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Sailing: The Kingdom of God I created has been exposed! — Chapter 073

The people around him are being eaten away, and Doflamingo is going crazy!

As His Majesty Qiwu Hai for many years, he has never fought such a humiliating battle!

Endless monsters are coming.

No matter how you kill, you can’t kill it, you can’t finish it.

The most important thing is that he can’t finish killing, and his strength is comparable to that of the emperor and vice.

Really want to target some polar eaters.

With some effort, he was still able to use the wave formed by the Awakening Line Fruit to strangle it into slag!

And can’t finish killing, has been entangled, deep in the encirclement is still not the most humiliated!

What made him most humiliated and crazy was.

It is a beam cannon that comes from the shadows from time to time.

And warriors in black armor give him a knife from time to time.

Countless dark guns and arrows did not stop.

When Doflamingo was forced to do nothing.

Directly awaken the ability, dig the road, and kill in front of the small group of extremely well-disguised black-armored soldiers.

I thought that I could finally solve this group of soldiers who were secretly firing cold guns.

But suddenly found out that the guy who was called the captain!

is a strong person, he blasted over with one blow, but he was too careless, and he was directly shocked out!

Doflamingo’s mentality exploded directly!!

This guy is definitely not weaker than himself!


So powerful, how can you only hide in the dark and put cold guns!

Also take others with you!

What are you afraid of! Come out and do it from the front!!

Is there a little bit of dignity that a strong person should have!

Brother Ming instantly felt that he was being teased.

The overlord was domineering and wild, madly killing the captain

As a result, he took people, turned his head and ran, disappearing into the vast tide of monsters.

Those monsters were like they couldn’t see them.

When you deal with the monster tide again, you may have hope to escape.

These guys quietly followed again!

So repeatedly, how can you not make people’s mentality explode!

How did these bastards manage to be so strong and meticulous!!

Even if you like to play with people’s hearts!

I like to force out the dark side of human nature little by little in the killing.

But if you encounter a strong person who is evenly matched.

He Doflamingo will definitely fight to the end!

But these guys…

All of them play their cards according to common sense!

“Ahhh!! I must slaughter all of you, not a single one left!” ”

Minggo is full of rage!

The Peggy Wanrunti siblings were almost unable to resist.

Of all the people brought now, there are only three of them!

“There are obviously more monsters in the back, preventing us from escaping!”

“Although it is dangerous ahead, our only way to live, whether it is to enter the city to take Gaoyang, or to escape through a crowded place, that is our hope, continue to be trapped here, can only wait for death.”

This time the sibling didn’t say anything, summoning up all their strength.

Follow Brother Ming all the way forward.

There are many monsters, and they also have 400 colors hanging on them!

After many attacks.

They finally saw hope.

It was the end of the forest, and there was a light coming and the light was drawn closer.

You can see a beautiful city, but the city is not destroyed!

“Quick! Enter the city, the city is fine, it means that these monsters will not attack there! ”

Brother Ming’s eyes lit up, and he finally saw hope.

Also briefly got rid of those annoying black-armored soldiers!

Several speed-type polar eaters suddenly burst out from the edge!

“Get out of here!!” Peggy kicks it out!

Boom!! The snake dog was kicked and slammed into the air!

There is an invisible barrier there!!

“What barrier is ahead!!”

“Five-color line!!” Brother Ming waved his five fingers and snorted!

Transparent barrier, spark of friction of the starting string!!

“I’ll try!” Runti turned into a swollen dragon!

An iron head that is enough to blast through the mountain peak hit it!

The whole person was shocked and flew out, and his head was broken and bleeding!

“Not here, try it elsewhere!”

The trio broke through along the rest of the barrier.

Still not working!

Brother Ming also tried, and he couldn’t break this barrier!

“The ability of the barrier fruit?! With such a wide coverage, how is it possible, the forest is completely isolated from the city! ”

Peggy looked incredulous!

The defensive power of this invisible barrier is amazing!

“Oops! There are more and more monsters, and we are driven to a dead end! ”

Runti was also a little desperate.

