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Sailing: The Kingdom of God I created has been exposed! — Chapter 071

Boom!! A hideous monster with a hound’s body and a snake’s neck climbed up the thick earthen wall.

Soon to the top of the earthen wall! Jump down suddenly!

Rushed towards the yellow ape!

It smells the unique breath of human life!

“Where is the monster, it looks so terrible…”

The yellow ape did not perceive how threatening this thing was.

Raise your hand and a flash of light shoots out.

Easily pierced the body of the snake dog.

The beam passes through the body and falls on the wall behind!

Bang!!! A terrifying explosion has happened!

The earthen wall was instantly blasted out of a huge gap!

Admiral, even with a casual blow!

It is also extremely destructive.

The snake dog also snapped and fell to the ground.

The yellow ape frowned slightly, looking at this gap and listening to the roar!

A little distressed said: “This is trouble, if you accidentally overdo it.” ”

Roar!! As soon as the words fell, a faint scarlet blood mist filled the snake and dog that had just fallen!

Then he quickly stood up again, jumped up, lively, and pounced again with a hideous and crazy face.

“Oh Cassine, it should have completely pierced the body just now, and the internal organs were burned out, how can I still be alive!”

The yellow ape fox wondered, thinking it was the other end.

Although hesitating, he still jumped up slightly, crossed his hands, and pinched his fingers into shapes: “Eight-foot qiong gouyu!” ”


The sky pours down with hot burning light masses!

All hit the snake dog.

Let the snake and dog devouring beast that just jumped, the body was instantly beaten to pieces!

Poof, he lay on the ground again.

The yellow ape fixed his eyes and looked closely, and found that the scarlet aura was pervasive!

The injuries on this monster’s body are recovering rapidly.

“What are you kidding?!” The yellow ape’s face immediately sank!

This is completely contrary to the common sense of the human body or biological structure of the sea!

Even the existence of Whitebeard, who is known as a monster!

Once you are beaten by someone, as long as it is really injured!

It is also mortal, this thing was just pierced through the body.

Will roar, there is blood, the internal body structure can be seen …

It really hurt, but it didn’t die!

Is it a strange ability? I’ve never heard of this!

The phantom beast species hit it, because of the ability characteristics, it is not considered to hurt the true body!

After a slight startle, the yellow ape quickly recovered his peace.

Because of the gap that was opened by him at the moment!

This kind of monster is coming in a flock of fast swarms.

And more than one variety.

There are spines like millipedes that make baby-like roars.

There are weird varieties with moth wings and mammoth bodies.

There are ground salamanders that look like toads, salamanders, and newts.

There are also monsters with swollen necks, gradually turning red, and accumulating some kind of energy roaring! ……

They all have one characteristic, which is hideous, fierce, crazy, and weird!

Yellow apes have seen an unknown number of sea kings!

Countless kills have been made!

But he swore that he had never seen such a creature!

Densely packed in droves.

It gives a tingling sensation in the scalp!

Boom!! The roaring monster with a swollen neck suddenly erupted into a burst of energy cannons!

The yellow ape is not afraid and does not feel domineering or the like.

But this is on board.

He could only meet the attack, draw his lightsaber, and smash these energy cannons with a few strokes.

Then raise your foot and a golden cross flashes appear!

Sou! A beam of light was kicked out by him and landed in the group of monsters!

Rumble!!! In an instant, the monster was killed and injured innumerably, and many stumped limbs and broken arms flew around!

After the explosion, the shattered bodies of these monsters were filled with scarlet mist!

They’re wriggling again, as if they’re coming back to life.

The yellow ape’s eyes froze, and a sense of horror arose! !

What kind of monsters did the Dragon Kingdom raise!!

And this scene is also in full view of the sky!

[Loan shark: I Nima!! What kind of monster is this?! How can you not kill or die!? 】

[Luo: I have never seen such a creature that defies common sense in medicine! 】

[Kaido: It’s all beaten like that, and you can still come back to life! ] This is not flesh and blood at all!! 】

Kaido is sure, although these guys are for these top powerhouses!

