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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 112 Peaceful Life

Weekend holiday, Manhattan Children’s Amusement Park.

Sean and Gwen were sitting on a bench. The bright sunshine was shining on the earth. There were tall evergreen trees growing on both sides of the road. There were a lot of tourists coming and going, like a wave. They were all warm families with their families. , taking advantage of the holidays to take the children out to play.

Unable to resist Mindy’s pitiful pleas, and in view of her recent well-behaved behavior, Sean temporarily put aside his mental brainwashing of Dr. Doom, and took the little Loli to the amusement park to play. of Gwen.

However, Miss Stacy today seemed a little abnormal. She changed from her usual lively and cheerful personality and became taciturn. Occasionally, when their eyes met, the other would immediately dodge away, like a frightened deer.

“I’m really sorry to have to drag you out of the house during this rare holiday.” Sean leaned on the bench, the gentle breeze blowing the trees on both sides of the road, “But I really don’t feel comfortable taking the children out to play. Too good at it.”

The faint voice echoed in Gwen’s ears. She looked at Sean’s marble sculpture-like face, and her heart was slightly touched. This young man, who was not yet twenty-two years old, was already the manager of a private scientific research institution, and he also had a wife. With outstanding scientific achievements, many people see the dazzling halo above his head, but rarely care about the other person’s true heart.

“You are really good to Mindy…” Gwen said with emotion, waving her ponytail.

She looked at the little loli laughing happily on the pirate ship, with a bit of envy in her eyes. Whenever Gwen wanted to get close to Sean, the other party always kept a subtle distance intentionally or unintentionally. This made the careless Stella Miss Akane was troubled.

“Probably because we have similar experiences.” Sean replied casually.

His eyes seemed to be fixed on Gwen, but he was actually quietly observing several couples of men and women sitting nearby. On the surface, these people were no different from ordinary tourists, but when Sean walked out of the house Since then, these guys have been following behind. Although several groups of people have changed, they still can’t escape being discovered.

With the ubiquitous Skynet monitoring, the tracking skills of these field agents are of no use at all. Even their voice communications on the encrypted channel can be clearly understood by Sean.

“…Why are you staring at me?” Gwen lowered her head. She felt that Sean, who was usually aloof, seemed a little different today.

“Well, I wanted to say that you look beautiful today.” The young man who looked away praised.

This is not a perfunctory remark without sincerity. Miss Stacey is indeed different today. She has put on a little delicate light makeup, and her youthful and beautiful face is even more bright, just like the sunshine today. Wearing a simple plaid skirt and a pair of moderate high heels, Gwen’s blond ponytail makes her tall and tall. It can be seen that she has made full preparations for this trip.

The two people sitting on the bench seemed to be gradually getting closer to each other. Gwen’s heartbeat quickened, and crimson clouds crept onto her cheeks. She could even feel each other’s warm breath. The breeze blew through the trees, and the leaves rustled. “The sound is like the rising and falling waves, and with the melody of the breeze, the atmosphere suddenly becomes ambiguous and charming.

Looking at Sean’s deep eyes, Gwen still maintained a little reserve, her budding heart suddenly trembled, she just wanted to close her eyes, waiting for the passionate first kiss——

“Would you like a drink or mineral water?”

The girl suddenly woke up and gave a perfunctory answer. Gwen looked at the tall figure walking away, feeling ashamed and annoyed in her heart. She stepped on the fallen leaves with her high heels to vent her inner dissatisfaction.

It’s just that Miss Stacey, who was immersed in anger, didn’t know that the moment Sean stood up, the surrounding surveillance cameras immediately lost their ability to work, and several men and women sitting nearby also quietly followed. The change is like a pebble thrown into water, causing tiny ripples that will not be noticed at all.

Following Sean were a young man and a middle-aged man. This pairing looked like the rookie agents and seasoned agents that often appear in Hollywood movies. One was impulsive and energetic; the other was experienced and experienced. Calm and calm, they usually join forces to defeat the villain who is hiding behind the scenes and plotting his conspiracy.

“The target is moving. There is nothing abnormal at all. Well, Group B remains stationary. Wells and I will continue to track!” The young agent raised the camera in his hand and actually listened to the conversation in the headset.


A burst of noisy electricity came out, and the young agent subconsciously took off his headset. At this moment, Sean, who walked out of the crowd, bumped into him, and the ice cream balls piled high hit him with a bang.

Before the young agent had time to remember the Armani he had just bought, a strange force invaded his mind. He subconsciously looked at Sean and saw only a pair of deep eyes, attracting his spirit like a whirlpool.

“Matthew! What’s wrong with you?” It wasn’t until his partner Wells patted his shoulder that the young agent suddenly woke up.

He hurriedly turned his head and found that Sean, who was following him, had sat back on the bench and was playing and laughing with a blond girl. There was no abnormal behavior at all.

Matthew frowned. He seemed to wake up after a hangover. The memory in his brain was fragmented. He couldn’t remember what happened just now. He could only shake his head at his partner to indicate that he was fine.

The day passed quickly, and before I knew it, the sun sank into the horizon, and the afterglow of the setting sun fell on the city.

Sean took Mindy, who had had enough fun, and drove Gwen back to an upscale community in Manhattan. Before getting off the car, Miss Stacy hesitated to speak, and finally left sadly with complicated emotions.

“That car has been following you for a long time.” The little girl leaning on the back seat groaned.

Regarding the following tracking skills, Minty, who once had the title of “Super Killer Girl”, showed a very disdainful expression. These rookies are not professional at all. At least they have to arrange several cars to follow them at the same time, or change the car model and license plate number. , so that no one can see it.

“You are the only one smart!” Sean didn’t care. SHIELD was monitoring him as expected.

He had already learned from the young agent’s memory that his surveillance sequence was not high. If everything was normal, in about a week, these surveillance and tracking agents would be withdrawn.

According to the timeline, Nick Fury’s attention should be focused on Tony Stark at this time. The Iron Man, who is famous in New York, has been in a difficult situation recently. He has lost his big supporter of the Department of Defense and has been retired from arms. Stark Industries, which has been transforming into a business, has recently reported that it will enter the energy field.

Driving in the city in the evening, the breeze outside the car window was cool and cool. The little lolita in the back seat was chattering. She was going to the Chinese restaurant in Chinatown tonight. Sean, who was among various forces and powerful people, felt a rare feeling. The long-lost tranquility. Isn’t this the reason why he cleared all the obstacles in front of him and wanted to stand on the top of the world?

The dim light shines on the city, and the vehicles gradually disappear at the end of the road. “Shape Of My Heart” is playing on the radio. Accompanied by the singer’s deep voice, the little loli’s laughter floats in the wind until the lingering sound dissipates.

ps: Ahem, on this special day, the author went out to collect materials. This is very reasonable, isn’t it? (ω)

When I come back and don’t see enough recommendation votes, I’ll let Thanos defeat everyone here~


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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