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Sentinel of American Comics — Ahem, old guys~

The days after it was put on the shelves have passed. For a salted fish, the results are unexpected. Although I still can’t get rid of the reputation of being a hit, I am satisfied and can continue to go to the Arad continent and meet Celia.

Therefore, even if my update of Xianyu is short and weak, I will continue to write it, try to turn it over, bask in the sun, and hope to become more mature.

After being reminded by my seniors, I would like to express my gratitude to all readers…

I wrote a review before, and some people said it was like a paper on the experience of entering the palace. I disagree with this. Every word comes from the heart, and the feelings are sincere. Are you not touched at all? Then you think, “There is such a pure and unpretentious thing.” Author, let me vote a few more times to support this idea?

Ahem, let’s get back to the topic. First of all, I would like to thank those book list gurus, especially the “super celebrities”. When this book was still a seedling, I left a message in the book review area. However, regarding the plot of your cloak, I will think about it again and again. , I still think that although it’s cool, it’s not practical~

Then there are the lovely hall master “I am Daxian’er”, my first helmsman “l477423”, and “Yu Yeming” who rewards me every night, and I am reminded of the writer’s assistant’s notification sound in my sleep every day. Wake up, this feels good.

I am very touched that you guys can give such support to a newbie (squeezing out a few tears) (T▽T)

There are also many readers who voted for me on time and gave generous rewards. I originally wanted to make a list and attach it to the back, but copying and pasting is too tiring, so… um, um, just understand in your heart (sincere face)

In fact, there are a lot of people I want to mention. For example, I live in the starting point and always get the first place… Um, I didn’t find your name. I’m too tired to type it, so just understand. There are a few other IDs. It’s a bunch of figures. No need to go into details. I sincerely thank you and bow~

Let’s talk about something more serious next. As I said before, June is approaching and the secular world is increasing, so I still maintain a stable rhythm of two updates. I think that a moment of bravery will not last. Being as stable as an old dog like me is The most important thing, right?

The update time is from about 9:30 in the morning to 7 in the evening. Occasionally there is a deviation, which is probably because I forgot. You can remind me in the book review area – I often finish writing and then forget to upload it.

As for the writing style, I saw that some readers expressed dissatisfaction with it. I am considering whether to change it to another way. It mainly depends on the development of the subsequent plot…

There will be another chapter later. I believe you will like this way of thanking you more than a single chapter~

Throw flowers, applause.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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