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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 110 Brainwashing

The hazy light pierced the eyelids, awakening the sleeping consciousness, and the chaotic memory was like a lengthy movie with messy editing. Those scattered scenes flashed by, as if they were just watching a scene.

Familiar figures loomed in my mind, including old classmate Reed, ex-girlfriend Susan, and other vague faces. They were either smiling or indifferent, like actors in a stage play, wearing false masks.

At the same time, messy sounds also poured in, rushing into the brain like a flood. Those harsh words mixed with cynicism became clear little by little. Negative emotions burned the internal organs like poisonous fire. The departure of his girlfriend, The images of Reed’s admonition and the betrayal of the company’s partners played over and over in his mind.

“From now on, there is no Victor Doom, only Doctor Doom!”

Vaguely, he saw himself breaking the glass cabinet and putting on the steel mask presented by the Latvian government on his face. Hot current was flowing on the surface of the metal body, and a strong resentment and unwillingness surged into his heart!

He wanted to shout loudly, but his consciousness was like an adult trapped in a small bottle. It was difficult to even turn over. A blazing black flame spurted out, and Victor Doom’s emotional memory gradually disappeared, almost The pride of inferiority complex, the extremely paranoid arrogance, and the strong emotions condensed into a new personality, dominating his body and mind!

There was a loud bang, like a bell ringing, and the memory in his mind was shattered like a mirror. He finally opened his eyes, and the strong light penetrated his retinas in an extremely unfriendly manner. He subconsciously squinted his eyes to adapt. After seeing the bright environment, he slowly looked at the surrounding environment.

Hmm… movement seems to be restricted!

He struggled a bit and found that he was fixed on a metal instrument similar to an operating table, with a shadowless lamp hanging above. No matter how he twisted his arm, he could not move even half an inch.

“You wake up very quickly. According to my estimation, it will take at least ten minutes for you to regain consciousness.” A young man with a gentle smile appeared in sight, “Long time no see, Mr. Doom.”

“…Sean Sipers?!” The voice sounded hoarse through the mask.

“Otherwise, who do you think it will be? Your old classmates are busy enjoying the joy of victory with Miss Storm, and they can’t take care of Victor Doom who was completely defeated.”

Sean’s casual words deeply hurt Doctor Doom’s heart, and the poisonous fire of hatred and jealousy ignited again. He wanted to smash the opponent’s young face with a punch!

“Put away your stupid anger. A fool whose brain is dominated by emotions is worthy of the title of ‘Destruction’?” He put on a white research uniform and put on his gloves slowly, looking like a person who was about to The doctor who performs the surgery.

“What are you going to do?” The struggle became more intense, but it was still to no avail.

Sean didn’t look back and just dealt with the matter at hand. He attached dense wires to Doctor Doom’s metal body, and fixed horseshoe-shaped coils on both sides of his brain.

He whispered: “Skynet, it’s time to test.”

Before Dr. Doom could react, a burst of strong electric current ran through his body, and a sizzling bright light scurried like a small snake. His temples on both sides seemed to be pierced by sharp awls, and severe pain swept through his body.


Hearing the brutal roar from the other party, Sean’s expression did not change. He raised his voice and said: “Turn up the output energy. This will not satisfy Mr. Doom’s appetite.”

As the words fell, the intensity of the electric current surged. Doctor Doom’s eyes glared. He concentrated hard and tried to control the blazing electric light on his body. A ferocious long whip like a wild python whipped towards Sean!

“I swear! I will let you experience this feeling for yourself!” Before the vow of revenge could be uttered, a strong energy wave suddenly broke out!

Sean’s brows twitched, and a faint golden light spread out from his body, condensing into an energy field visible to the naked eye. The hot electric light was held by him with one hand, and rippled in circles. The violent electric current disappeared invisible, as if it had been absorbed. Almost the same!

“You were also hit by the energy storm, and your genes changed?!” The shocked voice revealed panic, and the strong heart that was originally full of confidence was suddenly shaken.

