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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 10 Come to Visit

As night falls in the city, the gorgeous lights are like torches, illuminating the bustling and noisy steel forest. Even though it is already two o’clock in the morning, the city center with dense high-rise buildings and crowded people is still bustling with singing, dancing and feasting. scene.

The slums where homeless people and low-class people gather are another story, with dilapidated and old apartment buildings, as well as hippies and black people wandering the streets. If you look deeper, you can still see some people wearing scantily clad clothes and posing. There are street girls and gang members in small groups. It is full of drugs and crime. It is a dark place where the light of the law cannot shine.

“Which one is Rasool?”

Wearing a leather jacket, Sean came to the slums and entered an old apartment with a sense of time. The moment he opened the door and walked into the room, he couldn’t help but frown. The place was full of all kinds of difficulties. The smell of cigarettes, beer and marijuana mixed into a weird smell that made people feel sick.

The room was filled with noisy sounds. Everyone was doing their own thing, taking drugs, sleeping, and playing games. They didn’t seem to notice anyone walking in. For this reason, Sean had to increase his volume and ask again.

“I’m Rasul, can’t you see my big breasts?”

A girl wearing revealing clothes and heavy makeup stood up, looked at the young boy who walked into the room, and bent slightly to tease him.

Sean glanced at it, and then looked at the heavily made-up face, showing no interest at all, “I want to ask Mr. Rasul about something.”

“You want to know something from me? Do you want to know which street your mother does business on? Or do you mean you can’t find your way home? Hahaha!”

Amid the laughter, a black man with dreadlocks stood up and looked at Sean, who looked like a student, with an obvious lack of kindness in his eyes.

“Oh, you are Rasul.” Sean narrowed his eyes, “Originally I just wanted to ask you about Frank D’Amico, but now you have to pay a price for your inappropriate words and deeds.”

The young boy’s words once again caused laughter in the room, and the fierce black men stood up one after another, as if staring at a little lamb that had strayed into a pack of wolves.

“This is not a school. No teachers or parents will come to save you, little one!”

The black man named Rasul picked up the dagger on the table and gestured in a threatening manner. He was very much looking forward to the pitiful little guy being scared to the point of peeing his pants.

“One, two, three, four… Well, excluding this lady dressed like a street girl, there are six people in total.” Sean counted the number of people in the room, “I actually don’t like to use violence. “

As soon as he finished speaking, a big black man with an impatient personality rushed up, as if he couldn’t wait to teach Sean a lesson. The young boy took a half step back and twisted the other person’s arm faster, and the white bones were piercing. The skin was broken, and a stream of blood spurted out, splattering on the floor and sofa.

Ignoring the screams of pain, Sean walked around casually, knocking down the opponents who rushed forward one by one. In just half a minute, except for The exposed girl had a look of fear and disbelief on her face. Only Rasul was left standing. This black man who was extremely arrogant just now was holding the dagger gingerly, his legs were shaking involuntarily, as if he was about to wet his pants at any time.

“I just want to ask you about something. Why does it always have to be so complicated?”

Sean slowly approached the black man Rasul, who backed away step by step. When he was close to the corner, this guy finally yelled and swung his dagger towards the young boy because of the growing fear in his heart!


A clear voice sounded, and Rasul’s arm was broken like chopsticks. The devil-like young boy took the dagger snatched from his hand and said with a smile: “I said, you have to fight for your own. There is a small price to pay for inappropriate words and deeds.”

After saying that, Sean stabbed the dagger into the black man Rasul’s thigh without blinking. “Then it’s time for prizes and questions. I’ll ask you to answer. If the answer satisfies me, I don’t mind before leaving.” Call an ambulance for you.”

A few minutes later, Sean got the news he wanted and left directly from the fire stairway through the window. However, on the top floor of the building hundreds of meters away, someone had a clear view of what had just happened through the scope of a sniper rifle.

“Dad, someone beat those guys before us.” The little girl wearing a purple wig said excitedly.

Damon, the heavily armed former police officer, looked solemn. Is there someone like him who is eyeing that damn bastard Frank D’Amico?

“Let’s follow him and see what he’s going to do?” A middle-aged man carrying a Bartley heavy sniper rifle and his daughter followed him all the way up.


“Farke! Do you know what time it is?!”

Frank D’Amico yelled into the phone angrily. Anyone who is woken up from bed at two or three o’clock in the middle of the night will not be in a good mood.

“Frank, something bad has happened. Rasul has been arrested by the police!”

Frank’s henchmen reported what happened tonight. Several dens had been destroyed, and now the police station was filled with drug dealers, all of whom were the backbone of Frank’s gang.

“Does this mean that almost all of my men were caught? And a large amount of goods were lost? Am I now the most bullied person on the West Coast?!”

Frank roared angrily. He had never been provoked like this before. As the leading drug lord on the West Coast, even the police chief had to give himself some face.

“Tell me who that bastard is? I want to see his head on my desk tomorrow morning!”

Frank smashed the bedside phone. The gangster and drug lord was already furious. If this happened often in the future, who would do business with him? Losing the channel for smuggling goods would be fatal to him. Strike!

Without the huge profits from the drug business, what would he do to support the large number of people under his command? The gang boss sounds very majestic, but in fact he relies on profit support, otherwise there would be so many people working for him.

“You better not let me catch you, bastard! Otherwise I will make you regret being born in this world!”

Frank was wearing pajamas, poured a glass of whiskey from the wine cabinet, and looked at the bustling night scene outside the floor-to-ceiling window. His anger and panic gradually subsided. He was just a little guy hiding in a dark corner. He posed no threat to himself. The outside world announced a high-priced reward, and soon someone took the other party’s head to claim the reward.

Frank, who had experienced strong winds and waves, drank the liquid in the cup in one gulp, with a contemptuous smile in his eyes. There were many people who wanted to kill him over the years, but in the end, they all ended up being poured into concrete pillars and thrown into the river to feed the fish. !

Bang bang bang!

A series of gunshots woke up the brooding Frank. He picked up the phone on his desk and asked, “Can’t you just let me be quiet tonight?”

“I’m afraid not, Mr. Frank D’Amico, I said I would come to visit you in person.”

A young man’s voice came from the other end of the phone, with a faint smile: “Don’t worry, we will meet soon.”

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Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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