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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 109 Got it

Fifth Avenue, Manhattan, Grizzly Bear Club.

This is a private club that is not open to the public. It follows the retro style design of the last century. The surrounding walls are covered with carefully carved fonts and symmetrical complex textures. Various floral decorations and reliefs are used on the tops of the doors and windows. Tables are made of red hardwood. The chairs and the bar are decorated with targets and an old-fashioned shotgun. The simplicity and elegance make people feel like they have traveled through time and returned to the Victorian era.

Sean walked through the door and climbed to the second floor amid soothing and melodious piano music. Compared with the design style downstairs, this place looked brighter and more luxurious. There were gleaming crystal chandeliers hanging on the ceiling, reflecting the dazzling light. of light. A deep red carpet as soft as cotton is spread out, and the wide walls are dotted with large oil paintings. Regardless of the art appreciation level of the guests coming and going, it is certain that the price must be extremely expensive.

General Ross leaned on the sofa, struck a long match, and slowly smoked the cigar. Different from his usual harshness and toughness, when doing this kind of thing, he seemed very patient and not impatient at all. .

Sean chose a seat and sat down, without interrupting the general’s enjoyment of the fine cigar. It wasn’t until the other party blew out a puff of rich smoke that he said, “Umbrella will remember the general’s friendship this time.”

After the events of the Fantastic Four ended, Victor Doom, who had solidified into a steel statue, would definitely be taken back and taken away by SHIELD. Sean asked General Ross to intercept it from the opponent’s hands. This Latvini from a small Eastern European country Demihumans have other uses for him.

“It’s just a fair deal. I have many excellent soldiers who lost their limbs because of the war. They were all elites in the army and good young men who loved the country! But because of their physical disabilities, they had to retire with regret. Every month Live on a meager dole!”

General Ross was holding a cigar in his mouth, and his words were somewhat sighing. He looked at the young man sitting opposite with admiration, “The media said that you will become the ‘second Tony Stark’. I think they underestimated it.” about you.”

“You have more potential than that playboy. Umbrella’s newly developed limb regeneration technology will allow you to establish a firm foothold in the pharmaceutical market. Even if you replace Watson’s position, it is not impossible.”

Compared with his previous indifferent attitude, General Ross is much more eager now. On the one hand, it is because Sean has shown his considerable potential. Regardless of whether Watsonton’s downfall has anything to do with the other party, anyway, Umbrella and Osborne are… Quickly occupy the market; on the other hand, he is very optimistic about this young man’s bright future.

It is not that General Ross has never seen successful people who have emerged at a young age. For example, Tony Stark, who was born to stand at the top of his life, has a good family background and an outstanding mind; and through his own hard work, he has achieved something that is difficult for ordinary people to achieve. Those who have achieved success, such as Victor Doom who turned into a steel statue, belong to this category.

Others include geniuses like Bruce Banner and Reed Richards, who have amazing talents in a certain field, but they all have more or less flaws, such as pride, narcissism, or naive idealism. Those who lack a deep understanding of reality.

But Sean is different. It is difficult for General Ross to judge this young man’s temperament. He is neither an idealist like Banner, nor is he an arrogant and annoying guy like Tony Stark. With a gentle smile, those eyes are deep and calm, and they can never see through the true emotions.

However, General Ross, who is a soldier, can obviously feel the dark aura that Sean occasionally exudes. From Watsonton’s various methods after his fall, it can be seen that this New York genius is not a young eagle with benevolence. On the contrary, he has already possessed The nature and nature of predators.

What’s even more commendable is that Sean treats his enemies ruthlessly and neatly divides the rich cake of Watson with other capitalists. He treats allies and partners and makes quite sincere profit promises. General Ross, who is at the top of the human pyramid, admires it very much.

Sean smiled faintly at the general’s generous words of praise. These big shots always do this. When you are proud of your glory, they will lift you to the sky, like a star that attracts everyone’s attention; but you slip and fall to the earth. From now on, no one will give you a helping hand, or even give you a second glance, or give you even the slightest sympathy.

“When Dr. Connors’s amputated limb regeneration technology, Kress Potion, passes the clinical trial stage, we will provide the military with 3,000 free places to treat soldiers with mutilated limbs, and General your Thunder Attack The team will receive priority treatment.”

Not long ago, Dr. Connors’s lifelong cross-species genetic research finally made a breakthrough. He successfully grafted the biological characteristics of lizard limb regeneration into the human body without the rejection of genetic conflict.

Sean used this to impress General Ross in exchange for taking Victor Doom away from SHIELD – Doctor Doom, who had turned into a steel statue anyway, was of no use to SHIELD.

“What do you want this iron lump for?” General Ross was a little curious.

Both SHIELD and the military have tested this steel statue. Victor Doom’s vital signs disappeared and became silent. The human body was semi-metallic, making it difficult to even perform anatomy.

“Please allow me to have a little weird collecting habit.” Sean brought up the topic lightly.

The future Doctor Doom cannot retire so easily. He will return to being a frightening and powerful villain. But at that time, it’s unclear how much Victor Doom’s personality will still exist.

Seeing that Sean was unwilling to say more, the experienced General Ross did not continue to ask. Then they talked about the research progress on replicating the super soldier serum. This plan did not go as smoothly as imagined. Even a genius like Banner could suddenly It is quite difficult to successfully copy the super soldier serum from the remaining data and samples.

Of course, the most important thing is that the general concealed his true purpose and made Banner think that he was conducting a radiation resistance test, otherwise the other party would not agree to participate in this research project.

However, due to the vicious influence of Magneto’s chaos in Watsonton, William Stryker took advantage of the situation and received strong support from the White House and the military. He is currently forming a special force to deal with mutants, and General Ross A lot of resources have been invested here, but the results have not yet been seen, which inevitably makes him a little anxious.

Looking at the frowning old man, Sean couldn’t help but think that maybe it was because of General Ross’s constant urging that Banner, who wanted to show off in front of his beloved girlfriend, was so impatient that he experimented on himself, resulting in an accident. Created the most terrifying beast in the world, the Hulk!

Returning to Umbrella in the car, the cargo boxes sent by the general were already waiting for Sean’s signature. Next to them, Gwen held the document and asked curiously: “What is this? New experimental equipment?”

“It’s just materials used for experiments.” Sean replied with a smile.

He looked at the heavy box that was being moved down, and a dim light flashed through his deep eyes.

ps: Thank you readers for your active votes and generous tips. Well, especially when the recent updates are not strong, I really appreciate it~


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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