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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 120 Conversation with Professor

Stryker’s secret base is located under the dam of Lake Akalia. The reason why he chose this place is, on the one hand, because the location is hidden and will not be easily discovered; on the other hand, it is to guard against enemy invasion, if there is a mutation If someone tries to invade by force, they will be greeted by a flood of tens of thousands of tons. Even if the opponent is as powerful as Magneto or Professor Charles, they will be shattered to pieces by the impact.

The dam base was very lively tonight. On the huge transport plane, mutant children who were injected with anesthetics were placed in cages by soldiers like wild beasts in a zoo, and then sent to the cells of the base.

In addition to most of the mutant children, there were also some young people who lost the protection of the X-Men and professors. These young eagles who had not experienced the storm were directly killed by Stryker, and no one escaped. Instead of like in the original timeline, under the leadership of Wolverine Logan, Iceman Bobby and others bravely fought their way out of the siege and narrowly escaped from the tunnel.

Perhaps due to the flapping of butterfly wings, the Liberty Island incident did not happen. Wolverine Logan embarked on a journey to find memories early and did not stay too much in the academy. This made it impossible for the power-empty mutant school to have any ability at all. Those who stop Stryker face well-trained elite soldiers. Even mutants with extraordinary abilities cannot withstand anesthetic agents and Adamantite bullets.

“Sergeant White, why didn’t I see Colonel Stryker?” Sean, wearing a white uniform, asked softly as he looked at the mutant child thrown into the cage.

The young sergeant with oil paint on his face glanced at the other party and said with alert eyes: “Sir, he is still dealing with some trivial matters.”

Sean was not surprised to hear the vague words of Stryker’s confidant officer. He smiled softly. He must have been preparing to get the brainwave enhancement machine, possessing the most powerful brain in the world. The brain is a weapon, and of course the other party must use it rationally.

If we really want to find the mutants one by one and kill them all, even Stryker, who has strong support from the White House and the military, will have a hard time doing it. Those mutants hiding in society are like rats in the ditch, numerous and difficult to find.

But there is one exception. Professor Charles, who wears a brainwave enhancement machine, is able to establish a psychic link with everyone in the world. If he forcibly focuses his consciousness on a specific group of people, except for those with the same psychic abilities, everyone else will. Killed by him!

This is also the reason why Stryker regards the professor as a major threat. Even if Magneto can easily destroy a city, his ranking in Mr. Colonel’s heart must be lower.

Holding a stack of documents, Sean walked into the detention room as if no one else was around. The dozens of soldiers guarding the door seemed to turn a blind eye to him. They still strictly obeyed the commander’s orders and patrolled vigilantly.

In the dark and damp room, the professor wearing a neurosuppressor had a painful expression on his face. Jason, sitting opposite him, was playing with the mental thoughts of the world’s most powerful mind controller. The bald professor, who was accustomed to controlling other people’s thoughts and guiding their spirits, experienced the horror of being surrounded by illusions for the first time.

“Stop! Jason!”

The sharp sound was like a chainsaw, cutting into Charles’ brain. In the extremely real illusion, he seemed to be back in school. The familiar room layout and scenery made it difficult for the professor to distinguish reality from fiction.

The professor whose strength was restricted was no match for the illusion master in front of him. As the illusions progressed, the bald old man seemed to have become Jason’s puppet, his thoughts being pulled and controlled, as if he had completely lost his sense of autonomy.

“Hello, professor.”

The clear voice was like a bell, shattering the real illusion created by Jason. Charles felt that the spiritual power that controlled his thoughts suddenly receded like a tide. He opened his eyes and found a young man with black hair sitting in front of him, while Jason, who had empty eyes, was pushed to the other side.

“This is of no use to me.” The young man looked at the gloomy-looking Jason and pointed at his head with a smile. His mental strength was enough to resist the invasion of the Master of Illusions.

Casually knocking out the haggard-looking Jason, he was transformed by his father into a pitiful tool that couldn’t think. He could do nothing but subconsciously create illusions.

“Let me introduce myself, my name is Sean Sipers.” Sean said gently and humbly, “I currently serve as the scientific advisor of the Mutant Defense Planning Team.”

“Are you a mutant too?” The professor mistakenly thought that this young man was his compatriot.

Sean shook his head. There was no X gene in his body. He stared at the moderate leader of the mutants. If it weren’t for his own spiritual power that could resist the other party’s mind reading, he might not have chosen to be with Charles. When the professor meets, he might even use Stryker’s hand to deal with the bald old man in front of him.

Sean looked at the professor and said in a solemn tone: “Before this, I was actually full of hesitation about this meeting, because I didn’t know how to convince an old man with naive ideals. After thinking about it for a long time, I thought that he knew everything. You, Charles Xavier, the spiritual guide among mutants, may choose to side with me.”

The blue light of the neurosuppressor on the professor’s head flashed slightly, and he listened quietly to the young man’s narrative. It was clear that the other person seemed to have no malice, but those indifferent eyes made Charles feel chilly in his heart.

“I understand the past and experiences of mutants. Compared to the concept of peace you advocate, I agree with Magneto’s point of view more. Any race will reject aliens, especially humans, and mutants are more powerful than them.” Sean After a pause, he looked at the professor, who was now just an ordinary old man, and said, “Lions will not be willing to coexist with sheep, and sheep will not expect to be friends with lions. Unequal parties are destined to be unable to live in harmony.”

“Actually, Stryker’s vigilance against you is reasonable. The reason why mutants are in a weak position is that you have not united yet and have not formed a stable social system. Those young mutants, they are more Many people long to return to normal life, but as you and Magneto’s generation grow older, this fragile balance will immediately break.”

“Humans will expel you, and mutants will rise up to resist. War will come sooner or later, and the peace you hope for is destined not to come – a world where humans and mutants coexist peacefully. Professor, this sounds more like a utopia. A beautiful lie, and you’ve been lying to yourself all along.”

Sean’s words were like blades attacking Charles’ strong defense. It was just his persistence for many years. How could it be changed by the other party’s words?

“So you are the lobbyist sent by Eric?” The professor’s expression remained unchanged. He is the most powerful mind controller in the world. Who can shake his will?

“No, I just want to win your support. As for Magneto, he will also receive my invitation to cooperate soon.” Sean crossed his arms, his young appearance and gentle tone made him look like a polite man The students seemed to be debating some complex sociological issue with their stubborn teacher.

The young man stood up and walked up to the professor, his deep eyes flickering. He gently took off the nerve suppressor that restricted the bald old man’s powerful power, and said in a hoarse voice: “Professor, please come with me to the future!”


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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