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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 126 Winner

Outside the battlefield, a C-141 transport plane was parked in the sky. Erica, who was wearing a red and black tights, was watching the fierce battle in the mountains and forests with the bald old man next to her through the satellite transmission.

In the spacious back cabin, except for Mystique Raven, all the other Brotherhood members were huddled in electrified iron cages. When Magneto was led into the trap, they also suffered a violent blow. The elite ninjas of the Hand sneaked into the secret base of the Brotherhood. With the help of a large amount of anesthetic gas and suppressive drugs, the mutants who used to be able to fight against the army were almost helpless in the face of the heavily armed elite warriors. .

Even if there is a rough-skinned and fleshy creature like Red Tank, who is not afraid of bullets, but under the guns equipped with mutant inhibitors and Edman alloy bullets, he can only be a docile lamb.

In fact, the well-trained elite troops have the means to restrain mutants, and they can completely crush them. Coupled with the premeditated anesthetic gas, they can easily kill all the Brotherhood members.

“Eric’s strength should not be underestimated. Without the ability to restrain himself, it is impossible to defeat him.” The professor looked at the fierce battle on the screen. With the strength that Sean has shown so far, he is not Magneto’s opponent.

Charles naturally knows very well about old friends who have been in love and killed each other for many years. His powerful ability to control magnetism has made Eric almost never encounter a real opponent. Ever since he has a helmet that shields spiritual power, in one-on-one situations, Not even the professor could do him any harm.

“You trust your old friend too much.” Erica said disdainfully.

She had an unreasonable and strong confidence in Sean. Looking at the black shadow moving and dodging in the picture, the new leader of the Hand didn’t have the slightest worry in his eyes. The man who pulled her into the abyss of darkness would never fight a battle without a chance of winning. Erica held the iron ruler’s hand and placed it behind the professor’s back without leaving a trace.

In the battlefield, time seemed to slow down. Sean’s eyes were calm, and the golden torrent in his body was rushing. His fists were clenched, and the surging energy was released from his body. The invisible force field turned into a raging storm, moving in all directions. Diffusion swept across, as if strong gunpowder was ignited in the air, and the roaring explosion sounded like thunder!

The closed steel wires were crushed into powder by the terrifying energy, and the surging air waves rolled like hurricanes, deforming and twisting the metal blades. The golden light surged, like a sharp sword piercing the darkness, and the black shadow carrying the thundering thunder stepped through the void and crashed into the stunned Magneto!

Feeling the continuous powerful energy in his body, Sean stepped on the metal floating in the air, and a huge impact force erupted under his feet, causing ripples in the air. He seemed to be walking through the sticky tide. If his body was not strong enough, he would not be able to tear through the strong air resistance. Amidst the continuous muffled sound, the black figure arrived in an instant!

Magneto, who had come back to his senses, waved his hand to raise layers of giant steel shields, but the black shadow smiled coldly, waved his fist, and the thick and strong steel shattered like pieces of paper. The mutant leader woke up from his dream. , quickly controlled the magnetic field, and the surrounding metal surged in like a wave. His body quickly retreated, for fear of being approached by a terrifying opponent.

Those metal objects continued to disintegrate and disperse, melting into countless round and smooth shiny steel balls, reflecting the bright moonlight. They were arranged neatly and orderly in the air, and at the operator’s command, like a steel army suddenly dispatched, they formed The astonishingly powerful silver wave rumbled into a large air wave!

Thousands of steel balls rotate at high speed and rub against each other, sparking sparks of blazing white lightning. This is Magneto’s carefully prepared trump card. It was originally used to deal with the troublesome X-Men, but was used on Sean in advance. Steel balls carrying huge kinetic energy and penetrating power were scattered in all directions, whizzing back and forth, intertwining into a huge electro-optical network.

The huge pressure was like a cold air blowing towards his face. Sean took a deep breath. The wind and snow were flying all over the sky. In his spiritual world, Magneto’s body was connected to countless silver threads. It was these complex and dense interlaced threads. , forming a huge magnetic field with dazzling light, and even some subtle threads that are difficult to detect extend deep into the earth.

If this magnet controller can reach the terrifying level of driving the earth’s core magnetism and manipulating the polar magnetic fields, then Sean will never be his enemy. That kind of unimaginable power is enough to easily destroy a planet!

“Although you are not my compatriot, you are much better than those ordinary people. As long as you are willing to join the Brotherhood, there will still be a place for you in the future world.”

