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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 130 Conditions for Cooperation

“Are you going to send me to the autopsy table like Stryker?” The white-haired old man in a straight suit sat in a plastic cell, leisurely reading a newspaper to pass the time.

This is the 11th underground floor of Umbrella Laboratory. Looking at it, it is a fully enclosed circular space that is almost the size of an entire football field. It was originally built to conduct small ecosystem experiments, but due to funding and project issues, it was temporarily shelved and was transformed by Sean into a temporary prison to imprison Magneto.

“The mutant gene pool at the dam base is all in my hands, so what do I need from you?” The young man chuckled. In fact, he wanted to bring Magneto to his side more than cooperating with the professor. .

The bald old man who leads the mutant academy has too many moral shackles. Even after having a glimpse of the future of mutants, he is still unwilling to simply let go. Magneto is completely different. In order to achieve his goal, he can sacrifice most people. Even Mystique, Raven, who has been by my side loyally for many years, has been abandoned several times.

In the heart of the leader of the Brotherhood, the future of mutants is of vital importance, and the rest of the details are not worth mentioning. This is the goal that Magneto has been striving for for half his life. The meaning of his first half of his life was revenge and killing Sebastian with his own hands. Tian Xiao, the hatred and anger from his childhood have been smoldering in his heart and never faded away.

That’s why during the Cuban Missile Crisis, he ignored Charles’s obstruction and pierced Sebastian Shaw’s head with a gold coin, fulfilling his long-sought revenge. However, the story does not end here. Eric Lancel, who hates corruption and evil scientists, inherited Xiao’s will from another perspective.

“Have you reached an agreement with Charles?” Magneto asked, putting down the newspaper in his hand.

The appearance of this young man disrupted all his plans. He originally planned to integrate the power within the mutants, then hide and hibernate, accumulate strength, and quietly wait for the time to lead his compatriots to rise. For this, he has prepared a comprehensive plan. He even plans to run an independent kingdom for mutants like Charles.

Sean nodded. He and the professor maintained a certain degree of tacit understanding with each other. Although Magneto was indeed a big trouble in terms of his ability, killing the other party would undoubtedly cause chaos within the mutants, and would also cause This aroused the vigilance and hatred of Charles and the Brotherhood, so they simply put the other party in prison just like in the original timeline.

“A plastic cell is not enough. I am injected with suppressive drugs on time every once in a while. I have never seen a young man like you.”

Magneto couldn’t help but feel a little discouraged. Buried in a top-secret area 130 feet underground, with a solid cell made entirely of plastic, and an access elevator controlled by artificial intelligence, even if there was an outsider to rescue him, the chances of escaping were extremely slim.

“You are a well-known powerhouse among mutants. You control magnetism and manipulate metal. If you are not careful, I will be the one who has a headache.”

Sean said calmly, if Magneto’s power is broken through and is enough to control the earth’s magnetism, it will be easy to escape from this prison. What’s more, there is an ever-changing Mystique, Raven, fleeing outside, probably thinking about how to rescue the leader of the Brotherhood from here.

“Actually, I’m curious as to how you convinced the stubborn Charles. According to his previous temperament, he would never cooperate with someone like you.”

Through a layer of plastic, Magneto looked at Sean. There was no doubt about the opponent’s strength. In a head-on collision without any fancy, he actually lost to a young man who was just starting out. For the leader of the Brotherhood, who was proud by nature, this was undoubtedly a heavy blow. Except for being defeated several times at the hands of Charles, he rarely encountered real opponents who could rival him.

“I just revealed the truth to him, that’s all.” Sean said softly.

He looked at the gray-haired old man, his eyes flashing slightly, “I learned about your future plans for mutants from the members of the Brotherhood. To be honest, are you interested in cooperating with me?”

The young man now resembled the devil in Faust, with a cold and indifferent expression hidden behind his sincere expression. Since we want to hold mutants in our hands, of course we must make reasonable use of them.

“I will not surrender to you.” Magneto shook his head and refused without thinking. “After I escaped from the concentration camp, I vowed to never live as humblely as before.”

“I can be defeated and killed – but I will never bow to anyone!”

The old man’s words were resounding, and his brows were full of pride. Even if he became a prisoner, he was as majestic as a king at this time.

Sean laughed “ha”. He didn’t expect Magneto to be willing to become his subordinate. For a proud person, bowing his head and surrendering would be more uncomfortable than losing his life. Just like Tony would rather die of palladium poisoning than take off that steel armor and be an ordinary person again.

“I mean an equal partnership.” The young man maintained good patience and did not get angry. “In the future blueprint I designed, mutants have a place. The professor is responsible for establishing a positive image, maintaining cooperation with the government, and promoting The public opinion relationship with humans, but there must be one person who shows his strength and takes a tough stance as the vanguard of mutants.”

“I thought I was sentenced to life imprisonment and had to stay in this place forever.” Magneto laughed to cover up his inner fluctuations.

After all, who doesn’t long for freedom, especially for people with grand ambitions and goals in their hearts, trapping them in a small house, letting time pass by, and slowly waiting for death, this invisible feeling The torture can drive people crazy.

Sean observed the change in the old man’s expression and understood secretly in his heart that of course he would not lock Magneto here forever. This cell was just his temporary shelter.

“I can provide mutants with a free land, the distant African continent, which is filled with wars and diseases, poverty and hardship, various warlord forces, and unstable political power.”

The young man’s deep eyes stared at the old man, and his calm tone seemed to contain great power, which made people shake their minds. “You can choose to bring them war or peace.”

The huge underground space suddenly fell silent. Magneto lowered his eyelids. After thinking for a moment, he asked aloud: “What do you need me to pay? There is a proverb among the Jews, ‘The only thing you can get for nothing is poverty.’ There is nothing free in the world.” Lunch, tell me what the cost is, and then I can decide if it’s worth the risk.”

“Mutants are just the vanguard. That distant continent suffering from disease and poverty will attract the attention of the world in the future. By then, mutants can officially enter the world stage, whether it is building a beautiful homeland or establishing national power. No one will stop you anymore.”

Sean was like a prophet, with a mysterious tone in his voice, “I need a power to conquer a hidden kingdom for me.”

Looking at Magneto who was silent, the young man smiled slightly, turned and left. Anyway, there was still a long time, enough for the leader of the Brotherhood to think clearly.

In the empty and quiet underground space, Magneto, who was wearing a formal suit, slowly sat back down. He picked up the newspaper, but had no intention of reading any of the reports on it.

PS: Old guys who got up early, you roar (ˊoo`)


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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