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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 1 Rebirth

New York, Queens.

In an abandoned factory in a remote location, a group of dark-skinned gangsters wearing hip-hop attire were punching and kicking the poor guy lying on the ground.

“Want to be a hero? You don’t even look at yourself, how dare you go against us!”

The leader of the gangsters yelled loudly. There were swelling and bruises at the corners of his eyes, and it was obvious that he had been punched.

“You are really overestimating your capabilities. We are in Boss Frank’s gang, and even the police dare not take care of it! How dare you attack us?!”

The gangsters who punched and beat him echoed and laughed wildly. The boss they called Frank D’Amico was said to be a big drug lord on the West Coast with terrifying power, and these little gangsters were the low-level minions inside.

“I kindly want you to join in, but Sean, you’re so stupid for not showing appreciation!”

The gang leader spat, and because he refused to sell drugs for these gangsters, he was resented, so he was blocked on the road, dragged here and beaten up!

“What? Still not convinced?”

The boy called “Sean” had bulging eyes, black hair stuck to his forehead, and his face was covered in blood. His hands and feet were held tightly by a few gangsters, and he could not move at all.

“Looks like I have to make you suffer a little bit to let you know that we are not easy to mess with!”

The gangster leader laughed strangely, raised his foot and kicked Sean’s head hard, trampling him under his feet!

As he kicked one foot after another, the stubborn young man’s breathing became weaker and weaker, and he gradually stopped moving. His eyes also lost their luster, as if the light of the fire was gradually dimming.

“Boss… this kid seems to be motionless.” Not long after, a black man with a nose ring whispered.

The gangster leader was stunned for a moment. The boy’s nose was bruised and his face was swollen. His whole face was covered in blood, and his body was motionless, as if he had lost his life.

“Fake! It’s so easy to fight, forget it, let’s go…”

The gangster leader tried his best to hide his inner panic. Although it sounded nice that he was a subordinate of a certain West Coast drug lord, in fact he was just a small gangster. As long as he was not caught by the police, nothing would happen. But if he was killed He’s in big trouble, and those damn cops will send him to jail.

A few gangsters left in a hurry, even forgetting to dispose of the body. In the long-abandoned unmanned factory, in the blink of an eye, only a young man named Sean was left lying on the ground. The originally energetic young body gradually began to fade. The ground went cold.

The sun sets on the horizon, and night gradually covers the city.

In the sky covered with night gauze, a streak of white light suddenly flashed across, like a huge ball of lightning, spinning and emitting a halo, as if controlled by some mysterious force, rushing straight towards the abandoned factory, quickly surrounding it. After turning it a few times, it plunged into the boy’s body as if it had found the right target.


The cold body lying on the ground suddenly struggled and let out a weak groan. The eyes suddenly opened, with bright white light flashing in the pupils.

“This is where?”

The boy who was supposed to be dead slowly sat up, his groggy brain gradually clearing up. Some kind of power sorted out the chaotic thoughts, and those complicated and trivial memory fragments gradually became clear.

“Sean Sipers, his parents died unexpectedly…Captain America, Stark Industries, Peter Parker…this is all a mess!”

The young man whose face was covered with blood frowned. He seemed to have found something strange in the memory of the previous host of this body, which gave him a vague feeling of bad premonition.

“Damn it! You’re not going to come to that world where perverts are everywhere and there are as many dicks as dogs, are you?!”

Sean cursed. If he thought about it carefully, it was really possible that he was playing an avatar mixed martial arts game at home. After beating the last level, the computer screen flashed a white light, and then he was reborn into this world called Sean’s unlucky ghost.

“It’s really a headache. Any world would be better than this one. Mutants, superheroes, evil villains, alien life, alien gods… This is simply a hell-level opening difficulty!”

Sean couldn’t help complaining. If it was as he suspected, then as an ordinary person, it would be unreasonable to want to live peacefully in this world.

Not to mention those super villains who want to destroy the world for no reason, just because of bad luck, if he encounters a fight between superheroes, a civil war or something, he may become a poor passerby who is affected. After all, someone like him Ordinary people don’t even get a chance to show their faces. At most, they appear in obituary notices as one of the victims in newspapers.

“This is too unfortunate.”

While he was feeling annoyed, Sean discovered something interesting. A ball of white light floated in his mind. Through the hazy light, he saw a familiar interface. Countless virtual characters appeared on the list, but some were gray. In the game, this means that there is no choice. Some of them are flashing with colorful light. When the consciousness is extended, various data will appear clearly on the retina.

“There is always a path, and the ups and downs in life are really surprising.”

A surprised smile appeared on Sean’s face. The virtual interface in his mind was a virtual character mixed martial arts game he played. He collected classic characters from various comics and movies. Through continuous battles, he accumulated victory points and redeemed them. It is a powerful equipment unique to the character. It is strange to say that before he traveled through time, the big boss in the last level happened to be a comic book character in this world. He did not receive the final reward, so he inexplicably traveled over.

“Dear player, you have a victory reward that has not yet been settled. Do you want to claim it?”

A clear line of text emerged.

Sean was overjoyed and nodded quickly. This is what he needs now.

The white light kept flashing, and powerful rewards passed by one after another. Sean’s eyes widened, and he was extremely nervous, expecting and fearing at the same time.

“Mark Armor (can be upgraded and converted), an outstanding work of Iron Man Tony Stark…”

“The Super Soldier Serum reaches the limit of various qualities of the human body. It will have different effects on different users. The only successful target is Captain America…”

“Vibranium armor, made of indestructible and powerful metal, can absorb huge damage…”

Sean looked at the various rewards from this world passing by, and his mood was like riding a roller coaster. It seemed that the reason for traveling to this world was that some powerful equipment and weapons from other worlds were in gray status and were temporarily unavailable. Unlocked for use.

“Why don’t you just give me the infinite gems.” The reborn time traveler said whimsically.


There was a crisp sound, and the white light finally stopped flashing and settled on a bottle of potion. The liquid contained in it exuded golden light, and the flow emitted an astonishing bright light, which seemed to contain extremely powerful energy.

“Stellar Potion (remaining).”

Sean was stunned. After spinning for so long, he got a golden potion without even an item introduction?

He forcibly resisted the urge to curse, and took out the bottle of golden potion from the game bar. A ball of soft light condensed, and a warm feeling filled the palm of his hand. Looking at the reward he finally got, Sean hesitated for a moment, but still He raised his head and drank it in one gulp.

Now that he has come to this world that is full of dangers at all times, he cannot let go of any opportunity to strengthen himself, because he is no longer willing to be an ordinary person, one of those powerful heroes with extraordinary abilities who fly into the sky and escape from the earth to save the world. Enjoying the spotlight…

Sean doesn’t want to be one of the millions of people who look up to them. When danger befalls him and enemies appear in front of him, he can’t just expect those superheroes to save him.


The moment he drank the golden potion, severe pain overwhelmed his consciousness. His whole body seemed to be shattered in an instant. Blood vessels, nerves, and even every cell were all crushed by the powerful force. His mouth opened wide. The biggest, but couldn’t even make a sound.

Golden light was like a flame, pouring out of Sean’s eyes, and an unimaginable energy slowly flowed and condensed, completely seeping into the body, transforming this fragile and thin human body.

The sky has completely darkened, and the human boy in the abandoned factory is undergoing an unprecedented and huge change.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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