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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 103 Before the appearance

In the days that followed, Sean often went in and out of Reed’s laboratory – this amazing man who was obsessed with research and science had transformed his home into an office. When he stepped into the other person’s home, the first thing he saw was There are various large-scale equipment and instruments, and the wide space is divided into two floors. The upper floor is a resting bedroom, while the lower floor is a venue for experimental work.

Seeing the shock in Sean’s eyes, Reed laughed awkwardly. After graduation, he had been in a state of financial constraints for a long time and was unwilling to accept job invitations from other scientific research institutions, so he wanted to have a separate private laboratory. impossible things.

However, it seems that Reed himself is quite satisfied and is not dissatisfied with the current embarrassing situation. This genius who is obsessed with exploring science and truth is not obsessed with pursuing fame and fortune like his old classmate Victor Doom. and power.

Sean looked around and met Ben, whose body had turned into stone, Johnny, who was laughing and joking, and his sister Susan. The three of them are now living in Reed’s residence, waiting for him to find the genetic mutation. solution.

Among the four, only Johnny didn’t seem too interested. On the contrary, he really enjoyed the feeling of being popular. He became a star in New York City overnight, which made the young man very happy, especially those hot girls. The curious look he received made him even more excited.

“Hey, Sean, I heard from Reed that your body hasn’t changed at all. It’s a pity…” Johnny greeted, still looking unabashedly flirtatious.

“Has anyone said that you look like a historical figure in the museum?” Sean looked at the other person with a strange expression on his face.

“Oh, you also discovered it! Many people say that I look very similar to Captain America during World War II. This may be the excellent genes of the Storm family, but I personally think that I am more handsome than Captain America!”

Johnny was complacent and wanted to continue to show off, but was pulled away by his sister Susan who couldn’t stand it. Miss Storm, who had a delicate appearance and a hot figure, really didn’t want to embarrass her brother anymore.

“What a lively young man.” Sean said lightly.

He soon joined Reed’s research work. First, he conducted tests on each person and studied their physical signs and physical data. This was the first step.

“If you want to identify the cause of the mutation, you have to isolate the recombinant genes so that specific genomes can be activated…”

Looking at the confused Stone Man Ben, Sean coughed twice and explained: “Reed means that I need to give you a physical examination first.”

Susan on the side sneered and mocked: “If you want to communicate normally with Dr. Richards, you must first understand quantum physics!”

Reed remained silent in the face of his ex-girlfriend’s cynicism. The relationship between him and Susan was very strange. It was clear that neither party could easily forget it, but neither one was willing to take the initiative.

Sean smiled as he sorted out the data from the first stage. Ben’s surface skin turned into a hard giant with extremely strong resistance to blows. His weight increased to about 500 pounds, and his personal strength increased significantly. It was enough Lifting a loaded truck; Johnny, who goes his own way, can produce high-temperature flames of thousands of degrees Celsius, and is immune to flame damage – but he is a natural fire that requires oxygen to burn and can be extinguished by low-temperature liquid nitrogen.

Susan’s invisibility ability is not to make the body transparent, but to achieve the effect of “invisibility” by refracting light. It may seem like an average ability, but it actually has a very broad space for development. She can vibrate the air to form a force field, or emit powerful energy. Shields and weapons, these are all possible.

As for the leader of the Fantastic Four, Reed’s body has super extensibility and self-plasticity. He can basically change into various shapes and is almost immune to all physical attacks.

Of course, in Sean’s view, Reed, like Tony Stark,’s most powerful weapon comes from his genius brain, which can easily turn the whims in his head into real inventions and creations. .

“The next step is to draw a three-dimensional structural diagram of the energy storm conversion device. Cosmic rays are generated from this machine and then transmitted to another human cabin. Of course, the time and energy output need to be precisely controlled. For this, you also need to calculate carefully. I can rent Umbrella’s supercomputer to you, and I believe it should be able to shorten most of the time.”

Seeing Sean’s help without hesitation, Ben, who was eager to become a normal person, and Reed, who was busy calculating data every day, sincere gratitude showed in his eyes.

If it weren’t for the other party’s all-out help, they wouldn’t have made a breakthrough so quickly and entered the final stage of building the machine.

The Fantastic Four were progressing in full swing, but Victor Doom on the other end also noticed abnormalities in his body at this time. The wound on his forehead had not healed for a long time, and his arms were showing a tendency to become metalized.

“Your tissues, organs and entire physiological structure are changing, but all systems are working normally.” The private doctor performed a full-body examination on Doom. “It is like a synthesis of some kind of organism and metal, which is better than titanium or Carbide steel is also strong, harder than diamond.”

The personal doctor looked at Doom’s arm in amazement. Part of the skin already had a metallic texture, and the transformation was very fast, only taking two to three weeks.

“I have to notify the Centers for Disease Control. If this is contagious, we will be in big trouble…” The responsible private doctor did not notice Doom’s ugly face.

“It’s not that serious. I am the head of a listed group and this matter must be kept secret!”

Faced with Doom’s condescending pressure, the personal doctor stuttered and said: “Mr. Doom, this may be a terrible disease that will cause physical degeneration. I must…”

A strong arm grabbed the private doctor’s throat, and violent emotions surged in his heart. Doom’s eyes were full of irritability and anxiety. He looked at the doctor coldly and said in a cold voice: “What a bad news!”

Doom, whose strength suddenly increased, smashed the personal doctor against the wall. He thought of the capriciousness of those on the board of directors and the arrogance of Ned, the Wall Street representative, and a strong anger arose in his heart.

He worked harder than ordinary people to gain a foothold in New York and get rid of the stigma of being a poor boy and a country boy. Just when he was about to climb up to the upper class and become a true elite, Reed destroyed everything. hopes and aspirations.

Doom clenched his fists, the lights in the infirmary flickered, and the arm close to the socket attracted the surging electricity. A trembling feeling swept through his body. He stared at the arm that was gradually covered by metal, with a sudden smile on his face.

“That’s interesting.” With low laughter, the room suddenly became dark.

Standing in the shadows, Doom seemed to have figured out something. Since God had given him extraordinary abilities, he should make good use of them.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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