Brother Ming’s eyes turned cold.

“Birdcage!” Brother Ming made a personal birdcage for self-preservation!

Countless Extreme Devouring Beasts collided fiercely!

Instantly divided into several segments by sharp lines!

“You still have this method!!”

“Joker! What do you mean?! ”

The Runti sisters asked!

Because they’re not in this birdcage!

“Let’s ask for blessings for yourself!!”

Brother Ming smiled coldly, now these two are worthless!

Use a birdcage that sustains one person.

He could also escape from somewhere else!

Because these two are outside, they will attract more Polar Eater Beasts!

This is also what Brother Ming had planned from the beginning!

It really didn’t work, so I sold them.

Let them attract some firepower!

Take the opportunity to leave yourself!

“Aren’t you afraid that Lord Kaido will settle accounts with you?!”

“That’s a matter for later.”

Minggo left with the birdcage!

The polar eaters kept pounding.

Finding that it can’t be broken for a while, quickly set your sights on targets that are easier to hunt!

The two who had no strength for a long time, soon there was a scream (CBFD) coming!

But screaming again and again, apparently the two have not given up the struggle!

Mingo had just walked a distance with a birdcage.

Suddenly, his eyes froze, and on the big tree in front of him, a figure with short white hair was standing.

Cloaked in the moon that leaked through the cracks of the tree, quietly looking in the direction where he came.

She was holding a Tang knife in her arms, and her face was indifferent!

Beside her, there is also a well-behaved kitten!

The kitten combed his hair, and the polar eaters around saw this!

But none of them dared to approach, and they all slowly retreated…

“I don’t like that…”

Boss Bai spoke.

This woman Brother Ming knew that the Dragon Kingdom scientist had appeared several times in the previous video!

Developer of the Angel Elixir!

A beautiful female swordsman with super strength!

Should not be weaker than yourself!!

At this time, meet the strong man of the Dragon Kingdom!

It’s really unlucky

But Brother Ming doesn’t plan to just grab it!!

Since you know that the enemy is strong!!

I don’t have extra physical strength and time to waste!

Just take her down with the strongest blow!

Take her hostage!!

It should be no problem to survive!

After all, this is the developer of the angel potion!

Dragon over very important scientists!!

“Awakening. Barren Wave White Line! ”

The surrounding area turned into a sea of white lines.

Mingge armed color domineering to the extreme!!

In order to gather all the power, the birdcage was also lifted.

Draw that little bit of power back!

“Sixteen divine bullets. God kill! ”

Sixteen sharp lines condensed by countless white lines, the top of which covers its strongest armed domineering!!

From the entire field of vision, Boss Bai stabbed over!!

Minggo pinned all his hopes on this!

Just to take down this woman in an instant!

It doesn’t matter if you meet it by chance!

Or is she specialized in hunting intruders!!

The brave win when the narrow road meets!!

Boss Bai pulled out his knife with one blow, and the blade light was like a feather blade flying in the sky!

With extreme speed, ultimate power!

And the fine and tricky cutting angle!!

Cover the attack of Mingo!

Bang bang bang!!

With just one blow, she cut off several divine killing lines that first arrived in front of her!

Then a whirlwind slashed sideways!!

A sword light that is as stunning as a rainbow! (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Pierce everything and shred the remaining lines!

At the same time, the moment the knife stopped, the tip of the knife pointed towards Brother Ming, and the power of the void burst out!

The whole atmosphere is shaken! The shock wave rushed in!!

Fly Mingge Zhen out!!

Crashed into a small area of trees!

Qi and blood churned, and a mouthful of blood spurted out!

“What?!” Brother Ming was stunned!!

So easily cut off his strongest attack!!

I also hurt myself in the air!!

Made! This is definitely a monster comparable to Kaido!!

Definitely not as simple as a scientist!!

Damn!! In the small Dragon Kingdom, how can a top powerhouse appear again!

Are you kidding!! Is the world crazy!!

