengoku Karp, Whitebeard are on the way, and our old captain!”

“Good!” Time is not waiting.

With the combat power of Auntie!

Even if the Dragon Kingdom’s military list is the first, it is worthy of the name!

He is also fearless!

At this moment, there are many strong people watching outside!

Some pirate groups who can’t hold their breath!

After seeing Grimkjow, although in awe!

But did not give up, but began to huddle.

And they have their own reasons.

“If we have the opportunity, we will snatch Gao Yang, and if we don’t have the opportunity, we will drink soup, grab some gold treasures, get some devil fruits, angel potions…”

“Don’t say it, my saliva is almost dripping!”

“The Dragon Kingdom is really rich!”

“Nonsense, wealth list, resource list number one!”

Suddenly a message caught everyone’s attention!

[Luo: The Golden Emperor is here!] Go visit the Dragon Kingdom! 】

[Hawkins: It’s really in the Dragon Kingdom! ] 】

[Cappenbeki: I just didn’t know that the Dragon Congress wouldn’t accept him. 】

[Apu: I’m afraid that the Golden Emperor was acting before, and there was another intention! ] Especially at such a time, the Dragon Kingdom will not trust anyone casually! 】

In the video, a huge and no longer luxurious ship enters the waters of the Dragon Kingdom!

At the mouth of the coast of the Dragon Kingdom, there are many black-armored soldiers patrolling.

There are also warships docked at the mouth of the coast, and it still looks like an ordinary style of sailing ship on the sea.

But no one thinks so.

Before, even fishing boats were so terrible.

And where will these warships go in general.

“Stop coming.” Yixiao stood on a warship and looked close to the Golden Entertainment Empire.

said lightly.

Gao Yang is also on the boat, but fishing at the stern.

Artoria brought some refreshments.

While Gao Yang is concentrating on walking fish, pick up a little from time to time and eat!

She watched and ate at the same time, waiting until Gao Yang stretched out her hand.

The snack has already been eaten.

Gao Yang looked at Artoria.

Artoria looked at him as well.

“Lord Gao Yang, the Golden Emperor is here.”

Someone came to inform.

“Got it.” Gao Yang did not get up and returned to the deck. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

He came to see the Golden Emperor, but not directly.

Although the performance of the Golden Emperor in the video does not look fake.

There are many people who can act.

Who can guarantee that he did not come for wealth before.

And as the video progresses, now the Dragon Kingdom is not just rich.

There are a lot of crazy things!

Under the huge benefits, has the Golden Emperor ever moved?

So just laugh it out.

Dry him yourself first! Expedition!

Everyone was watching at the moment.

[Boni: Lord Gao Yang doesn’t seem to be going to pay attention to him! 】

[Stussy: The Golden Emperor is also a world-class powerhouse, and has a lot of wealth, even if the Dragon Kingdom is rich, it should be extremely eager for this kind of talent, just hang it like this? 】

[The loan shark king: I came from thousands of miles and ate a closed-door soup at the beginning, if it were me, I would just turn around and leave! ] 】


“Why did (CAAC) come?” Yixiao looked in the direction where the Golden Emperor was and asked.

Although he can’t see it, he can clearly perceive the location of the Golden Emperor.

“Come to atone for sins, come for the construction of the Dragon Kingdom.”

Only the Dragon Kingdom is different from this world full of filth and darkness.

“We don’t need it in the Dragon Kingdom, please come back.”

Listening to the words of a smile, the Golden Emperor just stood in place!

I don’t know where to go for a while.

After a long time, he thought of a way: “How to join the Dragon Kingdom?” ”

If you can’t be a cadre of the Dragon Kingdom, then start with the basics.

[Brother Ming: This guy of the Golden Emperor is really crazy! ] A good king is not right, he would rather be an ordinary citizen than stay in the Dragon Kingdom! 】

[Warring States: In his heart, an ordinary citizen is more meaningful than the head of a country. 】

[Squirrel: If you pursue justice, you should join our navy, our navy also needs this kind of talent! ] 】

[Whitebeard: Less gold on your face.] 】

“Please come back.” The answer to the Golden Emperor was still a calm refusal.

If this is replaced by the previous Golden Emperor, I am afraid that he will already be angry and angry!

[Green Pheasant: Is it worth it for the Golden Emperor to do this? 】

A famous strong man in the world who wanted to become a citizen of the Dragon Kingdom was rejected!

This was put in the past, who dared to think ah!

Changed to the previous Golden Emperor, I was afraid that when he was the first to refuse, he became angry.

[Yellow Ape: It’s strange, so crisp refusal! ] 】

This was a humiliation for the Golden Emperor.

“We, Lord Tezzolo, came from afar, sincerely felt that the Dragon Kingdom was good, and wanted to do our best for the Dragon Country.”

Mr. Tanaka can’t stand it!

When was Lord Tezzolo so humiliated.

“Needless to say, if the Dragon Kingdom is not willing to accept me, then in this world, there is no point in existing.”

The Golden Emperor looked at the sea and was determined to die.

“Get on your knees.” Gao Yang finally came over at this time and said.

The Golden Emperor if after experiencing the first wave of invisible humiliation.

