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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 115 Meeting

By the time Tony arrived at the charity fund-raising party, the pre-dinner reception had ended, and the reporters gathered outside had almost left. When the cool Koenigsegg sports car made a beautiful flick, it stopped at At the door, Stark, who had always been the center of attention, walked into the venue smoothly without being chased by paparazzi for the first time.

In the spacious hall, the lyrical performance of the band echoed. Tony’s eyes passed through the crowd of guests talking and laughing, and his eyes kept searching for familiar figures. He quickly found the object of his longing.

Pepper, who is usually conservative and dignified, is rarely dressed up tonight. She wears a sky blue backless dress, paired with highly suitable shoes. Her blond hair hangs down on her shoulders. Under the bright light of the crystal chandelier, her skin is reflected like snow. Fair as white, showing a delicate luster.

Compared with the image of a shrewd and capable secretary in the past, the current Pepper made Tony’s heart beat even more. Her gentle, gentle and reserved temperament deeply attracted this wanderer who had been among the flowers for many years.

Huh? Who is that bastard who looks familiar? !

The melodious music flowed quietly. Pepper, who has always been polite to the opposite sex, was invited by a young man to walk into the dance floor and dance together. Her long blue dress swayed slightly, like a blooming blue lotus, which was beautiful. Gorgeous and moving.

Tony thought about it for a moment and then remembered that he had met him in Las Vegas. The newly rising New York genius was often compared to him by the media. The bastard put his hand on Pepper’s waist and pointed out his richness. Judging from experience, that boy is definitely a veteran of flower bushes. He has no overstepping of physical contact, which will not arouse the disgust of his dance partners, but can also increase the ambiguous atmosphere. There are also some intimate movements that are on point, which he often uses. The trick!

There was a surge of anger in Stark’s heart, like a child’s beloved toy being taken away. After suffering Obadiah’s ruthless betrayal, Pepper was one of the few people he could trust, and he had always been by his side. By his side, he dealt with all kinds of troubles.

If he loses this hard-working and considerate secretary, Tony Stark will become a living idiot with extremely poor ability to take care of himself and can’t even remember his social security number. Pepper acts as his housekeeper and nanny, perhaps better than… Jarvis is even more important.

“I’m sorry, I’d like to borrow my secretary for a while. I’m sure you won’t mind.” Tony strode forward, taking advantage of the music to fade away, and forcefully inserted himself between the two dancing people.

He raised his head and looked at the young man with a gentle smile, who looked just a little younger than himself. Pepper would not like such a sweet-talking pretty boy. A mature and reliable man like herself was her real destination.

“Sean Sipers, I know you. You won me a lot of money in the casino in Las Vegas.” Stark glanced sideways at the other person and said in his usual proud tone: “The newspapers often read Comparing you to me, I wonder if the legendary New York genius’ intelligence is half as outstanding as his gambling skills.”

Sean let go of his hand on Pepper’s waist. He originally wanted to see how Iron Man was doing, but unexpectedly he met Tony’s personal secretary, a dignified female secretary wearing an elegant blue halter top. Pretend to be sitting alone at the bar drinking wine.

After casually chatting for a few words, Pepper learned about Sean’s true identity and subconsciously showed his professional instinct. The two chatted about the prospects and development of new energy sources. Umbrella had also been reported to be optimistic about the future energy market. remarks, and the famous nuclear physicist Dr. Otto led an energy project team to conduct research on artificial sun projects.

These are not secrets, and Pepper, who is very concerned about the energy field, will not ignore them. After a conversation, Sean’s gentle attitude and humor won a good impression of the secretary. Of course, this does not exclude her because Saw the possibility of cooperation between Stark Industries and Umbrella.

The current Stark Industries is in urgent need of an ally worthy of cooperation, and the emerging Umbrella is obviously a good choice. At least the news headlines of two geniuses joining forces can still attract the attention of New York citizens.

Seeing Tony who had obviously misunderstood something, Sean smiled slightly and said: “I also often wonder, there are rumors that Mr. Stark’s IQ is directly proportional to his bad character. Is this rumor true?”

“Genius is like virtue, and knowledge is like wealth. Unfortunately, I happen to have both.” Tony touched the mustache around his mouth and boasted about himself without hesitation.

“I understand what you young people think. You think you can change the world. In fact, your ability is far from enough to support the imagination in your head. Real geniuses never need to show off. They are candlelight in the dark night. It’ll catch people’s eyes.”

Tony said in a condescending tone. Although he did not have the advantage of height, judging from his status and achievements, Sean, who had just taken steps forward, was undoubtedly a newcomer of the younger generation.

Compared with his dazzling aura as a big arms dealer, the helmsman of Stark Industries, and a genius scientist, today’s Sean is nothing to mention. After all, the so-called true genius always has to withstand the test of time.

“Yes, Mr. Stark’s low profile is really unique. I’m afraid everyone in the United States knows that you made a circuit board at the age of four, completed the engine at the age of six, and graduated with honors from MIT at the age of seventeen. .”

Sean’s smile remained unchanged, but there was some sarcasm in his tone. He would not accommodate this arrogant Iron Man.

“Ahem…” Tony was a little embarrassed. These genius deeds in his youth were all the result of Obadiah’s publicity to the outside world. In fact, his current reputation was partly due to packaging operations.

No one would pay attention to an unknown genius. There is no doubt about Stark’s mind, but effective publicity is also necessary. No matter how great a scientist is, he needs the applause and cheers of the world.

“Okay, Tony, didn’t you say you wouldn’t attend the party?” Pepper changed the subject in an understanding manner, and if the tit-for-tat continued, I’m afraid the cooperation between Stark Industries and Umbrella would be ruined.

“I’ve been stuck at home for too long, and occasionally I want to go out for a ride.” Of course, the arrogant Tony would not admit that he actually missed the secretary who left in anger.

He glanced sideways at Sean, like a cocky peacock, spreading his beautiful feathers while driving away outsiders with vigilant eyes.

“Sorry, this is my private time with Pepper…”

Sean shrugged indifferently, maintaining a gentle demeanor. He picked up a glass of champagne from the waiter’s tray and raised it to Stark from a distance: “I wish you good health.”

Tony’s face darkened for a moment, but then quickly returned to normal. He pulled Pepper out to the terrace. This unruly prodigal who wandered among the flowers rarely felt a sense of crisis.

Looking at the intimate figure leaving the hall, Sean smiled. It seemed that the general trajectory had not changed. Iron Man was still troubled by palladium poisoning, and soon there would be even more headaches for him, such as targeting steel armor. hearing.

ps: Ahem, it’s the day to promote the book again, “The Fantasy of a Certain American Comic”. It is said that the author can speak and dress as a woman. Readers who like to water seedlings can give it a try~


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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