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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 123 Confrontation

Loven, Northern Alberta, Canada.

The simple and noisy bar was in full swing, and the cold weather outside did not affect people’s excitement at all. Passengers and long-distance truck drivers, who were unable to continue driving due to slippery roads late at night, all stopped here to rest. Anyway, the second half of the bar was full of people. There are many rooms on the upper floors, and as long as you pay enough, hot water and food are provided.

The shouts surged like waves. A huge iron cage was placed in the center of the wide field. Two strong men were fighting each other in it. Blood and violence have always been themes that never go out of style. People always like to watch wild beasts or similar fights. , to stimulate their increasingly numb nerves.

Some strong gamblers will fight in person when they lose money, but they usually end up getting beaten up by the boxers with bruises on their noses and faces. If they don’t have money on them, they will be thrown out of the bar directly. Don’t expect anyone to call a doctor for you. These guys who are looking for a living outside have no extra kindness to give to others.

In the room on the second floor, Magneto, who had disappeared for a long time, was sitting in the center. Compared with other dirty and small places to stay, this clean room was very nice, but the leader of the Brotherhood, who always paid attention to pomp, frowned. He frowned, with a look of disgust in his eyes.

“The army has been tracking our whereabouts, and many compatriots have been exposed, so I can only be cautious.” The man wearing a hat explained.

Magneto nodded slightly. He also knew that since the last Watsonton incident, humans had begun to hunt him down, so he led the Brotherhood members to temporarily leave the United States and go as far away as Canada. This maple leaf country has a weak military, a vast territory and sparsely populated areas. There are almost no troops stationed along its long borders and coastlines. It has always been jokingly called the back garden of the United States.

But the last public appearance was not without success. Following Magneto’s impassioned speech in front of the Watson Tower, many mutants hiding in society took the initiative to find the Brotherhood, hoping to follow him to build a so-called beautiful home.

This is undoubtedly a good opportunity to grow in strength. In the past, only those radical mutants who had been oppressed and tortured and extremely hated humans would choose to join the Brotherhood and follow Magneto. It is hoped that this powerful leader can lead his compatriots and overthrow The ruling throne of human government, allowing mutants to gain higher status and power.

Those compatriots who were still hesitant and hidden in the crowd believed even more in Professor Charles’s Academy of Mutants. However, with Magneto’s public speech, the pent-up resentment of many mutants surged out like a torrent that burst a dam, and his impassioned speech deeply moved them. Facts have proved that people are indeed more willing to believe in a leader who knows how to speak and is provocative. For example, a powerful head of state in the Third Reich was very proficient in this.

“Caliban, continue to look for more compatriots. I want to bring them together. Only when mutants truly unite and work together will humans feel fear and fear.”

Hearing Magneto’s confident words, the thin man with an unusually pale complexion and wrapped in a robe nodded repeatedly. He is also a mutant. His ability is to detect compatriots within 25 miles. His extraordinary perception has made him known to all. Magneto likes it and uses it to find and contact companions.

Looking at his cowering men, Magneto couldn’t help but frown. Caliban, who was once a black marketeer, seemed to have something wrong today.

Before he had time to think about it, Magneto suddenly realized that the world had become quiet, and the noisy sounds outside gradually disappeared. Whether it was the shouting rude guests or the scantily clad waitress, they seemed to be controlled by some mysterious force and could not help but walked out of the bar.

Glancing at Caliban, Magneto walked out of the room. If the Brotherhood hadn’t had other missions, he wouldn’t have come alone. However, this proud old man didn’t think anyone could pose a threat to him. Even if the human army swarms, he is not afraid.

Wearing a purple helmet and a majestic robe, Magneto walked downstairs like a king. The simple bar with a fiery atmosphere was already empty, leaving only the huge empty iron cage and the blazing fire in the fireplace. .

“Charles?” Magneto shouted suspiciously.

Only the bald professor who controlled the mind could do all this quietly, but he did not believe that an old friend he had known for many years would defect to the human government.

“The professor doesn’t want to face you. I understand his feelings, and I hope you can understand too. After all, making this kind of decision must be painful and even guilty, but sometimes in order to get better results, it is inevitable to make some sacrifices. “

A tall and slender figure opened the door, and the howling wind and snow poured in, making the warm bar feel a bit chilly.

Magneto stood at the top of the stairs, looking condescendingly at the young man who walked in. The blazing fire in the fireplace reflected the tight-fitting suit that was full of ink. His fighting intuition over the years allowed him to feel from the opponent’s body. A faint smell of danger.

The old man with a majestic face turned around and found that Caliban had disappeared long ago as expected.

He looked at the young man with contempt and asked: “Who are you?”

“Sean Sipers.” The young man said his name and said with a smile: “The original plan was not like this. According to the strategy formulated by SHIELD and Stryker, it should be to coerce the poor mutant and kill him. You introduce this trap, and then use the mustard gas used during World War I, such as blood agents or other biological and chemical weapons – what they have in common is that the toxic reaction is very rapid and triggers a long and intense fatal process.”

The black uniform showed a deep, ink-like color under the firelight. Sean took a step forward, and the lights shone as if spotlights were falling on the stage.

“However, Nick Fury suggested leading you into an open area and sending out a large number of elite soldiers. They do not wear any metal equipment, resin shields, polymer weapons, and mutant inhibitors. The black director is more inclined. Capture him alive, and Stryker wants to solve your big trouble once and for all.”

“Mutant inhibitory potion?” Magneto captured a key word.

Sean nodded and solemnly introduced Umbrella’s new product: “I continued Watsonton’s research and found that although the X gene in mutants is stubbornly rooted in the blood and is almost difficult to eradicate, it can be temporarily suppressed. , causing you to lose your gifted special abilities.”

“I believe that your brotherhood members should have realized the beauty of this suppressive drug.”

Magneto’s pupils shrank, he raised his palms, and several steel beams of the bar twisted like living creatures, with their sharp tips pointed at Sean standing in the center.

The leader of the Brotherhood has lost his patience. No matter what the other party’s conspiracy is, strength is the important weight that overwhelms the balance of victory. With his strong strength, he is not afraid even if there is a large army displayed outside.

The huge bar was shaking, and the steel frame supporting the room turned into thick metal plates to cover Magneto, like a solid and perfect steel fortress. Hearing what Sean had just said, he also became wary. , so deploy defensive measures in advance.

“Young people are always frivolous and ignorant, and don’t know how to maintain awe of the unknown power.” The old man snorted coldly, and the sharp steel tore the air, like a black python gnawing away.

ps: Well, this is the last public chapter~


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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