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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 12 The End

Frank D’Amico, the owner of this building, was sitting at his desk at this time, holding a pistol tightly in one hand and staring at the door. Any sound coming from outside would cause this. The nervousness of Mr. Drug Lord.

Frank deployed at least twenty gunmen outside, all armed with Remington shotguns. As long as that bastard dared to show up, the violent firepower would be enough to tear the opponent into pieces.

The big drug lords on the West Coast kept comforting themselves that even if the guy who broke into his territory was a experienced mercenary, under the attack of human sea tactics and fierce firepower, he would only end up with a tragic ending.

“Rom, what’s the situation outside?”

Frank opened his mouth and asked, his voice a little dry. If the intruder could really break through the powerful firepower outside, then he had prepared a big gift for the other party.

“The scene is very chaotic. There seems to be more than one intruder. Someone just cut off the power supply system of the entire building… However, separate power equipment is used on the top floor, so there will be no problem.”

The burly man guarding the door replied that he was a fighter carefully trained by the boss Frank. He had achieved ten consecutive victories in the underground boxing ring and had always been a trump card in Frank’s hand.

“Are there any accomplices? Don’t let me find out the true identity of this bastard, otherwise I will definitely let him experience the pain of losing everything!”

Frank’s eyes flashed with ferocity, and his sinister face looked even more terrifying. As a gangster who has been on the West Coast for many years, this was the first time that he was forced into this kind of situation.

Bang bang bang!

Violent gunshots suddenly sounded outside. Frank subconsciously raised his pistol and pointed at the door nervously. He did not expect that the intruder rushed up so quickly. The nearly fifty gunmen below were unable to stop the attack. !

The screams and violent gunfire were mixed together, and bullets flew across the limited space, intertwining into a dense network. The former policeman Damon, who was hiding behind the pillar, really did not expect that Frank D’Amico actually arranged With such strong firepower, the shotguns with astonishing lethality fired in unison, making a deafening noise like the roar of thunder.

Damon huddled behind the pillar, shotgun blasts sending sawdust flying. The gunmen formed an encirclement and approached step by step. If he stuck his head out, he would be immediately blasted into a puddle of mud!

The petite Mindy hid above the elevator. Damon made a tactical gesture to his daughter, and then rushed out, firing a volley of two guns in his hand, taking away two living lives in an instant. At the same time, people rushed up and down the elevator. A small purple figure appeared, and several darts hit the gunman’s wrist. Then he rolled flexibly, and the innocent and cute loli instantly transformed into a violent and powerful killing weapon!

The darts on her waist continued to shoot out, and the butterfly knife in her hand drew a series of icy trajectories. The top floor building instantly became a bloody Shura field. The little Loli who was proficient in cold weapons cooperated with her father who fired the gun. For a moment, she was invincible. !

“Rom, go out and take a look at the situation.”

This fierce battle probably lasted for nearly ten minutes. Hearing the gunshots outside becoming more and more sporadic, Frank felt a little uneasy.

The burly man with a strong build opened the door, and a purple-haired little loli flew towards him. As a terrifying figure who had struggled and fought in the underground boxing ring, Rom did not panic. He punched the old man with his backhand. The young loli flew away.

“Frank D’Amico!”

Damon saw the face of his enemy, and his chest boiled with rage. If it weren’t for the burly Rom standing in front of him, he would have rushed over and let the West Coast drug lord experience what pain and torture is!

“Isn’t the intruder a young man?” Frank was a little confused when he saw two figures, one large and one small, outside.

“Rom, kill them!”

“Okay, boss!”

Rom shook his neck and walked towards Damon, but was blocked by the little Loli who stood up again, waving a delicate and sharp butterfly knife in her hand. Mindy, who had received crazy training, may not be strong enough, but she has the flexibility to Skills, and extraordinary agility.

Seeing that his daughter had temporarily entangled the burly man, Damon strode into the room and knocked away Frank’s pistol with the tactical dagger he was wearing. This former policeman bent on revenge finally got the chance to take revenge after waiting for many years!

“Frank D’Amico, I’m here to send you to hell!”

“You’ve been sabotaging my business and sending all my men to the police station?” Frank pretended to be calm and quietly put his injured hand under the table.

“Of course, it’s too easy to kill you with one shot. I want to destroy your career, just like you destroyed my life and family!”

There was deep hatred in Damon’s eyes. He was originally a policeman, but he was forced to become a criminal by the other party. His wife committed suicide by taking medicine, and it can be said that the family was ruined.

“Oh, I remembered, you were the policeman I sent to prison.”

Frank finally remembered the identity of the other party. A policeman was targeting him back then. As a result, he bribed the internal staff of the police station, forged evidence and sent the guy to jail.

“Actually, we can talk about it. After all, it’s all in the past…”

“There’s nothing to say, Frank D’Amico, it’s all over!” Damon rushed forward, ready to kill this lifelong enemy.

“Well, it’s all over.”

Frank kicked the heavy desk open, and Damon dodged sideways to avoid the huge thing that hit him out of thin air. When he was about to step forward, the dark hole was aimed at him.


Ding dong.

The elevator finally reached the top floor. Sean stared with wide eyes at the corpses on the ground, the scattered bullets, and a burly man fighting fiercely with the little Lolita…

What’s going on? Does anyone still want to kill Frank D’Amico?

The West Coast drug lord has many enemies. Sean muttered silently. Just when he was hesitating who to help, a huge explosion resounded through the space on the top floor. The impact force surged like a wave and destroyed all the light bulbs and lamps on the ceiling. Bright The floor-to-ceiling window glass was also shattered, sawdust flew across the bookshelves on both sides, and shreds of paper were flying.

Sean was stunned again, looking at Frank D’Amico, who was holding a rocket launcher in both hands, and the middle-aged man lying half dead on the ground. He felt as if he had changed a certain normal timeline.

After a brief daze, Sean raised his hand and fired several shots, hitting Frank’s hands and legs respectively. He even took out the rocket launcher. It was really too much!

By the way, in a humanitarian spirit of helping others, Sean shot the burly man again. After all, the little loli was so cute.

Walking up to Frank unhurriedly, Sean took off his motorcycle helmet, revealing his young face, “Mr. Frank D’Amico, I said I would come to visit you personally.”

The big drug lord on the West Coast stared with anger. It turned out that the real intruder was a young man like a student? !

“Who are you?” Frank asked, enduring the pain.

“Since the grudge between you and me is quite complicated, I won’t say much more. Anyway, if you want to blame, just blame that bastard who blackmailed high school students for nothing. Gangs have to pay attention to quality when recruiting people.” Sean pointed the gun at him. On Frank’s head, the tone was gentle and friendly.


Ignoring Frank D’Amico, whose eyes were gradually losing their luster, Sean turned to look at the little Loli who was hugging the middle-aged man and crying bitterly. Suddenly, he had a headache. Should he stay?

Hearing the sirens coming from below, the young boy had no choice but to walk up to the purple-haired little loli and said with a sincere face: “Um… do you want to run away together?”


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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