Annoyed, or leaving, then there is no need for Gao Yang to appear!

That means he’s still that him!

However, the last step is needed to confirm it now.

[Morguns: The king of the Dragon Kingdom actually made him kneel?! ] Groove! This is more uncomfortable than asking for the golden emperor’s life! A person as arrogant as the Golden Emperor would rather die than suffer this humiliation! 】

[Stussy: What did he think? People came to run with good intentions, and they were humiliated again and again! 】

[Aunt: Could it be that the King of the Dragon Kingdom is actually an extremely arrogant person? 】

[Wang Zhi: The Golden Emperor is really miserable! ] 】

[Redhead: For the strong, no benefit can make them compromise to suffer this insult! ] 】

At this time, Gao Yang took a few steps forward nonchalantly!

Poof!! But after the Golden Emperor heard Gao Yang’s words, he knelt down directly without the slightest hesitation!

This stunned everyone!!

[Whitebeard: Not so much!!] 】

[Loan shark king: He is no longer the golden emperor I know! ] 】

[Kaido: Shameful guy! ] I invited you back then! 】

[Wang Zhi: Why bother!!! 】

[Karp: Only those who have a true heart for salvation can do this! 】


“Congratulations, from today onwards, you are a member of the Dragon Kingdom.” Gao Yang smiled.

It’s amazing how quickly attitudes have changed!

[Bucky: Hey? The last second did not agree, how can this be agreed as soon as he knelt down, the king of the Dragon Kingdom is a moody guy? 】

[Redhead: Stupid Bucky, people on the sea value dignity and face more than life, and the Golden Emperor cannot bear this humiliation in order to plot the wealth of the Dragon Kingdom! ]

Either turn around and leave, or directly kill the king of the Dragon Kingdom in anger, but he did not hesitate to kneel, and there was no struggle in his heart, which showed that he only had one thought in his heart! 】

[Warring States: Not only that, King Gaoyang inadvertently approached just now, entering the killing range of a first-class powerhouse, if the Golden Emperor had attempted just now, that blind swordsman might not be able to react! ] 】

[Bucky: Groove!! Are you all so smart? 】

[Mochi: Captain, is it possible that your heart is too big. 】

He didn’t dare to say stupid.

[Bucky: Bastard, who do you say has a red and big nose. 】

[Luo: Don’t want eyes, you can donate them to others. 】

[Moriah: Can people really get better? 】

[Karp: People can become bad, nature can also become good… It’s just that many people don’t have this opportunity, of course, there are hopeless people! 】

[Kaido: This is an additional first-class strong person for no reason! ] 】


[Aunt: At this time, only idiots will join the Dragon Kingdom! ] 】

“With your ability and strength, ordinary citizens are not suitable for you, smile, it seems that there has always been a lack of a vice captain in your second team, let him try it, if he does not do a good job, just withdraw.”

Gao Yang welcomes talents, and the territory of the Dragon Kingdom will expand a lot in the future!

It will also absorb more people.

The Golden Emperor’s ability and strength are not bad.

And it’s really changed, and it can be used.

If you don’t use it well, just replace it.

[Stussy: That’s right? The Golden Emperor can only be a vice captain, and it is still unstable, and it may be removed at any time! 】

[Morguns: I think with the strength of the Golden Emperor, it is enough to be a king army captain! ] As a result, he became a vice captain of the second team! Could it be that the captains of the Dragon Kingdom are all powerful? Strong enough to be the Golden Emperor Capital is not necessarily qualified? 】

[Auntie: How is it possible?! ] He must not have trusted him yet, let him start from the bottom. 】

And at this time, on the sea, the fleet of the navy also appeared in view.

“Your Excellency Gao Yang, I can’t wait for your reply, so please understand… Can the old man ask why His Excellency Gao Yang did not reply to the letter? Our Navy is very sincere in inviting His Excellency Gao Yang. The yellow ape stood at the bow of the warship and asked.

At this time, on the sea surface, many pirate ships faintly appeared.

“Can’t let the Navy succeed!” One force is in action!

Of course, the other forces could not sit still!!

(Subscription please!) )。


Sailing: The Kingdom of God I created has been exposed!

Sailing: The Kingdom of God I created has been exposed!



One Piece World, the kingdom rankings are out!

Which kingdom is the richest in the world?

Answer: Dragon Kingdom of the East China Sea!

Which country in the world has the most resources?

Answer: Dragon Kingdom of the East China Sea!

May I ask which country’s king is the most beloved in the world?

Answer: Gao Yang, King of the Dragon Kingdom…

“We, Dragon Country, are not the only ones. We are also the country with the most scientists. Education, productivity, salary… are all number one in the world!”

With the exposure of the kingdom leaderboard! !

The eyes of the powerhouses all over the world are on the Dragon Kingdom of the East China Sea!

Wu Laoxing: There are such perfect countries in the world, they need the protection of the Holy Land!

Four Emperors: The perfect man-made devil fruit? I need a permanent pointer!

Aokiji Kapzefa: There is the justice we yearn for! !

Gao Yang stood up and said: “Everyone, don’t forget that we are also the country with the strongest military power in the world, please think twice before acting, don’t say it is unexpected!!”


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