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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 117 The Horn of War

“Charles Xavier was born into a wealthy family. He studied at Oxford University, graduated with honors, and obtained multiple doctorates in genetics, biology, and psychology. He is said to be a representative of the elite.”

Stryker flipped through the files. As for the two leaders of the mutants, S.H.I.E.L.D. had already investigated them clearly. These documents recorded in detail the lives and experiences of these people who were considered dangerous targets.

“Unlike Eric Lancel, another mutant activist, Charles Xavier does not hate humans. He is a nearly perfect moral hypocrite. To deal with such a person, I don’t even need to use a gun. Pao, he will naturally fall into the trap.”

Out of inner vigilance, Stryker did not tell his plan in detail, but just mentioned it in an understatement. On the contrary, he paid great attention to Magneto.

The colonel knew that the leader of the brotherhood had the powerful power to control the magnetic field, modern weapons and equipment, powerful artillery, precision strike missiles, and almost all thermal weapons would be completely ineffective in front of the opponent, even if they only interacted with metal If you get even a little closer, you may be controlled by Magneto in turn. Become a weapon to massacre one’s own side.

To this end, the Ministry of National Defense mobilized a batch of polymer weapons manufactured by Stark Industries. No matter how powerful Magneto is, the opponent is only a mortal body after all. Once exposed to weapons made of polymer materials, he will still be injured. Bleeding, even dying!

In order to win this war to exterminate mutants, Stryker has formulated a meticulous plan. Both Professor Charles and Magneto have strategic plans to deal with it.

Even a top strategic expert like Nick Fury couldn’t help but sigh after hearing about Stryker’s various methods. The colonel really understands mutants, especially Professor Charles, who is the mind controller. It is impeccable, but the other party’s soft-heartedness and moral standards have become the fatal weakness targeted by those who are interested.

As for Magneto, who manipulates magnetic fields and controls metals, as long as he no longer fights in dense urban centers and chooses open areas with a small amount of metal objects and uses polymer weapons made of polymer materials, it will not be as difficult to deal with as imagined.

Even though the one-eyed director doesn’t like Stryker’s radical ideas, he agrees with his point of view – after thousands of years of evolution, human beings have become the masters of this planet. Why should mutants with extraordinary talents think that they are the masters of this planet? Can you replace us? Does it rely on super powers like a savage throwing stones?

Sean, who was listening carefully, couldn’t help but nod. William Stryker was called the Mutant Butcher for no reason. No wonder in the original timeline, the two mutant leaders almost fell into each other’s hands. This cold and decisive colonel really understands the psychology and weaknesses of those mutants.

“Sean Sipers…” Stryker briefly described the battle plan and glanced at the black-haired young man who remained silent. “There are many top scientists in my team. They have dissected the mutants There are probably more people than you’ve ever seen a guinea pig.”

“But they certainly can’t make Magneto or other mutants lose their superpowers.”

Sean smiled gently. He was able to sit in this office and participate in Stryker’s defense plan against mutants. In addition to General Ross’s recommendation, it was mainly because Umbrella took over Watsonton’s previous job. The experimental project involved extracting serum from the little boy Jimmy and developing a mutant inhibitory drug. This is the real reason why the military and the White House have great confidence in this war.

Stryker’s pupils shrank slightly. He once again looked carefully at the young man with a faint smile on his lips. He overturned his previous simple view. If he could get a piece of cake from the fallen Watsonon, he would definitely not be what he seemed. It looks so harmless.

Mr. Colonel deeply understands a truth: to judge a person’s mediocrity or excellence, first look at the position under his butt. No one who can reach the top of the pyramid will be a docile little sheep.

After two hours of long talks, the president approved Stryker’s mutant defense plan. Of course, as an excellent politician, he did not forget to tell the other party to try to avoid unnecessary casualties and reduce the impact of the incident, regarding the treatment of mutants. There are still different views on the human issue in the hotly debated public opinion.

Later, Nick Fury said that SHIELD would do its best to cooperate, and Sean, who had a low sense of presence, naturally nodded in agreement, claiming that Umbrella would prepare enough mutant suppression potions as soon as possible, and Shi had full support. Trek was genuinely satisfied.

He knew very well that he was just a pawn in the hands of the big shot, but what did it matter? As long as he could exterminate those damn mutants and eliminate the hatred in his heart, it didn’t matter even if he sacrificed everything!

Stryker walked out of the White House office and was quickly caught up by Nick Fury. The black director stared at him and asked in a cold voice: “Do you really want to start a war, Colonel Stryker?”

Mr. Colonel, who walked vigorously, suppressed the smile on his face and spoke indifferently: “I know you are an outstanding soldier, but when you were still the head of the secret service, I was already the commander of the special operations in the Vietnam-South War. Official! So don’t talk to me about the war, the trumpet has sounded long ago, when they first appeared on the world stage——”

“The Cuban Missile Crisis, the Paris Peace Summit, the Watson Building in Manhattan…mutants have never disappeared. They have turned from a scattered mess into two camps. If the mutants are not given severe punishment before they form a whole, Attack, then what will we face? A special ethnic group that is independent from the human social system!”

The eyes behind the glass lenses were as sharp as falcons, with a cold light. Stryker sneered and said: “You all think mutants are just a threat? No, they are a powerful bomb that will destroy modern times at any time.” Civilization and social systems have been destroyed to the point where nothing is left!”

Looking at the figure striding away, Nick Fury sighed in his heart. Leave the dangerous mutants to Stryker. He still has to continue to complete the Avengers plan and win over that playboy Tony Stark first. Come in and work your way up to the target person you trust.

The black-haired young man known as the genius of New York walked past Fury and gave him a faint smile. The one-eyed director, the head of the secret service, frowned. He had heard of the name Sean Sipers. , due to the incident between the Fantastic Four and Doctor Doom, he put the other party on SHIELD’s monitoring list.

Two months of long-term surveillance, according to the report, this young man rarely goes out except staying in Umbrella’s laboratory every day. There is nothing unusual about his phone calls or online messages. Using Colson In other words, the other party is a decent person who rarely logs into pornographic websites.

Hair and human dander were secretly extracted for sampling, and the final DNA genetic test data showed that everything was normal. Coulson also consulted Reed Richards, the leader of the Fantastic Four, who believed that genetic mutation was a It is a probabilistic event. Not everyone will undergo abnormal changes when exposed to an energy storm.

After some investigation, Nick Fury also dispelled his doubts, withdrew the surveillance team, and continued to focus on Tony Stark.

The one-eyed black man walked out of the White House and looked at Sean who was boarding the car. Perhaps due to some intuition of an agent, he always felt that there was something hidden under that young smiling face that he could not see through.

Inexplicable thoughts flashed through his mind. The agent leader thought that it might be an occupational disease. He had read the other party’s information repeatedly. Except for being involved in a gang vendetta in high school, there was almost nothing noteworthy. You need to keep a close eye on it.

Nick Fury looked up at the sky. Dark clouds accumulated on the horizon, like ink smeared, spreading into thick lead-gray clouds, covering the earth like a haze.

A heavy rain is about to fall.

ps: Does anyone know the story of Mad Titan Thanos and which comic it comes from? I feel like I need to refresh my knowledge on Thanos, the director of the Family Planning Commission~

In addition, I am very grateful to the readers who joined the team. I was bored and playing around, and then someone joined in, which really touched me… I am a member of the Banana team (face covering)


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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