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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 134 Mysterious Mage

Declining Harry’s party invitation, Sean drove back to the Umbrella Laboratory on Long Island alone.

There was a dark cloud in his heart, and it felt uncomfortable to be watched secretly, especially the group of mysterious mages who lived in seclusion in the world, guarded the boundaries of time and space, and resisted the invasion of other worlds. They were a powerful force behind this normal world. Power, according to the professor, has been passed down for tens of thousands of years and is scattered throughout the world, believing in the supreme existence of the Trinity.

Magic has a long history in the Western world, such as tarot, witchcraft, alchemy, stargazing, divination, and even remote semiotics, herbalism, and spiritualism can all be classified into it. Even in the era of prosperous civilization and science, magic has a long history. In today’s developed world, many people still believe that Gypsies can know the past and the future, and that some magic tricksters can recall the souls of the dead.

According to the theories of those mysterious mages, there are countless dimensional spaces outside this world. Powerful creatures dubbed “angels” or “devils” are always trying to break free from the gaps in time and space and descend. In this material world, the weak try to plunder human souls as delicious food, while the powerful ones want to engulf the world and drag this beautiful planet into darkness.

Because of this, the mysterious group who received ancient revelations and inheritance formed a huge organization called “Magic”. They call themselves the guardians of the world and use powerful magic to resist external invaders.

And souls like his own from another world are of course some kind of potential enemies in disguise, heretics who need to be eliminated or controlled.

Walking through the crowded traffic, Sean frowned, finally solving the mutant problem, hoping to usher in a period of stable development, and then he was approached by the Supreme Mage, even though he was not afraid of that person. A powerful mage, but he doesn’t want his peaceful life to be broken.

The in-vehicle radio reported the news of Stark Industries and Umbrella joining forces. The Stark Industries Expo, which started building momentum a few weeks ago, is in full swing. This time, Ivan Vanke is not involved. No matter how troublesome it is, the expo that Tony has been thinking about so much should be able to be held smoothly.

By then, Umbrella’s two potions and Dr. Otto’s masterpiece will also be sent to the expo as exhibits. As for the highlight, Tony’s steel armor will definitely be the highlight.

Everything is on the right track, but when he thinks that his plan will be broken by those mysterious mages, Sean’s good mood disappears, and there is a coldness in his eyes. If those mysterious groups like hermits are really helpless, If communication and negotiation exist, then he is not a weak lamb who can be slaughtered.

“…Time Stone.” Thinking of the infinite rough stone that can turn the wheel of time, Sean started to have a headache again.

At least before facing the Supreme Mage, he had to find another gem. Otherwise, his own strength alone would not be able to withstand the infinite rough stone that leveraged the power of the rules for the time being.

The thoughts in my head were like a mess. The black car turned onto a highway. The evening sun was emitting a dim light. The soft light gradually sank into the horizon. The densely populated skyscrapers gradually lit up. The bustling and bustling Big Apple was not. It will fall into silence as the day passes. On the contrary, when night falls, it will be its most noisy moment.

In a trance, a few sparks floated in the void, and a circle of light moved forward at an extremely fast speed, swallowing up the high-speed black car.

After a moment of astonishment, Sean accepted the setting that he was driving a car on a skyscraper. He opened the door and jumped out. He stood steadily parallel to the glass window of the building. Not long after he bought it, The new car crashed into a building coming from the side, and with a loud explosion, a ball of fire appeared.

A figure in a wide yellow monk’s robe appeared from the void. With a casual wave of his hand, the space of the entire world was turned upside down, with layers of high-rise buildings crisscrossing up and down. All the laws of physics seemed to have failed here. The cars on the highway were sitting on top of each other. The buildings on the ground were cut and moved one after another, and some even floated in the air.

As that figure stepped forward, in the infinitely extending space, pieces of masonry and steel were spliced ​​into complex patterns, suddenly appearing at the opponent’s feet, as if this seemingly infinite space was all controlled by this person. The powerful aura erupted like a flame.

Sean took two steps forward. In his inner world, the other party was like a blazing oven that towered over the sky, extracting a steady stream of powerful energy from the unknown and boundless void. To put it bluntly, it was purely based on strength. He said that this mysterious figure wearing a yellow monk’s robe was the strongest person he had ever encountered!

The professor’s psychic power is unmatched, but he lacks the means and consciousness to fight, and Magneto’s control of magnetism is not sophisticated enough. He can form a crushing situation against weak opponents, but it is difficult to quickly win when encountering strong enemies. .

“Supreme Mage?” He asked aloud, looking at the yellow monk’s robe approaching.

It was really beyond Sean’s expectation to come to the door so simply and directly. Could it be that this most powerful mage was so convinced that he had no ability to resist?

“Oh, you actually know my name.” The figure lifted the hood that obscured his face, revealing a shiny bald head and a neutral face.

Are all the strong men in this world bald? Sean thought silently in his heart.

The current Supreme Mage held an exquisite folding fan in her hand. On her seemingly young face, her eyes were filled with vicissitudes of life and wisdom. She waved the small fan, and the foothold under Sean’s feet was dragged by an invisible force. Move, slowly move in front of you.

The space in all directions was surrounded by dense buildings. Sean looked at each other with vigilant eyes. This supreme mage was not only proficient in various magics and had a long life, but he also controlled a powerful magic weapon-Agamoduo. The Eye, which is one of the six infinite rough stones, is a time gem, capable of leveraging the power of rules, reversing time, predicting the future, and possessing all kinds of incredible abilities.

“What are you looking for, outsider?” The mysterious mage known as “The Ancient One” laughed, “I wouldn’t have carried the Eye of Agamodha with me a long time ago, but it’s really surprising, you He actually knows the true origin of the Eye of Agamodha.”

A smile broke out at the corner of Sean’s mouth, and he said unhurriedly: “I just happen to be more interested in occultism, but what makes me a little disappointed is that the broom you use for flying is not a broom.”

In the endless cycle of buildings, Master Gu Yi stood in the middle of the complicated patterns and said calmly: “Why continue to hide it? I can feel the strange atmosphere completely different from this world from the fluctuations of your soul, and the endless diversity. In the universe, there will always be one or two lucky stowaways who escape the surveillance and defense lines of the temple and the mages.”

“From the moment you came to this world, I felt your aura from Kama Taj. Later, I mobilized the power of the New York Temple to investigate. Unfortunately, unlike other stowaways, you did not expose your identity. Due to your identity and strength, those mages did not find any trace of you, which allowed you to successfully survive in hiding.”

The ancient mage paused, and his soft eyes suddenly became sharp. The majestic momentum rose like a huge tide, bursting out from the thin body. In Sean’s perception, it was like a majestic mountain rising from the ground. He rose up and pressed straight towards him.

“You should not change the timeline without authorization. The outcome of all things has already been determined and cannot be changed by anyone!”


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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