Magneto opened his hands, and the ubiquitous magnetism echoed him. As his mind turned, the shiny steel balls rotated faster and faster, and the whistling sound was accompanied by a harsh buzz. For this leader of the Brotherhood, being able to communicate with Sean has said so much and has already put in a lot of patience. If the other party still doesn’t know what to do, the only end result will be torn into pieces by steel balls flying with sparks!

Sean jumped from a high altitude and hit the ground like a cannonball. Shocking cracks spread densely. He looked at Magneto who was controlling the silver wave and shook his head slightly. The energy in his body increased to the limit.

The bright steel ball expanded and rotated, lingering with faint electric light, and strong magnetic force spread out from it. The huge twisting force made the void look like a broken mirror, flashing with strange scenes.

“You missed your last chance.” Magneto waved his arm, and steel balls mixed with blazing fire shot out, like electromagnetic artillery shells with full power. The huge and scorching penetrating power was enough to crush a body of steel.

Sean’s eyes narrowed slightly, and a red beam of light shot out from his palm, colliding with the steel ball coming at high speed, causing a loud explosion. The white-haired old man floating in mid-air was a little surprised. He did not expect that the other party was hiding such a method. His majestic face was full of anger, and the rapidly rotating steel balls formed a strong magnetic field with huge repulsive force.

The steel balls evenly arranged in the void were like cannonballs bombarding the target. The strong fire light illuminated the night sky. The red beam of light was like a red-hot knife, spurting out from Xiao En’s hand, shining brightly on those whizzing in. The steel ball detonated, and a loud boom shook the earth, and tall fir trees rooted in the snow fell down in droves.

Magneto’s eyes flickered, and cold murderous intent surged in his heart. On the one hand, he controlled the steel balls to shoot away, and on the other hand, he secretly pulled the metal fragments scattered on the ground. He didn’t know when a new generation of strong men appeared among humans, but there was no doubt that the opponent was the enemy blocking the mutants’ path forward.

After his last impassioned speech in Manhattan, this fifty-year-old man began to think about the future of mutants. He clearly realized that his compatriots might have an overwhelming advantage in combat power against the human army, but There is a huge difference in terms of quantity and organizational capabilities.

Therefore, the leader of the Brotherhood decided to gather a large number of compatriots first, and then slowly accumulate strength. Maybe mutants are not enough to be enemies of humans now, but one day, as the group grows and develops, the world will eventually be dominated by mutants. rule!

By then, Magneto will be the great leader who will lead his compatriots to rise and move towards a better future!

The old man, who suppressed the floating thoughts in his mind and whose robes were flying in the wind, was determined to end this fierce battle. Young people always have their hearts higher than the sky and think that there is nothing in the world that can stop them. It won’t end well.

The metal fragments scattered around Sean squirmed like living creatures, gradually forming sharp long needles that shone with cold light. They were hidden in the snow and mud, shrinking in scope silently. Suddenly, Magneto captured When Sean’s movements are sluggish and he radiates energy beams unscrupulously, it will definitely put a lot of burden on his body.

Seizing this fleeting opportunity, Magneto’s thoughts moved slightly, and the long metal needle rose into the air, like a group of ferocious wasps that preyed on people, eager to pierce human flesh and blood and drink warm food. of blood!

The tip of the needle flickered with cold light, biting away at the black shadow like a gust of wind and rain. A smile broke out at the corner of Sean’s mouth. He opened his hands and then clenched them suddenly. The violent energy poured out, as if in the air. Countless gunpowder barrels were ignited in it, and the sound of explosions was endless. The escaping air flow was like a strong hurricane, rolling up large plumes of smoke.

The densely packed long metal needles seemed to be squeezed by huge force, shattering and disintegrating. There was an explosion, and the ground suddenly shook. The black shadow that stood still tore through the sticky air waves. In less than a second, it rushed across the space to Magneto, staring at the astonished old man with its indifferent eyes.

With its overwhelming momentum, it shattered all defenses!

Powerful arms strangled the mutant leader, and the cold and real murderous intention made the old man fall into an ice cave, as if an endless cold current enveloped him, and he would become a cold corpse in the next second.

“Thank you for your old friend. If Professor Charles hadn’t made you one of the conditions, I would have definitely broken your neck with my own hands!”

Sean took off Magneto’s helmet, and energy surged from his hand. The special helmet that could block the power of the mind instantly turned into dust.

Returning to the hard ground, Sean tore off his tattered black uniform. Even the special material could not withstand the force that exploded in his body. He left the embarrassed white-haired old man aside, and his deep eyes revealed a deep aura, like a dark void as thick as ink.

“Mutants will rise in the future, but that has nothing to do with you.”

Sean stared at the night sky and whispered: “The old times have passed.”


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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