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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 133 Abnormal fluctuations

New York, Southampton.

Sean was wearing casual clothes and waving a golf club. From his posture, it could be seen that this New York genius was obviously a novice. However, the result was beyond the expectations of the caddy next to him. The white golf ball was drawn out. A beautiful trajectory bounced onto the green in the distance.

“Wow, I can’t believe this is your first time touching a club!” Hearty laughter came from behind, and Harry patted his friend’s shoulder and praised him.

“It’s just good luck.” Handing the club to the caddy next to him, Sean strolled on the green lawn with an empty view.

This is the National Golf Links Course of the United States, and it has only hosted one major men’s championship, the 1922 Walker Cup. Due to its elite nature, the club has a relatively high threshold and is generally not open to outsiders.

“Since when did you fall in love with this kind of sport?” Sean glanced at Harry, who was lively and out-of-the-box. This young Osborne boy was in good spirits recently, presumably because he had gotten rid of the embarrassing situation of being a mascot on the board of directors.

Since the fall of Watsonton, Osborn Industries has used Umbrella’s two potions to rapidly expand its territory and occupy a rich cake in the pharmaceutical market. Especially the Kress potion, which can regenerate amputated limbs, has not yet been officially launched. It won a large number of orders from the military. The officers of the Ministry of National Defense who had been indifferent to Harry in the past seemed to have changed. They were as arrogant as clowns on the stage.

“We’re just hanging out with those old guys.” Harry shrugged and said with a smile, “It’s impossible to take them to a nightclub to see strippers!”

“And I’m also very good at this kind of thing. When negotiating business with those old men who are as shrewd as foxes, I may only be fooled by them, but when it comes to having fun, young people always have an advantage.”

Harry looked calm and didn’t seem to be ashamed of it. He no longer always wanted to be a business tycoon like his father, playing financial games and enjoying the thrill of market games, as before. Forcing yourself to learn things you don’t like will only arouse disgust and resistance in your heart. Instead of doing this, it is better to enjoy life to the fullest.

The optimistic Harry Osborn does not bear the hatred like in the original timeline, and only wants to seek revenge against Spider-Man. Therefore, fate took another path. At least he didn’t have to wait until he lost everything before dying in the arms of his good brothers.

“I have the almighty New York genius to help me, so there’s nothing I can’t handle!”

Sean silently pulled away the hand that was on his shoulder, stepped on the soft grass, and soaked in the warm sunshine. He rarely felt a peaceful atmosphere. Sometimes he will fall into self-doubt, whether everything he is chasing is worth it, but thinking about the disaster that the world is about to suffer, if a person lacks a foothold and does not have the power to protect himself, then when the disaster comes, he will We can only face death helplessly.

The law of the jungle where the weak eat the strong has never changed, but with the development of the times, it has been given civilized rules and a new skin. Muscles and fists are no longer everything, money, power, wisdom…these are also the same. Can serve as a predator’s weapon.

“I don’t understand why we have to cooperate with Stark Industries?” Harry’s voice interrupted Sean’s thoughts, “Tony Stark is in a bad situation. The military has set up a committee to try to get him to do what he wants. The steel armor is taken into hands, mass-produced, and used for military operations. Those officials of the Ministry of National Defense plan to take away everything from Playboy!”

“Isn’t it a little inappropriate for Umbrella to get involved at this time…and Dr. Connors has always been worried that we have finally gained a foothold in biomedicine, and it seems a bit too eager to promote new energy sources at this time. .”

Seeing Harry carefully considering his words, Sean had a faint smile on his lips. He took the club – it was a putter, specially used to push the ball on the green. In regular competitions, professional players He will carry fourteen clubs with him for replacement at any time.

The small white ball rolled on the lawn. The young man pushed it gently, with just the right amount of force. With a “plop”, it entered the hole smoothly.

“Because now is the best time to enter the energy market,” Sean put down his club. He looked at the rolling green scenery in the distance and said softly: “Stark can serve as a shield for Umbrella and the arrival of the new energy era. It is a general trend and we need new energy that is more efficient, cheaper, and inexhaustible.”

“Those big guys who sit on the throne and rely on energy monopoly to make wealth, it’s time to step down from the top. Why do you think Stark would rashly close the weapons manufacturing factory? He is not a fool. Suddenly his conscience discovered, Then he decided to change his ways and become a good person… This kind of plot will only appear in children’s bedtime stories.”

He and Harry got on an electric golf cart and continued: “Our Iron Man has found an even bigger gold mine. The small Ark reactor on his chest can provide three billion joules of energy per second. , this is a good thing that can change the world!”

“Let Stark compete with those energy giants. They occupy the high-end market, while we promote the mid-range and low-end. Dr. Otto’s artificial sun, coupled with Osborne Industries’ smart grid, are enough for us to make a lot of money.” Man Bo Man – at least those predators at the top of the industry won’t take us seriously, because Tony Stark is the one who really wants to overthrow their rule!”

The electric golf cart was driving smoothly and slowly on the road. Sean patiently explained all this. According to Tony Stark’s proud temperament, he would never be second to others. The reason why Stark Industries Stepping into the energy field is nothing more than the other party wanting to break the old system and formulate new rules of the game to usher in a new energy era belonging to Stark.

This is also the reason why Sean chose to cooperate. Umbrella is not enough to be taken seriously by the energy giants, because what they are pursuing is only the middle and low-end civilian market, providing cheap and efficient power supply, and Tony’s Ark Reactor , which will cause the entire world’s oil system and strategic reserves to undergo earth-shaking turmoil and chaos.

At that time, I don’t know how many vested interests will curse this Iron Man and want to send him to hell! At least Stark Industries, as a behemoth, will have a difficult time, while Umbrella hides behind, slowly encroaching on market share, and quietly growing its own strength.

“You are always one step ahead.” Harry said sincerely.

Putting aside the worries and hesitations in his heart, Master Osborne was full of life again. He chattered about his fun experiences along the way, and also said that he had a new plan recently to go to Mexico for a vacation to experience tequila and ancient ruins.

“Maybe you just try being a hot and passionate Mexican girl,” Sean quipped.

Suddenly, he seemed to sense something. He stopped talking and turned his head, looking out as if aware. The golf course with a broad view was green, with rolling low hills, and the scenery was beautiful.

Sean frowned. He seemed to see a few sparks dissipating in the air. A strange fluctuation disappeared without a trace. A breeze passed through the distant mountains and forests, and the clouds were light and gentle.

Lowering his head to think, he suddenly remembered the professor’s reminder, and a dim light flashed across his eyes. Did those mysterious magicians who were hiding in the world finally come to his door?

ps: Ahem, I got up late.

Needless to say, I am a proud and handsome single dog~

What a girl, what a 520, how can I be happy with code words!


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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