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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 121 Reversing the Future

In the spiritual world, two invisible forces collide.

A majestic sacred temple stands on the earth, like a towering mountain peak. The majestic and pure light is like a circle superimposed layer by layer, rising and falling like the ocean tide, and making a roaring sound like thunder. No one could imagine that that frail and aging body actually contained such terrifying power.

The spiritual power is like a roaring wave, stirring up violent waves. The bald old man is entrenched in the center of the sacred temple, exuding a holy and dazzling light, as if a god has appeared in his true form, making people have an urge to worship him.

This is Professor Charles, the most powerful mind controller in the world and the strongest person in the spiritual world.

Facing him in the distance was a golden sun, emitting endless light and heat. Billions of scorching rays, with the black-haired young man as the core, spread and radiated in all directions. Energy fluctuations like an astronomical tide shook the void. .

Perhaps purely in terms of mental strength, Sean is not the professor’s opponent, but with the support of realistic strength, he can still not fall behind.

“What exactly are you going to do?” The bald old man couldn’t help but be a little confused. The other party lifted his restraint and seemed to have no obvious hostility.

“I said, Professor Charles, I want you to witness the future of mutants with your own eyes!”

The golden sun radiated countless spiritual threads. The invisible power of these radiations did not launch a fierce offensive towards Professor Charles, but instead merged into a rolling torrent. Countless light and shadow fragments flashed rapidly, as if the floating waves were crushed. Characters and scenes from different eras fly by at extremely fast speeds.

Spiritual power like threads intertwined into a huge shimmering curtain. The professor sitting in the center of the hall, his calm face moved slightly. His consciousness was like an invisible hand, touching and sensing the floating fragments in the light curtain, which he had forgotten. The memory suddenly surged like a surging tide, breaking through the long barrier of time!

“1973… No, this is an illusion you created!” The professor couldn’t help shouting.

He couldn’t believe what he saw. In the fragments of light and shadow that were touched, his face when he was young emerged – wearing a sloppy robe and pajamas, greasy hair that had not been washed for several weeks, and constantly pouring water. Drinking strong liquor, he looks like a decadent drunkard!

“Why deceive yourself, Professor.” Sean, standing in the void, opened his hands, and the golden dazzling light became more intense. “This is a covered timeline. I just use this method to let you remember it again.” Started all this.”

“Do you need me to give you a few keywords to awaken those sleeping memories?”

Sean stepped in the void, his spiritual power intertwined into ripples. He looked down at the professor and said solemnly: “Sentinel Project…Mystique Raven…Mutants are extinct!”

The young man’s voice resounded through the sky, coming endlessly from all directions, like rumbling thunder that shook the sky, pressing towards the professor.

The bald old man opened his eyes, revealing endless majesty and solemnity. Above the sacred temple, the magnificent divine light bloomed violently, like a mighty wave that directly annihilated the rumbling thunder. The golden dazzle that originally occupied half of the country suddenly shrank and diminished, and the irresistible spiritual power turned into a huge tide that swallowed up the world, roaring over the sky and covering the earth.

It was like a huge mountain was pressing down on him. In a head-on spiritual confrontation with the world’s strongest mind controller, Sean rarely felt the pressure.

“…In 1973, Dr. Bolivar Trask proposed the ‘Sentinel Project’. As early as the 1970s, he was the world’s top weapons design expert. He was also the first scientist to discover and study the mutant X gene. The female Raven discovered all this and when the Paris Peace Accords were signed, she killed the dwarf scientist!”

The distant memories buried in the past, like old photos that had been dusted off, clearly appeared in the professor’s mind again. This originally covered timeline gradually became vivid and vivid.

After the Cuban Missile Crisis, mutants received the attention of the federal government. Magneto and the Brotherhood disappeared, and the professor founded Xavier Academy for Gifted Youngsters. However, as the situation in the Vietnam War worsened, many teachers and students in the school Being forcibly drafted into the army was a sudden and heavy blow that crushed young Charles.

“However, killing Trask did not achieve the expected results. Instead, it convinced the government of the necessity of this plan. They captured Mystique Raven and conducted experiments on her, and discovered from her DNA He discovered the secret of the power of transformation… This provided a key breakthrough for the government to create weapons to eliminate mutants.”

“In less than fifty years, the Sentinel machine capable of destroying mutants was born. It all started on that day in 1973… In the future, there are only a few mutants left. You travel through time and reverse the future. , nipped that war in the cradle, the new timeline overwrote the old one, and everything started again.”

In the vast spiritual world, Sean’s voice echoed endlessly. He looked directly into the professor’s eyes that contained great power, and his voice was like a bell: “The outcome of the future has been told to you, professor, the peace you hope for will never come back.” If it doesn’t appear, it is destined not to come!”

In the old timeline, in order to avoid being hunted down by the Sentinel machine, mutants used the ability of phantom cat Katie to allow Wolverine Logan, who can infinitely repair himself, to travel through time and space, and his spiritual consciousness spanned a long time, returning to 1973. In 2006, they found the young Professor Charles and Magneto. They successfully prevented the future of mutant extinction and changed the history that was destined to become a fact.

“Instead of passively waiting for peace to come, why not actively strive for it?”

The professor’s deep and clear eyes were like clean crystal, without a trace of darkness. He looked at the black-haired young man above the sky and said softly: “I have seen people like you, with eyes full of ambition and pursuit. He pursues supreme power and wants to stand on the top of the world. There is no difference between you and Eric. Maybe he can still fight for his compatriots, but what about you? As a human, what reason do you have to help mutants? “

“Because I never think mutants are a threat.” Sean’s tone was calm. The majestic spiritual power squeezed his footing. The dazzling golden sun was like a small boat in the storm. It was in danger at any time. Knocked over by a huge wave.

“A new era is coming. In the future world, there will be superheroes with extraordinary abilities, divine civilizations that have existed for tens of millions of years, alien life that conquers planets, and even powerful beings that want to wipe out half of all life in the universe. …Compared to these people, mutants are nothing but insignificant. As Magneto said, you are just the forerunners on the road of evolution.”

“Professor, you think I am an ambitious person who wants to take advantage of mutants, but I can also bring you a new future.”

The young man waved his arms, and the curtain suddenly changed like a flickering light. The covered old memory disappeared and was replaced by a flashing scene that Charles had never seen before.

“The changed history cannot impress you, so let me show you the new ending of the mutants.”

ps: It hurts, I can write more than ten chapters of this plot~


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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