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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 100 The world needs heroes

The breeze blew the gauze curtains, and the bright morning light shone in from the outside. The fine rays of light fell on the white sheets. Susan, who was peacefully asleep, smelled the fragrant fragrance of flowers. She opened her hazy eyes, What comes into view is a white ceiling, surrounded by various medical instruments for measuring vital signs.

Various flowers were placed on the bedside, and the whole room was filled with a fragrant atmosphere. Susan turned her face slightly and found an unexpected man sitting next to her, looking at her quietly.

Facing the pair of deep eyes like ancient wells, with blond hair and snow-skinned Miss Storm, who looked like the sleeping beauty in the fairy tale, she subconsciously avoided it, and her calm inner lake wavered with tiny ripples.

“This is Victor’s medical clinic. We have returned to Earth.” As if he saw Susan’s doubts, Sean replied with a smile. “Everyone is fine. Victor is busy handling the company’s affairs. He sent these flowers. Reed and the others should be awake at this time.”

“The doctor said your pulse is stable and strong, and there is no radiation reaction in the blood test. You probably only need to rest for a while.”

Sean explained calmly, and his gentle voice seemed to give people strong confidence. Susan’s original worries and doubts gradually disappeared, and she asked softly: “What about you? I remember that the energy storm seemed to have affected you too.”

“Everything was normal. I was far away and didn’t faint like you, so I sent a distress signal to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. It took six hours to wait for their rescue. After docking with the space station, we successfully landed back. Earth.”

Sean recounted this thrilling experience. Accidents are most likely to occur in space. The space station was hit by an energy storm and almost all electronic equipment failed. Fortunately, it was still able to send out a distress signal. Otherwise, it would have to wait for NASA. called in the hope that someone would notice their anomaly.

Thinking about the terrible consequences of being trapped in the dark and endless space, with no way to go to the sky or the earth, Susan couldn’t help but feel a little lucky. In the end, everyone was safe and sound and successfully returned to Earth. She couldn’t help but secretly make up her mind that there would never be another time in the future. Traveling in outer space was really scary.

Sean’s eyes stayed on Susan. In his spiritual world, the other person’s body was emitting a weak energy response, similar to optical camouflage. If it was truly displayed, it could completely integrate with the surrounding environment, and even Vibrating the air, condensing an invisible force field.

Susan coughed a few times. She was made uncomfortable by Sean’s unabashed gaze, as if her whole body had been seen through by him, and she felt an inexplicable sense of shame.

“Sorry, I was a little distracted.” The young man apologized softly.

He suddenly thought that in this failed space experiment, the biggest victim would be the future Doctor Doom. A huge investment of nearly one billion was wiped out. NASA had to pay high compensation, and the news media also argued After Xiang reported the accident, the share price of Doom Group plummeted. Everyone in the industry knew that Victor Doom, a once successful man, had fallen from the clouds and became worthless.

And Reed, who caused all this, eventually became a hero praised by everyone. Not only did he win the beauty back, he also defeated his love rival in one fell swoop. If Sean hadn’t known Mr. Fantastic’s kind-hearted nature, he would have almost thought this was a well-planned conspiracy.

After a few seconds of silence for Doom, Sean’s attention turned to the TV. On the screen, Tony Stark’s friend Colonel Rhodes was speaking to reporters——

“… Regarding the explosion that occurred in Stark Industrial Park last night, the official statement has been sent to everyone. Witnesses claimed that there were huge robots fighting each other. It was just a malfunction that occurred during testing. In the industrial park The arc shock reactor was also damaged as a result…”

Seeing Colonel Rhodes’ reasonable explanation, Sean had a smile on his face. Susan, who was lying on the bed, stared at the young face and asked softly: “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing.” The young man shook his head. “I’m just feeling the arrival of a new era.”


Stark Industries.

Listening to the official explanation issued by Colonel Rhodes standing in front of the stage, Tony Stark read this morning’s newspaper with gusto, while female secretary Pepper carefully applied simple makeup on him to cover up the stain on his face. Small scars.

“Iron Man, this name is really catchy, I like it very much.” Tony experienced the thrilling and fierce battle last night, and he was still in the mood to joke, “But strictly speaking, the description is not accurate enough. In fact, Mark’s armor is made of gold and titanium Made of alloy.”

“Mr. Stark, this is what you want to tell reporters.” A black-clothed agent from a special agency named Coulson came over.

Tony, who has always hated state department staff, rarely showed a good attitude. If the other party hadn’t provided help and delayed the crazed Obaday, perhaps Pepper would have died tragically under the powerful firepower of the steel machine.

“You were on the private yacht yesterday. We prepared customs documents saying that you were on vacation in Hawaii all night yesterday. We also obtained the testimony of fifty witnesses for you. You only need to read it word for word.”

As if he was worried about the playboy’s willfulness, Colson kept talking, “As for Mr. Obadiah-Stein, we have also prepared our words. He was also on vacation at the time, but he was unlucky and the passenger plane he was traveling on encountered an accident. ACCIDENT.”

“Well, that’s really professional.” Tony praised him without saltiness.

He hates doing things according to other people’s instructions. That would be very uncomfortable. Even if the whole world knows that he is Iron Man, what will happen? These special institutions hidden in the dark always like to hide everything from the people, as if such things are easy to do. Nothing happened.

“This is not the first time I have dealt with this kind of thing, Mr. Stark.” Coulson maintained a gentle smile, “As long as you read according to the script, this matter will calm down soon.”

“Okay, by the way, what’s your name? National Strategic Security Bureau?” Tony suddenly remembered. He didn’t know the departments these black agents belonged to, and they didn’t look like agents from the FBI or CIA. .

“SHIELD.” Coulson turned to leave, “We changed the name to something easier to remember.”

He was originally going to the Arctic glacier to salvage a downed plane, but was temporarily delayed due to an unexpected incident at Stark Industries. Director Nick Fury valued this cynical playboy very much, and even Listed as an important protected figure.

“…Now, Mr. Stark will make a statement and will not answer any questions. Thank you!”

After the lengthy and boring official speech, the reporters saw Tony Stark, the protagonist of this incident, walking onto the stage. The reporters seemed to be on stimulants and kept clicking the flashlights. They expected the other party to have another powerful one. Big news, last time it was said that Stark Industries’ weapons manufacturing plant was going to be closed, the newspaper was sold out the next morning.

“Uh… I haven’t seen you all for a long time. I think I’d better read from the script this time.” Stark’s unique cold humor won a burst of laughter. “Some people suspect that I was involved in the incident on the highway and… During the fierce fight in the industrial park, newspapers even promoted me as a superhero and gave me the name ‘Iron Man’.”

Tony looked down at the manuscript and continued: “Obviously, I am not made to be a hero. I have so many personality flaws and have caused a lot of trouble for a lot of people…”

“So the truth is-“

He raised the manuscript in his hand and looked at the reporters and cameras in the audience. He took a deep breath and said solemnly: “I am Iron Man!”

Compared to being a big arms dealer, a playboy, and a scientific genius, Tony currently prefers his new identity of a superhero. The eager and eager eyes of those reporters, as well as the constant flashing lights, and the feeling of being focused by everyone’s attention, make him Extremely enjoyable.

“The world needs heroes.” He looked at the reporters gathered around him and thought to himself: “Iron Man can protect the world.”

ps: There should be only one update today. The weather is changeable and I’m catching a cold~


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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