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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 124 Remarks on the launch~

Well, skip the sad part.

Let’s talk about this book. Anyway, as a newbie, I really don’t know what to say. So far, the results of this book are beyond my expectation – this is not the first time I have written a book. I have written a book before because of a certain person. The updates from Ouchi General Manager were at a snail’s pace, and they were often eunuchs, which made me rebel from readers and embark on the road of no return.

The first book for a newbie always has a difficult life. While he is busy with classes, he also has to play games with his friends every day. Campus life is colorful, and there are still a lot of exercises to do, so there is nothing to write about. During the book’s time, I held back 200,000 words intermittently, and then the shameful outline escaped. Although I personally thought that the Xianxia novel was pretty good, I still gave up on it, and often comforted myself with the reason that “it’s just a bad ending, not a eunuch.”

Why is it said that coding is a road of no return? Because it is indeed addictive. When I am free, I always want to write something, and then when I write without passion, I feel tired, and then I want to lose my moral integrity and dig holes. Leave it blank – I despised this kind of author before I became a reader, but in life, people will always become what they hate the most.

Okay, back to the topic, I am a little surprised that this book has reached this stage. My personality is not that perseverant, and I am a bit glassy, ​​just like I used to get into arguments with people in the book review section. In fact, some seniors have warned me that as a newcomer, the best way is to deal with it coldly. Maybe because I am young, I feel angry and have to speak out.

This is a bad habit and needs to be changed.

Reading is a very subjective thing. Whether you like it or not is only half determined by the level of the work. The other half depends on your own hobbies and interests. Just like I often tout Banana, Beacon, and Canghai as the best in the world. But all the friends fell into the arms of the school belle and soldier king. So from this point of view, there is little distinction between novels, only likes and dislikes.

Well, I seem to be going off topic again. Let’s talk about something related to the novel. The original outline of this book is not what you see…

The original version was closer to the Sentinel’s character, with the “protagonist” being an addict from Hell’s Kitchen – before time travel. The protagonist relieves his drug addiction for a period of time, interspersed with many mental journeys, and then clashes with the Irish gang. During this period, he meets Daredevil and fights once. After defeating the gang, he enters Kingpin’s sight, and he comes into contact with Jessica in the process. ——Originally, I wanted to set her as the heroine. Anyway, she fought and killed all the way, reached a cooperation with Jin Pang, eradicated the forces of the Hand, completed the two major achievements of overturning Spider-Man and the Green Goblin, and barely completed the second chapter. One step accumulation.

At this rate of advancement, it may now only progress to the Defenders stage.

After I proudly sent the outline to my friends to read, I got a two-word reply: I’m on the street!

Then he withdrew it and added one word: “Dead on the street!”

I was very frustrated, so I deleted, deleted, and revised it, and ended up with this not-so-successful version. I have also confessed in a single chapter before that I have made compromises. For example, I don’t like system writing at all and I am not good at system writing. In order to facilitate the contract signing, I added a system with a weak presence, and I’ve been told that the opening is very vicious, and I agree with that.

Because these are real, it is a ridiculous process of a salty fish trying to take advantage and then self-defeating. I have said that I care about readers. This is not empty talk, nor is it deliberately trying to please. Even though this book has written 280,000 words, I sometimes still turn to the first chapter and read it all the way through.

This allows me to find some very embarrassing mistakes, such as writing “cousin from Australia” before becoming “cousin from Canada”, or the hilarious mistake of “pouring it into a cement pillar and throwing it to feed the fish” , and Daredevil actually said “I watched helplessly…” Now that I think about it, those funny lines in the drama are actually forgivable (manual smile)~

I talked a lot and didn’t, probably because I was nervous.

Finally, let’s have a prize-winning guess. This book will contain content about the four Marvel supermen. In addition to the protagonist, there will also be Hyperion, Lan Qi, and Du Jian. Which reader can guess how they appear on the stage? I can Add one more chapter.

This book will have a plot about the Inhumans. If any reader can guess how they appear, I can add a chapter.

The above two are my ideas that I think are quite satisfactory. If you guess it, you will win a prize.

Well, let’s get down to business. This book will be on the shelves at 12 noon tomorrow. There will be three updates guaranteed. If the first order is qualified, additional updates will be added. As for rewards… forget it, I still don’t plant a flag. I have been nourishing my liver recently and my life is at stake.

Dear readers, good-bye.

The author Bai Zhantang wrote this on May 17, 2018, at 9:10 in the evening, in his doghouse.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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