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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 111 Experimenter

Umbrella, main experimental building.

The researchers who were usually busy at work put down the boring experimental tests at hand and stood in scattered lines. When Dr. Connors walked through the door, a burst of warm applause sounded at the right time.

With a “bang” sound, Gwen, who was hiding in the crowd, opened the fireworks, and the colorful confetti rushed into the air. Dr. Connors was stunned on the spot, and it took him a few seconds to react. His eyes were slightly red, and he He took off his glasses, wiped them, and sincerely thanked the colleagues around him.

“Doctor, congratulations on finally fulfilling your biggest wish in life.” Sean looked at Dr. Connors with a smile on his face. In the original timeline, the reason why this disabled scientist worked hard to study cross-species inheritance was because he wanted to succeed. Overcome the problem of rebirth of broken limbs.

This middle-aged doctor found a research direction based on the ability of lizards to regenerate their tails and developed a new drug containing lizard DNA serum. However, the rejection reaction caused by the gene caused strong side effects. Although Dr. Connors re- He grew arms, but it also turned him into a half-human, half-lizard monster.

However, today’s Connors’ fate is completely different. Because Osborne Industries was facing a crisis, he had no choice but to take the risk of using himself for human experiments. At that time, the research on cross-species inheritance was not mature and there were many hidden dangers. This made He became the famous “Dr. Lizard”.

Sean’s intervention changed the other party’s rough and tragic life. After joining Umbrella, Dr. Connors had enough time and energy to perfect research experiments, stress-free funding supply, and a professional and top-notch scientific research team. Allowing the disabled scientist to safely immerse himself in science.

“…There’s no need to make it so grand.” Connors was at a loss for a moment.

“This was not my idea.” Sean pointed at the snickering blonde girl in the crowd, betraying his teammates mercilessly, “The thoughtful student wants to surprise the instructor, so why should I refuse!”

“Besides, you are worthy of such an honor. The launch of Kress Pharmacy will give the disabled people who have suffered discrimination a glimmer of hope. Doctor, you saved their lives!”

“This is the most proud achievement in my life.” Connors could not hide his inner excitement. He looked at the empty sleeves, his tone full of emotion and satisfaction.

“So are you ready for your acceptance speech?” Sean joked with a smile, “I think those bookmakers will list you as a strong contender for the next Nobel Prize in Medicine!”

With the Metis potion to cure brain degeneration and the Kreis potion to regenerate amputated limbs, Umbrella will receive generous returns, enough to gain a foothold in the medical industry. As a top scientific research institution, it is certain to make a profit this year The data will remain at a pretty good level.

After the short celebration, everyone went back to the tedious and busy work. After all, this is the mainstream melody of people’s lives. When no one was around, Gwen tiptoed to Xiao Xiao like a kitten. Behind En, a mischievous smile appeared on her pretty face.

“Hey ah!”

Unexpectedly, Sean suddenly turned around, and Gwen, who felt guilty as a thief, screamed and fell into the young man’s arms, as if she had jumped on him.

The close distance between lovers made the lively and cheerful blonde girl’s face heat up. She hesitated for a few seconds before pushing Sean away with her hands, and kept complaining: “You scared me…”

“Are you sure someone didn’t get caught because he wanted to do bad things?” Sean smiled half-smilingly, with obvious narrow-mindedness in his eyes.

Gwen raised his fist in embarrassment. In his eagerness, he finally found a suitable reason and said viciously: “Who asked you to betray your teammates!”

Sean was punched a few times without any pain. He didn’t waste any words to defend. Why should he expose the girl’s pure affection? Maintaining this kind of aloof relationship and occasional ambiguity can add spice to ordinary life.

“I’m such a good person.” He thought in his heart.

“Dr. Connors said that you have been hiding in the laboratory recently. Have you found any new research projects?” In order to cover up her inner panic, Gwen quickly changed the subject.

Sean nodded slightly, with a meaningful look in his eyes, “We are studying the response of strong current to brain pain, as well as the human body’s memory characteristics and thought indoctrination behavior.”

“Sounds like a horrific experiment by an evil villain.” Gwen pouted.

After chatting with the girlish Gwen, Sean returned to his private laboratory. This is Umbrella’s restricted area. Except for those with permission, any stranger who approaches this place will be returned by the Red Queen. The category is illegal entry and triggers alarm facilities.

After closing the door, a figure sat in the dark room. Sean did not turn on the light, walked into the shadows, and sat in front of the figure.

