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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 104 Under the night sky

The Waldorf Astoria Hotel in New York is known as the “focus of all civilization”. Perhaps no other hotel in the world can, like it, witness countless major historical events and receive many global celebrities, including countless dignitaries from various countries.

It is said that at one time, a total of 32 heads of state stayed here, and the political heads and foreign ministers of the five permanent members of the Security Council all stayed here. It was nicknamed the “Little United Nations”.

Today, under the flashlight of reporters, luxury cars drove up to the door of the hotel. Stepping out of the cars were celebrities and business elites. They were well-dressed and calm. After showing the invitation, they greeted the receptionist. Under the guidance of the crowd, they poured into the reception hall like a tide.

At about 6:30, the night came gracefully covered with ink-like gauze, and New York, a city that never sleeps, was also immersed in gorgeous lights and hustle and bustle. Harry walked out of the new car, holding a tall and beautiful female companion on his arm, who seemed to be a well-known female model. He looked around at the crowd of news reporters and felt very satisfied.

“At least it can’t be worse than that guy Stark.” Harry said secretly in his heart.

Today is a celebration reception for Umbrella and Osborne Industries. The sales momentum of genetic drugs is booming. Without Watsonton’s obstruction, and the broad prospects of Metis Pharmacy, the medical representatives and manufacturers welcome it with both hands. , I wish I could lift these two young people, Harry and Sean, to the sky.

Of course, after the last twists and turns, Harry, under Sean’s instruction, found several manufacturers with bad intentions to scare the monkeys. If he wanted to determine his position in an industry as quickly as possible, it was impossible to provide benefits and establish prestige. Indispensable, especially for new giants like Osborn Industries and Umbrella.

Harry walked into the hotel in high spirits. As one of the organizers, he didn’t even need to show the invitation. With his face, he successfully let the waiter lead him to the reception hall. This young master Osborne has rarely been proud of himself recently, as if he was favored by the goddess of luck. Watson was attacked by mutants, and the person in charge died unexpectedly. The huge market suddenly became vacant, waiting for other predators to share and enjoy it. .

Osborne Industries, which was originally looked down upon by others, benefited a lot from it. It relied on genetic drugs with good momentum to open up the market in one fell swoop and established a solid position. Umbrella also received a steady flow of funds, allowing Otto to The doctor’s new energy project can proceed smoothly. Unknowingly, these two newborns, who were like eaglets, gradually grew stronger, established a firm foothold, and grew up at a rapid speed.

“Why are you alone?” Harry found Sean who was alone among the crowd. He was quite surprised. The other person was never a rigid scientist who lacked popularity with women.

“Gwen originally planned to come together, but Dr. Connors’ experiment has reached the critical stage of in vivo testing, so…” Sean shrugged helplessly.

“Now that you are here, the important task of entertaining the guests will be handed over to you.” He patted Harry on the shoulder and said with a smile: “Ladies and gentlemen, our young and enthusiastic Mr. Harry Osborne, would you like to I’m so happy to welcome you all! I hope you have a wonderful night, and here’s to New York tonight!”

Sean’s words suddenly ignited the heated atmosphere in the reception hall. Amidst the echoes, the celebrities rushed to Harry’s side. Young Master Osborne, who was overwhelmed, could only put on a bright smile and greet everyone. He could barely handle this kind of childish communication by nodding his head and saying some high-sounding polite words.

His eyes were trying to search for his friend, but he found that he had already disappeared. Harry felt a faint complaint in his heart. However, when he saw the eager eyes of the female companion in his arms and the flattering words from the guests, the slight emotion suddenly disappeared. Dissipate, this kind of pursuit like stars and moon, is something I have never felt before.

In the past, he was labeled as “Norman Osborne’s son” instead of the current “Head of Osborne Industries”. This inadvertent change made Harry feel satisfied. He was no longer a part of life. A mediocre person in the shadow of his father, but a successful person who escaped from the shelter.

After leaving the lively cocktail party, Sean quietly stood on the observation deck, which is close to Park Avenue. Below, there is a busy flow of cars and people. There are tall buildings on both sides. The huge billboard at the street entrance emits colorful and brilliant lights. If you hold a glass Famous wine, wearing a well-fitted and pressed expensive suit, standing here and looking down, can really make people feel that they are among the ranks of successful people.

