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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 127 Conversation in the White House

The Oval Office of the White House and news media affiliated with major television stations entered the country’s top power center after being inspected by Secret Service security.

Today, Mr. President will issue a public statement on the mutant issue and the registration bill to express the attitude and position of the federal government. Surrounded by a group of staff, the country’s manager stepped into the room and faced the live broadcast. He behaves calmly in front of the camera. For a mature politician, the camera is the stage for his performance and the best opportunity to show his charm to the people.

As the countdown started, Mr. President put on a gentle yet cordial smile. He said that he also had a headache. He originally hoped that Stryker could solve the mutant problem neatly and clean up the group of guys who were causing trouble everywhere. , but just yesterday evening, the dam base at Lake Akalia suffered a horrific impact from the burst flood. Naturally, the colonel who had sworn to drive out all the mutants was unfortunately killed.

According to the news from S.H.I.E.L.D., an incredibly destructive battle took place on the outskirts of Northern Alberta in Canada. Because the images transmitted by the satellite are too blurry, we can only roughly judge that one of them is Magneto. And Charles Xavier, who was originally captured by Stryker, has returned to the Mutant Academy in Westchester.

All signs indicate that Mr. Colonel’s plan has completely failed, and the leaders of the two mutants are safe and sound. Since the mutants’ troubles cannot be solved from the root, then according to the nature of politicians, it is natural to treat all this as if it has not happened. All the blame can be placed on the dead William Stryker.

However, considering the wary plutocratic forces, Mr. President still needs to express his position and introduce mutants into the opposition of human beings, at least not to allow public opinion to continue to ferment.

Looking at the speech script scrolling on the teleprompter, Mr. President coughed twice and was about to start an impassioned and sensational speech to show that he is not afraid of threats and accuses the atrocities of mutants. Maybe he can win more votes. .

Before the words came out of his mouth, a vast thunder light pierced the sky, and billowing dark clouds instantly covered the sky. The clear blue sky suddenly darkened, and the camera and teleprompter clicked twice, and the lights on both sides were extinguished.

“Is the live broadcast still going on?” Mr. President asked aloud.

He looked up at the Secret Service bodyguards and media reporters in the office. They were like clay wood sculptures, staring blankly in place. Realizing that something was wrong, Mr. President turned his head and looked out the window. Thick leaden clouds were rolling in like waves, blazing. The white lightning flashed like a silver snake dancing wildly, and an oppressive aura of an approaching rainstorm emerged spontaneously.

When Mr. President turned around, there was already a group of strangers in the room. The leader was a bald old man sitting in a wheelchair, smiling and saying hello. Under the electric light that pierced the clouds, he could see everyone’s faces clearly. A mutant who appears on Stryker’s profile. A feeling of panic spread in his heart, and the holder of state power barely maintained his composure. He stood up involuntarily and took a few steps back.

“Don’t be nervous, we won’t hurt anyone. I believe you should know my name, Mr. President.” The bald old man sitting in the wheelchair said kindly. Storm next to him stepped forward and handed a paper document to That famous table of fortitude.

“These documents concerning mutants were found in William Stryker’s private office.”

Mr. President glanced at the extremely detailed mutant defense plan. He sat down and said, “I have never seen this information, and I will not negotiate under coercion.”

“This is not a threat, this is an opportunity to usher in peace, Mr. President.” The professor said softly. He thought of the experiences of mutants in recent days, and said in a sincere tone: “Humans and mutants in this world, they all have a part.” People believed war was coming, and these documents prove that someone is trying to start a fight between the two races, which will hurt both of us.”

“Mr. President, this is a critical moment. While you are expressing your attitude towards mutants to the world, please do not repeat the mistakes of the past. We can usher in changes and work together to create a better future.”

With the wild dance of thunder and lightning, the dark clouds suddenly dissipated and light returned to the world. Mr. President sat on his chair and found that everyone was looking at him, as if what just happened was just an illusion and conjecture, and it was not at all. It seems to exist.

The politician stared at the speech on the teleprompter, then looked down at the documents on the table. He had already decided in his heart that those mutants were not weak lambs to be bullied and slaughtered. Even if they had to be dealt with, Nor should it be now.


In Westchester, at Xavier Academy for Gifted Youth, Sean sat in the professor’s seat, sipping rich black tea. When the professor led the younger generation of mutants back, this uninvited guest who broke into the school without permission seemed like the real owner of this place, with a faint smile on his face.

“I believe that Mr. President will not refuse the kind invitation from the mutants.” Sean seemed to have anticipated the outcome and said firmly.

The professor in the wheelchair nodded. He didn’t know whether it was good or bad to cooperate with this mysterious young man, but he had no more choices. Even his old friend Magneto was defeated by the other party. If he had to If they become enemies, the mutants may have to pay a heavy price.

“This is just the first step. Next, you have to step up contact with the government, such as setting up a special office to communicate with government departments. This can reduce some unnecessary barriers, and then launch a few to advocate for mutants. Momentum-building congressmen – since Senator Kelly can gain political capital by being anti-mutant, why doesn’t anyone stand up and push mutants and humans towards peace like Lincoln announced the emancipation of the black slaves?”

Sean talked eloquently. If he wanted to get the professor to completely stand on his side, of course he had to be sincere. Moreover, in his opinion, the problem of mutants was not difficult to solve in essence. It just lacked an appropriate opportunity.

When the new era arrives, the world will be filled with all kinds of superheroes, and even new humans standing at the forefront of evolution. What will mutants be then?

People reject aliens and are afraid of unknown things, but if they themselves are qualified to have superpowers, their disgust and hatred for mutants will be reduced a lot.

“If you want mutants to be accepted by society, you must at least win in public opinion and let everyone understand that mutants are not diseases and freaks. You are the final result of genetic evolution and natural selection.”

The professor’s sinking heart gradually relaxed. Although he didn’t understand what Sean’s purpose was, at least the other party did not show any hostility, nor did he want to use mutants as weapons as he had expected. Or use it as a stepping stone to achieve your ambitions.

The X-Men next to them watched this scene, full of doubts in their hearts. They still didn’t fully understand what happened. When the younger generation of mutants returned to school, they found that their former safe haven seemed to have been attacked by a terrorist attack. All the mutant children disappeared, and the professor and the beast Hank were also missing.

Just when they were at a loss, the missing professor returned safely, and the mutant children who were shot by anesthetics also returned to school. At this time, the X-Men learned that the mutant butcher who had caused a shadow in their lives, William- Stryker, using conspiracy and tricks, almost wiped out all the mutants in the school, which made everyone feel frightened.

“Sean, I have to have a good talk with these kids.” The professor looked at the calm young man and sighed slightly in his heart.

Sean stood up knowingly, smiled at the others, ignored their wary looks, and walked out of the room slowly.

ps: There should be another chapter in the evening, to add updates for the lovely hall master “I am a great fairy”. By the way, it is a bit difficult for me to reward and add updates. I don’t have any manuscripts in hand, and I don’t like to owe money. Yes, I’m sorry~


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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