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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 128 Warning

“Who is he?” When Sean pushed the door open and went out, Cyclops Scott asked everyone’s doubts.

The first thing they did when they returned to school was to follow their professor to the White House and have a demonstrative talk. This was completely inconsistent with the principle of hiding and keeping a low profile that the bald man had long upheld. They felt like a beacon guiding them. The old man seems to have undergone some kind of change, and there are also subtle changes in the future direction of mutants.

“His name is Sean Sipers. If you follow the news in the scientific world, you should have heard of this name.” The professor slowly introduced the young man’s origins, “His apparent identity is the founder of Umbrella, with a promising future. He is a bright New York genius, but I don’t know his true background.”

The professor moved his wheelchair and sat in front of the window. The bright sunshine shone in. He looked at the mutant children running and laughing outside the window. He thought of the fragments of the future glimpsed in Sean’s memory. If his compatriots really had to face such a cruel ending in the future, maybe It’s not a bad thing to cooperate with the young man who claims to be a time traveler.

“Eric and his fraternity have fallen into his hands, and I and the children in the school were all rescued by him.”

Hearing what the professor said, most of the other people’s wariness towards Sean disappeared. However, Scott, who was somewhat averse to humans, still harbored prejudices. He had been bullied by humans in his childhood and almost became one of Stryker’s experiments. Material, so deep down he doesn’t trust humans. If it weren’t for the professor’s earnest teachings, I’m afraid this Cyclops, who had a dark experience, would have already turned to Magneto’s brotherhood.

“What about Stryker?” Scott asked with hatred.

“Like I said in the White House, Stryker and his son Jason were in a holding cell and then the base of the dam was washed away, so…”

The professor’s eyelids drooped. In fact, the truth was far from what he said. Sean locked Stryker, who had returned to the base, with his son Jason in a room. The out-of-control illusion master was like an outstanding horror figure. The director of the film tortured the tough colonel till death, and then he opened the floodgates and completely destroyed the dam base where the bones of mutants were piled up.

During this period, the bald old man hesitated whether to stop it, but every time he met Sean’s mocking eyes, he thought of the down-and-out Wolverine Logan and the nearly extinct fellow mutants, as the young man said. , Prayer cannot bring peace, and kindness cannot eliminate disgust and hatred in human hearts.

Hearing that his enemy had died, Scott felt disappointed. After recovering a little, he looked at the professor and said, “That human being is not worthy of trust.”

Perhaps out of some intuition, he felt a cold aura similar to Stryker’s from Sean. They were not simple guys. They had secrets in their hearts and were cunning and plotting in their minds anytime and anywhere – of course. Part of the reason may be that the guy has been staring at Qin from the moment he walked in the door.

Just like that bastard Logan! Cyclops cursed secretly.

The professor didn’t explain much about the reason for cooperating with Sean. These young students have been under his protection for a long time. It might not be a good thing if they learned about the future of mutants all at once.

Moreover, the bald old man did not completely believe the young man who suddenly appeared. He always had doubts and vigilance in his heart. Unfortunately, Sean also has spiritual power that cannot be underestimated. The professor cannot read the other person at will like other people. thought of.

After a brief discussion, the X-Men dispersed. Although the school was almost wiped out by government troops, life still had to go on. I can only say that they must be more careful and vigilant at all times in the future.

“I’ll keep an eye on you. It’s best not to have a bad idea.” Scott said with an unhappy look on his face when he saw Sean leaning on the porch.

Seeing Cyclops acting like a child demonstrating, Sean shrugged, turned to look at the Phoenix girl in a turtleneck sweater, and joked: “Is it your ability to tolerate him?”

Regarding Scott’s unfriendliness, Jean expressed her helplessness and quickly pulled her depressed boyfriend away. As for Storm and others, they just watched the fun. This kind of thing often happened when Logan was still there.

Sean looked at Qin’s leaving figure, and vaguely glimpsed a gorgeous fire surging in the inner world, and a black phoenix spread its wings and was about to fly.

“Interesting.” With a smile on his lips, he turned and walked towards the professor’s office.

After closing the door, the professor moved the wheelchair and lost control of the neurosuppressor. In Sean’s eyes, the bald old man was like a vast and endless ocean. He often traveled in the ocean of human souls, purely in terms of spiritual power. , there are few opponents in this world that can compete with it.

“What are you going to do with Eric?” The professor was still worried about his old friend.

“At least let the brotherhood leader calm down for a while.” Sean smiled lightly. He would not let Magneto go out to cause trouble.

As for other Brotherhood members, they can be brought in. Those mutant radicals who have followed Magneto for many years are sometimes more suitable than the X-Men to handle some dirty work.

In Sean’s opinion, these good students of Charles are simply tame lambs that he has tamed in the school. They have never experienced the test of blood and fire. Their only opponent is Magneto’s brotherhood. The battles between the two sides are often a little bit… So far, there have been few bloody and fierce conflicts.

In the original timeline, even the elite troops led by Stryker were able to break into the mutant academy that was empty of combat power and kill all the young students and mutant children, which was enough to prove that they had no fighting qualities.

Living in a human society that is full of hostility and vigilance against mutants, Charles is extremely negligent in cultivating students’ combat skills. Apart from teaching how to control his own abilities, he basically has no extra awareness to develop the use of abilities.

“Professor, you will soon find that mutants do not need to hide. As long as you can improve your image, you can also become as popular a star as the Fantastic Four. In the final analysis, they are no different from mutants. .”

Sean slowly resolved the worries in the professor’s heart. Trust needs to be gradually cultivated. Mutants are a powerful force that cannot be underestimated in this world. If they can be held in hand, it will be a good card.

“Don’t try to get close to Qin!” The professor looked at the young man seriously and warned solemnly.

“I know you are an adventurous person, but there are some things you cannot touch, especially unknown things that are beyond your own capabilities!”

The kind eyes of the bald old man suddenly became fierce, and under the strong mental pressure, it was like an angry wave rolling in, impacting Sean’s mind.

“Why do you want to lock her up?” the young man said in a relaxed tone, “the more you block the torrent of your soul, the more ferocious it will be when it is completely released!”

“Can’t you see her pain, professor? She is tortured by nightmares every day. Those violent and terrifying emotions, filled with the desire for destruction, are constantly accumulating in her heart. Whenever night falls, two different personalities compete for the body… Professor Charles, can you really not hear that little girl’s cry for help? She hopes you can reach out and help her get rid of this pain…”

Sean paused, his deep eyes full of malice, “But the teacher she respected the most chose to lock that terrible personality in the cage of her heart… Was it because she was afraid of releasing a demon that would destroy the world with her own hands, or was she worried? You can’t control Qin?”

“That’s enough!” Charles’ pitiful eyes showed pain, and he stopped Sean and continued.

“I will handle Qin’s matter. Before that, you should worry about yourself.” The bald old man reminded expressionlessly. “There is a group of people in this world who are extremely hostile to travelers wandering in time and space, especially alien souls like you.”

“Hide yourself well and don’t let them come to you.”

Sean was thoughtful. He stood quietly for a while, then opened the door and left.

ps: Adding an update for the hall master’s “I am a great fairy”, there will be another chapter in the evening~


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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