“Huh? Those monsters dispersed, that is, I can get out of the air! ”

Brother Ming saw that there were no monsters on the trees!

Rejoice immediately, no matter what, this is your own opportunity!

He pulled up the line and threw himself directly into the air!

Hook the canopy around you with the help of lines!

Move fast above the forest!

Looking back, the man didn’t catch up!

Is it because there are no means of air pursuit?

I breathed a sigh of relief in my heart, but I couldn’t hide the horror in my heart!

Looking up at the sky screen, he sent a barrage that attracted everyone’s attention just now!

Convey your message too!

Especially the other subordinates scattered in the forest!

As soon as it came in, the monster tide suddenly hit!

Many of their subordinates were washed away!

Look at the surprise of everyone on the barrage!

Brother Ming doesn’t care so much!

Keep sending barrages!

[Brother Min: Diamanti, you guys leave the Dragon Kingdom quickly!!] 】

But there was no response!

[Aunt: You can see Brother Ming on the sky screen! ] He was galloping over the forest!! 】

[Kaido: Useless guy, what about the others?! ] 】

[Loan shark: Joker! Is what you just said true or false!! Groove… There is someone behind you, no, no!! There are angels!! 】

Brother Ming, who was on the run, instantly felt numb when he saw this barrage!!

Someone chasing themselves!!

At the same time, he also felt it at this moment!!

It’s just that! What the hell is an angel?!

[Sanji: O angel! Really an angel!! Oh, my God! Will Boss Bai also transform! 】

[Absalom: It’s so beautiful! 】

[Hancock: There are really angels in this world!!] 】

At this moment, this scene made countless people in the world exclaim!

It doesn’t matter if it’s a monster-level powerhouse or not!

This scene has been unforgettable in a lifetime!

Under the clear moonlight, the moon is like a hazy veil, covering the whole world!

Boss Bai gave birth to a pair of white, shining angel wings with cold brilliance!

It is the beautiful, holy long wings of the myth of the wordbook!

And not the wings of the empty islanders!

With a flutter of her wings, she flew at great speed from the sky, like a beautiful silver-gray light!

The moonlight shines on the short white hair, and the hair color reflects a faint silvery-white glow.

The glow reflected her indifferent face!

Make her more and more stunning, sacred, and ethereal!

Like a real angel descending!!

Even if the murderous machine is everywhere! But such a picturesque scene has countless people have a suffocating sense of beauty!

[Bonnie: How can there be such a beautiful woman in this world!!] I love it so much!! 】

[Tyrant Bear: ……]

No, this daughter is getting more and more wrong!

Gotta talk to her!

Even Gao Yang has seen it many times.

There is still a sense of amazement.

He took a sip of light tea: “The perfect fusion of the phantom beast bloodline factor and the angel potion, a miraculous success!” ”

When Boss Bai first appeared.

Have taken imperfect potions themselves.

Causes great loss of the body!

After this thing was born, it completely repaired her physical defects.

And she harnessed that power perfectly!

Perfect evolution at the genetic level!

In a sense, this is a god created by mankind!

Its strength is extraordinary!!

Boss Bai is flying in the air at an extremely fast speed!

In an instant, he caught up with Brother Ming!

“Super Strike Whiplash!”

Mingge palms out a sharp line of high compression that cuts construction steel!

Don’t turn your head, rely on what you see and smell and throw it behind your back!

Try to stop Boss Bai so that you can get time to escape from the Dragon Kingdom!

But Boss Bai fluttered his wings, and the air explosion behind him skyrocketed!

Whoops the existing distance!

Come to Brother Ming!

I don’t know how much faster than before!

“I…” Brother Ming was horrified!

Poof!! Tang Dao wrapped in moonlight, mercilessly chopping down, without any superfluous words!

Brother Ming’s blood splattered in the sky, like a bird with broken wings falling into the forest!

This knife split all his defenses!!

Straight to the point!!