Sean didn’t waste any words to explain. He looked down at the incredulous Doctor Doom and said softly: “Look how small you are now… You thought you were an invincible Titan, but in the end you discovered that you are actually just As a humble ant, your originally inflated confidence is instantly dispelled, and then you start to feel panic and fear… Look, this is Victor Doom who has lost his power, Doctor Doom who claims to be a god!”

Facing the other party’s deep, indifferent eyes, Doctor Doom felt a chill rise in his heart. Just as he was about to refute, a strong electric current ran through his body again.

Although his metal body is considered to be hard, repeated current stimulation still brings severe pain to the brain. Those high-intensity currents stimulate the complex nerves under the surface of the metal body, as if thousands of needles are pricking hard.

“You madman! What on earth do you want?!” During the nearly twenty minutes of painful torture, Doctor Doom shouted loudly at the beginning, and then cursed viciously like a shrew. Through repeated torture, his pride and confidence gradually increased. Being wasted.

“Electrocution is an ancient art. Due to the principle of nerves transmitting information through electrical signals, electric shock can directly stimulate the nerves without causing serious damage to other parts of the body. At the same time, because the intensity of the current is easy to adjust, it will not easily cause the victim to resist pain. Compared with other torture methods that cause pain, electrocution is a safer torture method that can be used for a long time.”

Sean walked slowly, staring at Dr. Doom, whose metal body was trembling in the strong current. His voice was gentle and calm: “Some people once used it as a method to cure diseases. They thought that electroshock treatment could cure some addictive syndromes. , and I plan to use this method to make you forget Victor Doom completely!”

“Because your body is more likely to conduct electricity, these strong currents will penetrate the metal skin and travel throughout the body through the cranial nerves. You will feel that every cell is being burned, and the large and small nerves are stunned by the electrodes. The blood vessels go into the bone marrow, and the body involuntarily spasms and trembles, and the whole body is boiling. From the internal organs to the limbs, even the steel and iron bones cannot bear it.”

Like a teacher on the podium, Sean explained the various characteristics of electrocution in detail. Doctor Doom’s unswerving will was already crumbling in the midst of the punishment. The electric current running through his body was like a precise scalpel. , cutting his own body.

The long time gradually passed by like water.

“Please… let me go… I have never offended you…” The weak voice was full of pleading and sorrow. The arrogant Doctor Doom was truly defeated, and even the last trace of dignity was completely lost.

Sean raised his hand to look at his watch, curled his lips and said, “Less than six hours.”

“I wake you up, tie you to the operating table with high-toughness alloy materials, and then let you enjoy a sumptuous meal. Do you think I just want to hear a worthless plea for mercy?”

Sean shook his head and walked closer to Doctor Doom, who didn’t even bother to move a finger. He had tried many times, and strong electric attacks had no effect on this terrifying guy.

“Then what do you want?” He tried his best to squeeze out the last sound from his chest. He had no idea what Sean’s purpose was.

“To make you the real Doctor Doom, of course.”

“I am……”

Before the words could be spoken, he was interrupted by Sean’s wave. He stared indifferently at the metal figure that had lost its fighting spirit and resistance, and said softly: “You are just the fragile and insignificant Victor Von Doom. An ant who is arrogant about his power, you are a pathetic failure. After losing everything, you only think about revenge, and you are a fool whose mind is filled with anger!”

Following Sean’s voice, his weak consciousness gradually began to undergo wonderful changes. Doctor Doom felt a huge voice echoing in his mind, constantly impacting his spirit. Whenever he wanted to stand up to resist, a strong electric current flowed like a sharp force. It penetrated the body like a sword, causing severe pain.

After countless cycles, Doctor Doom finally gave up resistance and allowed the voice to shake his spiritual world and continue to teach him repeatedly.

“I am Doctor Doom, the uncrowned king of Latvinia, the founder of the Doomsday Cult, an unsurpassable great being!” A murmuring voice echoed in the empty room.

ps: When I was taking a nap at noon, I always felt that I had forgotten something. Later, I dreamed that many people were chasing me with knives. The first thing I did when I woke up was to open the background update ̄へ ̄

There should be another chapter tonight. I would like to thank readers such as “I am a Great Fairy” and “Yu Ye Ming” for voting and rewarding. To be honest, your enthusiastic support has already made me feel a little ashamed~


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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