It is not powerful, but this immortal characteristic is unprecedented and extremely amazing!

Even he is known as the strongest creature in the world!

If you are beaten into a sieve, you will surely die.

Of course, his defenses are extremely strong, and there are very few people in the world who are capable of doing this!

[Gao Yang: I have already told you before, our dragon country is full of forests, and there are many beasts! ] 】

[Wang Zhi: My Nima’s!! You call this kind of horror, immortal, and monsters that can spray energy cannons are called beasts! 】

[Silver Axe: Your beast can’t be killed! ] 】

[Golden Lion: I made those things, they are not half as terrifying as this thing! ] 】

[Cappenbeki: Muggle! Fortunately, I was not curious to enter the Dragon Kingdom just now, otherwise I might not be able to come out alive! 】

[Aunt: Angel potions are extracted from these monsters? Undead, fast recovery, there are indeed similarities! 】

[Venus: Never seen such a creature! ] 】

The five old stars were shocked! If only this thing could be mass-produced!

I’m afraid it’s an extremely powerful killing weapon!

At this moment, countless people’s mentality exploded!

This Dragon Kingdom is simply crazy!!

Is there a kingdom hiding these monsters, and they are not afraid of getting out of control?


The mood of the crowd has not yet calmed down.

A scream came from the dense forest shrouded in scarlet mist!

The specific situation, the sky canopy is not clear!

Because of the scarlet mist.

But somewhere in the forest, suddenly bright, strange, animal-like mouthparts flowers burst out.

Many pirates above are being chewed by mouthparts covered with jagged teeth!

The screams were endless.

Many tried to cut it, but it was unusually strong.

Even if a strong person cuts it, it quickly splits into more!

There is a pliable giant grass jutting out of the forest, on which a group of people are strung together.

The blood is dripping, people are still struggling, but the source of life quickly disappears!

They are also sucked dry and turned into nutrients!

“No, don’t!! What the hell is this place!! ”


“I don’t want to come to the Dragon Kingdom! I want to go back!! ”

“Why, why can’t you kill!! Is this hell?! ”


[Sengoku: What is that thing?! ] 】

[Gao Yang: There are wild beasts in the forest, and naturally there are flowers and plants! ] 】

[Loan shark: Vozh! Your flowers and plants will eat people, will they split, will they kill? Yes!! Don’t take such a horrible thing for granted! 】

[Wang Zhi: Does the forest of the Dragon Kingdom lead directly to hell? 】

[Silver Axe: A lot of breath disappeared in an instant!!] 】

[Golden Lion: If there are a large number of this, even if we are entangled, it is estimated that it will be very tricky! ] 】

[Gao Yang: I remember telling everyone that our Dragon Kingdom is very dangerous! ] 】

[Kaido: Hmph!! As long as the power is strong enough, nothing can be destroyed! 】

These things, for ordinary strong people, are certainly dangerous and terrifying!

But not for these monster powerhouses!

Look at the yellow ape shooting several beams in a row at this moment!

Completely evaporate all monster flesh and blood and drown in the explosion!

You can’t regenerate it.

It’s that some monster defenses are quite amazing, and there will always be fish that slip through the net and recover!

It’s really annoying, even the yellow ape can’t stop all attacks!

Swish… Quite a few energy cannons flew out.

Boom! Several warships were pierced and sunk, and many navies struggled in the sea!

Roar, roar!! And those monsters seem to be more!

Pouring towards the gap from all directions!

It’s completely inexhaustible.

“Exit a certain distance first!” The yellow ape frowned helplessly.

He himself is not afraid!

But behind the navy, many people have already been scared!

Unkillable monsters!! A steady stream of volumes!

If they climb onto the warship, they are rear admirals, and vice admirals may be consumed alive!

After exiting some distance!

The yellow ape found that those monsters only roared, roared, and huddled together on the shore!

It’s crazy, there will be a lot of energy cannons coming!