“What’s your name?” he asked gently.

“…Victor Doom.” The hoarse voice echoed in the room.

“Are you sure?” Sean asked again.

The metal body sitting opposite him trembled obviously, as if recalling some kind of frightening memory, he opened his mouth and said: “Doctor Doom.”

The voice sounded hesitant, as if he was unsure. The memories of the two personalities in his mind conflicted with each other, but the hot and bright white light drowned everything, and the pain he had experienced stirred up new memories.

“Correct.” Sean nodded with satisfaction and continued to ask: “Can you tell me about your past? Do you still remember what happened before?”

He shook his head in confusion. There were many memory fragments flashing messily in his brain, but when he concentrated on looking, he was swallowed up by the bright light. The noisy sound was like a broken radio, playing a sizzling noise. It makes people feel upset.

“Your name is Victor Doom, and you come from Latvinia, which is known as the ‘Pearl of the Balkans’. It is located between Hungary, Serbia and Romania. It is a backward country that has been torn by war and poverty.”

Sean narrated calmly, and his voice seemed to be filled with wonderful magic, which made the metal figure opposite him also move. There were strange scenes in the dark room. They were like fanatical believers of a cult, repeating them endlessly. The teachings.

“…After hard work, you were admitted to Columbia University. You left your poor motherland and came to the prosperous metropolis of New York. You became a genius in a prestigious school and won Susan Storm, the famous student in the school. Appreciation of beauty, but your old classmate Reed Richards, he is jealous of everything you have.”

“Reed found you to invest in his experimental project, and then deliberately made miscalculations, causing an accident. The huge amount of money you invested was in vain. The company partners planned to kick you out, and your beloved girlfriend also left you… …You have lost everything, Victor Doom will have nothing!”

As Sean narrated, the metal figure’s breathing gradually became heavier, his hands clenched into fists, the sizzling current burned the air, and the hot white light flickered and shone on the body.

“Betrayal after betrayal makes you determined to take revenge. Victor Doom, a successful entrepreneur on Wall Street, becomes Doctor Doom from now on!”

Sean’s voice seemed to be full of boundless power, shaking the soul and will of the metal body, “You will return to Latvinia and lead the people who have suffered from war to a bright future… You will be like a shepherd. , become the leader they support and establish a powerful religious regime! You will be sent to the altar and become a great being respected by thousands of people!”

“No, I want revenge!” In the chaotic memory, Reed’s figure hovered, with a proud smile on his hypocritical face.

He was unwilling to just return to the barren land of Latvinia where wars were frequent, and sit back and watch his competitors enjoy honors and flowers, and win everything he longed for!

“I want to kill them! Those who stop me…” A voice containing strong emotions echoed in the room. If this area had not been well soundproofed, the entire laboratory might have been alarmed.

The blazing electric light illuminated the dark room, and the metal figure stood up suddenly, its dark green cloak fluttering, and the eyes revealed on the steel mask were burning with black flames of resentment and revenge.

Sean sat there with a cold look in his eyes. He raised his hand and a beam of scorching light shot out, knocking the out-of-control beast away. It hit the special alloy wall hard and made a “clang” metal collision sound. .

“You must understand your own situation, and at the same time, you must understand it more clearly. Before you get my permission, restrain your inner anger and be a tame beast.”

The young man walked up to him. A red beam of light in his palm was like a laser knife cutting through the hard metal skin. Doctor Doom, who finally regained his consciousness, let out a tragic wail, roaring like a beast on the verge of death. !

“You are a beast trapped in a cage. If you disobey, the only thing you will get is a whip.”

Looking at Dr. Doom trembling and screaming at his feet, Sean restrained his energy rays and used life energy to heal the opponent’s wounds. “Do your part, and soon you will be able to leave this place and return to your homeland of Latvinia.” , for you, it will be a holy place like heaven.”

“So, when I come next time, I hope you can satisfy me.”

The young man’s figure disappeared into the darkness, and Doctor Doom huddled in the corner, muttering to himself: “I am Victor Doom… Doctor Doom… Latvinia…”

In the painful torture, he was repeatedly instilled with specious memories. In this metal body, he could no longer tell who he really was. The terrifying devil-like man gradually dominated his mind and will.

The only thing that supported him was a strong desire for revenge. He blamed Reed for the reason why he had fallen into this situation. His hatred was like a hot poisonous fire, getting stronger and stronger.

ps: Humph, who will dare to call me short in the future?


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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