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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 122 Twilight Wolf Returns Home

At the dam base of Akalia Lake, the soldiers guarding outside the detention room vaguely felt that something was wrong. The closed iron door made a vibrating buzz, and the pipes erected above shook off dust. The leader of the team clenched his submachine gun. Thinking of the dangerous mutants mentioned by the chief, I couldn’t help feeling nervous in my heart.

With the detention room as the center, the invisible force rapidly spreads in all directions. The powerful spiritual power interferes with reality. Time seems to stand still for an instant. Everyone’s eyes are empty and their thinking is stagnant at this moment, as if the world has been frozen.

The three people in the room, except Jason, the illusion master who had completely fainted, the professor in the wheelchair, and Sean, who was standing, looked at each other, their spiritual powers colliding and competing. When it came to controlling the mind and reading consciousness, the young man He was certainly no match for the bald old man, but his goal was not to defeat the professor.

“Professor, please come with me to the future – the future of mutants!”

The floating light was like a long river, surrounding the majestic and majestic sacred temple. The bald old man sitting in the center raised his head slightly. He saw a familiar figure in the flickering light and shadow fragments.

“Logan…” The professor called out Wolverine’s name.

But compared to the impression of the cigar-chomping, rough and rude lone wolf, Logan in the future looks much more downtrodden. He is unshaven and unkempt. If he weren’t wearing a cheap black suit, he would look like a homeless man on the street. Han, this strong man who has gone through hundreds of years, actually has an aura of old age all over his body.

The overwhelming mental tide suddenly weakened, and the professor stared blankly at Logan, who was facing a group of car thieves. This fierce lone wolf who never ages was actually beaten to the ground by a few third-rate gangsters, and even for a He took a rental car and used his body to block incoming bullets.

“…What happened?” the professor murmured. As a perfect weapon created by Stryker, how could Wolverine Logan be reduced to such a state?

Then the bald old man saw a Wolverine who was completely different from the one in his memory. He was no longer as rampant as before, never flinching, and even his fiery temper was much restrained. Logan had a gray beard and kept coughing. He took off the suit and his body was full of old wounds. His unlimited healing ability seemed to be gradually lost.

He no longer even uses the name Logan. He uses his real name “James Howlett” to work as an online ride-hailing driver. He holds an umbrella for passengers and opens the door. His vision is so blurred that he needs to wear glasses to see clearly on the medicine bottles. Label, there is no trace of the charm of his youth. Today’s Wolverine looks like a down and out middle-aged man.

The professor’s spirit continued to deepen, and he glimpsed the future timeline along the fragments of light and shadow. His consciousness turned into a pair of void eyes, overlooking the future world from top to bottom, silently watching Logan return from Texas. Go to the Mexican border and see yourself – Charles Xavier decades later.

The huge water tower collapsed in the sand. The professor “watched” Logan carrying medicine into the dark and dilapidated room. The wise and kind Professor Charles has now become a crazy old man talking nonsense, like those common old people in the hospital. , paralyzed in bed, lingering on his last breath, who would have thought that he was once the leader of the mutants.

“What’s going on?” The professor muttered to himself in a daze. He couldn’t believe that this was his future!

The mental tide gradually subsided, and Sean walked into the sacred hall. This was the spiritual fortress built by the professor. It was indestructible and difficult to shake, but he walked in easily.

“Don’t you understand? Professor, even if you reverse the future and create a new timeline for mutants, the ending is destined to not change.”

“Humanity in the future has once again found a way to completely exterminate you. Mutants gradually returned to the ordinary. No new mutants were born for twenty years. Your race was strangled and wiped out… And you, Charles Xavier, The leader of the mutants with the most powerful brain in the world is suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. Is this a mockery of fate?”

The bald old man’s eyes flashed with sadness. He saw himself lying on the bed at the farmer’s house, and expressed his inner guilt and pain. The professor had been delirious when he was ill and had killed hundreds of innocent people. He was in a certain situation. Due to his self-protection mentality, he forgot this painful experience, but the warm dinner at the farmer’s house finally made the professor remember it again.

When Logan’s clone pierced the old man’s heart with a steel claw, Charles was silent. He was in the void consciousness of the past and the future, as if they were intersecting, just like in the timeline of reversing the future, the young professor was face to face with himself. Same as talking.

The flash of light quickly disappeared, and the bald old man’s eyes were full of tears. He fell into confusion, hesitation and self-doubt. If Sean wanted to kill him at this time, he could easily take away the professor’s life.

Thinking back to the future he saw, Professor Charles felt pity in his heart. Logan, who could not escape the erosion of time, took his name and hid at the Mexican border. He relied on medicine to control his condition every day, while Wolverine pulled all kinds of people through the city. In every corner, the only hope is to save enough money to buy a yacht, stay away from the crowd, go to the high seas, and spend the last years of your life in peace.

In this story full of sadness and regret, he and Logan ran away, running around, but still could not change the final outcome – he was buried beside a small river with lush water plants, and Logan also had scars all over his body. Die as you wish and return to eternal peace.

In the world decades later, mutants have become characters in comics, and no one believes that they really existed. The X-Men and the Brotherhood have all disappeared over time, turning into mottled bricks buried in the dust. stone.

“Why do you know all this?” The professor raised his head, the sadness in his eyes could not be concealed. He still did not want to believe that he could only end up like this after struggling all his life.

Even until his death, he never saw the white dove of peace coming. Even if the old timeline is overwritten and a new future is created, it still cannot change the ending of mutant extinction.

“You can understand me as a traveler traveling in the long river of time and space. This world is probably my final stop.” Sean smiled warmly.

He looked at the bald old man with a complicated expression and said softly: “Peace never depends on praying, but must be actively fought for. I hope mutants can join my camp – at least in my future territory, mutants will not Exterminated, they can live in your wonderful utopia.”

“Do I still have a choice?” The professor said in a bitter tone.

He understands the situation of mutants very well. With Eric’s debut, the government has made up its mind to solve this threat. Even if it escapes from this dam base, what can it do next? Find another place to hide, or join Magneto’s brotherhood and take up the banner of resistance to the human government with your friends?

Charles has figured out that retreating is useless, but can fierce resistance bring a better future?

“Professor, you can try to believe me first. Although I can’t be called a good person according to your moral standards, most of the time I keep my promises.” Sean saw through the hesitation in the bald old man’s heart and smiled. said.

No matter how much Professor Charles leans towards the human side, when his compatriots face the crisis of extinction, the spiritual leader of the Mutant Academy will still make a choice that goes against his original will.

“You can convince me, but Eric will never compromise.” The professor knew very well that if his friends could not settle down, there would be no consensus among the mutants.

With a smile on his face, Sean said in a relaxed tone: “I’ve always been good at persuading others, whether it’s through words or other aspects.”


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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