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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 131 Doctor Octopus

Reporters from all major media flocked to Umbrella’s main experimental building. Today is undoubtedly a major day that shocked New York. Stark Industries, which has been under pressure from public opinion, and emerging scientific research institutions that have just established a foothold in the biomedical industry are about to reach a conclusion. Initial strategic cooperation.

One is an established giant who stands at the top of the industry, and the other is a rising young star. The outside world never expected that these two geniuses would join forces to enter the energy industry and vigorously promote new energy. This news was like a bomb detonating, instantly attracting the attention of people inside and outside the industry.

The reporters were sitting in the audience. Their eyes were not on Dr. Otto who was giving a speech. A nuclear physicist alone could not create such a large formation. Most of the people here were directed at Tony Star. Gram and Sean Sipers, two geniuses who are often compared together, are now teaming up to challenge the old energy system. This is the real gimmick!

People like this kind of plot that seems to be in a novel the most, just like they always talk about the grievances and grievances between Edison and Tesla. No one really cares about who is right or wrong between these two great geniuses, or that In this long-lasting “war of electricity”, who is the real despicable person who will do whatever it takes?

The truth is often not taken seriously by people, who prefer to read legendary stories that are packaged and promoted. Just like the reason why Tony Stark is so popular, not everyone in New York is a loyal supporter of Stark Industries. In contrast, they are more interested in hearing about which covers the playboy will appear on this month. The girl got into bed.

“Umbrella welcomes everyone. Today you will witness the birth of a new energy source that is safe and efficient, can continuously provide power to the city, and most importantly, is extremely cheap.”

The short and fat Dr. Otto stood on the stage, with a huge screen behind him and a metal machine covered by a red curtain. He was holding a microphone, and his round face was full of excitement that could not be concealed.

“What is that?”

Tony stood backstage, looking bored. He was supposed to be in Monaco for the Formula One Grand Prix, of which he was a member of the top club.

“The mechanical assistant developed by Dr. Otto, just like your Jarvis, can help him handle the nuclear fusion experiment and resist the high temperature and magnetism generated during the experiment.” Sean replied calmly.

The two of them were supposed to be the stars of this press conference, but at this time they were hiding behind the scenes and talking. Tony was tired of the reporters’ endless questioning, while Sean maintained his usual low-key style, unless necessary. occasion, otherwise he still prefers to be an ordinary spectator.

“You seem to be in a bad mood. I heard that playboy Stark has turned around. It seems that the rumors in the tabloid are not credible at all.” The young man joked.

Looking along the collar of the suit, you can see that the black blood vessels in Tony’s neck are getting more and more obvious, which means that the symptoms of palladium poisoning are getting more and more serious, and he is unwilling to abandon the Ark reactor on his chest and undergo surgery to remove the tiny ones in his body. Shrapnel, death will come sooner or later.

“Do I look bad?” Iron Man laughed, his face concealed by makeup being a little gray. “Maybe it’s because I work too hard and don’t get enough sleep.”

He has been immersed in modifying Mark’s armor recently. His solo show was interrupted by Doctor Doom last time. This made Tony very upset, so he made some enhancements and changes to the various properties of the steel armor.

“Are you sure that thing that looks like an octopus tentacle is safe and controllable?” Tony asked involuntarily as he watched Dr. Otto unbutton his coat and install a mechanical tentacle with artificial intelligence.

The four rather heavy mechanical tentacles are directly controlled by Dr. Otto through neural connections. They are connected to the synapses by two rows of nano-neural wires that go deep into the body. With the change of thoughts, they can achieve the effect of waving arms and fingers.

“Don’t worry, the Red Queen controls the four mechanical tentacles. Even if Dr. Otto’s consciousness is disordered, it will not cause any trouble.” Sean said confidently.

This is not the original timeline. Due to an accident in the nuclear fusion experiment, the inhibitory chip on the back of Dr. Otto’s head was damaged, causing him to be controlled by mechanical tentacles with artificial intelligence and become the famous “Doctor Octopus.”

After the calculation model set by Skynet has corrected several minor errors made by Dr. Otto in the calculation process, the artificial sun project has been successful. Next, it only needs to be presented to people in front of the cameras of the news media and under the spotlight. Demonstrate qualified research results.

“Red Queen?” Tony was not very interested in the performance on stage, but asked about Umbrella’s artificial intelligence with great interest.

“Similar to your smart butler Jarvis, the Red Queen is a very capable little girl. She manages Umbrella’s operation and security system.” Sean shrugged.

While the two were chatting, Dr. Otto had already controlled the mechanical tentacles and started the nuclear fusion experiment. The light in the main building hall dimmed, and as the curtain was pulled down, a strange-looking metal instrument came into view. .

“The grand finale has begun.”

Dr. Otto was full of confidence. He led a scientific research team and after thousands of repeated calculations and tests, he finally completed this great project that he had been dreaming of throughout his life.

“The most important key is – the extremely rare tritium element. There are only 25 pounds of it in the world. This is thanks to the generous help of Umbrella and Sean!” Dr. Otto, who controlled the mechanical tentacles, flattered him at the right time. Young boss.

With the flexible movement of the tentacles, a tiny yellow crystal was taken out. The doctor’s back looked like a four-clawed octopus. He put on protective goggles and began the nuclear fusion experiment. Several small beams of light shone on the suspended tritium. On the element, a strong energy light expanded and expanded, quickly becoming a rapidly rotating blazing fireball, like a small sun.

“The nuclear fusion reaction was successfully achieved.” The various indices on the display screen stabilized, and the assistant couldn’t help but congratulate Dr. Otto.

Warm applause rang out and the flashbulbs kept clicking. Dr. Otto and his wife, who were in a nervous mood, looked at each other and smiled with sincere expressions of joy on their faces. Soon they would receive great honors and achievements.

“It is indeed an extraordinary achievement.” The bright light reflected Tony’s gray face. The playboy gave a rare compliment, and then added: “However, compared to my Ark reactor, it is still a little bit behind. .”

Staring at the blazing fireball, Sean was satisfied and stretched out his palms to hold it, as if he were holding the sun in his palms. Today, he can absorb various forms of energy, but out of some bad taste in his heart, the young man still likes the warm sunshine full of vitality. If one day he can meet the son of Krypton, will the other party treat him As his compatriot?

“I have to go to Monaco to relax. When my exposition is held, I can invite you to be the opening guest… Edison and Tesla, ha! These reporters really have extraordinary imagination.”

Tony said mockingly, with a trace of disdain in his eyes. He is the only Iron Man, and only those tabloid reporters would deliberately create such boring stunts for the sake of sales.

“Just in time, when you come back, I’m going to introduce you to a genius who makes weapons.” There was an unknown smile on Sean’s lips.

Tony, who put on his sunglasses and was about to leave, sneered and waved his hands: “Is this title worthless anymore? There are only two types of geniuses in the world, namely Tony Stark and people other than him.”

ps: Some readers have reported that hiding behind the scenes is boring. I’ll think about it. This plot ended too much and try another way~

Humph, isn’t it just fighting, fighting, flipping the table, who doesn’t seem to know how to write!


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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