But none of them left the island!

[Pirate A Gaoyang, you demon king! ] You created a bunch of devils!! 】

[Pirate B: Don’t kill me, don’t kill me, I’ll surrender! ] 】

[Cross Saint: Gao Yang, your Dragon Kingdom dares to attack us?! Don’t leave yourself a way back at all? 】

[Gao Yang: You said this funny, don’t casually enter other people’s homes in the future, enjoy a new ecosystem! ] By the way, I forgot to tell you that after dark, some polar eaters will become even more terrifying! 】……

In the palace, Gao Yang stood on a high place, calmly watching everything around him.

“Xiao Wu, go and tell the guards, don’t rush the harvest, let the enemy feel fear, can deter others, and don’t let our soldiers risk for efficiency, everyone’s life is precious, open the protective shield, trap, consume them a little bit!”

“The top powerhouse is going to be stared to death! None of these guys can be underestimated. ”

“Yes.” Ulquiorra disappeared in an instant.

“Enjoy the appetizers of this feast!”


In the forest. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Doflamingo waved the invisible line in his hand.

Countless monsters were chopped, but soon from heaven to earth.

These monsters are everywhere, wait for him to solve a group!

Found the monster that had just been cut off, and recovered.

“Abominable!! How can there be so much! And you can’t kill, Peggy Wan, watch out for energy cannons! ”

“Can’t break out!!”

With the two ancient abilities of Brother Ming, the strong and the Pejiwan sisters and brothers!

They barely withstood the attacks from all sides!

But even if the animal line is resilient, the physical strength is amazing!

I can’t help but consume continuously!!

The people around them are dying one after another!

Not everyone has the strength of theirs!

Over time, the situation will become more and more unfavorable!

And from the high wall in the distance, from time to time, there will be powerful beams of light coming over!

That terrifying beam! Even Doflamingo is not sure that he will not be injured in the future!

“It’s really not possible, we can only retreat!”

“How about that, what about Lord Kaido’s order?!” The Runti sisters and brothers naturally refused!

“We’ve lost it!”

“Then look for it, you can’t let Lord Kaido down!”

“Hmph!” Brother Ming’s eyes are gradually murderous!!

He also retains the ability to awaken and cope with the unexpected.

After all, no one knows what else is in this forest now!

Especially he didn’t forget a little!

Longguo Hailou has many stones, and the processing is precise!

He was afraid that after he awakened, the goal would be too obvious.

It was used as a target for fire!!

Sou! Suddenly, Grimmjow’s figure plundered from above!

“It’s also a few good prey, you guys wait well, I’ll go get those big guys first!”

Grimchow laughed maniacally!!

It’s time to hunt today!

When passing by!

Grimthaw shot a virtual flash!

It exploded around Doflamingo and the others!

Kill many people!!

The three of Ming Ge were also thrown out!

“Damn it!!”

It was actually targeted by this monster!

Fear followed by anger!!

Dare to use yourself as prey!!



“Just make these boring gadgets! Do you really think you can stop us? Since you have already started it, there is no need to wait for the so-called three hours! Directly pound the yellow dragon and take down Gaoyang! Signal the yellow ape to lead the fleet to attack directly! ”

Cross Saint said angrily.

“Good!” Jikel nodded!

Look at the thousands of world government fighters they brought with them!

Most of them were killed and injured under this endless tide of monsters!

His face is not very good-looking!!

This hasn’t gone far, and it actually suffered a big loss!!

But because he and Cross Jihad are amazing!

Even if the monsters continue to flow, they can keep going!

They don’t threaten two people for the time being!

It’s just annoying, and it’s too much!

The scarlet mist released by the spine caused many subordinates to hallucinate!

are all frantically killing each other!!

This is extremely difficult for them to deal with, this is a monster that never understands!

At this moment, a whole forest close to the coastline!

Countless invaders died, blood stained the earth, wails broke through the sky, and panic 960 took over the body and mind…

Something is gradually born in fear, resentment, death …

These invaders never expected to step into this land!

