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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 11 Killing Night

Among the gangs on the West Coast, there are many rumors about Frank D’Amico. For example, he likes to pour his enemies into concrete pillars and throw them into the river, or uses industrial microwave ovens to bake people into a ball of plasma. Most of them are some. Gossip that reflects the cruelty and coldness of the other party.

But what interests more people is the strong fortress standing in the city center. After the drug lord succeeded in his career, he bought an entire building and transformed it into his own residence. The floors There were heavily armed gunmen and bodyguards from top to bottom. It was absolutely impossible for anyone to enter the top floor–that is, Frank D’Amico’s residence–without his permission.

And half an hour ago, someone chose to use the simplest or most stupid way to directly visit the drug lord.

Boom, boom, boom!

The bodyguard guarding the door saw a young man wearing a leather jacket and a motorcycle helmet standing outside, looking strange.

“Did this guy take the wrong medicine? Doesn’t he know where this place is!”

The bodyguard clenched the pistol at his waist and swaggered to the door, saying in a ferocious tone: “Boy, give you three seconds to disappear immediately, otherwise you will die ugly tonight…”

“What’s wrong Johnny? What were you doing standing at the door for so long?”

The other two bodyguards saw their companion standing at the door for a long time and felt something was wrong. They drew their pistols and walked forward. They found that the young man wearing a helmet had one hand on Johnny’s neck. The strong bodyguard man said The sound of ho ho, breathing hard, as if suffocating at any moment.

Bang bang!

The young man wearing a helmet used Johnny’s body to block the two shots fired. At the same time, he rushed to a bodyguard at an extremely fast speed, elbowed him hard, grabbed the other person’s pistol, and then fired. Shot another bodyguard.

A set of coherent movements, clean and neat, like an elite soldier who has received rigorous training, making it impossible for anyone to react.

“Let me borrow your access card.” The young man said gently, and then he broke the bodyguard’s neck.

Jingle Bell–

Just as Sean was about to take the elevator upstairs, the phone rang at the front desk, so he had a friendly conversation with Mr. Frank D’Amico, who lived on the top floor, and then rushed all the way upstairs.

The huge gunshot bang bang bang woke up the people on the whole floor. After a panic, everyone picked up their guns and rushed to the door. They knew that an enemy was invading. Although they didn’t know who it was, Boss Frank had already As I said, anyone who breaks into this building tonight will be killed without mercy!

The elevator door slowly slid open. The gunmen guarding the door widened their eyes. There was no one inside. Where did that guy go? There is only one way to get up from the ground floor, and that is through the elevator. Why did that guy disappear inexplicably?

Just when everyone was confused about the situation, a figure rushed down from the top of the elevator, like a dark and swift ghost. The muzzle of the gun sprayed out bright firelight in mid-air, and the rotating bullets penetrated the enemy’s head one after another, harvesting fresh food. Living life.

The gunman guarding the door was caught off guard. He only heard a burst of fierce gunfire. The partners in front fell one after another, as if they were facing an elite force with strong firepower. The firelight flashed wantonly and the gunfire sounded. Continuously, they were suppressed to the point where they were unable to organize an effective counterattack and could only passively withstand the fierce attacks.

I don’t know how long it took, but the gunfire finally stopped. The gunman who was hiding behind the obstacle carefully looked out and found that more than ten people had fallen on the ground, and all of them were shot in fatal places, without even a chance to struggle. No.

“where is he?”

“how could I know!”

“That guy must be out of bullets!”

“Let’s rush up together and shoot him to death!”

The gunmen were talking a lot, but no one was willing to go out immediately. The clean killing just now left a psychological shadow on them. It is said that there was only one person on the other side, but they suppressed more than 30 people on their side until they could not move, and even I don’t even have the courage to fight back. This is simply terrible!

The space suddenly became quiet, and it was as if one could hear one’s own breathing clearly. After an extremely long few minutes, the gunmen finally regained their courage, plucked up the courage, and walked out of the corner of the room, trying to find the intruder.

Then, gunfire broke out!


“Send them all down! No, let’s all stay here. When that bastard comes, beat him into a hornet’s nest!”

Frank no longer had the calm demeanor of the gangster and drug lord before, and there was obvious panic in his tone. In all these years, no one had come to the door so brazenly and unstoppably as that young man did.

“Boss, he’s almost reaching the twentieth floor.” A man holding a Remington shotgun said.

“Fake, what a bunch of losers! There are so many people and dozens of guns, but they can’t stop even one person!”

Frank cursed angrily. Until now, he still didn’t understand who he had offended to cause such a horrific blow!

The killings continue.

The elevator goes all the way.

Relying on his extraordinary perception and strong physical fitness, Sean was engaged in a nearly one-sided massacre. The professionally trained bodyguards and gunmen moved slowly and disorganized in front of him, making them vulnerable to a single blow.

While he was going up, two other figures, one large and one small, followed closely. The former policeman Damon never thought that he would step into the lair of his lifelong enemy in such a simple way, that terrible… The young man is like a precise and cold killing machine, and no one can stop him.

“Mindy, let’s go up the elevator shaft!” Damon said to his daughter. He didn’t want Frank D’Amico to be killed by others.

While everyone’s attention was attracted by the young man wearing a helmet, Damon rushed to the top with his daughter. He had been investigating Frank D’Amico for a long time and knew that the other party bribed the police. That’s why he has been engaging in the illegal business of smuggling drugs unscrupulously. Even if the drug lord is imprisoned, he will probably be released soon, so Damon chooses to take revenge in his own way!

“Don’t be afraid Mindy, daddy will stand in front of you.”

As a professionally trained former police officer, Damon possesses extremely strong combat capabilities, and his daughter also possesses strength far beyond her age due to crazy training.

Their large and small combination destroyed several warehouses owned by Frank D’Amico. In fact, the reason why Sean’s actions went so smoothly was more or less related to this.

“Frank D’Amico, here I come.”


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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