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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 105 Doctor Destruction

Doom Group.

In the empty office, Doom stood quietly. The wound on his forehead became more and more narrow, penetrating half of his cheek, and his two arms were almost completely metalized.

In just one week, the Doom Group, which was on the verge of collapse, miraculously stabilized. The Wall Street representative who became rampant when he gained power was easily eliminated by Doom, who suddenly gained powerful power. After the betrayal of the company’s board members, , and the heavy blow of almost losing everything, the dark side of Doom’s heart completely emerged!

The fear of losing wealth and status almost completely swallowed up his sanity. Thinking that after having nothing, he could only return to the backward and remote Eastern European mother country of Latvinia, Doom felt panic and anger in his heart!

So he began to embark on a crazy path of no return, killing the private doctor who was unwilling to keep secrets, and then the extremely greedy Wall Street representatives, and then used strong methods such as threats and intimidation to temporarily stabilize the situation, even if the Doom Group The stock price plummeted all the way, but it was still barely surviving.

After saving the company, Doom became increasingly unable to control his bulging heart. He began to plan to settle the accounts with his old classmates. After all, he had fallen to this point only because of Reed Richards’s generous gift.

That genius betrayed Doom’s trust, causing his billions of dollars to be wasted. His dream of rapid growth after the company went public also came to nothing, and Susan quietly returned to him, which made Doom Mu was jealous and resentful, and after discovering that he had extraordinary powers, he was determined to make Reed pay the price.

“First I have to deal with Reed’s followers!”

It was certainly difficult for Doom to defeat the powerful and indestructible Stone Man, but through careful observation during this period, he discovered the contradictions and fragility of this new group.

“I know this is not easy. For Reed, Susan, and Johnny, their lives have not changed much. At least they can still show their faces, but you…”

“Reed is a well-deserved genius. Of course he will do his best to cure you. After all, you are best friends. He has no reason not to seize the time…”

“I know how it feels to watch someone you love deeply slip away from you, and then you can never get it back…”

The stimulation of some words shook Shitou Ben’s original attitude of believing that he was the most affected person among the Fantastic Four. His weird and bulky appearance caused his beloved wife to leave him, and he always came from Ben couldn’t stand the strange looks and pointing fingers from the outside world.

It was precisely because Doom was aware of this that he chose the stone man Ben as a breakthrough point. He knew Reed’s temperament very well. Having experienced a failure, he would definitely be more cautious. Facing Ben who was in an urgent mood, both sides would inevitably fight. Conflicts arose, coupled with his own hints and instigations, the pair, who had been friends for many years, were destined to have a fierce quarrel.

The facts also developed according to Doom’s conjecture. Seeing Reed and Susan returning from chatting and laughing outside, Stone Man Ben’s suppressed anxiety burst out like a bursting flood, and Reed, who had been working hard for a long time, , and lost the good-natured temperament of the past, and the two eventually broke up on bad terms.

“Take away one, and there are three left.”

Doom then took Ben, who left angrily, back to the Basteco Mansion. Desiring to return to normal, the Stone Man doubtfully believed Victor’s words and entered the energy storm conversion device created by Reed. Inside, a burst of bright white light erupted from the human body cabin, and the entire living room was illuminated like daylight.

“A bunch of stupid guys actually think this is a disease! This is obviously the power given to me by God. Victor Doom is destined to be different from ordinary people!”

Doom opened the valve connecting the cabin and put his hand in. The cosmic rays were like orange fire, reflecting his ambitious eyes, and the energy storm rushed out like a violent current!

A burst of electric current burst out from the hall, and the lights in the entire building suddenly went out, leaving only a dazzling light here, like a blazing torch in the dark night, lighting up the ink-like night sky.

“Victor, we succeeded!”

As the energy storm weakened, the intense white light in the human body cabin gradually subsided. The cabin door slowly opened, and a naked short and stocky man came out. He looked at his hands that had returned to normal skin and laughed in surprise.

At this time, Ben’s heart was filled with great joy. He was finally able to return to his previous normal life and no longer needed to be treated as a monster.

“Everyone thinks I’m safe in the protective shield…” Doom walked out of the darkness in tattered clothes, his exposed skin shining with metallic luster, like a cold machine.

“The machine restored me and can also help you…”

“Yes, Ben, it gives me more strength – I have never been better than now. Unlike you who shrink from the unknown, I happily accept my fate.”

Doom took a deep breath, and his face covered with metal scars was full of intoxication. He felt that he was standing at the top of mankind, and his arrogant heart became more and more swollen.

With a casual wave of his hand, Ben, who had lost his hard skin, was thrown away. Reed, who had also woken up from his sleep, asked in surprise when he saw this scene. Mr. Fantastic had been saddened by the departure of his friend, so he did it himself. Experiment, the whole person almost collapsed and died.

“I created a better, stronger version of myself that surpassed the great Reed Richards.”

“Exposing yourself to energy storms will cause huge dangers, even life-threatening! Victor, you need help!” Reed saw the metallic expression on Doom’s body and knew that this old classmate was just like them. The body’s genes have changed.

“You always know it all…so tell me, what happens if rubber is heated to super high temperatures?”

Doom smiled contemptuously and raised his hand to shoot out a blazing electric current. This was the ability given to him by the energy storm, an extremely hard metal body and controlled conductive electric current.

Bolts of bright lightning ripped through the darkness like spears. The extremely weak Reed barely resisted for a while, and was thrown out of the window and fell from the tall building. Fortunately, he is immune to most physical damage, otherwise Mr. Fantastic would be smashed to pieces.

Descending to the bottom of the building with his chest raised and his head raised, Doom looked down at his competitors for many years, feeling extremely satisfied. He enjoyed the feeling of having strong power, as if he was standing on the clouds, overlooking all living beings, even money and power. I can’t give you this kind of pleasure.

From the corner of his eyes, he saw his ferocious and solemn face on the glass shards. Doom didn’t care. He dragged Reed, who had lost the ability to resist, and walked proudly towards the Doom Group’s building.

That weak Victor Doom is dead and now he is Doctor Doom!


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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