What will be ushered in will be such a fierce counterattack and cruel hell from the Dragon Kingdom!!

The Dragon Kingdom offended all the forces to death at once!

Are you really not afraid of being attacked by the crowd at this moment?

Many of them still have troops outside!

How dare the Dragon Kingdom be so crazy!!

“Found you!!” Grimchow found Cross Saint!!

Lord Gao Yang doesn’t like this guy very much!!

“Ordinary Polar Devouring Beasts can’t consume you strong people!! Let me have fun with you!! ”

Grimmjow laughed.

“Hmph, do you think we’re that Blackbeard?!” Cross Saint doesn’t like this kind of person very much!

Do not know what lowliness and lowliness are!

Dare to be so rude to the Figarandu family!!

Kill !! Be tortured!!

“That’s wonderful!! You’re welcome!! Let’s do our best!! ”

Then I read the words that I didn’t finish last time!

“Slaughter him! Leopard King!! ”

Rumble!!! A terrifying spiritual pressure several times erupted!

The forest in this area was instantly leveled by the spiritual pressure!!

Countless Extreme Devouring Beasts were instantly swept away and torn to pieces!!

Except for Cross Saint and Jikel!

Everyone else was pressed into the ground by the terrifying spirit pressure!!

The unlucky bastard who got close, his body instantly exploded into a blood mist!

“What is it?!” Cross Saint looked shocked, he had never felt the power before!!

Seems to be above himself!!

Are you kidding! He is not weaker than the admiral!

[Lox: Groove!! Someone transformed, the able? It doesn’t look like yes!! The bursting power forms a real pressure! Razed an area!! 】

[Redhead: What a powerful force! ] When I cleaned up Blackbeard, I’m afraid I didn’t give my full strength!! 】

The strong people near the Dragon Kingdom felt the horror of this breath more intuitively!

[Morguns: What kind of monster is this guy! ] How it feels as scary as a whitebeard! The hair has become longer and the body shape has changed!! 】

Not all top powerhouses can be compared to Whitebeard!

Whitebeard is even more terrifying!!

[Wang Zhi: This guy is even stronger than expected!! 】


“We’re going to rescue the captain, they’re sending a signal!”

Many of those who remained at sea received the signal.

“It seems that war cannot be avoided…” The yellow ape also received.

Immediately, many ships leaned towards the Dragon Kingdom!!

“Guys, please stop!!” With a smile in his hand holding the staff knife, he looked at everyone and said!

“Rush up!!” Countless people are shouting!

“Let’s go together! Destroy the Dragon Kingdom! ”

Thousands of ships are overwhelming towards the Dragon Kingdom!

“In that case, the old man had to fight with all his might!!”

With a smile, he suddenly pulled out his knife, and a gravitational purple halo rushed straight into the sky…

(Late at night!) Please subscribe!! )。


Sailing: The Kingdom of God I created has been exposed!

Sailing: The Kingdom of God I created has been exposed!



One Piece World, the kingdom rankings are out!

Which kingdom is the richest in the world?

Answer: Dragon Kingdom of the East China Sea!

Which country in the world has the most resources?

Answer: Dragon Kingdom of the East China Sea!

May I ask which country’s king is the most beloved in the world?

Answer: Gao Yang, King of the Dragon Kingdom…

“We, Dragon Country, are not the only ones. We are also the country with the most scientists. Education, productivity, salary… are all number one in the world!”

With the exposure of the kingdom leaderboard! !

The eyes of the powerhouses all over the world are on the Dragon Kingdom of the East China Sea!

Wu Laoxing: There are such perfect countries in the world, they need the protection of the Holy Land!

Four Emperors: The perfect man-made devil fruit? I need a permanent pointer!

Aokiji Kapzefa: There is the justice we yearn for! !

Gao Yang stood up and said: “Everyone, don’t forget that we are also the country with the strongest military power in the world, please think twice before acting, don’t say it is unexpected!!”


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