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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 102 Mutation

Bartsk Mansion, Sean’s residence.

Reid sat on the sofa with an anxious face and took the coffee brought by Mindy. In front of outsiders, this violent little loli still maintained a very well-behaved and cute image.

“I’m going to do my homework.” Little Loli’s voice was soft, and she ran back to the room wearing a princess dress.

“Your cousin is so sensible. It’s rare for a child of this age not to be noisy.” Reid took a sip of coffee, and his inner anxiety gradually stabilized.

Sean smiled at this compliment. Only those who have truly seen Mindy’s true nature will know how much of a headache this seemingly cute little loli can be. He received bloody complaints from the dean of students almost every week, but with his generous educational funding, the school chose to turn a blind eye.

“I didn’t expect you to be discharged from the hospital so soon.” Sean looked at Reed who was running over in a hurry, already knowing the purpose of his visit.

Presumably at this time, Reed and his team had discovered their anomalies. Being exposed to the energy storm in outer space and being attacked by high-energy particle flows was not without any impact on them.

“Sean, uh, have you… just felt uncomfortable in any way recently?” Reid asked hesitantly like a bad doctor.

He was really embarrassed to open his mouth, thinking of the promise he had made before, but now this unexpected accident happened. Because of his miscalculation, the space station was destroyed by the energy storm, and the bodies of his companions also had abnormal reactions.

“No.” Sean shook his head. “I asked the Red Queen to undergo a full-body medical test. There was no excessive radiation in the blood, and the vital signs were all normal.”

“Actually, I want to wake up overnight and suddenly become a super hero with infinite strength…” He looked deeply into Reed’s eyes and said with a smile on his lips.

Facing Sean’s deep gaze, Reed couldn’t help but feel a little uneasy. He thought of Ben who turned into a stone man, and decided to speak frankly: “The energy storm in space completely changed the genes of Susan, Johnny, and Ben. As a result, we have acquired unusual abilities, but this may also threaten our lives…”

“So you want to ask me if I am like you?” Sean smiled and turned on the TV.

TV news reported on a car accident that occurred on the Brooklyn Bridge. An out-of-control truck caused dozens of cars to rear-end each other. At the same time, a shocking explosion occurred, causing the arriving fire truck to almost fall into the river. This unprecedented car accident almost caused hundreds of casualties – if not for the help of the Fantastic Four!

“Congratulations, you have become another group of superheroes who have officially appeared in public after Tony Stark.” Sean’s eyes were full of joking, and he joked: “Now the whole of New York knows your existence, and they have You guys are called the Fantastic Four, which is a cool title.”

Seeing that Sean already knew everything, Reed couldn’t help but lower his head in frustration. This was one of the few failures in his life. The last time was because Susan left him.

“It’s just terrible!” Reed had a troubled look on his face. Unlike Johnny, he thought having superpowers was a cool thing. Especially after seeing Ben’s huge changes, he felt guilty in his heart. Incessantly.

“The genes of the human body are altered, which may lead to some unpredictable changes in the body, or even life-threatening! Only Johnny would think this is worth showing off!”

Sean curled his lips. He disagreed with Reed’s view. The future Mr. Fantastic was always full of hesitation before doing things. When he took the first step, he would think about the next hundred steps in advance. This Although letting will reduce the chance of making mistakes and ensure the probability of success, it will also miss a lot of things.

Susan is an obvious example. Compared to Reed, even Victor Doom was much stronger than him. When he learned that he had extraordinary abilities, the first thing he thought of was how to make himself stronger instead of rejecting this God-given strength.

If he hadn’t been dazzled by power, had an overly arrogant temperament, and suffered from the tragic fate of being a villain, he might not have been able to be victorious by the Fantastic Four in the end.

“Are you resisting the changes in your body, Reed?” Sean’s eyes flickered, “Have you ever thought of a solution? This is not an incurable disease. With your wisdom, it shouldn’t be difficult to solve.”

“I want to build a machine that uses a stream of high-energy particles to create an energy storm and conduct a reversal experiment that, if successful, might allow us to return to normal.”

Reed lived up to his reputation as a genius. He came up with a solution in a short period of time, but there was still hesitation between his brows. Obviously, this method was not perfect enough.

“It’s a good idea, but it’s also very risky. A slight miscalculation may cause your symptoms to increase exponentially, or even be life-threatening.”

Sean did see the risks of this plan. The kind of accident that Reed encountered was almost difficult to replicate, otherwise it would be a method of mass-producing superpowers. The time of exposure to the energy storm, as well as the impact of various rays, will cause huge differences in the final results.

For example, the Fantastic Four were in similar circumstances, but the abilities they obtained were completely different. Even Ben’s appearance had undergone earth-shaking changes, with his flesh and blood turning into hard and heavy stone.

“Maybe I can help.” Sean offered. He was very interested in people with superpowers other than mutants. It might be a good research topic.

“Your genetic structure has mutated, which may contain the key to opening the door to evolution. Reed, I think you should be calm. This is not a bad thing. You are not mutants, and you are discriminated against and excluded by people – New York The citizens regard you as celebrities!”

Hearing Sean’s comfort, Reed breathed a sigh of relief. The depression and anxiety he had suffered for many days had made him suffer. On the one hand, it was the heavy blow of the failed experiment, and on the other hand, he felt guilty for hurting his friend. pain.

“You have to cheer up, at least Ben still needs your help!”

After sending away Reed, who had somewhat regained some sparkle in his eyes, Sean’s eyes were dark. Perhaps a small calculation error could cause the energy storm to take away the life of the experimenter, but for him with Skynet, as long as he can master it, Small changes in time, as well as maintaining accurate judgment, may not be impossible to replicate successfully.

“Hmph, you have another bad idea!”

Sean was thinking about how to profit from it, but his thoughts were interrupted by Mindy. The little loli crossed her arms and looked like a little adult.

“I’m obviously thinking about how to help Dr. Richards.” Sean coughed twice with a sincere expression on his face.

“Tch, I don’t believe you.” Minty turned her head and said, “Last time you said that it’s best to lie to a science geek like him.”

Sean took the little lolita who knew too much. The former super-killer girl had a tendency to evolve into a nerdy girl. He bought a bunch of games and snacks with his pocket money. This made him think it was necessary to punish Mindi’s classmate. A friendly and friendly ideological education.

“Games like “God of War” are too bloody and not suitable for children. They are confiscated! GTA5? Violent and vulgar! Let me put them away for you… Hey, there is also “The Witcher”, which is not suitable for children. I will keep it for you first. Wait until you grow up to play again! By the way, eat less snacks, I’ll take these away!”

Sean wandered around Mindy’s room and conducted a carpet-like search. In the end, the results were so great that the little girl was so angry that she bared her teeth and claws next to her, wanting to take back her beloved collection.

“I’m doing this for your own good. You should be more restrained when you are young. In the future, you should eat less ice cream and cola. You should exercise more and run more to stay in shape.”

Sean suppressed Mindy’s resistance with one hand and walked away with a pile of trophies, thinking that there was still a long way to go to educate and reform violent lolita…


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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