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Sentinel of American Comics — Chapter 139 Preview

When Nick Fury found Tony, he was wearing that cool steel armor, lying half on the huge donut sign of the burger shop, eating freshly baked cheese pizza.

Half a minute later, they were sitting in this famous burger restaurant and ordered a set meal.

“I don’t want to join your Superboy team.” Tony didn’t even want to refuse the suggestion made by the one-eyed black man in front of him.

Iron Man never needs teamwork. He can protect New York and the world by himself.

Moreover, Tony hated working for the national government from the bottom of his heart. He did not want to follow his father’s old path, using money to win political capital in order to obtain a higher status. This Iron Man, who advocates freedom, hates the constraints of rigid rules.

“You’re in a very bad situation, Tony.” Nick Fury looked at the mustached man in front of him and said in a deep voice: “You appointed Pepper Potts as CEO, gave away your property to everyone, and… Let your friend fly away in steel armor…Are you making arrangements for your funeral?”

The one-eyed director had previously invited Tony. After the Avengers plan was approved by the World Security Council, he approached Iron Man. However, Stark, who was high-spirited at the time, simply refused, knowing that the time was not right. Nick Fury arrived without too much entanglement.

He had dealt with Howard Stark for a period of time and knew that the father and son had very similar pride and stubbornness to some extent. It wasn’t until the palladium poisoning and the pressure of external public opinion made Tony breathless that Nick Fury came to visit him again. After all, providing help in times of need is always more grateful than adding icing on the cake.

“No, I’m in great shape!”

Tony shook his head and retorted, with a trace of relief on his tired face, “A few hours ago, Sean gave me an injection of lithium dioxide. The symptoms of the damn palladium poisoning have been relieved a lot. I have to go to Ambre tomorrow. La, it is said that a beautiful girl has developed a ‘regeneration cradle’, an advanced medical technology that can restore my health.”

Hearing Iron Man’s words, even Nick Fury, the head of the secret service, couldn’t help but be stunned. All this was originally his carefully prepared plan to recruit the unruly Tony Stark, but it seemed that Someone beat me to it.

“The next thing I have to do is to look for alternatives to the palladium element and try every combination of every element. That guy Sean is right, I shouldn’t give up easily. The Stark family has never been a coward willing to fail. !”

After Tony had untied his knot, some color returned to his gray face. His absurd nonsense during this period was actually just to vent his inner pressure and fear. Not everyone can face death without fear.

Even though Nick Fury had thousands of words in his mind, he could only swallow them back in his throat now. Fortunately, the one-eyed director’s complexion was dark, and others could not see how ugly his face looked at this time.

“The gadget on your chest is made based on unfinished technology. Your father Howard said that it is just a springboard for greater technology. At that time, he was preparing to launch an energy competition, leaving all opponents behind. He fumbled for a A clue of super energy, a nuclear reactor is just a 3A battery in comparison.”

Forced to have no choice but to change the subject, Nick could only change the subject. Since he could not seduce with benefits, he could only be moved by emotion. For this reason, the agent chief played the emotional card and threw out his deep relationship with Tony’s father.

“Howard told me that you are the only one who has the resources and the wisdom to do this and continue to start his great plan.”

“I don’t know how you know these things, but it’s obvious that you must have heard wrong. My father has never recognized my talents. The few impressions I have of him only remain as an indifferent businessman… …He never said he loved me or liked me. His happiest day was when he sent me to boarding school!”

However, Nick Fury made the wrong calculation again. The relationship between Tony and his father was not as good as expected. On the contrary, both father and son did not express their inner pride easily.

“Your father is one of the founders of SHIELD. I hope you can join. To be honest, Iron Man has caused me a lot of trouble. What you are about to do will cause more trouble. , at least I can stop those officers from the Ministry of National Defense from harassing you.”

The black director, who had failed all means, could only resort to the last resort. Even if he passed the Department of Defense hearing safely, it would not stop the military from coveting the steel armor. In fact, if it weren’t for Stark The industry still has a deep network of connections, and those military bosses might drive a tank car through the door, and then take away Tony’s steel armor in the name of “recovering dangerous weapons.”

This is not alarmist. Many officials of the Ministry of National Defense have proposed this plan. However, even if they do so, there is no way to obtain the core technology of the steel armor. Except for Tony Stark, no one can copy the Ark reactor. The steel armor that drives energy is no different from a pile of scrap metal.

“I’ll think about it.” Tony said casually, holding a donut in his mouth.

Now he only wants to solve the problem of palladium poisoning, and then continue Iron Man’s superhero life. As for joining SHIELD, Stark has no interest at the moment.

Nick Fury, who came with confidence, left with disappointment and frustration. Tony Stark couldn’t handle it, so he had no choice but to contact the Fantastic Four first. His Avengers plan failed in the first stage.

Back in a modified Land Rover, Nick Fury’s eyes were gloomy. He looked at his right-hand man Coulson sitting next to him and said coldly: “Bring out Sean Sipers’ information.”


At the same time, Sean, who was in Umbrella, learned from Skynet that Nick Fury had launched an investigation against him again. He laughed at it and didn’t care what results the other party could find out.

He is no longer a nobody in Queens, needing to be wary of SHIELD’s attention. Now, behind Sean, stand the rising scientific research star Umbrella, Osborn Industries, which has established a foothold in the biomedical industry, and the achievement strategy Cooperating with Stark Industries, in terms of the support behind it, General Ross can also provide him with secret support.

Nowadays, the New York geniuses are no longer alone. Even if S.H.I.E.L.D. investigates some clues, or Nick Fury detects some clues, they can only continue to tolerate it until there is sufficient evidence. .

“Sir, I can erase those traces for you and ensure that SHIELD can’t find anything useful.” Skynet’s indifferent voice echoed.

Sean shook his head, with an unpredictable smile in his eyes, and said softly: “It’s boring to always hide behind the scenes. It’s time for me to take the stage.”

Thinking of the ancient master who warned him, the young man’s eyes were cold. He wanted to see where the bottom line between the temple master and Kama Taj lay.

“I hope Nick Fury can help me complete this eye-catching solo show.” Sean smiled lightly. He would not help the playboy for no reason.

Entering SHIELD’s sight through Tony Stark, and then attracting the attention of Nick Fury, this is his real purpose. Anyway, this day will come sooner or later, why not let him take the initiative.


Sentinel of American Comics

Sentinel of American Comics

Status: Completed Author:


Sean came to the dangerous and exciting world of American comics. He silently clenched his fists and sprinted towards the Sentinel Road with the power of millions of stars!

New book sets sail, "Anti-Hero of a Certain American Comic"

Author's Other Novels


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