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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 13 Skill Card

“I was out for the day, why didn’t you wash the dishes and not even clear away the unfinished pizza?”

When Sean returned to the apartment, he looked at the messy house and angrily stared at the little blond loli lying on the sofa eating ice cream. Two days had passed since he dealt with Frank D’Amico. Out of temporary sympathy, he put When they brought this little girl named Mindy McCready home, the police had blocked the downstairs, and they managed to escape quietly through the construction pipes.

Who would have thought that this little loli who had just experienced the pain of losing her father, her innocent and cute appearance was just her disguise, and Sean had only been living with her for two days, and she was already suffering from a headache.

“Isn’t it your job to wash the dishes? The book says that as a gentleman, you should pay more for ladies – especially a little lady like me!”

Mindy stared with big watery eyes, with an innocent and aggrieved expression on her face, which almost made Sean feel that she had indeed said something very outrageous.

Can’t afford to offend, can’t afford to offend…

Sean put down his schoolbag and muttered silently, and walked to the kitchen obediently to clean the dishes. Never try to reason with a woman, especially a much younger devil!

“Is there any news from the police?” Sean asked Mindy who was lying on the sofa watching TV while washing the dishes.

“Such a serious and vicious incident happened, and the police stations on the West Coast seemed to have blocked the news… But they didn’t find any useful information. I cleared all the surveillance cameras before I left, and all the gunmen who saw us were dead. Yes, that guy named Larsu and the others have also been cleaned up.”

The little loli with a golden twintail said calmly, licking the ice cream in her hand with a look of enjoyment. Mindy, who had been severely and inhumanely trained by her father since she was a child, had never lived such a relaxed and peaceful life as she does now.

“But you are very strange. You are obviously in better physical condition than my father, but you don’t even know a little bit about disguise, investigation, or cyber hacking techniques.”

The little loli took a big bite of the ice cream. She lived with Sean for two days, and was full of curiosity about this young boy who came to Frank D’Amico’s home after a disagreement. He had amazing physical fitness, but… As if he had no formal training at all, he was very unfamiliar with fighting, fighting, and firearms. He relied purely on inhuman strength and strong body control to crush Frank D’Amico’s men all the way!

“Uh… This is hard to explain to you. Ordinary people go through exercise and training the day after tomorrow. I am different from them.” Sean was vague. It was impossible for him to tell anyone about the source of his strength.

“If you can call me teacher, then I can teach you this…” Little Loli suddenly seemed to have thought of something, and sat up from the sofa suddenly, with ice cream almost smearing on her face, “You proceed now The training is all about physical fitness, and the results are very slow. What you lack is not strength, but the means and skills of how to use it – I can teach you all these, as well as the knowledge of how to disguise, explode, and assassinate!”

When Sean heard the little loli talking excitedly, he couldn’t help wiping his forehead. He felt surprised in his heart. What kind of pervert was Mindy’s father to teach his daughter to be an out-and-out killer? Sharp weapon? !

Ding! Activate the card system!

A clear line of text suddenly appeared in his mind, and Sean squinted his eyes. This system, which had no sense of existence since the body was transformed, kept talking while Mindy was formulating a training plan for herself. The ground shimmered with soft white light.

Immersed in his thoughts, Sean found that the originally monotonous system framework now had an additional card option, a card with the words “Super Killer Girl” branded on it shining brightly.

Skill Card: Firearms Proficiency (A Level)

How is this going? !

Sean opened his eyes and suddenly looked at Mindy, who was sitting on the sofa in the living room assembling a Colt. The little blond girl flexibly and skillfully disassembled the pistol into parts, and then quickly reassembled it, like It seemed like he was deliberately showing off, and he kept analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of this pistol.

Can I get skill cards from characters?

Sean thought for a while and remembered that it seemed that in the original game, there seemed to be such a setting, and the exclusive skills of superheroes could be obtained through extraction.

It seems that this system is indeed quite useful, but I have neglected development and mining before…

Sean couldn’t help but shook his head. This was indeed his mistake. Since coming to this world, he thought that with the power of his transformed body, he would slowly develop and grow, and finally gain a foothold.

This is the feeling of expansion that arises in the heart after suddenly gaining power. If you think about it carefully, this world is full of all kinds of powerful people. There are genius scientists flying around in steel armor. When angry, they will turn into giants. A terrifying big man, a divine prince from an extraterrestrial civilization, and even in the vast universe, there is a notorious cosmic overlord who always covets this blue planet…

It is not a simple and easy thing to survive in such a dangerous and wonderful world. At least the desire and pursuit of power should be endless!

Sean suddenly fell into calm thinking. Perhaps it was because he didn’t encounter any setbacks after gaining strength. Those gangsters and gangsters were simply vulnerable, which led to some arrogance in his heart.

His thoughts touched the soft white light in his mind, and a smile appeared on Sean’s face. The card he obtained suddenly turned into a rain of light and poured into the depths of his consciousness.

“Mindy, do you want to train me as a mercenary?”

The young boy touched the little Loli’s head, and with both hands, he dismantled the reassembled Colt pistol into scattered parts in an instant, and then put it back together in a daze. His movements were smooth and fast, as if he had been trained for many times. .

Mindy opened her mouth wide with a cute expression of surprise. She knew that Sean had no knowledge about firearms at all. At most, he could only turn on the safety and pull the trigger…

“Hehe, this is a gift, you can learn it just by looking at it…”

Looking at the little loli who kept questioning him, Sean smiled mysteriously and helped him clean up the messy apartment.

“What do you want for dinner?”

“Tacos, there’s a great pizza place up the block! And a strawberry sundae!”

“Aren’t you afraid of getting fat if you eat so much…”

“Shut up, I’m your teacher now, be respectful…ahhh, don’t touch my head!”

Figures one large and one small walked on the streets in the evening. The afterglow of the setting sun stretched their shadows very long. Farther away was the bustling city, like a cold and huge steel jungle, gradually surrounding these two tiny people. The figures were drowned.

ps: Let me make it clear that I am not very good at writing system articles. It is estimated that the presence of this system will still be very low in the future…

In addition, generous readers, please send your recommendation votes like crazy. Please don’t pity me (`ω)


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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