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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 116 Defense Plan

White House, Oval Office.

The managers of this country frowned and thought, placing their hands on the famous “Fortitude Desk” – this desk built in the 19th century was a gift from Queen Victoria to US President Hayes. The wood was taken from The British Arctic Ocean expedition ship Resolute was later placed in the Oval Office by President Kennedy as the president’s desk.

In the baroque-style office, Stryker was sitting on the sofa. Mr. Colonel, who always had his own way, looked very well-behaved at this time, half leaning forward, like a soldier who could get up after hearing an order.

He can be ruthless to those evil mutants, and he can also be merciless to the capital tycoons, but facing the real power holder of this country – even in name only, Stryker is still quite nervous.

Due to Magneto’s blatant attack on Watsonton, the issue of mutants became a hot topic in public opinion. In Stryker’s eyes, this is simply an excellent opportunity given by God. Originally, he planned to let mutants attack the White House, creating the illusion that the assassination of the president failed, so as to gain attention and resources, but Watson The sudden collapse allowed him to achieve his wish easily.

As for the unlucky Watson, no one cared at all. Even without the mutants taking action, Stryker would secretly look for opportunities to take action. He has long been tired of these greedy scavenging vultures. They are like sharks that smell blood. They swarm in when they see benefits. Asking for nothing, but stingy in giving a little bit of sincerity.

“William, I read the mutant defense plan you handed over. You are the top expert in dealing with this group of people.” Mr. President pondered, and then continued: “Your ‘Weapon X’ team , how is the formation going?”

“Almost done,” Stryker replied immediately.

He had a “Weapon The ability to create the “ultimate weapon” in his mind, Wolverine Logan is one of his proud works.

The power of science, coupled with mutant genes, is enough to allow Stryker to create powerful weapons that are not inferior to mutants. For example, Wolverine, who is injected with Adamantium alloy, has extremely strong recovery capabilities, is fierce and brave, and is indestructible. It was simply a perfect humanoid weapon, but unfortunately the brainwashing failed, allowing the ferocious lone wolf to escape.

Mr. President nodded with satisfaction and said hesitantly: “I give you the power to search, detain, and interrogate, but don’t let me see the shot bodies of mutant children on the six o’clock news in the morning.”

Stryker suppressed his inner excitement. This serious and somewhat inhumane colonel finally saw hope of fulfilling his wish. What he pursues in this life is to completely exterminate those bastards cursed by God, and send them to the operating table or jail one by one!

“By the way, I have hired two helpers for you.” Mr. President pressed the bell on the table.

To be honest, the issue of mutants gave him quite a headache. It was not only the disputes and criticisms of public opinion, but also the opinions and pressures from various forces. These big shots sitting at the top of the pyramid were all shocked by Magneto’s audacity. , they realize that their wealth and power cannot completely guarantee their own life safety.

This is also the reason why Stryker gained power and received strong support from the White House and the military. That special and gifted group made many dignitaries and celebrities sitting behind the scenes start to feel fear and fear. They were worried that the emergence of mutants would break the long-standing rules of the game in this society and shake the solidified upper class.

A one-eyed black man wearing a black trench coat, led by Secret Service bodyguards, walked into the office first, followed by a young man with black hair. The two of them took their seats under the greeting of the president.

Stryker knew one of them, the one-eyed black man with a cold face, named Nick Fury. The special agency called S.H.I.E.L.D. he led had extremely powerful hidden power and could mobilize huge amounts of resources. Even the White House cannot exercise strong jurisdiction and control over it.

As for the young man who walked in behind, he had never been masked, but considering his age, he was probably not an unknown person who could step into the center of the country’s power.

“Nick Fury, I believe William is familiar to you. This operation against mutants will be supported by S.H.I.E.L.D.” Mr. President’s eyes moved to another person, “Sean Sipers, achievement An outstanding biologist, a young and promising New York genius, he is the scientific advisor of the mutant defense plan.”

“Mr. President, I don’t need…” Stryker frowned. He didn’t want extra people to be involved in this operation.

Especially Nick Fury, who is an agent leader himself, has sharp vision, rich experience, and has the support of S.H.I.E.L.D. behind him. If he wants to snatch the fruits of victory, it will be a big trouble.

As for Sean? Mr. Colonel glanced over. The young man with black hair was sitting on the sofa slightly shyly. His expression was quite reserved and he seemed to be very nervous.

Another nerdy guy, not worthy of note. Stryker turned his head and thought to himself.

“William!” Mr. President is no longer as gentle and kind as before, with dignity in his voice, “This is not your action alone. Regardless of failure or success, this is America’s war against mutants – I need to be foolproof! Don’t show up. Any surprises!”

Feeling the sharp gaze of this big man standing at the pinnacle of national power, even Stryker couldn’t help but lower his head. This is the sense of oppression brought by power.

The last sentence is both a request and a warning. Stryker understood what Mr. President meant. If anything unexpected happened, then he would be the scapegoat pushed by the big shots, just like the pitiful end of the scientific research director in the Watsonton scandal.

A sudden chill spread over Mr. Colonel’s body, like a basin of cold water that extinguished his previous joy and longing. He turned to report on the attack plan against the mutants.

“I have been tracking the whereabouts of Eric Lancel. Since the Manhattan incident, the Brotherhood has been hiding in secret, but through surveillance of some radical mutants, I learned that they are actually hiding in North Alber, Canada. Da Province, where they have their secret base.”

Stryker took out detailed information and combat strategies, which made the president who was sitting on the chair slightly nod. He wanted to expel mutants from this land, and this frustrated colonel was the one with the most powerful weapon. A sharp knife.

“… Before dealing with Eric Lancer, I suggest that you first deal with the mutant school in Westchester. There is a mutant leader named Charles Xavier there. He has the ability to control minds and sense minds. His terrifying abilities, if we want to completely eradicate mutants, this person is an insurmountable obstacle!”

Stryker opened the folder, which contained several blurry pictures taken by satellites. That was the Xavier Academy for Gifted Youth, where the professor took in and helped his compatriots, and it was also the secret base of the X-Men.

“Charles Xavier is not an easy person to deal with.” Nick Fury said coldly.

As the supreme commander of S.H.I.E.L.D., he does not agree to rashly launch operations against mutants, especially the academic faction led by Professor Charles, which is completely different from the Brotherhood led by Magneto. The two camps can maintain subtle restraints on each other. Balance, but once Stryker intervenes without authorization and breaks this fragile balance, a war will be inevitable.

It’s a pity that SHIELD is not liked by the federal government. As a special agency rooted in this land, it is not under the jurisdiction of the White House or the military, which makes the president and generals feel very uncomfortable.

ps: Well, it’s a new week, asking for votes every day~


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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