[Moriah: What a joke!!] The clown guy was stabbed in seconds! 】

[Redhead: Although I don’t know what Doflamingo has experienced before, he is obviously not in his peak state! ] 】

[Wang Zhi: Even so, it is definitely not something that a strong person of the same level can do! ] This scientist of the Dragon Kingdom! Definitely has the combat power of the top powerhouse! 】

[Apu: Mad!! I feel like either I’m crazy or the world is crazy!! These monster powerhouses, which are incomparably rare in the world, actually appeared one after another, and this is already the third ah! 】

[Sengoku: How is this possible?! ] This is also outrageous, and I haven’t heard of any of them before! How can you temper your strength without experiencing brutal battles?! This is unreasonable! 】

Forget about one, it’s normal to occasionally have fish that slip through the net on intelligence!

The result is now three!! This is super outrageous!!

After all, usually, if you can grow to be so powerful, you will not be unknown in the world!

[Venus: The Dragon Kingdom is so deeply hidden!!] 】

The five old stars were also horrified!

There can be so many top powerhouses in the naval headquarters!

It is because in the name of the world government, the ruler of the world!

Recruited worldwide!

As a result, you have one kingdom, and there are three top monster powerhouses!

Your Dragon Kingdom is such a big place!

How to cultivate three monster powerhouses!

I don’t understand!!

[Hawkins: Although it feels impossible, is it possible that the last blonde female swordsman among the previous three swordsmen is also a monster-level powerhouse? 】

When the barrage of Hawkins comes out!

The world is silent!

No one would have believed this before!

But these three people appear very often in the video!

And it seems that the strength is similar!

Now Yixiao and Boss Bai are both monster-level powerhouses!

Why can’t Artoria be?!

[Karp: The world is a little too crazy! The Dragon Kingdom is a little scary! Too strong to be reasonable! 】

[Jin Xing: Doesn’t this just prove how valuable Gao Yang is? Think about it, under normal circumstances, can a remote medium-sized country produce so many strong people? There is no fame in the world yet! This must have something to do with Gao Yang’s ability! 】

Venus’s words reached everyone’s hearts!!

Many people’s breathing became rapid in an instant!

The jealousy and hesitation just now! At this moment, it turned into greed again!

The one who gets the high yang! Win the world!!

“All prove our strength, still don’t want to turn back?” Gao Yang’s eyes froze slightly.

That is, the strength is not enough! Deterrence is not enough!

Aunt Kaido was quiet the whole time, silently watching everything in the Dragon Kingdom.

Look at the battlefield of Grim Jow on Dragon Kingdom Island, and the sound of killing and revelry!

Watching the sea all the time there are ships trying to enter the Dragon Kingdom from other directions, but they are quickly sunk!

Watching Yixiao constantly block the landing of the yellow ape and its large fleet…

And at this moment, at the instigation of the five old stars!

The forces of all parties that cannot be restrained by greed in the heart!

“Our chance to take Gaoyang has come! Get ready to get your hands dirty!! ”

Kaido whispered to Auntie!

(Subscription please!) )。


Sailing: The Kingdom of God I created has been exposed!

Sailing: The Kingdom of God I created has been exposed!



One Piece World, the kingdom rankings are out!

Which kingdom is the richest in the world?

Answer: Dragon Kingdom of the East China Sea!

Which country in the world has the most resources?

Answer: Dragon Kingdom of the East China Sea!

May I ask which country’s king is the most beloved in the world?

Answer: Gao Yang, King of the Dragon Kingdom…

“We, Dragon Country, are not the only ones. We are also the country with the most scientists. Education, productivity, salary… are all number one in the world!”

With the exposure of the kingdom leaderboard! !

The eyes of the powerhouses all over the world are on the Dragon Kingdom of the East China Sea!

Wu Laoxing: There are such perfect countries in the world, they need the protection of the Holy Land!

Four Emperors: The perfect man-made devil fruit? I need a permanent pointer!

Aokiji Kapzefa: There is the justice we yearn for! !

Gao Yang stood up and said: “Everyone, don’t forget that we are also the country with the strongest military power in the world, please think twice before acting, don’t say it is unexpected!!”


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