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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 108 Military Property

Trident Building on the Potomac River.

Coulson, who had just returned from the Arctic glacier, looked tired after a long journey. As director Nick Fury’s confidant, he was really busy with his work. He had just solved Tony Stark’s trouble not long ago. He was sent by his boss to the remote North Pole to complete a salvage mission, and now he had to wrap up the Fantastic Four incident, otherwise he would definitely receive an inquiry call from the White House tomorrow.

This loyal and reliable middle-aged man strode into SHIELD’s headquarters, greeting several familiar colleagues along the way. He was very popular in various departments. Riding the special elevator all the way up and passing multiple inspection and verification procedures, Colson finally met the black director who had been waiting for a long time.

Nick Fury was wearing a black windbreaker and stood quietly in front of the window. He had participated in and passed all the training of the Green and Black Berets special forces. He was a top soldier with rich experience and military knowledge and later joined CIA (Central Intelligence Agency), has served as the top commander of multiple intelligence agencies and has become a strategic expert trusted by the White House.

Due to his amazing resume and leadership skills, Nick Fury served as the commander of the S.S.R (Strategic Science Corps), and developed this secretive spy agency. After obtaining the support of the World Security Council, he renamed it the current S.S.R. S.H.I.E.L.D (S.H.I.E.L.D.), transformed from an official military operations organization and intelligence agency into a special department with a wide range of functions.

“Phil, thank you for your hard work.” Nick Fury came back to his senses and rarely expressed concern and condolences to his subordinates. “How are you handling the trouble with the Fantastic Four?”

As early as the previous Brooklyn Bridge incident, S.H.I.E.L.D. had noticed the Fantastic Four who had displayed extraordinary abilities and was conducting covert surveillance. At that time, Nick Fury was busy contacting Tony Stark, and there was also a sleeping The war heroes in the glacier need to be appeased, so ignore this superhero group for now.

Unexpectedly, Victor Doom would suddenly jump out and transform into Dr. Doom to cause havoc in Manhattan. Fortunately, there were not many casualties, otherwise the black director might have to make another trip to the White House.

“Dr. Richards is a very easy-to-talk person.” Coulson shrugged. The Fantastic Four are not as difficult to get in touch with as Tony Stark. Reed is essentially a pure scholar, and the rest except Johnny are relatively Apart from being lively, they are not difficult to communicate with.

“It’s just…” The middle-aged agent hesitated for a moment, then said: “General Ross took Victor Doom away before I transported him back to the headquarters, claiming that it was the military’s private property!”

Nick Fury’s dark face was a little stiff, and he asked coldly: “What does Ross want with this? Isn’t he busy copying the super soldier serum?”

Colson shook his head helplessly. SHIELD has always been unpopular with the military and the White House. This is a fact that many people know. As a special department rooted in this country and integrating multiple functions, it is not favored by the president. The assignment of jurisdiction is undoubtedly a huge irony!

After all, SHIELD is not like the CIA or FBI, which needs funding from the federal government. It directly relies on funding from the World Security Council. The only one that can control it is the World Security Council!

“Then is Victor Doom still valuable?” Fury asked bluntly.

If what S.H.I.E.L.D. wants can be harvested from Doctor Doom, the black director may ask the military for it back, but if the other party has no effect, then it doesn’t matter if General Ross takes it away. Now it is time to try to avoid and reduce it. In times of conflict.

“We have tested and found that there are no vital signs. Dr. Richards also said that after high-temperature heating and rapid cooling, even a strong metal body cannot withstand it.”

Coulson repeated Reed’s conclusion. To be honest, he didn’t understand why General Ross would be interested in a steel statue.

Fury pondered for a while, but it was still difficult to guess what the other party was thinking, so he put it aside for the first time. Maybe the army general had his own plans, such as the plan to replicate the super soldier serum, but he had no hope at all, like Shi People like Steve Rogers are a rare breed.

There are many soldiers with strong determination, and there are also many big and powerful men, but there are very few people with a beautiful heart!

Even an agent leader like Nick Fury, who has lived in darkness all year round, has to admit that he sees in Captain America the free spirit and good will that this country pursues.

Looking at the information compiled and summarized on the screen, the black director squinted his eyes and said softly: “It’s not all bad. At least it makes Tony Stark understand that Iron Man is not unique and invincible.”

Seeing the usually serious black director smiling, Coulson seemed to have thought of something. He was about to ask, but he held it back. As an agent, you should not take the initiative to ask questions to your superiors, especially when it comes to confidential matters.

Within S.H.I.E.L.D., various hierarchical authority settings are extremely strict, and any violation will be punished mercilessly.

“There is no need to be so nervous.” Fury saw the thoughts of his close assistant and waved his hand: “Yes, the Avengers plan has been approved by the World Security Council. They have always rejected my request as too dangerous, but With the emergence of Iron Man and the growing mutant problem, this plan was finally allowed.”

Nick Fury blinked his one eye, looked at the endlessly flowing Potomac River, and said solemnly: “The reason why I actively prepared the Avengers plan is because I had a premonition of the coming war.”

“This is an era of species explosion. During World War II, super soldiers were the most powerful existence. Captain America led the Howling Commandos and defeated the evil army of Japan almost single-handedly. But now, all kinds of superpowers There are endless troublesome mutants. S.H.I.E.L.D. is a solid shield used to protect the world, but we can no longer afford to face these people.”

There is inevitably some vicissitudes and sadness in the black director’s tone, as if a veteran has returned to the battlefield, only to find that the firearms and tactics he once mastered have become obsolete.

“Perhaps people haven’t realized that an era of superheroes is coming.” Fury lowered his head, a dark light flashing in his eyes.

Coulson has a deep understanding of the officer’s words. Of course he understands what kind of threat those beings with extraordinary abilities pose to the world. If there are no powerful measures to stop the reckless behavior of superpowers, then Why does SHIELD need to continue to exist?

“This is the end of the Fantastic Four matter. They are not very dangerous and do not need to be monitored in depth. By the way -” the black director picked up the report on the table, glanced at it and said: “Sean Sipers , he also participated in this failed space experiment, pay a little attention to this person, since Victor Doom has been affected, then he may also have mutated.”

Coulson nodded and took notes. The other party was a rising scientific star, and he had also established a scientific research institution with good momentum. From the data alone, there was nothing noteworthy. The only surprising thing was that he had I have been on the surveillance list of the SHIELD branch, although it is only the lowest level.

“Tenth grade high school student, involved in gang vendetta…”

The middle-aged agent glanced at it and ignored it. No wonder Garrett complained that the headquarters’ classification was too detailed. There were at least ten such pediatric cases in New York every day. Even the police station just asked them as usual and put them aside.

“Probably just a coincidence.” Coulson thought to himself as he walked out of the office.

The middle-aged agent had no intention of going into details. Gang struggles in New York happen every day. From the information, it seems that this is just a common trouble encountered by a West Coast drug lord when expanding his business territory. After all, it is not sunny here. In California, there are countless powerful gangs entrenched in Hell’s Kitchen.

I hope to enjoy a romantic candlelight dinner with the cellist’s girlfriend tonight. Colson, who is often busy with work, thought a little apologetically.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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