“Sir, Victor Doom has already started taking action.”

A burst of electric current came from the miniature headset, and Tianwang’s indifferent voice flowed out.

Sean leaned on the terrace, feeling the refreshing and cool night breeze. The lively atmosphere at the reception was vaguely conveyed, and Harry’s laughter could be heard. Compared with managing the company and dealing with complicated business contracts, that Osman This young master is obviously more suitable for such an occasion.

Sean was not surprised by Skynet’s report. Victor Doom’s arrogant and arrogant character actually hides a deep sense of inferiority. He comes from a small country in Eastern Europe. Latvinia has been in war all year round. , the people living there endured war, famine and disease, and could not see any hope or future.

Dumu, who is extremely talented, relied on his own hard work to cross the ocean and come to this land full of light. However, he soon discovered that this country was not as beautiful as imagined. It discriminated against outsiders and excluded non-believers. The nation’s ethnic group, most importantly, looks down on the poor who have no foundation!

“Rising from humble beginnings, climbing to the top of the pyramid step by step, possessing wealth and status that ordinary people cannot reach, and living a hard-fought life… Anyone who wants to take all this away from Victor is tantamount to Drive him to the edge.”

“People who reach the edge of a cliff will always take desperate risks and do crazy things.”

Sean smiled lightly, watching the birth of these heroes and villains with his own eyes, he really had a strange feeling in his heart, as if he knew the plot of the story in advance and watched it from beginning to end.

“Sir, I don’t understand your behavior.” After a moment of silence, Skynet, an intelligent life form, asked a question.

“You obviously have powerful power, enough to allow you to get everything in this world, but you still play it like a game, abiding by rules that have no binding force on you – as if you are a person who can overturn the table at any time. Gamblers, but always smiling and playing cards according to the casino’s rules.”

Sean was stunned for a moment when he heard this, then smiled and said, “Have you been observing my behavior? The learning method of intelligent life?”

“Skynet, the reason why I follow the rules of the human world is because turning over the table is a very boring thing.” The young man looked up at the night sky, with stars dotting the dark curtain, “If you always like to turn over the table, If you turn over the table, you will soon find no one playing the game. You have the power to get rid of the constraints of the rules, but it does not mean that you must use this method to prove your strength.”

“Being a tyrant in this world will not gain you any benefits. All you will have will be endless rebels and a ruins burning with war. Superman from another world has told me this with facts. “

Sean opened his hand and stared into the endless void. On the other side of the galaxy was the overlord of the universe who was dedicated to finding the six gems. That was the real powerful enemy.

“This planet is always favored by aliens and gods of the universe. Crisis occurs again and again, and superheroes need to work together to solve it, like a long comic with no end in sight.”

“I hope that my arrival can bring some changes to the world. Human beings will no longer need the rescue of superheroes, and the earth will no longer have to be invaded by outsiders – I want people to get rid of the shackles of this planet and move towards the infinite The boundless sea of ​​stars is like opening up a new sea route, ushering in a great era of interstellar colonization!”

The indifferent and mechanical intelligent life was silent, and after a moment he spoke out: “Sir, you want to be the leader of mankind, holding a sword in one hand and a code in the other. Those who obey your will should abide by the rules you set. “Those who are unwilling to kneel down and look up to you will be destroyed!”

Sean smiled softly. He turned and looked at the guests at the reception. Laughter and laughter flowed out along with the music. Harry stood in the center of the crowd, surrounded by flattering medical representatives. The difference between power and status. You can tell them at a glance by their positions.

“When I first came to this world, I just wanted to live quietly. Later, I felt that in order to protect my life, I had to have stronger power. Until I kicked away the stumbling blocks on the road and stood where I am now. … I realized I could do more.”

The young man paused, took a deep breath, and then said——

“I want people to know they don’t need superheroes!”

ps: Here is the second update from the author of Xianyu, let’s do the questions  ̄ω ̄=

I love learning, learning makes me happy~


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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